The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 10, 1927
Charles Hazeltine was born at Stara Oby, Sweden, October 16, 1840. He came to America with his father and brothers in 1857 and settled in Pennsylvania where he lived 2 years. He then moved to Kansas where he resided until 1888, when he moved to Vale, Oregon. He moved to Payette in 1893 and has resided there and in the vicinity since that time. He was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Edwards in Kansas in the middle sixties. To this union six children were born, all of whom survive him. They are Mrs. Laura B. Whipple, of Boise, John Hazeltine, of Nampa, Malcolm Hazeltine, of Fruitland, Mrs. Ephriam Hull of Boise, Mrs. R. W. Carpenter of Nampa and Walter Hazeltine of Emmett. His wife preceded him in death several years ago. He passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. W. Carpenter, of Nampa, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Death was due to cancer of the stomach from which he had been a sufferer a number of years, but he had been seriously ill only the past month and was confined to his bed only a few days. He was a member of the Baptist church and was a man of sterling christian qualities whose life commanded the love and respect of all who knew him. When asked a short time ago what he was doing to while away the time he replied, "I am only waiting to be called home." Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. P. Petit, and interment made in Riverside Cemetery in Payette.