Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 8, 1918

Pioneer of the Payette Valley Passes Away Sunday Morning

James S. Fairman quietly passed away at his home in our village on Sunday, August 4th, after having lived for well toward 88 years.

He was born in Indianna, in the state of Pennsylvania, on the 6th day of March in the year 1831. He grew to manhood near the place of his birth and on December 21, 1854 was united in marriage with Rebekah E. McCain of Armstrong County. The next year the young pair moved to Marshalltown, Iowa, and established their home. Here they remained for ten years, when they came to New Plymouth in 1903. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs.Fairman, eight of whom survive. There are also fourteen grand-children and twelve great-grand children of varying ages and different names, that sprang from this family. If each of these fill their place and of their part as well and faithfully as did this progenitor, then a goodly share of labor and of trust will have been so met as to merit the"Well Done" of his fellow-men. For more than 63 years the Union begun on their marriage day continued, and she who is widowed after so long, and late in life, knows full well that her loneliness cannot be for very long. She knows, equally well, that while she remains, the same care and solicitude for her comfort and happiness will be exercised toward her, by her children, that she gave so unstintingly to the husband with whom she lived so long.

Mr. Fairman learned the carpenter's trade in his young manhood and followed that line of work through all his life. Many a piece of work did he undertake and finish after he had passed the four-score mark. He scarcely ceased to work until he ceased to live.

In early life he was associated with the Presbyterian church, where he held positions of trust and responsibility. Himself and wife united with the Congregational church of this place, and for many years he held the office of deacon. A few years ago he resigned because of unceasing infirmities. Instead of accepting his resignation the church elected him "Deacon Emeritus" for life, so that he died with the honor of that office upon him.

Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday, the 7th and were conducted by Rev. J. E. Sears pastor, assisted by Rev. H. F. Knight, former pastor.

Mrs. Fairman and family have the comfort and support that a kind and sympathetic community afford.

Mrs. J. S. Fairman and family take this method of expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the kind sympathy and ready assistance proffered us during the illness and death of our husband and father. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 24, 1918

Laid To rest At The Ripe Age of Eighty Six Years

On the 21st of October, 1832, a baby girl was born to the McCain family at Kittanning, Penn. To her was given the name --Rebecca Alice. She passed the period of infancy and childhood as common children do. Arrived at womanhood, she was united in marriage with J. S. Fairman, with whom she lived until his recent death, then after a few weeks of waiting she followed him to the great beyond, and on Monday, October 21st -- just fourscore and six years after her birth -- her body was laid to rest beside the husband with whom she had lived for more than 62 years.

Mrs. Fairman was of the quiet, modest type, faithful to every duty, patient in the vicisitudes of life, singularly interested and alert, for one of her age, in the movoments of the busy world.

For several years her health and strength have been on the wane and realized full well that the time of her departure drew near.

She feared not to go, but desired to remain to care for her husband until the sands of life, for him, should have run. Her wish was granted, and soon after his departure, she laid her down to rise no more.

She was tenderly cared for by her children as the end drew near and lack-for nothing that could minister to her comfort. She died on the eve of Saturday, October 19th, "just as the sun went down." With her, we hope and trust it was RISING of the sun of an eternal day.

Funeral services were held at the home on Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. J. E. Sears. Abundant and beautiful floral offerings bore record of the respect and esteem in which she was held in the community where she has lived so long. The families bereaved have the sincere sympathy of all. (Park View Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We desire to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their thoughtful kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our mother. Charles Fairman and family. Frank Fairman, Fred Fairman and family, Mrs. I. D. Hall

