Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 24, 1924

William Ackert of Emmett, well know here, met instant death Monday morning at 10 clock, while working on the government highway on the east side of the river between Banks and Gardena.

Ackert and a companion had placed two shots and the companion's shot went off as expected. Ackert's shot didn't go and after waiting a short time started to investigate. He saw the fuse burning and attempted to get away but was too late. He was blown high in the air and his body terribly mutilated and his companion was blown against a steam shovel but escaped without serious injury.

Ackert's body was taken to Emmett where his parents, two brothers and three sisters reside. - Cascade News

The Ackert family are well known here as they lived on Iowa Avenue a few years ago. While here the oldest boy was murdered over some mining claims, another boy "Blaine" lost his life during the world war.


Payette Enterprise
December 07, 1922
Laura B. Adair, wife of I. H. Adair, was born in Indiana, February 9th, 1862, and died at her home north of Payette, December 1st, 1922.

Mrs. Adair had been in rather poor health for several years but her last illness was of a short duration, her suffering through her sickness was with patience, she had lived a Christian life from childhood and was prepared and willing to go, her life was that of devotion to her family, a faithful wife and loving mother.

Besides her husband she leaves to mourn, three children, now grown to man and womanhood, Walter 23, Pauline 21, and Roy 18. She is also survived by two brothers and two sisters, all living in California.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon at two o'clock conducted by Rev. Hall, pastor, and on Monday morning the body was taken to Boise where it was laid to rest in the Morse Hill cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 04, 1919
Death of Child

Carlene, the fourteen months old baby daughter of Mrs. A. C. Adams of Emmett Slope, died from bronchial pneumonia at Fruitland on Wednesday of this week. The funeral services were held from the Christian church of Payette on Thursday.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 10, 1919)

Little Charlene Adams, aged 14 months and 10 days, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams from the Emmett slope, died at Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. L. Z. Schubert's home in Fruitland about one o'clock Wednesday afternoon of bronchial pneumonia.

The funeral services were held in the Christian church in Payette Thursday after which the little body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. Besides the parents there is left to mourn one sister Olive. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Charlene was born January 17, 1918 and died April 4, 1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 15, 1921

Charles A. Adams, a well known farmer of near Ontario, was instantly killed last Saturday afternoon about 1:30 when a Dodge roadster, in which he was riding left the grade near the Mounie Olson place 4 miles east of Payette, pinning him to the ground. The car belonged to C. Dunham of Cambridge, who was driving the car at the time accident, who was also pinned beneath its heavy weight and would have also been killed only for the heavy mattress that was being carried in the back part of the car. Mr. Dunham was pinned down by the steering wheel and the mattress, being under that side of the car relieved the heavy pressure, his injuries were not serious, only a few cuts on the hands from the broken windshield and other minor bruises. Mr. Adam's chest was crushed in by the weight of the car, causing instant death. His wife who was visiting at the Dalles, Oregon, was notified by wire and arrived in Ontario, Sunday evening. The body was brought to Lauer's Undertaking Parlor and shipped to Ontario Sunday evening, where the funeral was held from the Methodist Church at that place Monday evening.

Mr. Dunham says the accident was caused by the dog which was riding in the car at their feet, attracted his attention by getting his feet on the steering wheel and in pushing him down must have turned the course of the car over the grade down the embankment of about 25 feet.

The deceased has a brother and sister living at Cottonwood, Oregon. He was a member in good standing in the I.O.O.F. lodge of Ontario, and had at the time of his death, an identification card in his pocket, also a receipt showing his dues paid to July first, 1922.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Mrs. Arthur Adams Passes Away

Death came at one o'clock, Monday, November 24th to relieve the suffering of Mrs. Arthur Adams, who has been in poor health for two years.

Grace L. Richardson was born in Mason County, Missouri, January 24th, 1896, and with her parents, came to Idaho in 1899, where she grew to womanhood, and resided until called by death.

She was married October 16, 1914, to Arthur Adams and to this union were born two girls, Hazel and Ila, who are now aged nine and two years respectively. The deceased was a beautiful character, having been converted and taken into the Baptist church at Ontario when sixteen years of age. She was a constant worker in the church as long as her health permitted her to attend. She was a good mother and a kind and affectionate wife. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband, two little girls, her mother, four sisters, and two brothers besides a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. E. Dean. The tired body was tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery by her father and three brothers. (Riverside Cemetery)



Fruitland Banner
April 23, 1915
J. S. Aker Dies in Ontario

John S. Aker, aged 59 years, died very suddenly at his home in Ontario last Sunday with heart disease. Mr. Aker had lived in that section about four years and had a homestead on the Dead Ox Flat.

Deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Carrie B. Aker, one son, Leslie J. Aker, a prominent attorney of Ontario, and they daughter, Mrs. Mabel Gebauer, who resides in Boise.

The funeral was held Wednesday morning from the home.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924

Mrs. J. F. Albee, who with her husband came here from Newton, Iowa, on a visit to relatives and old friends, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Celia Noyes, near Jameson, Oregon, Tuesday morning. The body was brought here to the Peterson Undertaking parlors and was later taken to the old home in Iowa by the bereaved husband and son, A. R. Albee, also of Jameson.

Mr. Albee was formerly connected with the Union Pacific colonization department and he and Mrs. Albee were well known to the older settlers of this section. The sudden death of Mrs. Albee came as a shock to all and they greatly sympathize with the husband and family.

Payette Independent
Friday, March 02, 1906
Aury C. Albert

Aury C. Albert died February 23, 1906, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Albert, near New Plymouth, at the age of 16 years. Appendicitis was the cause of her death.

Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at New Plymouth by the Rev. Mr. Greenlee, a large number of sympathizing friends of the bereaved family having attended the services and followed the remains to their last resting place in Park View cemetery.

