Fruit & Produce Industry in Payette County

Early Orchards in Payette County

     Early Fruit Growers in Payette County
     by Mr. Ron Marlow

     Early Orchards in Payette County
      by Mr. Ron Marlow

     Mesa Orchards in Payette County
      by Mr. Ron Marlow

     Fruit Came Early to Idaho

     Participated in Fruitland's Development

     Jim Palumbo
     Italian Immigrant Finds Career In Produce

     J. C. Palumbo
     Fruit Company Packing Warehouse

Fruit & Produce Industry in Payette County

     Leading Apple Regions in the United States
     from The Commercial Apple Industry of North America, 1921

     Fruit Culture
     from An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho, 1899

     Cost of Producation of Apples in the Payette Valley, Idaho
     USDA, Bulletin No. 636, May 10, 1918

     Payette's Beet Factory
     from Weekly Statistical Sugar Trade Journal, 1905

     The Fruit Grower, Volume 19, 1908
     Monthly Magazine

     The Fruit Grower, Volume 20, 1909
     Monthly Magazine

     Official Catalogue of Exhibitors, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 1915
     Excerpts from the San Francisco Exhibition

     Official Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Irrigation Congress, 1906
     Excerpts from the Boise Idaho Irrigation Congress

     The Irrigation Age
     The Irrigation Age, 1894 - 1895

     Irrigation In Idaho
     The Irrigation Age 1898

     Irrigation and Opinions, Articles by D.W. Ross
     The Irrigation Age 1895 - 1896

     Payette County Water Wheels
     The Irrigation Age 1905

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