Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1916
The wife of D. L. Ingard, whose maiden name was Dora J. Moody, was born in Wyandot Co., Ohio, March 2, 1861. She died March 3, 1916, aged 55 years. Her life was spent with her mother in the states of Ohio and Indiana until about the age of 16 years, when she went to live with an aunt, a sister of her father. At the age of 18 years she was married to D. L. Ingard of Bedford, Penn. She lived with her husband in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, until July 31, 1908. Since then she had resided in Idaho, at Santa Rosa Ranch, the present Ingard home. She was the mother of five children three of whom died in infancy, and Ralph who died at Santa Rosa Ranch, March 15, 1912. She leaves, to mourn her departure, he husband, D. L. Ingard, daughter, Mrs. T. R. Neilson and husband; mother, Mrs. M. L. Moody; brother, A. W. Moody, wife and son; two grand-children, Ingard and Robert Neilson, and many other relatives and friends.

Mrs. Ingard, became a member of the Methodist church in 1878, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and has since that time been an earnest and active worker in all church activities, and has continued therein a faithful and willing follower of her dear Lord and Savior. She has ever been a faithful, loving and indulgent wife, and mother, endeavoring by precept and example to train up her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and ever striving to make the home to them the dearest place on earth.

The funeral services were held in the home at Santa Rosa Ranch, March 5, 1916. Interment was in the Payette Cemetery.

Her life was one of kindly helpfulness to all. Her home was one of the genial hospitality. Her influence told for the Kingdom of God among her large circle of acquaintances, and through her church activities and benevolences her influence was felt in far off lands. Truly one of the choice ones of earth has gone to be one of the choice ones of Heaven.

"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."

Fruitland Banner (Friday, March 10, 1916)

Mrs. Ingard Dies at Hospital

Mrs. Dora J. Ingard, wife of D. L. Ingard, of this place, died at St. Alphonsus hospital, in Boise, last Saturday morning. Death followed about three weeks after she had undergone a very difficult operation.

Mrs. Ingard was 55 years old at the time of her death and is survived by her husband and a daughter, Mrs. T. R. Neilson, her aged mother, Mrs. Moody, also a brother, R. W. Moody, whose home is in Vancouver, Washington.

The funeral services were held at the family home Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Barnes, of the Payette Methodist church, and Rev. Walker, of Fruitland, officiating. Interment took place in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)



The Payette Enterprise
March 09, 1911
Inman, Walter Gerald, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Inman. Funeral at the Bethel of the Church of God in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends. Services conducted by the pastor, Elder W. T. Turpin.

Walter Gerald's mission on earth was four months less two days.
"As the sweet flower that scents the morn,
But withers in the rising day,
Thus lovely was this infant's dawn,
Thus swiftly fled its life away." (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire in this manner to express our thanks to our kind friends and neighbors who assisted us so much during the illness and death of our baby. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Inman (Riverside Cemetery)


Fruitland Banner
Friday, May 29, 1914
Dies On Way To Portland

Henry Irvin, an old resident of Payette, died suddenly last Tuesday at Umatilla. Mr. Irvin was enroute to Portland with a car load of hogs and was seized with an attack of heart trouble and died within a very few minutes. A. P. Scritchfield left Payette Tuesday for Umatilla to bring the remains back to that place.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1919

The body of Geo. F. Isenhager who died at the Ontario Hospital last Monday, was brought to Payette where the funeral was held from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Wallis Tuesday afternoon. The body was shipped to Dallas, Oregon for interment. Mr. Isenhager was a nephew by marriage to Lewis and Jacob Nodle, 31 years of age and leaves a wife but no children. They were residents of Oregon and resided on a farm some distance from Ontario.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, George Isenhagen was born 11-23-1888 and died 11-27-1919

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 09, 1930

Dr. A. F. Isham, of Caldwell, a prominent Odd Fellow, and past grand master of the state, died at Long Beach, California, Tuesday night. The Doctor was well known in Payette, particularly in Odd Fellow circles, and his death is greatly regretted.

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