In the passing of Aury C. Albert the church, school and community loses a valued worker, companion and friend. Aury was organist of the Congregational church of New Plymouth which office she faithfully performed. As a pupil she was kind, studious and respectful; as a schoolmate generous and considerate, a girl loved by all. The community at large suffers the loss of one of its most promising young people.

What the family loses in this bereavement can only be known by those who have passed through a similar experience. If sympathy can alleviate sorrow, Mrs. Albert's family will feel their heavy load lightened. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 24, 1923
Eliza Albert was born at Dushore, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1837, and departed this life near New Plymouth, at the home of her son, Peter Albert, on May 19, 1923, after a short illness, and where she had gone for a few days visit.

She was married in 18?7 to George Albert, who preceded her in death in 1884. A short time thereafter she moved to Payette where her children resided, that she might be near them, and has made her home on 12th Street.

To her union with George Albert were born three children -- M. F. of Payette, Peter of New Plymouth, and Mrs. Lena Tuttle, who preceded her in death at Payette in 1907. Mrs. Albert was a consistent and conscientious member of the Presbyterian church up to the time of her death and lived an upright and devout Christian life.

The funeral was held at the M. E. church of Payette, conducted by Rev. Knight of New Plymouth, on Monday, and interment made in Riverside cemetery, along side of her daughter. (Riverside Cemetery)


We take this opportunity to tender our heartfelt gratitude to the many kind friends and neighbors, who tendered the aid and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved mother and grand-mother.
M. F. Albert and Family, Peter Albert and Family

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924

A gloom was cast over our fair city Wednesday morning when the word came from his bedside that M. F. Albert, one of the foremost citizens of southwestern Idaho and most distinguished business men of this city, had been called by the grim reaper and his spirit had taken flight to Him who give it. It had been known that he was not in the best of health and for twenty-four hours it had been known that the end was near and yet none were prepared to give up one who had done so much for this community and been a ministering angel to countless hundreds who had been the beneficiaries of his kindness and generosity.

Maternus F. Albert was born at Dushore, Pa., on July 18, 1859; was married to Minnie E. Troup on June 7, 1888 and died at 8 o'clock, Wednesday morning, July 16, 1924 at his home in Payette. He is survived by his wife and four children; Lester F. Albert, of Boise; David W. Albert of Tuscon, Arizona; Marvin D. Albert of Payette; and Marjorie Albert of Payette, and two brothers; Peter Albert of New Plymouth and Geo. Albert of Butte Falls, Oregon.

The following fitting tribute to his life work and to his nobleness of character was handed us by Messrs. W. A. Coughanour. General L. V. Patch and Fred Moss, who had been close business associates and old time friends of his:

"He was educated in the schools of Pennsylvania and came into our midst in 1892. For ten years he was superintendent of our public schools and devoted more of his time in the interest of public improvements and civic enterprises than any other man in this community.

His interests included agriculture, horticulture, banking, manufacturing, and such projects as go to the developing of our resources. He was a devoted and conscientious worker in the church, our public schools, and fraternal orders.

We can hardly realize that M. F. Albert has passed on. We believe the spirit lives after death and manifests according to the work and worth of the departed person during their life time. Mute is the voice that so often thrilled this community to its noblest destines, yet the uplifting power of his example, the ennobling influence of his association among us, becomes our priceless heritage and a gift to the ages.

M. F. Albert worked here, worked with a purpose to comfort and help those he loved and those he loved will include the whole of deserving mankind. He will continue to do good works in some other mansion of his Father's house.

In all those for whom Mr. Albert has done some kindly act were to bring a flower and place it upon his tomb, he would sleep beneath a wilderness of flowers.

"Love weeps! Momentarily sorrow and the ebon tide rush upon us, but momentarily only, for from the blue abyss, our loved one returns. Under the confidence of immorality, we see him smile in memory's mirror. Deep within, we feel and know and rejoice, that such a noble character never dies."

Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and the sermon will be preached by Rev. Vernon E. Hall. Following the church services the funeral will be in charge of the Masonic lodge, of which order he was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, July 24, 1924)


The funeral of M. F. Albert held Friday afternoon, was one of the largest in the history of Payette county, and the outpouring of friends and neighbors was a testimonial to the esteem in which our departed citizen was held. The exercises were held at the Methodist church and Rev. Hall preached a very impressive sermon. The ceremonies at the cemetery under the auspices of the Knights Templar lodge were very imposing and were a fitting finale to a life so full of worth while deeds. Peace to his ashes.

Maternus F. Albert

The contribution that a man makes to the progress of the community in which he lives and to the institutions with which he identifies himself depends not only upon the ability band devotion of the man himself, but also upon the circumstances in which he is placed.

M. F. Albert came to Payette at a time that demanded heroic and energetic service if Payette was to grow and develop and keep pace with other towns struggling for supremacy. Since the time Mr. Albert first landed in Payette from the hill country of Pennsylvania he had been constantly and tirelessly active in every line of endeavor that contributed to the development, advancement and growth of Payette. His influence was recognized by his being placed at the head of nearly every organized effort to develop the community in which he lived. When courage was lacking, his courage became the courage for many; when others were weak, his strength became the strength for all. Because of the persuasive personality of the man many things were accomplished for Payette that a less courageous spirit would have lost. It is safe to say than no man contributed more of time and energy and service to the development of Payette in the last thirty years than M. F. Albert.

