Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 15, 1930
Funeral services for Mrs. B. F. Talbot who passed away at her home east of Fruitland last Monday afternoon were held from the German Lutheran church last Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Cooley of Nampa. The body was taken to Boise for burial in Morris Hill cemetery. Mrs. Talbot has lived around Fruitland for the past 15 years and through her pleasant and honest way has made many friends in the community. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and four daughters, one daughter in Russia, two daughters, Mrs. Bashans and Mrs. Miller in North Dakota, and Mrs. Gus Davis in Boise. Mrs. Bashans and Mrs. Davis were present at the funeral. Mrs. Davis being with her during her brief illness. She was 75 years of age and was born in Russia.

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 13, 1900
Death of Mrs. Tanner

Mrs. Lydia Tanner died at her home at Evanston, Wyo., last Sunday afternoon after a severe illness lasting several weeks. She was 29 years of age and leaves two children. Mrs. Tanner was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reed of this place, a sister of Mrs. W. H. Taylor and of Ben Reed. Mr. Tanner is well-known in Payette having been employed at the Moss Mercantile Company and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Reed were at Evanston at the time of death. The funeral occurred at that place on Tuesday. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved parents and relatives.


Fruitland Banner
Friday, October 19, 1917
Mrs. Roy Taylor Dies Suddenly at Parents Home

Mrs. Roy Taylor, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tussing, died at the home of her parents Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock. Deceased had been in poor health for several months, but her death came unexpectedly.

Chloe Tussing Taylor was born in Odessa, Nebraska, December 5, 1893, and was married November 3, 1912, to Roy Taylor of this place. She leaves her husband, a daughter, four years old and twin boys, who were a year old the day of her death, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tussing, two brothers and three sisters. One sister, Mrs. Iva Henderson, of Douglas, Wyoming, will arrive this evening.

Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the Tussing home.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 27, 1919
G.I. Taylor

A. F. Taylor and family returned last week from Sawtelle, Cal., where they were called on account of his father's serious sickness and death. He arrived in time to talk with his father before he passed away. G. I. Taylor was a resident of Payette for 6 years coming here from Utah. He has been in poor health for many years. He and Mrs. Taylor have spent the winters in California for three years. He leaves a wife who returned with her son, A. F. Taylor to Payette. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton the daughter who is in New York and four grandchildren mourn his loss. Mr. Taylor was a very conscientious man and highly respected by all who knew him.

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1903
Death of Geo. W. Taylor

George W. Taylor, of Coldwater, Mich., died at the home of his brother, Ex-Sheriff W. H. Taylor, on Washoe Bottom near this place on the 6th inst. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon, when an impressive discourse was preached by the pastor Rev. J. J. Davy, after which the interment took place in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased was aged 62 years, 5 months and 8 days. He was a bachelor and leaves, besides his brother W. H. Taylor, one sister in California and a brother and sister in Michigan. He was a member of the G.A.R. and the members of the post of this city attended the funeral in a body. (Riverside Cemetery)




Payette Independent
March 5, 1892
THARP - In Washoe, bottom, near Payette, on Friday, February 26th, Mrs. Fannie Tharp, wife of John P. Tharp, aged 38 years.

Deceased was one of the pioneers of the Washoe bottom, having resided there for a number of years. She was the mother of six children, and by her many womanly graces had endeared herself to all her neighbors and old acquintances. Her disease was consumption and she had been a patient sufferer for many months. The funeral took place on Saturday and was conducted by Rev. Lydston, pastor of the Baptist church at this place.

CARD - Mr. Tharp of Washoe by this card desires to thank the many friends of his late wife, and his neighbors generally, for their great kindness and attention to her during her last long illness. (Washoe Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 11, 1924
The Passing of Col. Thayer

George F. Thayer was born at Rochester, N. Y., March 15th, 1845, and died in Payette, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Prindle on December 9th, 1924, at 9 o'clock p. m., in the 80th year of his age. His demise was not unexpected, after a long and continually active life, the energy that propelled in all his varied activities, failed, and the wheels of Life stoop still. In his early manhood, he moved to Niles, Mich., where he lived for some time, and later moved to Independence, Kansas, where he was married, August 19, 1869, to Miss Maggie Quick; five children were born to the union, three of whom died in infancy, later he moved to the frontier of N. Dakota, living for a number of years at Annette, where he was active in developing the wild prairie around bringing in new settlers. In this connection he worked with the railroad pioneer, Jim Hill. He moved to Payette, 19 years ago, where his wife died March 21, 1920. 'Colonel Thayer' has been active in civic affairs and a well known character in our community ever since coming to Payette.

