VOL. V. No. 3
February 10, 1947
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Editor ................ Margie Penrod
Assistant Editor .... Joyce Gaston
Features ............ Annette Gaston
Sports .................... Bill Carpenter, Jimmie Gilmore
News ...................... Ruth Fishback, Helen Capps, Laura Donner, Marie Haines
Class Reporters
Senior ........................ Eula Wisner
Junior ................ Virginia Clowser
Sophomore ............ Vera Sattgast
Freshman ........ Alene McDaniels
Business Mgr..... Clara B. Harris
Advertising ............ John Green
Charlene Chandler Circulation .. Mary Louise Baker Shirley Harwell Neil Dillon
Advisors ........ Miss Kostenbader, Mr. Price
I wonder how many of us realize the importance of the March of Dimes? Evidently not many do, because only $9.50 was turned into the office for this important drive. Our school has an average enrollment of 150 students most of whom felt that they couldn't even give a dime. I'm sure you'll all agree that the March of Dimes makes it possible for many children to have adequate medical attention, who otherwise couldn't afford it. Most of us think nothing of buying a candy bar or an ice cream cone at noon--many buy more than that. And yet most of the N. P. H. S. students couldn't spare a dime to help fight infantile paralysis. So think it over fellow students-its food for thought.
I wonder how many of us ever stop to realize the work and cooperation it takes to win basketball game. I think that our basket ball teams and coaches should be congratulated on the splended record that they have achieved thus far in the season.
Every member of the student body should show their appreciation for them by attending the games, backing them up by supporting the yell leaders and really show the team how proud we are of the "N. P. Pilgrims."
February 14, or Valentine's Day, has long been celebrated by the customs of giving valentines to one's friends and special gifts to loved ones. It is believed that Valentine's Day was named after Saint Valentine, who gave gifts to the poor and helped them in many ways. The practice of celebrating Valentine's Day is most common in America.
On the day of May 15, 1929, in Jerome, Idaho, the stork brought a little bundle to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jennings. His parents called him Leroy. Leroy ("Bush" by the boys of N. P.) is a blue eyed blond, standing about 5 feet 9 inches and weighing about 158 lbs. Leroy came to New Plymouth from Nampa and entered N. P. H. S. this fall to finish his fourth year in high school.
His favorite movie is "Gone With the Wind" and his favorite actor and actress are Cornel Wilde and Jeanne Crain. Fried chicken is his favorite food and his pastime is loafing. His ambition is to be a M. D. "Kilroy's" favorite books are the Zane Grey novels and his favorite song is "Lonely and Blue", Trigonometry is his pet peeve and Science seems to be his favorite subject.
I'm sure we all wish" him all the luck in the world in his career.
Five feet, three inches tall, 112 pounds, brown hair and eyes-that's Imogene. All of her, that is. She was born in Eldorado, Kan., May 3, 1929 and came to New Plymouth when she was in the seventh grade.
Imogene has been a member of the Glee Club for four years and has taken P. E. for four years, also.
Gary Cooper's manliness - and Lon McCallister's little boyishness send' her and she "likes June A Hyson's simplicity. "Rumors are Flying" is her favorite song and she enjoyed "Home in Indiana" quite well. "P. E., chocolate ice cream, sleeping arid eating and her HERO—Bob, are quite close to her heart and seems to be her favorites in those lines. She' isn't very definite about her ambition or what she is going to do after graduation—just says "Ah" or "Well" with a gleam in her eye.
English 4 and --- are her pet peeves—that's what the woman, said.
The part of Jasmine Jackson was capably partrayed by Imogene in the Senior Plav "For Pete's Sake" and it suited her cheery personality superbly.
Bessie was born in our own New Plymouth July 21, 1929. She has black hair, hazel eyes and Is approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall.
Bessie admits she sighs over Cornel Wilde and likes his first movie "Song to Remember" best of all shows. Jeanne Crain also lures her to all her pictures. Her one admitted crime is her love of ice cream! "The Old Lamplighter" tops her list of favorite songs and her favorite subjects are Chemistry and History.
Bessie plans to go to college after graduation and then she wants to be a chemist or teacher. Reading is her favorite pastime but she never has time too. In closing don't let me forget to say her pet peeve is English 4.