The passing of Maternus F. Albert means a distinct loss to the cause of education in Payette. He was thoroughly imbued with sense of the importance of sound training for young people, and he gave himself masterfully to this cause from the time when, as a comparatively young man, he came to Payette as superintendent of schools. In this capacity he served the Payette schools for ten of the best years of his life, during which time he organized the high school, established its four-years course of study, and secured recognition for it as a standard high school. Then he was drafted by the business interests of Payette to serve in another way, but to the day of his death he never lost interest in the institution whose foundations he had laid so wisely and well. For twelve years he served the schools as a member of the Board of Education, during ten of which he was its president. Even in his latest and severest affliction he never missed a school board meeting.

The board of education desires to express its feeling of personal loss, its profound sense of the loss to the schools and to the community in the passing of its president and associate.

By order of the board,


We desire to extend to our many friends our heartfelt appreciation for the messages of sympathy and tokens of regard extended to us during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, and especially do we appreciate the assistance given by the Masonic order.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 14, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Alden received the sad intelligence of the death of their oldest son, Grant W. Alden. Influenza being the cause of his death. Grant was born in Ida, Douglas Co, Minnesota, July 29, 1880 and died Nov. 9, 1918 at Laverne, Minn. at the age of 38 years, 3 months and 10 days. He was married Jan. 6, 1912. He leaves a wife and two little girls ages 5 and 6 years old, besides his aged parents, one sister Alice, and one brother E. Henry Alden, Jr., and other relatives and friends in Payette. Grant moved with his parents to Idaho in 1900 where he remained two years, then went back to his old home at Alexandria, Minn. Since then he has visited his parents and was expected home this fall. He was employed by the Western Union Telegraph and Telephone Co. for 15 years.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 22, 1924

John Alden was born at Faribault, Minnesota, on the 4th day of May, 1859; he died at Payette, Idaho, May 20th, 1924, aged 65 years and 16 days. He spent the early years of his life at Alexandria, Minnesota, moving to North Dakota in 1888, where for a considerable time he operated an elevator.

On the 31st day of May, 1894, he was married to Miss Edith Millner, at Cando, North Dakota. After they were married Mr. and Mrs. Alden lived in North Dakota until April 14, 1900, when they came to Payette where they have ever since made their home.

Mr. Alden was a direct descendant of the eighth generation of the historical John Alden, one of the Pilgrim fathers who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower in 1620, and who was one of the great men of the time in which he lived.

There are left to keenly feel the loss of a husband, father, grandfather, brother, the faithful wife who has kept vigil at his bedside for more than a year past, fighting a losing battle from the beginning, yet never flinching in her duty and devotion to the man to whom she pledged her allegiance in her young womanhood; two children, Mrs. Fern Long, daughter, whose home is in Portland, Oregon; Lynwood, son, of Salt Lake City; two brothers, Willard and Henry, of Payette; a brother, Elmer, of Lavinia, Minnesota and grandaughter, little Roma Rae Long. There is also a long list of friends and neighbors who feel that something worth while has been taken away.

Mr. Alden had been a member of the Independent order of Odd Fellows for more than 25 years and at the time of his death was a member of Payette Lodge No. 22. He was a member in good standing of Camp No. 7641, Modern Woodmen of America, at Payette. By trade he was a contractor and builder and millwright.

A neighbor says of John Alden, and he expresses the sentiment of all his neighbors, that he was a kind, patient provident husband and father; that his family regarded him as a protector and provider who was moved by the highest motives and most earnest solicitation for their welfare, whose care was his highest trust; that he was an honest man; that he was a good neighbor; that he was a loyal citizen; that confidence reposed in him was a sacred trust which he faithfully kept; that he was a faithful friend.

The name of John Alden may not find a place in the hall of fame listed with those whom the world calls great, but in the hearts of the members of his family he lives on in sacred memory, and his neighbors and friends will not forget.

Funeral services were held from the First M. E. church this, Thursday, morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Knight of New Plymouth conducted the brief but very impressive service and interment was made in the family plot in Riverside cemetery.

The Odd Fellows' Lodge took part in the ceremony at the cemetery, which was very impressive.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, May 29, 1924)


We take this means of expressing our most sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly and unselfishly assisted us with all the help they could render, and for sincere sympathy expressed during the sickness and funeral services of our husband, father and brother; to the lodges for their fraternal and brotherly assistance; to those who furnished appropriate and beautiful music and for the consideration expressed through the many beautiful floral tributes. MRS. JOHN ALDEN, MRS. FERN LONG, LYN A. ALDEN, H. E. ALDEN, WILLARD ALDEN and Family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 17, 1930

Willard Alden, 82 years of age, for many years a resident of Payette, died at his home on North 6th Street, Tuesday evening, July 15th, after a lingering illness. Mr. Alden was one of Payette's most highly respected citizens.

Funeral services were held at the Landon Funeral Home this Thursday morning at ten o'clock. A more complete obituary will be given in next week's issue.

Payette, Enterprise (Thursday, July 24, 1930)


Willard Alden was born at Redfield, New York, December 8, 1847. When seven years of age he moved with his parents to Medford, Minn. where he grew to manhood. He was united in marriage to Margaret Prettyman, January 4, 1877, and to them were born four children, one passed away in infancy. Grant died November 9, 1919. Alice passed away February 26, 1928 and Henry Alden who reside in Payette.

Mr. Alden came to Payette from Minnesota in April, 1900, and continued to live here until the time of his death, July 15, 1930. Mr. Alden was a man well thought of by every one in this community. He was noted for his honesty and fairness in all his dealings with the public. He lived to a ripe age and leaves many friends who held him in high esteem.

Besides his wife, he is survived by one son, Henry Alden of Payette, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren and one brother, living at Bemidji, Minn.

The funeral was held from the Landon funeral home, Thursday at ten o'clock and interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 23, 1921
The death of E. F. Allen occurred at the Ontario hospital last Saturday June 19, following a brief illness of Brights Disease, thus this community has lost a good neighbor and friend.