George F. Thayer enlisted as a private in the War of the Rebellion, in 18?4, in Reg 6, Company K, Michigan Heavy Artillery. He was honorably discharged, August 20, 1865 at the close of the War. "Colonel Thayer" was intensely patriotic, as he was in the front ranks of every patriotic move in his community. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, which he joined when a young man. He leaves to mourn his loss, a daughter, Mrs. Mark Prindle of Payette, and a son, Fred Thayer, of Pocatello, Ida., a sister, who lives in Michigan, three grandchildren, Ray Prindle, who lives in Ohio, Archie Prindle and Grace Prindle of Payette. "Col Thayer" was a good friend, a generous neighbor and his high aim was to play lif's game fairly with his fellowmen.

Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 2:30, p. m. from the M. E. Church, of which he was a member, by his Pastor Rev. Vernon Hall. Six ex-service men, in uniform, will tenderly bear what is mortal of our friends to the "Silent City," Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 18, 1924)

Card of Thanks

We desire to thank the kind friends who rendered their assistance during the illness and death of our father, also for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Carrie Prindle, F. W. Thayer

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 01, 1920

Just before going to press we learn of the death of Mrs. G. F. Thayer which occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mark Prindle, at seven o'clock last evening after an illness of six weeks. Her death was caused by influenza complicated with heart trouble. The funeral will be held tomorrow, (Friday) at 2 o'clock from the Prindle home. In our next issue we will publish an appropriate obituary.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 8, 1920)


Through the divine dispensation of "Him who doeth all things well" there has been removed from our midst, Mrs. Maggie Quick Thayer, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mark Prindle, in Payette, Wednesday, March 31st, at 6:55 p.m.

The subject of this sketch was born at Buchanan, Michigan, June 25th, 1850, and was united in marriage with G. F. Thayer August 19th, 1869 at Buchanan, Michigan. Three children were born to the union, Eva May, who passed away at the age of ten months; Carrie Mabel, wife of Mark Prindle, of Payette; and Fred are left without the kind care and comfort of a wife and mother.

Col. and Mrs. Thayer came to Payette from Aneta, North Dakota, fifteen years ago and cast their lot with the people who had chosen the Payette Valley as their home, and ever since have been ever diligent in building up the great commonwealth of Idaho.

About three months ago Mrs. Thayer was stricken with influenza which later developed heart complications, and to which she finally succumbed.

Mrs. Thayer was of that kind of people who chose to work in a humble way, who sought not fame or fortune, but who was in deep earnest about doing the thing that needed to be done today. No finer thing need be said to her than that she was the kindest, the most helpful of neighbors, patient in all things, generous to faults. Her husband testifies in strongest terms of her fidelity, her genuine companionship and her unswerving loyalty to the doing of the helpful acts that she found in her patient, daily toll. Her neighbors feel a distinct loss because she has gone away. The community bears testimony to her quiet, unassuming worth. She was rich in the qualities that stand for all that is stable in life's realities. Many a traveler on life's way has found refreshment and cheer, been inspired with new hope, his doubts in the final issue of life dispelled by her touch.

"I see from my house by the side of the road,
By the side of the highway of life,
The men that press on with the ardor of hope,
And the men that are faint in the strife.
And I turn not away from their smiles and their tears-
Both parts of an Infinite plan.
Let me live in a house by the side of the road.
And be a friend of man." (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, March 19, 1920

Corporal George Thiel Laid to Rest in Park View Cemetery

On Tuesday after of this week a group of sympathizing friend gathered at the Congregational church to do honor to the memory of Corporal Geo. E. Thiel, who passed away at the Ontario hospital on last Sunday.

The presence of about twenty five service men from this vicinity and from Payette added a military tough to the service which was highly fitting.

Fragrant flowers, the kindly tokens of love and respect, the comforting songs of the singers, and the filling tribute paid by the youngest veteran of the Civil War to the first of the home boys of the Great World War to lie in our little cemetery, all brought solace to those who sorrowed.

At the cemetery the usual committal service was read; then, after each service man had dropped a sprig of evergreen upon the casket, taps were sounded.