The Buzz Saw Staff is fortunate to have her as a co-worker this year. She was also Sec.-Treas. of her class as a Freshman, and a member of the Girls Glee Club last year.
Bessie is very well-liked by us all and we wish her best of luck.
This senior was born in Idaho Falls, March 25, 1929. He came to New Plymouth while in the fifth grade and has been going to school here ever since. John has brown eyes and hair and his favorite pastime is music and reading. His ambition is to be a chemist which leads us to the fact that his favorite subject is Chemistry. Fried chicken, Chopin Polonaise and Jeanne Crain top his favorites-while Cornel Wilde does not trail behind as his favorite actor. "The Emperor's Physician." is John's favorite of all literature and the movie he liked best was "A Song to Remember" starring Cornel Wilde-natch.
In his Sophomore year John was president of his class and he has been a member of the Buzz Saw Staff for the past two years. We all remember him as Mr. Hassler in the Junior play "Too Many Mothers" and as Thorndyke (Muggsy) Murglethorpe in the Senior play this year.
John is our very capable yell king this year and was also a member of the Boys' Glee Club in his Junior year.
Bonne Chance in future Johnny from all of us.
I was born in New Plymouth, Idaho in 1927, Feb. 2, to be exact. Later I moved into the Fruitland District and went to school there through the third grade. I didn't want to leave good old F. G. S. but I had to follow the family or live alone in my Boy Scout pup tent. I'm glad we moved back because I could see all the cute little N. P. girls again. I gave my talents up to the class of '48, but about half way through my Junior year I quit school to join the Navy. There I spent a little over a year and a half in the medical corps, before receiving my discharge. Now that I'm back and as mean as ever, you know the rest. Here are some of my vital statistics, (if you care to read them.)
Height: 5 feet 5.
Weight: about 140.
Participated in athletics all four years in high school.
In high school Glee Club 2 yrs.
Was Bill Bradshaw in Senior play "For Pete's Sake."
Favorite actor: Gary Cooper.
Favorite actress: Kathryn Grayson.
I plan to go to college next year if it's possible to graduate from this place.
Song: Rhapsody in Blue.
Book: Valley of Silent Men.
Show: Pride of the Yankees.
Food: Steak.
Sport: Baseball.
Subject: Science.
Pet Peeve: Getting slapped.
Ambition: Get a job when I get out of college.
And folks that's the end.
Where born: Greeley, Nebraska.
When born: September 26, 1929
Height: 5 feet 3 inches.
Weight: censored.
Color of eyes: Brown.
Color of hair: Brown.
Ambition: To graduate and go to Business College.
Hobby: Collecting sheet music that I can only play with one hand.
Pastime: Chasing around with Shirley Wilson.
< Favorite Song: Oh Buttermilk Skies, Old /> Favorite food: None.
Favorite movie actress: June Allyson.
Favorite movie actor: John Lund.
Favorite subject: Sharthand.
Pet peeve: Unexpected test in Chemistry.
Pet saying: Will I-I-I.
Class or Student Body officers: None.
What do you intend to do after you graduate: Go to Business college and be a secretary.
Favorite sport: Football and basketball.
Glenn Darnall, Jr. finished his high school athletic career in the Homedale game last Friday. Glenn left school during his junior year to join the Navy and returned this fall to complete his high school. Young Darnall held down a half back position on the football squad this past season and in spite of it being his first year of eleven man football he turned in a highly creditable performance. He is a three year letterman in basketball and win be sorely missed during the balance of the season. Players, the coach and sports fans agree in saying, "It was a job well done, Glenn."
Keith Burns — 7.
Paul Criss — 26.
Glen Darnall, Jr. — 2.
Laura Donner — 15.
John Tucker — 14.
Barbara Boggs — 26.
Clara Belle Harris — 28.
Lee Robison — 28.
Elizabeth Morell — 5.
John Edward Fisher — 21.
The New Plymouth Pilgrims continued to hold the top spot in Class B district competition by turning back a fighting Homedale squad 27 to 18. This victory makes it sig in a row for the local team and virtually cinches a place for them in the district tourney at Wilder Feb. 25 to 28.