Ebenezer Francis Allen was born at Boston, Mass., July 14, 1861, and moved with his parents when an infant to Chelse, Mass., and to Blain, Kansas, in 1879, where he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Ann Massey, October 15, 1884. In 1891 he moved with his family to Vale, Oregon, and from there to near Payette in 1895. His wife preceded him in death in 1893, and in 1905 he was again married to Johanna Olson. He is survived by three daughters, two now living in the East, and Mrs. Sam Raby of this place.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist church, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Buell, Pastor.

Payette Independent
Friday, February 26, 1904
In Memoriam (Contributed)

Elizabeth Ann Allen of this vicinity departed this life at 2:11 p.m., February 20, 1904, after a long and painful illness in which she was confined to her bed for ten weeks.

She was born in Iowa, January 18, 1865, and at her death was 39 years, 1 month and two days old. Her maiden name was Massey. Her father dying when she was a little child her mother was married to Mr. Charles Hezeltine both of whom are well known in this vicinity. When about 15 years of age she united with the Baptist church in Wetmore, Kansas. On October 15, 1884, she was united in marriage to Mr. E. F. Allen in Blaine, Kans. There was born to them three children, Emma, Newell and Pansy, all of whom survive her. In 1891 they moved to Malheur county, Oregon, and in 1896 to the Payette Valley. She has proved herself a kind, faithful and industrious wife and a patient, fond mother. She was respected by all who knew her.

About two years ago there began attacks of the illness which at last proved fatal. She was under the able care of Dr. O. H. Avey, who also called in Drs. Woodward and Galloway for consultation. But the disease was beyond the reach of medical skill. An autopsy revealed a large tumor upon the brain on the right side and near the top.

Pastor T. S. Dulin, of the Baptist church, conducted the funeral services at the Armory, in the presence of a large congregation. Relatives, friends and neighbors gathered to show tribute of respect to the one who had suffered so long and intensely.

The pastor took for his text the 23d Psalm - the beautiful shepherd Psalm. He pointed out mans helplessness and the purpose of the good Shepherd to meet our every need. The journey through the valley of the shadow to a Christian is not a journey into death but into the life beyond. After passing through the valley of the shadow our Lord regards his people no longer as sheep of his pasture but appoints them as Kings and Priests unto God to reign with God in his palace royal, "the house of the Lord forever."

The remains were borne to the cemetery where beneath earth's shroud of snow and the soil of the valley they gently laid her down to rest.

Mr. Allen and the children wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and public generally for their sympathy and assistance so kindly extended to them in their trial of sickness and bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 06, 1920

According to a telegram received by E. F. Allen Wednesday morning his son N. F. Allen, a young man of about 30 years of age was hurt by a steam shovel Tuesday May 4 at 7 p.m. and died at 4 a.m. the next morning. No particulars further than the message has been received. The body will be shipped to Payette and will arrive sometime Friday. No funeral arrangements have been made.

(Payette Enterprise - Thursday, May 13, 1920)


Born at Manhattan, Kansas, August 31, 1887. He moved with his parents to Idaho in 1895, where he attended the Payette public schools up to and including the eighth grade. He started out early in life to do for himself and has lived in different parts of the Northwest, most of the time working with construction companies. He became proficient in his chosen work and for the past four years has followed the occupation of dredge engineer.

He was the only son of E. F. Allen, who has lived near Payette for the past twenty-five years and is one of our well known citizens.

Newell Francis Allen died May 5, 1920, at Everett, Washington. His death was the result of an accident which happened while he was on duty as engineer. He lived but a short time after the accident. The body was brought to Payette, his old home, for burial. The funeral service was conducted at the First Baptist Church, Rev. Buell, the pastor, officiating, Saturday, May 8, at two o'clock. A large number of friends and neighbors attended the service and testified to their interest by generous contributions of beautiful flowers. Interment in Riverside cemetery. A father, two sisters, Mrs. Hamill of Boise and Mrs. Pansy Raby of Payette, keenly feel the loss of a son and brother. (Riverside Cemetery)


We appreciate the kindness shown by our friends and neighbors in our bereavement in the loss of son and brother, and hereby extend to all who so unselfishly showed their interest in our situation our sincere thanks. We especially mention the offerings of beautiful flowers and the kindness of the choir in providing appropriate music. E. F. Allen, Mrs. Emma Hamill and family, Mrs. Pansy Raby and family

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Our community was shocked when early Tuesday morning the news of Mr. Allison's death came. Although Mr. Allison had been ill for some time we did not realize how serious it was. He leaves a wife, and three small children. They have the heart-felt sympathy of all neighbors and friends.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, William H. Allison was born 5-15-1865 and died December 13, 1924, Payette county. ch

Payette Independent
Friday, April 14, 1905
Death of J. N. Allum

J. N. Allum, known is Payette in connection with the Allum & Copley barber shop, died Saturday, April 8, at Kellog, Ia., of consumption. The deceased retuned to Iowa from Payette during last November and had been in very poor health for a long time. He was a brother of Mrs. S. D. Copley of this city and Mrs. W. E. Hill who resides on the bench. Both of his parents are living and his mother visited here last summer returning to Iowa with him. He was about 42 years of age and leaves a little daughter.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 02, 1920

Sadness again visited this community when the news was given out announcing the death of Mrs. M. W. Alspaugh which occurred at her home on Sixth Street Tuesday morning at one o'clock, after several weeks of suffering. The immediate cause of her death, we understand, was cancer of the stomach. Thus a kind mother, a devoted wife is taken, leaving a vacancy in the home that can never be filled.