George E. Thiel was born at Galesburg, Ill., June 25th, 1895. When about ten years of age the family moved west. For a number of years they have lived in this vicinity, where they all are highly respected.

After our country entered the Great World War George volunteered, enlisted in the Marines on June 25, 1917. He served until August, 1919, when he was honorably discharged. During the great conflict he served on several different fronts, besides serving in the Army of Occupation, In Germany.

He returned home, apparently in good health. His death, however, was the direct result of his army experience. Disease, probably caused by his being gassed, soon confined him to his bed. He made a brave fight, but the hidden foe was too strong, in spite of his will to live and the splendid medical attention and nursing which he had.

The father and mother, the brothers and sisters, all have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

We desire to express our gratitude to the many kind friends and neighbors who acts and words of sympathy during the illness and death of our dear one made the sorrow less and the burden lighter.

George Thiel and Family
Arthur Thiel and Family

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 18, 1920)

Geo. E. Theil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Theil of New Plymouth, died at the Ontario Hospital Sunday March 14th, after an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were held at New Plymouth Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Rice. The deceased was 24 years of age. His death was caused from complications believed to have been the results from the effect of being gassed while in the service. He was a member of the marines, having entered the service early in the war and took part in eight of the worst engagements. The sympathy of a large circle of friends will go out to the bereaved relatives. (Parkview Cemetery)



The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 06, 1931
Brother Called by Death

Hayden Thomas employed at the Hogg Grocery received word Wednesday morning that his 15-year-old brother, Orlin died in Carroll, Nebr. Mr. Thomas left on the Portland Rose Monday for his home.

Payette Independent
Friday, December 4, 1908
Baby Dies at Weiser

Mr. and Mrs. Chesney Thompson of Eureka, Cal., are visiting in Payette at the home of Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. L. S. Soule. The many friend of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson here will sympathize with them in the loss of their baby, who died last week at Weiser, where Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had been visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hinze. The little one, who would have been eight months old December 10, was laid away in the Weiser Cemetery. Rev. P. Murphy of Payette was called to officiate at the funeral. (Weiser Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 4, 1908

Friends in Payette of D. W. Thompson were greatly surprised and shocked last Friday when they received the news that Mr. Thompson was dead at his home in Eureka, Calif. No one knew that he was ill and death must have come very suddenly.

Mr. Thompson and family lived in Payette for a number of years and made many close friends here. About a year and a half ago he moved to California, where he was engaged in business.

The local chapter of Eastern Star extend their sympathy to the bereaved family through the following resolutions:

Whereas, the Almighty in his wisdom has called to his eternal rest our loved brother, D. W. Thompson: therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Lorraine chapter No. 20, O. E. S., extend our heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken family and pray God may sustain and comfort them in this their great sorrow.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records a copy sent to the family and a copy sent to the local paper. Mrs. F. CROWTHER, Mrs. S. B. BURN, and S. CHAPMAN.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 08, 1920

A sad accident occurred Sunday evening near the Freight Depot in Payette when Margaret Thompson, 16 years of age, whose parents live in Vale, was almost instantly killed by No. 6 east bound passenger as it pulled into the Depot. Miss Thompson had been visiting at the home of W. G. Pennington on 7th Street and 7th Avenue North for several days and was on the way to the depot in company with Miss Madge Pennington and a young man from Weiser. They were walking along the track near the water tank as the train was approaching and seeming not aware of being so near the track when the engine struck Miss Thompson, knocking her unconscious to the ground, causing a fracture of the skull. Dr. I. R. Woodward, Railroad Physician, was immediately called and took the unfortunate girl to Ontario on No. 6 where she was removed to the Hospital and died about five minutes after arriving.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 18, 1918
Mrs. Mary E. Thompson, aged 69 years, died Friday July 5 at the home of her son, Wm. Tyson, in Portland. Mrs. Thompson has been seriously ill for many weeks. She had many friends in this community having lived here and in Whitley Bottom. She leaves besides the son at whose home she died, a son James of Bank, Ore., and a daughter, Mrs. Thos. Seymour, formerly of Payette.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 26, 1920
Mrs. J. M. Thompson wife of a prominent attorney of Caldwell, died at a Boise Hospital last Thursday following a short illness. Funeral services were conducted at Caldwell on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were well known over the state and particularly in this community where Mr. Thompson has made frequent visits and delivered several public addresses. She is survived by her husband and three children who will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Attorney Haynes of this place was in attendance at the funeral.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 29, 1920
Russell R. Thompson was born in Illinois August 1851, and if he had lived till this August 1920 he would have been 69 years old. He leaves two children, Frank and Charles, of Fruitland, the mother having passed away in Iowa, in 1906. There are also one brother and three sisters living in the East who were unable to come to the funeral. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to all of those who mourn.