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 05, 1920
Clarence Wallace Farlow died Tuesday evening at the home of his sister, Mrs. Anson Hoyt here in Payette following a relapse of the flu which developed into pneumonia. The body was shipped Wednesday to Norcaster, Kansas, for burial. He was first taken with the flu, complicated with bronchial pneumonia about a month ago. He recovered and was able to be up and assist in the care of his sister and family who were all down with influenza, which may have caused the relapse which resulted in his death. Clarence was a bright young man 20 years of age, and is survived by a father, G. W. Farlow of Lennox, Idaho, who was here and accompanied the body, and a sister, Mrs. Anson Hoyt of Payette.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 6, 1916
Life of another little boy of Meridian was snuffed out Wednesday afternoon, when Claude, the year and seven months old son of J. G. Farrel, was drowned in a small pond. The drowning occurred on the Grimmett ranch, six miles southeast of town, on which Farrells are tenants. The Farrell child was playing about the farm yard unattended, when in some manner he slipped into the shallow stock watering pond. It is thought he fell into the water about 4 o'clock and that 30 minutes elapsed before he was discovered, portions of the child dress floating above the surface of the pond.

(Added by Cheryl Hanson, July 28, 2004)

Claude Gerald Ferrell was born August 16, 1914 and died March 29, 1916. He was the son of James Glendor Ferrell and Maud Lewis. He is buried in Star Cemetery.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 25, 1923
The infant child of Lloyd Ferguson and wife died early Friday morning of acute indigestion. The body was taken to Emmett where funeral services were held Sunday.

Payette Independent
Friday, July 24, 1908

Wife of State Horticultural Inspector Dies of Heart Disease While Out Walking in Boise - Shocks Community.

New Plymouth, July 22 - The residents of this community were greatly shocked by the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. J. R. Field, which was caused by heart disease and occurred in Boise while she was out walking with her two little daughters Monday evening. She had been feeling in her usual health and between 8 and 9 o’clock she and the two girls started from their home for a walk. They had gone only about a block when Mrs. Field became faint and stopped at a neighbor’s . In a few minutes she was dead. She had been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time.

Mr. Field, who removed with his family from New Plymouth to Boise when he received the appointment of state horticultural and pure food inspector about a year ago, and his little son Robert were in New Plymouth at the time of the sad occurrence. Mr. Field was reached by telephone and went to Boise Monday night.

Mrs. Field was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lill, formerly of this place, who reside in Payette. Thirteen years ago, when she was Miss Clara Lill, she came to Idaho with her parents, who were among the first of the Chicago people to settle in this valley. In 1899 she was united in marriage to Mr. field, three children being born of the union. They are Anna, Robert and Catherine, all left at a tender age without a mother’s kind and loving care. Besides her parents, three brothers, Russell, Martin and Vernon, and a sister Dorothy, are left to mourn her untimely death. She was 31 years of age.


Payette Independent
Friday, June 12, 1908
J. L. Fifer Answers the Call

With his family gathered around his bedside, at 8:35 o’clock last Friday night J. L. Fifer answered the call of his Master. He had been ill for the last two months with chronic inflammation of the bladder. He was 64 years, nine months and 27 days old, and left a wife and eight children, all of whom were with him at the last moments of his life.

Mr. Fifer had many friends in Payette as he had made his home here, residing on Park street, for the last two years. He was a member of the Methodist church and took a great deal of interest in his church work. He was born in Missouri August 8, 1839, and came to Idaho nine years ago from Montana, locating at Weiser, where he lived seven years before coming to Payette. His youngest son, Delbert, is engaged in business here.

His children are John A., of Harve, Ont., Mrs. A. Beckstead of Council, Ida., Harvey, of Deer Lodge, Mont.; William M., of Council, Ida.; Mrs. Frank Hahn of Council, Ida.; James L., of Salem, Ore.; Edward, of Weiser, Ida.; Delbert, of Payette.