Harriet Adelaid Anderson was born at Mechanicsburg, Henry County, Ind., December 15th, 1870, and departed this life November 30, 1920 at her home in Payette, being at the time of her death, 49 years, 11 months and 15 days old. She was united in marriage to Moses William Alspaugh at Cadiz, Henry Co, Ind., Nov. 17, 1887. Eleven children were born to bless this home, two of whom preceded her, in infancy.

Mrs. Alspaugh became converted to the Christian faith when a child and has lived a true Christian life to the last. Besides a husband, she leaves nine children to mourn her loss, and to follow her Christian example; Earl M. Alspaugh of Rupert, Idaho; Mrs. Hava L. Clevenger, Rupert, Idaho; Mrs. Clara V. Harkins, Burley, Idaho; Mrs. Cleo J. Graves, Payette, Idaho; Mrs. Flossie M. Frost, Esbon, Kansas; Bufford M. Alspaugh of Payette; Waunetta C., Mildred B., and Ruby W., who are living at home; besides one sister and two brothers.

Funeral services were held at two o'clock this Thursday afternoon at the Church of God, conducted by Rev. Argyl Houser, Pastor. Interment took place in Riverside Cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Alspaugh, together with their family, have only been residents of Payette since last spring but during that time they have made a host of friends whom we know will extend to this bereaved family their sincere sympathy in their time of sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 16, 1930


Mrs. George Alspach, so well known and loved by the people of this community where she had lived for many years, passed peacefully to the great beyond on last Sunday, October 12. While her death was not unexpected her passing brought sadness to her many friends. For more than two years she has been a patient sufferer but bore her affliction with patience to the end.

Myrtle Alice Darr was born in Lake City, Iowa, March 8th, 1883, and passed away October 12th, 1930, at her home in North Payette. She had been a sufferer for several years, being bedfast the last six months.

At the age of 8 years, Mrs. Alspach moved from Lake City to Carroll, Iowa, where later she became a member of the Church of god and remained faithful until her death.

On November 6, 1902, she was united in marriage to George Alspach and in the spring of 1904 they moved to Payette, Idaho, where they have since made their home.

Mrs. Alspach became a member of the American Yeomans in 1922. She was also a charter member of the American Women's League.

She was ready for her home going, having mentioned it many times during her illness and making it easier for the loved ones by arranging all her funeral and burial plans. The family was untiring in their ministry to her and every thing was done that loving hands could do.

She is survived by her husband, George Alspach, one daughter, Mrs. C. T. Clauser of Glenns Ferry, Idaho; her father Mr. A. G. Darr and one sister, Mrs. Lilly Farrell, both of Omaha, Neb.,; two brothers, Mr. W. A. Darr of Kansas City, Mo.; and Mr. H. E. Darr of Moose Lake, Minn.

Funeral services were held Tuesday, October 14, on the lawn at her home. In charge of Rev. Mrs. Beem. Burial was in the Boise cemetery.

"The pains of death are passed.
Labor and sorrows cease;
And life's long warfare closed at last.
Her soul is found in peace."

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of our loved one, and also for the many beautiful floral offerings.

Payette Independent
Friday, October 16, 1903
At Rest in Riverside Cemetery

John McGlinchey, who went to Evanston, Wyo., the first part of last week to bring to Payette for burial the body of his little grandson Wells Alvord, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Alvord of that place, who died on Monday, Oct. 12, returned Saturday night and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvord have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in Payette on account of their sad bereavement. From the Wyoming Press at Evanston is taken the following:

Little Wells Deed Alvord has gone to join the angels' band above. He had lingered with typhoid fever until death came to relieve his sufferings, and his spirit took flight on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. For twenty-two months this lovely child has been the joy of the Alvord household, and his early death is a trying ordeal to the grief-stricken parents. It is hard to part with a flower so fair, but although he is dead to them in this life he will bloom still brighter in spheres of eternity. No one knew the little fellow but to love him, and the community condoles with the broken-hearted parents in this their great bereavement. Funeral services were conducted at the family home on Thursday afternoon, Rev. Y. C. Evans officiating, and the remains forwarded yesterday to Payette, Idaho, for burial. The child's grandfather, John McGlinchey, accompanied the body to its destination. Yesterday afternoon a fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvord. This little one will add brightness to the home which has been darkened. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1919

Mrs. Earl J. Amick died Sunday morning at her home near Fruitland.

Bertie Liggett was born at Howard county, Mo., January 12, 1884, and died Sunday, May 18, 1919.

She was married October 20, 1903 to Earl J. Amick to which union 6 children were born, four girls and two boys the eldest and youngest. Mrs. Amick and family came to Fruitland last September with the hopes that the change of climate would benefit her health. When a girl sixteen years of age she united with the Church of Christ and has lived a beautiful christian life.

Besides the husband and children she leaves a mother Mrs. Liggett who with a sister Mrs. C. J. Swearedgen live here. The funeral was held Monday at her home. Elder Shelby Smith, borther-in-law of Mr. Amick, conducted the service, after which the remains of the loved one was laid to rest in the pretty little cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 10, 1916
Word was received in this city Saturday of the death of Miss Francis Amsden at her home in Cleveland, Ohio, after an illness of about two months. Miss Amsden visited at the Trayer home in this city last summer with her mother and made a host of friends who will be grieved to learn of her death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 26, 1920

The community was saddened last Tuesday evening when it was learned that Dr. Allen Anderson of Ontario had passed away at the Ontario hospital from effects of a carbuncle. Dr. Anderson grew to young manhood on the Fruitland Bench and only recently commenced to practice in Ontario. - An obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (September 2, 1920)


Allen Richard Anderson was born August 1, 1890, at Cokata, Minnesota, and departed from this life Tuesday, August 24, 1920, at 4:45 o'clock p.m., at Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, Oregon, aged thirty years and twenty-four days. Death was due to pneumonia.