It again becomes our duty to pay our last tribute of love and respect to a friend whose departure from this life leaves many sorrowing friends. Russell R. Thompson, who came to the Payette Valley thirteen years ago and during that time has made a host of friends, was taken suddenly ill while working on the A. S. Worth ranch just south of Payette last Thursday morning. He had been in his usual good health and had dressed rather early that morning and while building the fire fell behind the stove in an unconscious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Worth immediately came to his assistance and with considerable effort restored him to consciousness. A doctor was called and on Friday morning he was taken to the Hospital at Ontario where he passed away the following morning. His remains were brought to Wood & Spaulding's Undertaking Parlor and that evening removed to the home of his son, Frank Thompson near Fruitland. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Fruitland Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. VanDeusen and Rev. Eby. The large attendance of sorrowing friends who were at the funeral bespeaks the esteem of the departed in his community. The church was packed and a large number of autos followed to Riverside cemetery where the body was laid to rest.

Russell R. Thompson was born at Dixon, Ill., August 18, 1851, and departed this life at the Ontario Hospital, April 24, 1920, age 68 years, 8 months and 6 days. He was married to Ellen Hollis at Sterling, Ill., in September 1870. Two sons were born to bless this union, Charley Thompson of Toppenish, Washington and Frank Thompson of Fruitland, who were both present at the funeral. In 1878 he moved to Panora, Iowa, where his wife died in 1906, and the following year he moved to Idaho with his two sons and their families, and where he has lived until the time of his death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 02, 1917
After a long illness death claims William Wallace Thompson.

William Wallace Thompson was born in Painesville, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1838, and died Friday morning July 27th. His early life was spent in Illinois with his parents.

In 1883 he was married to Mrs. Alice Drake Streator at Sterling, Colo. Their married life was mostly spent at North Platte, Nebraska.

Mr. Thompson was employed as engineer on the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroads for over 26 years, but because of poor health he left the active service of his own accord and with his wife came to Idaho in 1910. Mr. Thompson has always been a firm believer in the Christian life but not until two years ago did he unite with any church. He and his wife then united with the Fruitland Methodist church. The past seven years have been full of suffering but thru it all he had been hopeful of again being well. The past year he has been confined to his bed most of the time. He had been faithfully cared for by his loving wife.

At the last he was anxious to go to his Heavenly home where he would be freed from suffering.

He leaves besides his wife, two sisters and two brothers. Mr. Russell Thompson of this place is a brother and Frank Thompson a nephew.

The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the house, Rev. Walker officiating, assisted at the grave by Rev. Ford Burtch. Interment at Payette in Riverside cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, August 03, 1917)

Death of William Thompson

William W. Thompson died at his home in Fruitland last Friday morning, July 27, after an illness of almost two years. Mr. Thompson was 78 years of age. The funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday afternoon by Rev. Walker of the Methodist church.

He leaves besides his wife, two sisters and two brothers, one brother, Russell, living near Fruitland, as well as a nephew, Frank Thompson, residing here. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Independent
Thursday, April 6, 1899
Death of a Noble Woman

Died, April 5, 1899, Rachel D. Thurston, wife of Dr. W. B. Thurston, aged 77 years, 10 months and 6 days.

Grandma Thurston was recently taken down with pneumonia, and owing to her advanced age and a constitution already broken down, but little hopes were entertained for her recovery from the first.

Deceased was one of the best types of noble Christian womanhood. For more than sixty years she had been a devoted follower of the blessed Nazarine who traversed the lowly walks of life that man might live eternal. Such a life as hers is worthy of emulation, and the memory of such a wife and mother will be fondly treasured by the companion of a life-time an d the children who were blessed with such an example of Christian fortitude and gentle confiding womanhood.

The funeral was conducted from the M.E. church Thursday afternoon, when Rev. Yost, the pastor, preached an able and appropriate discourse. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, October 30, 1908

Death is extremely sad at all times but it is seldom that the visit of the white robed angel causes more sorrow than was felt in Payette when the news came of the passing of the spirit of Mrs. Ralph Thurston, who died at the St. Helena sanitarium, California, October 22. Her spirit was taken just as her life was budding into full womanhood, just as she and her husband were preparing themselves for a greater usefullness in the world. For her to be stricken down at what seems such an untimely age cast a cloud of gloom over the large circle of friends she had in Payette.

