Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 13, 1921
Mrs. Etta O'Bannon

Wife of P. L. O'Bannon was born in North Carolina in the year 1871.

Departed this life at Albany, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1921, aged 49 years, 9 months and 20 days.

She was the mother of four children two having preceded her to the Great Beyond.

She leaves to mourn their loss her husband, one son, one daughter, a father, three brothers and two sisters and a host of friends, but their loss is her gain.

Funeral services were conducted at her home in Payette by Rev. C. B. Webster.

Interment in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 01, 1918

Hiram Ogg died at 4 o'clock Monday morning at his home in the community known as "Center," his death being caused by a stroke of paralysis a week before. He was 82 years old having been born Dec. 6th, 1835. He was surrounded by the members of his family at the time of his death. His funeral was preached by Rev. C. H. Sarg?? of Fruitland, Idaho, of the Brethren church, and his burial took place in Crown Point cemetery.

A suitable obituary notice of Father Ogg will be printed in the next issue of this paper. - Cascade News.

Mr. Ogg was for many years a resident of Payette where he had many friends who will regret to learn of his death. He moved from Payette to Long Valley about two years ago where he has since made his home. We extend to Mrs. Ogg and family our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 06, 1930


J. J. Olehmacher passed away at the Ontario hospital last Thursday evening, January 30, after an illness of only a few days, in which he suffered an attack of double pneumonia. He was taken to the Ontario hospital for an operation on his lungs, but passed away just as he reached there.

Mr. Olehmacher was 46 years of age. He moved to this community with his family from Colorado two years ago. For the past year they have lived in the small house on the back of the L. Z. Taylor place.

He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two daughters and three sons.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church in Payette Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. B. Parrot and Rev. George Roseberry. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette.

Note: According to the Oregon Death Index, John J. OHLEMACHER died 1-30-1930. (Riverside Cemetery) ch

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 06, 1930)


J. J. Olehmacher, living near Fruitland, passed away last Thursday evening as he was being placed on the operating table at the Ontario hospital. He was taken with pneumonia a few days before and being in straightened circumstances was under the care of Dr. J. C. Woodward, county physician. Thursday Probate Judge Brainard was informed that the sick man was in a precarious condition and that his only chance was an operation to drain his lungs. He at once went to his home and ordered the doctor to go ahead. However, it was too late as he died before the operation could be performed.

The Oberg family lived on north Sixth street in Payette about three years ago and later they moved to the I. Z. Taylor place and he worked for Henry Reins. He leaves a wife, two daughters and three sons to mourn his loss.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in this city Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. George Roseberry of Fruitland officiating. He was buried at Riverside cemetery.


We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and help during the illness and death of our dear husband and father, also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. J. J. Ohlemacher and family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: Name is OHLEMACHER. ch

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 25, 1912
J. C. Oliver, died in Boise April 18, of heart trouble. He was 68 years old, a pioneer of New Plymouth, and a war veteran. His death came as a severe shock. Four sons and six daughters, mourn his death. He was buried at the Fort Boise cemetery, last Saturday.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 18, 1916

Colonel Henry C. Olney of Sandpoint, grand principal sojourner of the Royal Arch Masons of Idaho, dropped dead in the Masonic hall at Boise at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, while delivering an address at the opening meeting of the Grand Chapter. Colonel Olney was 74 years old.

Colonel Olney's death came as a dramatic break in the convocation of Royal Arch Masons. About 100 members of the order listened in breathless silence as the veteran Mason spoke of the warning that he had received before starting to Boise.

A Spokane physician had told him, he said, that he would get to Boise only by a miracle and that a second miracle would be performed if he left the city alive.

"But I believe in miracles," he said. "Already one miracle has been performed and I am ready to believe the second is possible."

A few minutes later, while telling of his early experiences in Idaho, Colonel Olney was stricken and being caught by friends as he fell, passed away a few minutes later without regaining consciousness.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1910

Mrs. Ellen Orcutt, the aged mother of H. B. Orcutt passed away at the home of her son on Monday, February 21st, the cause of her death being stomach trouble and old age. The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon from the home. Minister Peters of the Christian church having charge of the services. A large number of the friends of this estimable lady paying the last tribute of respect to her.

She was born in county Clare, Ireland, January 6th, 1839, and was at the time of her death 71 years of age. She came to America with her parents when quite young and Nov. 19, 1854 at Lagre, Wabash county, Indiana, she was united in marriage to William Orcutt, who proceeded his aged wife to that home beyond the skies in February 1908.

Their golden wedding was celebrated at Bend, Oregon, in 1904 where they lived up until the time of Mr. Orcutt's death.

To Mr. and Mrs. Orcutt were born seven children, six boys and one girl, of which four boys are left to mourn the death of their loved mother; W. T. Orcutt, of Minneapolis; H. B. Orcutt, of Payette; W. W. Orcutt, of Bend, Oregon; and Frank Orcutt, now of this city.