The funeral services were held at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church, Rev. Long preaching the sermon. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 23, 1914

Edna Rachel Snider was born in Illinois January 26, 1869. She was married to Charles Thomas and to this union was born one son, James Thomas. She was married to J. A. Fike in 1896, at Halena, Kansas, and to this union were born 5 children, Opal, John, Hazel, Pearl and Oscar, all of whom survive her. She also leaves surviving a husband, two sisters, father, one half sister and two half brothers. The family have lived in Payette for the four years last past. Mr. Fike is foreman of a group of shops owned by the Pittsburg and Silver Peak Mining Co., located at Blair, Nevada. In response to a telegram advising him of Mrs. Fike's unexpected death, he started at once for Payette and arrived on No. 17, Sunday morning. The funeral was conducted at the house by Rev. Evans, pastor of the Baptist church, on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock and internment made in Riverside Cemetery. Mr. Fike will remain in Payette for a short time; he hopes to complete arrangements to keep his children together. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1930

Donald Kenneth Fisher, was born at Sheridan, Mo., April 1, 1906, and passed away at Kemmerer, Wyo., September 8, 1930, at the age of 24 years, 5 months and 7 days. At the age of two years he moved with his parents to Fruitland, where he has been most of the time since. A few months ago he went to Wyoming, where he had been employed since. He had started home to help his father in the apples this fall and became ill on the way. He stopped at Kemmerer, Wyo., where it was discovered he had appendicitis. He was taken to the hospital there and operated upon, but his appendix had ruptured and peritonitis developed.

Beside his parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher, he leaves to survive him, three brothers, Geo. Fisher of Parma and Earl and Glade Fisher of Fruitland and three sisters, Mrs. Leon Eldredge of Salmon City, Idaho, and Misses Mildred and Merle Fisher of Fruitland. Also a large circle of friends in the community. At an early age he united with the Church of the Brethren at Fruitland. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church here Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. McKinley Koffman and interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 23, 1930


The whole community was saddened Friday when news came of the death of Glade Fisher, who was accidentally shot and killed while deer hunting near Lowman last Thursday afternoon. Glade was one of Fruitland's most favored and loved young men. He was a young man of sterling character and worth and had so much to live for and could have done so much good in the world. He was a friend to all, old and young alike. In school affairs, athletics, social circles, church activities and many other places, he took an active part and was always counted upon as one of the main ones. He mingles with all and was one of the few in the community of which everyone had a good word to speak. None ever spoke anything but the best of him, he had all friends and no enemies. When anyone was in need of help he was always ready and willing to serve, whether it was of interest to him or not.

It seems sad indeed and hard to understand why one so young and strong should be taken, but there is a power above us all who sees and knows what is best. Just now the way seems dark and dreary, but sometime we'll understand.

Harold Glade Fisher was born near Sheridan, Mo., February 23, 1904, and died Thursday, October 16, 1930, at the age of 26 years, 6 months and 24 days. He is survived by his wife Laura Hezeltine Fisher, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher, three sisters, Mrs. L. E. Eldredge of Caldwell and Mildred and Merle of Fruitland and 2 brothers, George of Parma and Earl of Fruitland. Also a large circle of friends who extend their sympathy to all the bereaved ones in their hour of sorrow, as they also grieve with them in the loss of this fine boy.

Glade came with his parents to Fruitland in the spring of 1908, where his home has been ever since. At an early age he united with the church of the Brethren, to which he has ever been loyal. He graduated from the Fruitland high school with the class of 1921, and from McPherson College, McPherson, Kans. in 1925. The year of 1925-26, he taught in the Fruitland high school, followed by two years teaching in Sharon Springs, Kans.

He was united in marriage to Miss Laura Hezeltine of Fruitland on January 2, 1930. Together they went to Corvallis, where Glade took post-graduate work in the college there. For the past 2 years, with the exception of the time spent in Corvallis, he has been working with his father on the home ranch near Fruitland.

Glade would have resumed his duties as a teacher in the Fruitland high school Monday, October 20th.

His sunny disposition and ready willingness to be a friend has won him a wide circle of friends. The loss will be keenly felt, not only in the home but by all who have known him and learned to love him. His place will be greatly missed by everyone. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church Sunday after noon at 2:30 conducted by Rev. McKinley Coffman. The many and beautiful floral offerings were silent tributes of the high esteem in which he was held in the community. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Like a candle snuffed out in an instant.
His departure from us was made,
Yet his memory will live,
Like the after-glow of sunset,
Too sweet to fade.