Stella Eloise Thurston was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brainard. She was born at Whatcheer, Iowa, January 28, 1885. Her girlhood was spent in Ogden, Utah, where she leaves many friends whose sympathy and love testify to her sweet and loyal comradeship. She graduated from the Collegiate Institute of Salt Lake and afterward attended Whitman college Wash., and Oberline college, Ohio. In each place she grew in fine Christain character as her education was received, and left the touch of her strong personality upon her friends and associates.

She came to Payette as a young woman, and on August 7, 1906, was united in marriage with Ralph V. Thurston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thurston, one of the oldest and most highly respected families of Payette. After their marriage she lived a short time in Utah, then moved to Kimberly, British Columbia, and this last summer went to Berkeley, Cal., where Mr. Thurston was studying.

Her body was brought to Payette Monday of this week and Tuesday afternoon was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. A simple and beautiful service was held in the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Turner of the Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Thurston was an active member. The church was filled with the many friends of the two families who listened to a sermon both comforting and inspiring. Sweet and appropriate music was furnished by her friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
April 26, 1900
Death of Dr. W. B. Thurston

Dr. W. B. Thurston died on the 22nd day of April in his 73rd year.

Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church, of which deceased had long been a consistent and active member, Wednesday forenoon. A short sermon was preached by the pastor, after which the burial services was conducted by the Masonic order of this city, assisted by a number of the brethren from Ontario, Oregon.

Dr. Thurston came with his family and located in Payette in May 1894. His wife proceeded him to the spirit land about one year. He was a member of both the Blue Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter of Masons at this place. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 23, 1922
Former Fruitland Pastor Dies In Washington

Rev. J. J. Ticknor, former pastor of the Baptist church in Fruitland from August 1912 to December 1915 died last week at his home in Kititas, Washington, death being caused from cancer of the stomach. Rev. Ticknor preached for 40 years in Michigan, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The Baptist church of this place was erected through his leadership. He was born in New York in 1853. The deceased leaves his wife, a helpless invalid, son, Frank and four grandchildren living near Vale and a daughter who is with her mother in Kititas, where Rev. Ticknor was pastor.

Interment was made in the Ontario cemetery, Tuesday, a short service being conducted by Rev. Blum, the (balance of obit is unreadable)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1919
Richard Tooey, a bachelor 69 years old who has been living alone on a small island in the Snake river about five miles north of Payette, died at the Holy Rosary Hospital Friday, and his body brought to Payette Saturday where the funeral was held from Lauers Undertaking Parlor and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. So far as can be learned he had no relatives. A letter was found in his posession written by his mother several years ago, in the east, who was at that time 95 years old. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1910

Saturday afternoon the word was received in Payette of the death of J. J. Toole in Palm Springs, California, where he had gone for the benefit of his health. For many years Mr. Toole had been a constant sufferer from Bright's disease and last fall when he left Payette was in a very serious condition although it was hoped the change of climate and other conditions would benefit him. Mr. Toole had been a resident of Payette Valley for twenty years or more and was one of this sections most prominent citizens. He was engaged in the nursery business and had heavy property interests in this section. The remains were taken from California to Rochester, New York, his old home, for interment.

White he has suffered from what is generally supposed to be an incurable malady his death came as a great shock to his many friends in Payette as the reports from California were to the effect that he was getting better. A large number of Payette residents will miss J. J. Toole from their midst and the sympathy of many friends will go out to Mrs. Toole in her sad bereavement.



Fruitland Banner
Friday, February 23, 1917
A. W. Trow Dies at Home in Ontario
Ex-Mayor Succumbs to Stroke Of Aoplexy Last Monday

A. W. Trow, three times mayor of Ontario and one of the best-known men in Malheur county, died at his home in Ontario Monday afternoon at about 1:30 at the age of 54 years.

Mr. Trow had been a resident of Ontario about nine years and during that time has been identified with every public enterprise of that city. At the time of his death he was president of the Malheur County Fair Association, president of the Warm Springs irrigation district, president of the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation company, president of the Ontario Advancement Company and was the Malheur county representative of the Oregon and Western Colonization company, of which W. P. Davison, of St. Paul is president and Louis W. Hill a director.