He moved to Provo, Utah, with his parents when quite young, where he spent eleven years, and from there he came with them to Fruitland, Idaho, where his home has been until last March when he entered the firm of Dr. Weese and Dr. Fortner of Ontario, Oregon. He graduated from the Payette High School in 1911, studied for two years in the University of Idaho, where he prepared for a five year course in the University of Minnesota, where he graduated in medicine. After a year spent in the service of this country he took a six month's post graduate course in internal medicine at Harvard university, and for these brief months since March has practiced medicine in Ontario, passing the examination in Oregon.

Dr. Anderson was baptized and confirmed in the Swedish Lutheran Church at Payette when a child and ever after remained a member. The deceased leaves to mourn his going away a host of good friends. Those who feel the loss most are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, who were called from Riverside, California, upon learning of his serious illness, his brother, Earnest V. of Parma; his sister, Florence M., and the young woman who was to have been his life companion. -Contributed

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 13, 1924
Called In Death

Mrs. Avel Anderson, an aged and respected lady of Fruitland, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Herrington, at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday evening, after a short illness brought on by old age and a broken down condition.

Mrs. Anderson was born in Denmark, June 9, 1845, and passed away November 22, 1924, at the ripe old age of 79 years, 5 months and 2 days. She was married in the old country to John Anderson, about 50 years ago, and a couple of years later came to America, settling in Nebraska. In 1906 she came to Idaho and settled at Sugar City where she made her home until about a year and a half ago when she came to the home of her daughter at Fruitland.

Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Danish Lutheran Church and lived in accordance with her profession. She leaves three sons, P. J. Anderson, of Farwell, Nebr., W. J. Anderson, of Garfied, Utah, and George Anderson, of Caldwell, Idaho, and one daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Herrington, of Fruitland, to mourn her taking away.

The services will be held at the Bretheren church in Fruitland, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 1:30, and interment will take place at Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 14, 1916

J. P. Anderson, aged about 60 years, died suddenly at the Washoe ranch of J. R. Banks, two and a half miles west of Payette, about seven o'clock Monday morning. Anderson came down from the Crane Creek country where he had been working, arriving at the Banks ranch Sunday evening. He was apparently feeling as well as usual and expected to begin working for Mr. Banks on Monday. He ate a hearty supper Sunday evening and was up early and had breakfast Monday morning, after which he went out to the barn lot, where he was seen only a few minutes before his dead body was discovered.

The body was brought to the undertaking parlors of J. A. Lauer and Bro., in this city, where a post mortem examination was held by Drs. J. C. and I. R. Woodward, who found that the man's death resulted from heart failure.

The burial took place at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon in Riverside Cemetery, when Rev. Thomas Ashworth of St. James' Episcopal church conducted the funeral services.

But little is known of J. P. Anderson, further than the fact that he had resided in and around Payette for about 16 years, having been employed for a number of years by W. F. Sherwood in his brick yards. Mr. Banks says he once heard him say that his birth place was Des Moines, Iowa. He never spoke of his family connections and is supposed to have been a single man. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1924
Our community was saddened to hear of the death of Mr. J. R. Anderson at his home in Payette Monday morning. His death being due to heart trouble the end came very suddenly. The Anderson family lived for several years on the Slope and are held in high esteem here by all. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mrs. Anderson and family.


J. R. Anderson, for many years a prominent and respected citizen of this city and community, passed away at his home, on Lovers' Lane, in the northeastern part of the city, at 11:45 a. m. Monday, June 9th, after only a brief illness.

James Riley Anderson was born in Green county, Indiana, March 26, 1856, and was 68 years, 2 months and 13 days old at the time of his death. At the age of two years his father died and his mother moved with him to Christian county, Illinois when he was 10 years old. On March 1st, 1883, he was married to Mary A. Brown, and he engaged in the manufacture of brick and tile at Taylorville, Illinois, with a brother, the business being large and extensive, and his prominence both in the manufacturing business and as the owner of one of the finest farms of that section was well established.

Twelve years ago last March he and his family moved to Idaho and located on a ranch on the Flat which he owned at the time of his death. Five years ago he retired from active farm work and moved to town where he has since lived. Thirteen children were born to them, nine of whom are still living. The sons are J. C.; J. W.; H. R.; all married and living in this vicinity; Russell, Frederick and Keith, at home. The daughters are: Mrs. Charles Haflinger, of Taylorville, Ill.; Mrs. Staton Moss of Payette, and Miss Ruth, at home.

Mr. Anderson was member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and when a younger man was very active in church work. For many years he was a singer in the church choir and was a great lover of music.

As a citizen of this community James Anderson was respected by everybody. His upright life and solicitude for others won him friends and a position among the leading men of the community. His death is greatly regretted by all, and the family have the deepest sympathy of all.

The remains were taken to the old home at Taylorville, Ill., for burial and Mrs. Anderson and son, Russell, accompanied them.


We learn to know our friends best in times of adversity, and the better we know them the more we appreciate them. Our loss of a husband and father brought our friends very near to us and placed us under great and lasting obligations for their many acts of kindness. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks go out to all. MRS. JAMES R. ANDERSON, AND FAMILY

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 28, 1920

Mrs. Anderson Rests From Earthly Labor

The community was covered with a cloud of gloom this week when the news broke out announcing the death of Mrs. Anderson at the home of her son W. B. in this city on Tuesday evening, January 20th, at the age of about 64 years. The funeral services were held from the W. B. Anderson residence on Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, and were largely attended, Rev. H. F. Knight, former pastor of the Congregational church at this place, conducted the services. The deceased was a member of that church at the time of her death.