We have no way of knowing
Why life is patterned so,
Yet the purpose of life
God planned for us,
Some time, we'll surely know.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 29, 1903
Daughters of Weiser Couple Pass Away Suddenly From Unknown Cause

The Weiser Signal gives the following account of the death of two children at that place in a very mysterious manner.

"On last-Sunday morning immediately after breakfast the two young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Jean aged 4 years, and Katherine, aged 2 years, were taken violently ill. A physician was at once summoned but in spite of his efforts the older child died within 24 hours. About 12 hours later, on Monday, the younger child died. All the physicians of Weiser were summoned after the death of Jean but they were unable to save the second. The case is very puzzling and the doctors have been unable to decide upon the cause of death. There were no symptoms of disease and death occurred too quickly to be caused by ordinary forms of contagious diseases and none of these were present. No unusual food had been eaten, and others ate what the children ate and were not sick. The physicians held a post mortem examination and examined the food and the stomachs of the children, but could find no evidence of poison. The stomach of the younger has been sent away for chemical analysis.

"Meanwhile the awful fact stuns the parents that the children are dead. Mrs. Fisher is so prostrated with grief as to be in a most serious condition."

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
A beautiful, talented young life, capable of doing much good in this world, was taken from our midst early last Friday morning when death claimed Miss Lela May Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher. Miss Lela was born May 10th, 1898 in Sheridan, Mo., coming with her parents, sisters and brothers to Fruitland in 1908. At the age of 13, Lela united with the Christian church and has been a Christian worker in Sunday School, church and the Young People's Branch of the W. C. T. U., using her sweet voice much in song.

She was a member of the Senior class of the High School and will be greatly missed, especially by the brother Earl who is a member of the class and has had his sister with him in his school work. Over the whole school has been cast a sorrow -- a strange mystery.

Death was caused by acute appendicitis. All was done that could be done by doctors, loved ones and friends. The funeral was held Sunday morning in the Brethren church, Rev. J. E. Shamberger speaking works of comfort from the text, "The Damsel is not Dead But Sleepeth." Rev. Obey offering a helpful prayer. Members of the Men's Glee Club sang some of Lela's favorite songs for which she had asked during her sickness, "The Answering Time Will come," "That Will Be Glory For Me," "Crossing The Bar," and "Abide With Me." She seemed to feel that she had a life work to do and must live.

The floral offerings from the Sunday School, the W. C. T. U., Mothers' Circle, High School teachers and pupils, and the grades and friends were beautiful and showed the love and respect all felt for the deceased and the family. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery at Payette beneath the bank of flowers on which the beautiful white snow, typical of the beautiful life gone out fell. She leaves to mourn besides the parents, two sisters, Mildred and Merle, three brothers, Earl, Glade and Kenneth, and a half sister, Mrs. Leon Eldredge, and a half brother, George Fisher, many relatives and friends. (Riverside Cemetery)


It being impossible for us to thank each of our dear friends personally for their many deeds of kindness to us during the sickness and death of our loved one, we must take this means of doing so. May the Lord richly bless you for your kindness to her and to us.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher and family


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 16, 1910
Jay Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fitch, was born September 1, 1901, at North Bend, Nebraska, and met his death by drowning June 11, 1910, at Payette, Idaho, in the Payette river.

He was a bright manly little fellow, a member of the Baptist Sunday School, being a constant attendant and taking great pride in his standing in the class.

The funeral services were conducted from the home of his parents on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Kyles, of the Fruitland Baptist church, the remains being laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

The following tribute to the manly little fellow who gave up his own life in an endeavor to save that of his brother was written by Miss Lois Moore his Sunday School and music teacher.