Funeral services were held in Ontario yesterday afternoon, Rev. Powell, of the Episcopal church, officiating. Interment was made in the Ontario cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 12, 1917
The community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. H. T. Troxal Friday evening, April 6, 1917, at her home on Minnesota Avenue. Harriet Elizabeth Henderson was born in Carrol County, Illinois, April 13, 1861 and was married to Henry Theodore Troxal September 11, 1883, at Galena, Illinois. To this union were born seven children, Alma, (Mrs. Chas. Morris of Pleasant Valley, Ore.), Lee, Ray, Floyd, Wavie, (Mrs. Lacey Griep of Caldwell, Ida.), Blanch, (Mrs. Herbert Homan) and Loyal.

Mr. and Mrs. Troxal came here from Sargent, Nebraska, five years ago, having moved from Illinois there two years before. Since coming here the family have made many friends. Mrs. Troxal was not a member of any church but interested, and was a strong believer in the Bible and its teaching. Her grandfather having been a Presbyterian minister. Mrs. Troxal was a loving wife and mother and her husband and children were much devoted to her. She will be greatly missed in her home. Death was due to hardening of the arteries and came suddenly upon her return from a visit to the home of her son, Ray Troxal, near New Plymouth. Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Payette, officiated at the funeral held Monday afternoon in the Baptist church. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. The community sympathize with the bereaved ones.


We take this means to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who by their many acts of kindness and loving words of sympathy assisted us during the sudden death of our beloved wife and mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings.
H.T. TROXAL and family.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, April 13, 1917)

The Death and Funeral of Mrs. H. T. Troxel

Mrs. H. T. Troxel died at her home, on Minnesota avenue, Friday, April 6, about 6:30 in the evening, after an illness of two hours duration, death being due to hardening of the arteries.

Deceased was 56 years of age and leaves her husband and seven children to mourn her sudden death, Mrs. Chas. Morris, of Pleasant Valley, Oregon, Mrs. Lacey Greip, of Caldwell, Mrs. Herbert Homan, Lee, Ray, Floyd and Loyal residing at Fruitland.

Funeral services were held in the Baptist church Monday afternoon, Rev. M. D. Reed, of the Payette Presbyterian church officiating. Interment in Riverside cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Troxel and family came here five years ago from Sargent, Nebraska, and have made many friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 22, 1923
Philip Trump died at the home of his sister Mrs. F. C. Noyer at Weiser. Miss Hazel Noyer came from Portland to attend the funeral at Weiser, Saturday.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Philip Trump was born 2-1-1852 and died 2-14-1923 at Weiser. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 30, 1919
John August Tuney was born December 23, 1835, in Stockholm, Sweden, and passed away Saturday morning, October 25, 1919, in Payette, after suffering a paralytic stroke on Monday. His daughter, Miss Marie Tuney who was in Spokane, Wash., was sent for and all was done that could be.

Mr. Tuney came to this country about 40 years ago with his wife, Sophia Hedda Anderson, and made their home in York, Nebr. After the death of his wife he made his home in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebr., where he has a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

He was the father of seven children, two dying in childhood. Several years ago he came to Fruitland, Idaho, where he has lived until the past summer.

Mr. Tuney was deprived the blessed privilege of seeing the beauties of Idaho as he had been blind for many years.

Funeral services were held Sunday from the Swedish Lutheran church, Payette, Rev. G. A. Herbert of Boise, officiating.

Temporary interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. The remains will be removed to its then final resting place at York, Nebr., where the wife is buried.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 17, 1930

J. O. Tunnell, former Payette county man died recently at a Portland hospital according to announcement in the Portland Journal. Mr. Tunnell who for the past seven years has conducted a general store at Estacade, Ore., was at one time postmaster at French, Idaho, where he was well and favorably known.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 06, 1924
J. M. Turner, an old timer in Payette succumbed on Monday to heart failure. At the time of his seizure Mr. Turner was working for Dr. I. R. Woodward. Just as he was driving out of the Hubert yard on South 9th Street, with a load of dirt he was hauling. Mr. Turner fell from the wagon. By standers at once came to him. Dr. I. R. Woodward and Coroner Glen Landon were immediately sent for . There was no inquest as the doctor pronounced his death, which was practically instantaneous was from heart failure.