The subject of this sketch, Minnie E. Waugh was born in East Craftsburg, Vermont on March 5th, 1956 and on March 6th, 1878 was united in marriage to George H. Anderson at Greensborough, Vt. This union resulted in the birth of four sons and one daughter, all of the children residing in this section of the west. Homer lives at Ontario, and is an employee of the O.S.L.R.R. operating on the Vale branch; Clyde B. lives at Glenns Ferry and is an engineer on the same R. R.; William B. and Perly W. both reside here and the one daughter, Mrs. Florence Blayden, lives on a ranch northeast of town. Deceased also leaves a sister, Mrs. A. S. Colton of Danvers, Mass.

Mr. Anderson died in 1893. All that was earthly of this noble woman, wife, mother and friend was laid quietly to rest in Park View cemetery, and this gently falling snow covers her couch with a purity emblematic of her useful and active life. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 20, 1914
Payette Man Killed

Payette - Ralph Anderson, president of the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation company, was instantly killed Thursday night when he came in contact with a live wire carrying 440 volts. Mr. Anderson together with Clark Rhodes and Max Lattig, were working on a barge that is being used to pump out the intake canal leading from the Snake river to the pumping plant. The irrigation company has built the line along the canal to furnish power for operating the pump on the barge. The line carries 440 volts. Four lamps have been connected in series on this circuit for light, and in overhauling the pump Mr. Anderson got a piece of tin up against the light line. Doctors were summoned immediately, but nothing could be done.

Mr. Anderson had lived in this community for several years, coming from Illinois. He leaves a wife and father and mother. He had not been in good health for several months and this probably accounts for the reason why he was unable to stand the shock. Mr. Anderson is a cousin of Bert Anderson, one of the contractors on the school house. He left Friday to attend the funeral.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, August 21, 1914)

Payette Man Is Electrocuted

Thursday night of last week, about nine o'clock Ralph Anderson, president of the Payette-Oregon Irrigation Company was instantly killed by coming in contact with a live wire. The accident occurred while he and two men were at work on a barge used to pump out the intake canal running from the Snake river to the pumping station. The wire which he came in contact with was of low voltage and was not thought to be sufficient to produce death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Anson were called to Boise Sunday in response to a message announcing the serious illness of Mr. Anson's father. They hurriedly made the trip by auto, but arrived a few minutes after he had passed away. Mr. Anson was 72 years of age and was in good health until recently taken with the Flu. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Besides a son, Austin Anson of Payette, he is survived by two daughters, one at Nampa, and one at Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 26, 1916

Clark Anson, aged 13 months, one of the twin babies of Mrs. Florence Anson, died Friday night after a lingering illness. The funeral took place from St. James Episcopal church Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. The Rector, Rev. Thomas Ashworth, conducted the service. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Clark was born 9-19-1916 and died 10-22-1916. (ch)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 23, 1922

Mrs. Phoebe A. Antrim, age 31 years, 7 months and 1 day, passed away at an early hour Wednesday morning at the home of her son, Z. F. Antrim, on North Sixth Street. Owing to receiving the information to late and for lack of space we will publish a complete obituary next week. The funeral services will be conducteed from the home Friday afternoon at one P.M., conducted by Rev. Shamberger of Fruitland.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 02, 1922)


Phoebe J. Stewart was born in the State of Indiana, July 21st, 1830 and died at her home in Payette, Feb. 22, 1922, therefore being 91 years, 7 months and one day old at the time of her death. More than 70 years of her long and useful life was spent in the faithful service of her master, she was converted in early life and became a member of the Christian church which faith she followed more than the average life of man.

In the year 1849, at the age of 19, she was united in marriage to W. C. Antrim who passed to his reward more than 50 years ago. To this union four sons were born, three of whom have also passed beyond. In 1854 she moved with her family to Iowa and in 1867 to the State of Missouri where the following year her husband was killed by a run-away team. In 1885 she moved with her son Z. F. Antrim to the state of Kansas and from there to western Nebraska where she made proof on a homestead claim in 1857. In 1911 she moved with her son to Rigby, Idaho and in 1919 to Payette where she spent her last declining years in scripture -- quotations patiently waiting for the time to come, her suffering was without pain or suffering, she was in her usual health on Tuesday and passed peacefully on at 7:10 Wednesday morning, Feb. 22, 1922.

Besides her son, Z. F. Antrim, of Payette, with whom she has made her home the greater part of the time for more than fifty years. She is survived by 21 grand-children and 23 great-grand-children. Funeral services were held from the home Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev. Shamburger of Fruitland. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, April 20, 1906
Death of Mrs. Margaret Appleby

Mrs. Margaret Appleby, who made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank S. Roberts , on the Bench, south of the city, died last Friday morning, April 13, about 7 o'clock. She was 85 years of age and was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. For a number of years she made her home in San Jose, California. She leaves three children to mourn her loss, Mrs. Roberts in the Payette Valley, a son in Chicago and a daughter in San Luis Obispo, Cal.

Funeral services were conducted in Payette from the Episcopal church on the afternoon of Easter Sunday. Mr. Vincent of Boise officiated. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 09, 1918
Mrs. Esther Arner, better known as grandma Arner, who resided at Payette with her daughter, Mrs. J. B Gorton, for thirteen years, passed away at the home of her son, at Crawford, Nebr., May 1st at the age of eighty-four. She was born in Washington county, Penn., April 12, 1834 and leaves one brother and sister, three sons and one daughter to mourn her loss.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1919
Mrs. Elizabeth I. Ashlock was born in Illinois November 18th, 1839 and died at Payette, Idaho, November 30th, 1919, age 80 years and 12 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Ashlock came to Idaho in 1903 and have made this their home most of the time since. Mrs. Ashlock was of the Apostolic faith. She leaves to mourn her loss, a husband, F. P. Ashlock, and three children. Mrs. S. M. Justice and William Ashlock of Payette and George Ashlock of Oregon, besides other relatives.