Little Jay, sleep sweetly, In your bed of clay.
Now you are with Jesus, lad you'll be alway.
Little hands lie quiet, All the summer night.
Little soul with Jesus, Pure, and clean, and white.
But we'll miss you ever, From our Sabbath class.
Where each Sabbath morning, Pleasant hours we pass.
We'll miss your cheerful voice, In our song and prayer.
But we know you're happier, With Jesus up there.
Dear Jay, you remind us, That we too must go
To meet our dear Saviour. Leave our friends below.
And we'll try remember, Our Saviour to live near
So we'll meet in heaven, With our classmate dear. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 07, 1921

Esther Lucile, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fjelstrom died Wednesday morning at the home of Nurse Blanchard which is a severe shock to the parents who were so rejoiced at the arrival of the little one who came to brighten their home on June 30th.

Funeral services will probably be held today. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1930

With the past week Idaho has lost two of its best and most prominent citizens, men who have taken an active part in political and other prominent affairs of the state.

Guy Flenner of Boise whose death occurred last week after an illness of several years will be keenly missed, particularly among the newspaper men of the state. His articles, "Just Idaho" published in many papers will appear no more. Mr. Flenner was a good writer and contributed many articles beneficial to the state.

Frank Breshears also of Boise, United States Marshal for many years, died at his home in Boise Wednesday, May 21, following an illness of but a few days. Mr. Breshears is known throughout the state as one of Idaho's most prominent and efficient peace officers. His exceptionally pleasant personality made for him friends in all parts of the state.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 16, 1916
Judge Flenner Dies

J. D. Flenner, pioneer pastor, journalist, lecturer and litterateur, died at 6:50 Tuesday morning, at the residence of his son, Guy Flenner Boise, Idaho, where he had made his home for the past two years. The direct cause of his death was diabetes, from which he had suffered intermittently for 9 years. He was in his sixty-sixth year.

During this time, Mr. Flenner devoted considerable attention to magazine and literary work. He represented in Boise practically all of the principal newspapers in the east and west, and wrote for a number of magazines, besides devoting some attention to platform work.

Mr. Flenner was a deep reader and a man of exceptional literary taste and ability. His contributions to The Statesman and other publications attracted wide attention and were extensively copied and quoted. Leading critics pronounced his version of the "Passion Play," one of the American literary classics. "Syringa Blossoms" a complication of editorial writing won more than statewide recognition. He left a number of manuscript, finished and unfinished, including the material for two volumes he intended to publish.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 16, 1916)


Judge J. D. Flenner, the well-known newspaper man, author, lecturer and interpreter of the hoosier poet, James Whitcomb Riley, died at the residence of his son, Guy Flenner, in Boise at 6:50 o'clock Tuesday morning, March 14th. Judge Flenner's death was caused by diabetes from which he had been a sufferer since last fall.

Judge Flenner was an Idaho pioneer who had been active during his long residence in the State as a preacher, writer and lecturer. He was publicity agent for Idaho at the Panama-Pacific exposition, which position he filled until the end of the fair, thus closing his active career with the kind of work for which his talents as a writer and social qualities made him eminently efficient.

Payette Independent
Friday, May 13, 1904
Died at Hospital

Carrie Flodberg, who about three weeks ago was taken to Hot Lake to receive treatment for a severe case of rheumatism and after remaining at that place for ten days was taken to the Baker City hospital, died Wednesday night of last week at the latter place. She had been given an anaes? and after rallying from its influence unknown complications set in at the lungs which was the cause of immediate death.

The remains were brought to Payette Friday for interment, they having been carried immediately from the train to the cemetery, where Rev. Herbert Jones conducted the funeral ceremonies.

The deceased was about 26 years of age and came to Payette 14 months ago in company with Mrs. And Mrs. H. M. Bell. Her old home was at Strandsburg, South Dakota.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 4, 1918
The Passing of a Good Woman

Mrs. Catherine Flynn passed quietly away at her residence in the outskirts of New Plymouth last Friday after a short suffering from a throat difficulty. She was born in Canada 65 years ago and her maiden name was Catherine Kelley. Her husband departed this life about seven years ago in Mineral, Idaho, since which time Mrs. Flynn has born her widowhood with Christian fortitude and patience. Deceased leaves four children to mourn her departure - one son and three daughters. The son, John Flynn has been living with the deceased and one of the daughters, Mrs. W. W. Wheaton, resides only a stone's throw away. The other two children are Mrs. John Whalen and Mrs. John Goforth, of Prosser, Wash.

Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at St. Aloysius church in New Plymouth, being conducted by Rev. J. Nolan, and interment was made in Park View cemetery. The many friends of the deceased, with the sorrowing relatives, have the sympathy of the entire community but rest assured that this is a life well ended because it was well spent. (Park View Cemetery)

Cards of Thanks

We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbors for the many tokens of love and words of sympathy extended during the sickness and death of our dear one. Mrs. John Whelan, Mrs. W. W. Wheaton, Mrs. J. R. Goforth, J. A. Flynn and Lee Sheilds (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, March 31, 1905
J. G. Folsom, father of Mrs. A. A. Branthoover of this city, died at his home in Boise last Saturday as the result of cancer. The funeral services were held Sunday under the direction of the Grand Army. Mrs. Branthoover was in Boise at the time of her father's death and is expected to return home the last of this week. Dr. Branthoover went over to Boise Saturday and returned Monday.


Payette Independent
Thursday, July 26, 1923
Edgar Arthur Forbes, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forbes was born February 28, 1878, at Ithaca, Saunders county, Nebraska, and departed this life at Payette, July 20, 1923. He came to Payette with his parents in 1902, and has since resided here. He had followed carpentering mainly, and was a man who was industrious, honest, and well liked by all who knew him.

He leaves to mourn their loss, a father, mother, four brothers - Bert G., James M., Oscar E. and Ray E., three sisters --- Mrs. Elsie Newt, Mrs. Ida Ireton and Mrs. Edith Davis.

Funeral services were held at the Church of God, Sunday, July 22nd, at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. Wimer, and ceremonies at the grave by the K. P. lodge, of which he was a member.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)


We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the kindly offers of assistance and floral offerings during our son and brother's illness and death. Not only that of the K. P. Lodge, but also the individual gifts from friends.
Frank Forbes and Family

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 09, 1914
Mrs. Eva May Forbes died Tuesday morning, about 9:30, July 7th, after a long illness. Mrs. Forbes had been in failing health for almost a year, and for the past nine weeks had been confined to her bed. Her mother, Mrs. Minnie Cob, the only near relative, was with her during her sickness and death.

Mrs. Forbes was born in Nebraska, Oct. 27, 1877. She was married to Burt G. Forbes July 3rd, 1897, and was the loving mother of ten children, seven of whom, and a husband survive her. The family have been residents of Payette for eight years. She was a devoted member of the Church of Christ, of Payette and her interest was clearly shown in many ways, one of which was by getting her seven children ready for Sunday school every Sunday morning. The funeral was held at the Christian church on Wednesday, at 3 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Smith. Interment in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, February 8, 1907
Death of Mrs. Charles G. Forbes

Mrs. Mary P. Forbes, wife of Charles G. Forbes died last Saturday from cancer after an illness lasting many months. She leaves a husband and two sons and two daughters, besides four brothers, two of who reside in Kansas and two in Nebraska.

Mrs. Forbes lived in Payette about two years, having moved here with her husband and family from DeWitt, Ia. She was born at Memphis, Tenn., on November 8, 1861. When she was 10 years of age her parents moved to DeWitt, Ia., where on November 20, 1879, she was married to Mr. Forbes. They lived there until 1885, during which time two sons were born to them. During the next six years they lived in Ida Grove, Ia., and Rock Falls, Ill., after which they moved again to DeWitt, where they resided until coming to Payette in 1905. The oldest of the two daughters born to them is 10 years of age and the other is 8.

The funeral was held from the residence Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. A. F. White of the Baptist church officiating. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1930

Mrs. Mary Nodle Crozier received the following notice from a former Payette teacher's husband.