The Homedale squad put up a tough fight and the game was close throughout. The Pilgrims held a bare 12 to 11 lead at half time, and in spite of low shooting average of only 17 percent, they were able to add 15 points during the second half and were successful in limiting their opponents to only 7.
The Pilgrim Juniors gained an easy 43 to 23 victory in their game.
A determined, fighting crew of Grizzley basketeers from Fruitland gave the local Pilgrim team a rough Tuesday evening as they fought to stave off a 36 to 29 defeat. Fruitland led for the major part of the game, only to see their lead slip away in the last quarter as Gilmore and Penrod found the range. It was a nip and tuck battle all the way, with Fruitland showing a great improvement over their early season appearance in New Plymouth.
On Friday of this week the Pilgrims will go to Parma. A change in the published schedule takes the local team to Adrian on Monday instead of Saturday the 22d. This change was made to improve a crowded schedule the week before tournament time.
Gilbert Matsen, County Extension agent, has just announced an insect control project for 4-H club boys and girls.
Matsen revealed the boys and girls can now earn credit for doing away with such home and farm pests as flies, earwigs, garden insects and the livestock parasites.
The state 4-H club leaders had a very good reason for setting up the new project. They think that when boys and girls do a good job of insect control around the home and farm, other members of the family will do the same.
If anyone is interested in this project they are asked to call at the County Agents office for more information and bulletins which are available.
The long looked for boxing ring made its arrival at the high school on Monday and now Coach Thompson is all smiles and releases the following boxing schedule for the sports fans of New Plymouth and vicinity: Thursday, Feb. 13, Caldwell; Monday, Feb. 24, Payette; Monday, March 3, Weiser; Friday, March 7, Parma. It is possible that matches may be scheduled with Homedale, as they are starting boxing this year. Coach Thompson feels that it is a stroke of luck to get four matches at home and it is hoped that a large crowd will be on hand when the bell rings to officially open this new sport. There will be approximately 12 bouts each night, thus making 36 rounds of fast action.
High school boxing is novel in that each one of the boys is in there battling every second, trying to earn a coveted high school letter, and there is no stalling and fake knockouts as is often seen in the professional ring.
Wednesday, January 29, several members of the student council went to Pavette for the Second Annual Student Officers S. R. V. Conference. The conference lasted practically the whole day and many different ideas on some of the many different ideas on some of the problems common to all high schools were discussed. Different group meetings were glad for each of the different groups represented at the conference and ideas were exchanged between the different schools represented. At the closing session plans were made for the 3rd Annual Conference next year.
Those representing New Plymouth were: Bill Carpenter, Charlene Chandler, Jack Moss, Helen Capps, Ruth Fishback, Margie Penrod, Jimmie Gilmore, Elva Worthington, Mary Carpenter, Millie Ann Woody and Mr. Thompson.
Friday, January 31, was the Sophomores turn to entertain (and I do mean entertain) the student body with their assembly.
The program got underway with a rendition of a radio program—namely "The Looney Hour" over station N-U-T-Z. It included a wonderful half hour of fun and frolic One would wonder that the little Sophomores possessed such hidden talent.
The half hour included such characters as the Gary Guman, Beautiful Screamer, a band which olaved "You Are My Moonshine" and the Quacky Quintet. We hope that the Freshman can put on as good an assembly as did we Soph.
Beverly, Ora and Joyce trying to listen for the last bell with one ear and yet not miss any news about Mert, Calvin, Bob and Archie (in other words Fruitland again) with the others.
Tommy and Don stopping everyone and begging them for gum. Doesn't matter what kind- just so it will pop.
Seniors trying to worm their way through droves of Freshmen and vice-versa.
Gene Tackett telling Betty Caffey to please give his picture back-he's forgetten how he looks. The two Shirley's and Jeanette rushing down the hall to give their hair another combing. The tenth that day, I believe.
"Kilroy" Jennings poking everyone he comes to. The reason-I don't know. Maybe the exercise is good for one's moral or something.
Vance Wilson yelling "Hey Honey" and all of his Senior girl friends immediately answering in unison. It pays to be a sought after Romeo. I guess.
Florence screaming at Eula just to see if her immitation of a certain "celebrity" is as good as the original.