J. M. Turner was born in Malard, Iowa on the 21st of March, 1853 and would have been seventy-one years old had he lived till the 21st of this month. He lived in Payette for nearly twenty years. His first wife preceeded him in death several years ago and he is survived by his second wife and a step daughter of Payette and one son, Lew Turner of Malard, Iowa. This son visited his father last fall when the two went deer hunting. The old gentleman was very proud of the fact that he brought home his deer, certainly no small accomplishment for a man of seventy. The body is at the Landon Home Undertaking Parlors, pending funeral arrangements which will not be made until the arrival of Lew Turner who is expected in Payette on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Turner was an untiring worker as is instanced by the fact that he died at his post. It was to his never failing in the spring that so many of our leaves and gardens owed their beauty later in the summer. Mr. Turner had many friends who will mourn his loss.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 13, 1919

Just before going to press the sad news came to us announcing the death of Mrs. J.E. Turner which occured at an early hour this morning, at their home on Payette Hights. Funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m.

An appropriate obituary will be published in this paper next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 20, 1919)

Rettie Clara (Mrs. J. E.) Turner -- Mother of Edward, Dorothy and John Turner

The entire community has been keeping love watch and hoping against hope these many weeks during which Mrs. Turner fought the losing fight against disease. So it is merely marking a date to say her spirit left the body in the early morning of Thursday, March 13, 1919. Services in her honor were held in the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon. Not many of us can expect to have at our departure so great a number of people helpless to tell their mingled sorrow and joy, as there were in this case: because not many are living so loftily, so deeply, and so comprehensively. A few of her intimate friends wrote down one thought each to be woven into the address at the services. These are words they used: "Inspirer to all that is best, leader, counsellor, comforter, one of God's noble women, my friend, queen of an ideal home, saintly in motherhood."

To evoke such praise means an outpouring of vital energy, enough most of us think, for any woman. But it is rare to find another who maintained interest in so many good things outside the community and home. Hers was an international mind in the best sense of the word. She demanded "the open door" into all lands, nor for their mines, their forests, their wealth of soil, things to be exploited for profit to the exploiter. She was as well informed about these as any well read woman, but they did not engage her interest. What she saw and felt concerning the far off lands was people -- swarming millions of people, so destitute of the things we enjoy so lavishly -- yea so destitute of the word of life which we so often neglect because of its very familiarity. She accepted a "manditory" from God for every sin laden people under the sun. On the walls of "That more stately mansion which her soul builded for itself," were lined faces, black, brown, and yellow faces, sad, weary, wretched faces, having no hope and "without God in the world." She bore them up to the throne of grace in intercessory prayer -- that most exhausting of all soul exercises. For her prayers were not of the "God-help-them-but-don't-trouble-me sort. As treasurer she set a standard of stewardship for the Missionary People of the Presbyterian church, by which they will be measured so long as any of the present generation are left to do any measuring. And not only did she make her life felt in the local work. The Presbyterian Missionary committee, of which, she was vice-president (elected president, but unable to accept on account of war work at the time) declare their personal esteem, and they say "in all planning for our missionary work we depended on her judgment and found it invariable reliable. Her death is an overwhelming loss in our work."

She had just pride in her ancestry, of which much might be said. But there was one event in which she felt boundless pride. It was when her Preacher Grandfather took and maintained a stand against fellowship with church members who held slaves. It was on the border line between North and South. His congregation forsook him for the most part. The missionary society that sent him out repudiated their promise for support, and the demonination behind it endorsed the repudiation. But he lived to see the whole denomination making it their highest boast, that they led in helping the black man. In the bad days of France Voltaire was asked, "why can not a Frenchman found a religion as well as the half-mythical Syrian of eighteen centuries ago?" The reply was "You can. All that is necessary is to get yourself crucified for a faith which, later, every body will recognize as the truth." The Congregational denomination did not crucify Grandfather Seward in 1843, but they turned him out to starve for all they cared. And, Lo, the American Missionary Association, which arose to back men of his vision, has become their society which more nearly than any other fulfills the scripture, "the poor have the Gospel preached to them." It was Mrs. Turner's good fortune to have such an ancestry. But is her own glory that she fixed upon this heroic Americanism as the most valued memory.