Funeral services were held from the Christian Church Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. J. Adams. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 22, 1921

Francis P. Ashlock was born February 28, 1843, in the state of Illinois and departed this life at his home in Payette, December 19, 1921. He was therefore aged 78 years, 9 months and 21 days.

Mr. Ashlock was a member of the G.A.R., having served as a private in Company G., of the Fourteenth Illinois Regiment. Later he served with the 71st Illinois Regiment. He was honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865, having spent more than 4 years in the service. The American people honor and respect the members of the G.A.R. But now another old soldier has answered the summons and their is one less to tell the stories of those days. It is a notable fact that three generations of this family have served their country in army life, the deceased, a son, William P. in the Spanish American; and a grandson in the late world war, James Ashlock.

There remain to live after him besides many friends and other relatives, two sons and one daughter. The residence of George is not known at present but William P. Ashlock and the daughter, Mrs. S. M. Justice live in Payette. The wife passed away more than two years ago.

Funeral services were held at the Church of God, Wednesday at 2 p.m., December 21. Rev. Argyl Houser conducted the services and burial was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, May 15, 1902
Mrs. Carl Asmussen died at noon today, after a brief illness. The funeral will take place Friday at 2 p.m., from the German Lutheran church.

Funeral (Payette Independent, Thursday, May 22, 1902)

The funeral of Mrs. Carl Assmussen, who died last Thursday morning, took place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Lutheran church, Rev. Frederick Hansen officiating. A large number of the friends of the deceased were in attendance and following the remains to their last resting place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 4, 1912
Richard Atherton, a sheepherder well known in New Plymouth, was found dead in his cabin near Falk's store on Tuesday.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 04, 1922
Willie Austin Atteberry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Atteberry, was born at Eagle Valley, Oregon, July 29, 1903, and departed this life at his home on Dead Ox Flat, April 29, 1922, at the early age of 18 years, 9 months, but no age immune to the attack of death.

In 1906 he came with his parents to Payette and practically all his life was spent in and near this city. He leaves to live after him and mourn their loss his parents and three brothers, Lawrence, Frank and James, at present all at home. Beside these are many relatives and friends. To all these the hour is dark but all homes are sooner or later broken up.

"There is no flock however watched of tended
But one dead lamb is there,
There is no fireside howsoever defended,
But has one vacant chair".

All dearest friendships and fellowships are interrupted, Farewell! Is it indeed farewell? No, it is "until we meet again". There is to be a time of knitting up severed friendships, what else could our Master have meant when he said, "In my father's hours are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you" Home, Sweet Home.

Had Willie lived he would have graduated with the 1922 H.S. class. He was a cheerful, hard-working student and a true blue pal on the athletic field. He loved the out-door life and he ever honored the students who were true to Christ and his principles.

His sufferings during the past two months from the disease which took his life were almost too great to be born but through it all he was patient and ever considerate of others. Near the end of his life he joyously accepted Christ as his Savior.

The entire community extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.

Funeral services Sunday afternoon from the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. Argyl Houser of the church of God, who spoke from John 14:31, Rev. C. L. Walker, assisted. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 25, 1912

George L. Avey, father of Dr. O. H. Avey, died at the residence of his son in Payette, Friday, April 19th, 1912, after a short illness from erysipelas. His condition for several days did not seem dangerous and the disease was apparently clearing away when an unexpected turn for the worse set in, against which his advanced age and weakened vitality were unable to resist. He died peacefully Friday evening.

George L. Avey was born in Maryland, March 12th , 1830. When a young man he moved to Logan, Ohio, where he met and married Mary E. Fox in 1854. Two sons and six daughters came to them who, with the aged wife and mother, are still living and reside in Southern California, this being the first death in the family covering a period of fifty-eight years.

Mr. Avey engaged in harness and saddlery business in Ohio, but responding to the call of Lincoln for volunteers to defend the Union, he left his shop and assisted in organizing Company H, 114th regiment, Ohio Volunteers and served as lieutenant till the close of the war. He served under Grant in the Department of the West at the siege of Vicksburg and was with the Union army in the memorable campaign which opened up the Mississippi to the fleets of the Union; an event which brought forth the words from Lincoln, "The Father of Waters now flows unvexed to the seas."

Returning to his business at the close of the war, he was soon compelled by failing health, the result of the hardships and privations of the service, to change his occupation and conserve his strength. He moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where his children grew to maturity, and later moved to California.

About twenty-seven years ago, as the result of injuries received in the army, his sight left him and although doomed to live the rest of his days in total darkness, he was cheerful and optimistic to the last. He took a keen and lively interest in the affairs of the country and the current events. The papers were read to him daily. He had an excellent memory an the loss of sight resulted in a remarkable development of the other faculties. Nature seemed to make an extraordinary effort at compensation. He was able to go about the streets on a brisk walk, guided unerringly by his keen sense of sound, his trusty cane with which he felt his way along the sidewalks, up steps and over obstructions; and that indefinable sense of direction which is possessed in greater or lesser degree by those who have been blind a long time.

After becoming blind, his son, Dr. O. H. Avey, took him to his comfortable home where he was given every care and kindness that a loving son could bestow upon his father. The mother, who is quite feeble, is with her other son, who is also a physician, at Redlands, Calif., and quite prominent in the politics of the Golden State.

Father Avey was a member of the Masonic fraternity. The funeral services was conducted by Rev. A. L. Howarth, Sunday afternoon at Wesley chapel and the body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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