Everybody rushing like mad at Miss Kostenbader to please give them an excuse to type next period.
Leroy Paulsen and Charles Darrall dreaming of their daily ice cream cone and cheese sandwich.
Joyce Albiston yelling her lungs out like Tarzan to anybody she encounters in the hall, just because her locker wouldn't open.
Keith W. and Floyd S. arguing over "who's the better man."
Jr. Darnall walking Helen C. to her class and being late to his own.
The Freshman (still green) sticking their books in the first locker they come to.
"Dirty Don" and "Two-timing Tommy" following the new Jr. girl in hopes that she drops some books.
Mary C. going around yelling for Kleenex.
Verne S. smiling sweetly at the new Jr. boy and inquiring about his studies.
John C. sticking everyone with his compass.
Mildred S. telling Dorothy B. all about last nites show and the guy with the black hat and cowboy boots.
The Senior boys singing "Bringing the She's."
Mr. Hills and Gerry W. discussing "girl's basketball" or was it just "girls?"
Mr. Gerlach and Allen C. arguing over whether a horse hair left in water turns into a snake.
Ronnie M. getting shoved a-round because of his "great height."
Thomas M. and Micheal Z. arguing who's the more tired after games.
Wednesday, February 5, the student body was entertained by a National Assembly featuring Roland Van Carval, noted Dutch humorist.
Mr. Carval, dressed in native costume and wooden shoes, sang in his native tongue, and showed paintings of Holland. He ended the program with a folk dance.
The triangle, or should I say cycle, of Elva, Jimmie and Vance is becoming more tangled every day. But then that's part of life's problems, kids.
So Faye G. tells us about her night life. Seems for two weeks she and Fred have been touring the country. But then that's life, too, and what a life.
Mary Louise and Claron Jensen are still seen very steadily around. Maybe "Arky" is planning on going into the restaurant business. Who knows.
What's this about Beverly and Joyce G. taking inventory of their out-of-town boy friends. And I wonder why they're trying to cut the list down to just one????
Well, Charlene, just because it's spring weather is no reason for you to feel so big and strong. Didn't I see you helping Tommy push Keith Wooley's car down the street the other noon?
Imogene and Annette can't decide whether Bob and Bub are really from Ontario or Payette. Things are so complicated, especially that 1G Idaho license on an Oregon car!
Nadine D. wished the weather was colder so she could adjust herself to freezing temperatures. Seems Jay is Alaska bound (or already there!)
The Darnall-Capps romance is still budding. At least Helen is still wearing his I. D. bracelet.
Jack P. is pretty happy over the new seating arrangement in Am. History. When you know it's a Senior subject only, need I tell you more?
Alberta D. still has those two boys from Emmett on the string. But tell me please, don't they ever fight over you? Or are they both just "old friends?"
Norma F., Geraldine R. and Dolores H. are still in a pink cloud over their Saturday night date. I think the three boy's were from Emmett.
Have you seen what Nyssa sent us in the way of a new Junior boy and girl? But we think they're swell, and I think the Shaw's like us, too.
I wonder if Clara Gean R. is still going with "Dutch" Warner from Fruitland? I guess so because that's all she ever talks about.
Wayne D. just hasn't seen a bed for so long that he's out of the habit and just stays up the clock "round". Nyssa and a girl named Betty Wheeler probably figure in the reason.
What's this about Keith R. telling a certain girl in Payette about his airplane and '47 Studebaker. But then maybe she was hard to catch and needed a little pep talk on the side.
Drake Drug Co.
Sav-Mor Drug
Phone 1
Marshall-Wells Store
WARE and SON, Owners
You'll find scores of extra values in every
Glenn's Shoe Repair Shop
Wherry Hardware
New Plymouth Groceteria
R. J. Sullivan, Owner
Hatfield Feed and Fuel
RES. 83
Payette Valley Co.op. Oil Co., Inc.
New Plymouth Mercantile Co.
PHONES 40 and 41
"The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"
Nicholson Equipment Co.
Mary's Beauty Shoppe
Shampoo - Hair Cream
Mahdeen for Dandruff
Jensen's Cafe
"It's a Good Place to Eat"
Idaho Power Company
"A Citizen Wherever It Serves"
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