But her interest in the distressed folks of three continents could not confuse her as to the essential things. Reference has been made to her place in her home. But to pass it by with a mere reference would be a cruel falsehood. She never permitted anything to take precedence over her business - for to her it was the business - of Motherhood. Children at the mother's knee eagerly hearing about God's great men and women, was no fairy tale with her. It was a Sacrament. Yes, a Sacrament, which would have saved the world from its welter of woe, had it been kept as she kept it. For mentioning this there is a reason beyond the matter of speaking her praise more fully. The home a sanctuary, where the members meet God and recognize him as rightful Lord is the only thing that can save the earth from being a shambles. There is the making of character that can be counted on for the maintenance of the righteousness whereon peace can stand permanently. The greatest minds of the churches are wrestling with the question "how to bring the Salvation that is in Christ," into the troubled affairs of man. Many things suggest themselves as probably beneficial. But this one thing is recognized as essential. We must have homes where parents consistently set God in the Highest place of worth to their children, or we will have homes that in effect say, "the law of God is a secondary thing, look somewhere else for the real good."

It was because she had not neglected this that last September she could kiss her boy good-bye to go and put on the uniform of the nation and say to him "I have no advice to give you now. You know what I expect of you. Make good in that."

Mrs. Height, mother of Mrs. Turner was present with her several weeks before the end came. Two of her girl-hood friends Mrs. Gooding and Mrs. Whitenock have their homes in Shoshone and came to be at the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. Rough also came down from Baker.

It would be difficult to overstate the evidences of sympathy, and love shown at the church as well as at the home. When nothing else can utter our feelings, we call to our help the most beautiful things God has put at our disposal, and send flowers to speak for us. There was nothing possible more than was done in that way. Everybody was in readiness, eager to be of help. And while no one's assistance was more valued than others, there is warrant for speaking especially of the contribution made to the service by the Boys Glee club, led by Mr. Neilson. They have not done much in a public way as yet, but their singing was a delight to all who heard it on that occasion.

This life sketch being practically a resume of her Pastor's address may as well conclude with the words that were made the finale of that.

"Oh, may I join the choir invisible
Of those immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence; live
In pulses stirred to generosity -
In deeds of daring rectitude,
This is life to come,
Which Martyred men have made more glorious
for us to strive to follow, May I reach
That purest heaven; be to other souls
The cup of strength in some great agony;
Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love;
Beget the smiles that have no cruelty -
Be the sweet presence of a good diffused
And in diffusion every more intense
so shall I join the Choir invisible
Whose music is the gladness of the world."e; (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 25, 1917
Chloe Gertrude Tussing was born in Odessa, Nebr., Dec. 5th, 1893, and died suddenly and unexpectedly at her home in Fruitland, Idaho, Wednesday afternoon October 17th. She was married Nov. 3, 1912 to Roy Taylor. To this union three children were born. Doris aged 3 years, and twin sons, Ortho and Orin, just one year old the day of their mothers death.

Mrs. Taylor was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tussing who were prostrated by the death of their daughter. Mrs. Taylor came to Fruitland with her parents about 14 years ago. She leaves besides her children, husband and parents, three sisters, Mrs. Ira Henderson of Baird, Neb., and Mrs. Henry Anderson of Douglas, Wyo., and Mrs. Otto Deihm, and two brothers, Cary and Henry of Fruitland. Mrs. Taylor has been in poor health for a year. The funeral services were held at the Tussing home, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. Chas. McCoard, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.

The many friends of the family sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness and loving sympathy to us in our hour of sorrow, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Roy Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Tussing and family


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 24, 1914

News was received in Payette on Friday of the death of A. L. Tuttle, which occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1914 at the home of his sister Mrs. S. M. Johnson in Lopez, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Tuttle was an old time resident of the Payette Bench having settled there in 1893. He was born in Homedale, Penn. June 3, 1853 and was therefore 61 years old at his death. He always enjoyed rugged health until about one year ago when he was seized with a malignant growth in the neck. Everything was done to relieve him that could be done, but as he continued to grow worse he was sent to Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, Md. And placed under the care of the celebrated surgeon, Dr. Howard Kelly. The radium treatment was employed but to no avail.

Mr. Tuttle was widely known and respected as friend and neighbor. He leaves a family of six children, Mrs. Anna Frend of Roswell, Id. Mrs. Edna Quarterman of New Plymouth, Mrs. Ruth Ann Edge of Baker City, Oregon, and Ray, Ellery and Julia Tuttle who live near New Plymouth. He was a brother-in-law of M. F. Albert of Payette and of Peter Albert of New Plymouth.

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