She and her husband were truly of the frontier type having lived in Indiana before there was a railroad west of Chicago and in Minneapolis before the railroad found tis way across the west half of that state. They came to Oregon in 1903 and located at Bend.

Mrs. Orcutt was a wonderful woman in many ways always keeping up with current events of the times by constant reading. She was a kind considerate mother, a good neighbor and was especially noted for many acts of kindness to neighbors. She had an abiding faith that her future life would be taken care of it she lived right on earth and her whole life was a constant effort that her future might be bright and happy. The death of her husband was a sad blow to her and no doubt hastened her own end.

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 19, 1923
Mrs. H. B. Orcutt

Sara Amanda Stowell was born at Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, February 1, 1864, and departed this life July 9, 1923.

On April 16, 1884, she was united in marriage to H. B. Orcutt at St. Cloud, Minnesota, and to this union was born seven children; Hugh H., Arthut O., William J., Mrs. Mabel H. Putnam, Mrs. Gladys F. Urey, Esther N. O'Leary, and Myrtle W., dying in infancy.

Mrs. Orcutt with her family came to Payette in 1901 and has resided here ever since. Prior to her marriage she taught several years in the public schools of Minnesota.

After coming to Idaho she soon became interested in school work and was president of the first Parent-Teachers Circle organized west of the Rocky Mountains. during her administration the Washoe Community school was started and flourished all through the period of her activity as such officer. She was always interested and active in the betterment of any community in which she lived. She was an active member of the Royal Neighbors Camp of Payette, the W.R.C. and the Patrons of Husbandry, being the secretary of the Payette Grange at the time of her death.

Besides the members of her own family as already mentioned, she is survived by one sister and three brothers. All her life she was a consistent Christian woman, being a member of the Congregational church prior to coming to Payette then united with he Christian church shortly after coming here. She always had a smile and a word of cheer for all, even during her last illness and the patience with which she endured her great suffering which culminated in her death was remarkable. She will be much missed by the whole community which share with the bereaved family their sorrow.

Funeral services were held from the Christian church, July 11th, at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe, pastor. (Riverside Cemetery)


We take this opportunity to thank the good people of Payette and vicinity who tendered their aid and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother.
H. B. Orcutt and Children

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 19, 1929

Word was received last week announcing the death of William J. Orcutt at Bend, Oregon after a brief illness with pneumonia.

William J. Orcutt was born in Minden, Minn., July 9, 1889 and departed this life Dec. 12, 1929, aged 40 years, five months and three days. He came to Payette at an early age with his parents and was educated in the Payette schools, graduating with the class of 1910.

Feb. 19, 1913 he was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Frazier and to this union two children were born, Dorothy and Chester.

He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, two children, his father, H. B. Orcutt, two brothers, Hugh of Nampa, Ida., Arthur of Mr. Shasta, Cal., three sisters, Mrs. Mabel Putnam of Ontario, Ore., Mrs. Gladys Urey of Eugene, Ore., and Mrs. Esther O'Leary of Weiser, Ida., besides a host of friends. He has been employed for a number of years in the freight office at Bend.

Funeral services were held in Bend, Saturday, Dec. 14 at 2 p. m.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, November 19, 1915
ORR, J. F.
Father of Payette Man Dies

J. F. Orr, of Payette, district manager of the Electric Investment company, received word Monday of the death of his father near Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Orr was unable to attend the funeral of his father on account of business matter.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921

The many friends of the Orrell family who formerly lived in Payette, were grieved to learn of the accidental death of William Benjamin Franklin Orrell, the 16-year old son of Lafayette Orrell, (known as Baz Orrell), which occurred at Buhl, Idaho, on Sunday, October 23rd. The unfortunate young man came to his death while playing in an old shack, in company with his brother and another boy, a shotgun which was hanging on the wall was knocked down by the jar of the door as it was shut by one of the boys leaving the house, causing the discharge of the gun, the charge entering the boys neck. The body was brought to Payette Tuesday evening where the funeral was held from the Christian Church conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe, on Wednesday afternoon. Young Orrell was a bright boy and a student of the High School at Buhl. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, May 15, 1902
Death of Edward Ory

Edward Ory, the aged shoemaker who for the past two years has been employed at F. M. Satoris' harness and shoe shop, died last Thursdsay evening. The deceased was 82 years old and his death was brought on by a paralytic stroke from which he never recovered owing to his advanced age. He leaves a wife and two sons and a daughter to mourn his loss.

Funeral services were held over the remains of the deceased Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Baptist church, Rev. T. S. Dulin officiated. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)




Payette Independent
Friday, July 22, 1904
OTT, S. D.
Death of Mrs. S. D. Ott

The death of Mrs. S. D. Ott occurred Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at her home seven miles north of Payette on the Thacker ranch. The deceased was 19 years of age and had suffered some time with consumption, which was the cause of her demise.

The funeral took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, the services being held at the grave in Riverside cemetery.

There is left to mourn the loss of the young wife a husband and one child. (Riverside Cemetery)

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