"This little announcement was prepared by Esther for you and it is with sadness I use it to tell you that she has joined her baby girl in the last long sleep. I am taking her back to her old home in Michigan."
W. H. Fording

Esther Fording will be remembered in Payette as Miss Valloue, once a Payette High School teacher.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 08, 1914
Well Known Woman Dies

After suffering for a number of years from Bright's disease Mrs. Sarah Jane Foss, a resident of this valley for fifteen years, passed away on December 23rd. Mrs. Foss was born July 7th, 1855, at Oswego, New York. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery on December 26th beside the husband who preceded her some years ago. Two sons and a daughter survive her, all well known residents of this valley who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their mother. (Riverside Cemetery)



The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 02, 1930

Mrs. Hattie Frakes, one of the few remaining pioneers of Payette, passed away Sunday night after a short illness. All the members of her family with the exception of one daughter who was unable to come were with her through her illness. A beautiful impressive, quiet service was held at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, December 31. Rev. Parrett officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The obituary will appear later.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Hattie C. Frakes was born 4-7-1856 and died 12-29-1929, Payette. ch

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 02, 1930)


Mrs. Hattie Frakes, one of the few remaining pioneers of Payette, passed away Sunday night after a short illness. All the members of her family with the exception of one daughter who was unable to come were with her through her illness.

A beautiful quiet service was held at the Methodist church at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, December 31. Rev. Parrett officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The obituary will appear later.


We wish to thank all the neighbors and friends who were so kind and helpful to us during the illness and death of our beloved mother. To thank Mr. and Mrs. Landon and all who helped with the beautiful funeral service and the lovely floral offerings with their messages of love and sympathy.


Payette Independent
Friday, July 17, 1908

William Frame, one of Idaho’s pioneers, died in this city last Friday, after an illness lasting more than eight months. He had been sick for several months in Boise and attempted to go to the coast. While on his way he stopped off in Payette for a short visit with his old friend and partner, Mayor W. A. Coughanour, and while here became worse and was unable to proceed. He was here 17 weeks.

William Frame was born in 1842 in West Ontario, Canada, and he came to Idaho in 1860. Ten years later he went to the Boise basin where he engaged in mining and where he spent the greater part of his life. For 15 years he was foreman of the Gold Hill mine, one of the big properties of that section, under the superintendency of Mayor Coughanour. Then he was associated two or three years with Mr. Coughanour as a partner in the Coughanour sawmill at this place.

During his long illness he had with him Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dodd of Denver, Mr. Dodd being his nephew.

Mr. Dodd’s mother is Mr. Frame’s only living sister, or other member of his immediate family. She lives at Tilbury, Canada. He was never married.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Episcopal church under the auspices of the Masonic order, of which deceased was a member. The remains were laid away in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
Edward Lyle Frank, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frank, died Saturday morning from measles. He was four years, nine months and three days of age. Besides the parents he leaves a sister, Marjorie. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Payette, officiating, speaking words of comfort to the bereaved parents. The body was laid to rest in Payette cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, March 09, 1917)

Death and Funeral of Edward Lyle Frank

Edward Lyle Frank, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frank, age four years nine months and three days, passed away at the home of his parents last Saturday morning at nine o'clock, death being due to measles. Besides his parents he leaves a sister six years old. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 1:30, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Payette.

The interment took place in the Riverside cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 22, 1910
Helen, the little six-year-old daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. P.L. Frank, died Thursday night of last week and was buried Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and three little children are all sick at this time. They have the sympathy of this community in their sorrow and trouble. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 10, 1904
John C. Franz, who lived about one-half mile north of Payette, died suddenly last Saturday of heart failure. He was apparently in his usual health Saturday morning and had been attending to his customary work. He was carrying water to extinguish a fire in a nearby building when he was overcome and in about 10 minutes breathed his last.


Elder John C. Franz was born in Germany April 7, 1848. He departed this life June 4, 1904, aged 56 years, 1 month and 27 days. He came to America when about four years of age and grew to manhood in Grant Co., W. Va., where he was married to Mary Ellen Corner. He united with the German Baptist Brethren church (Dunkard) in October 1870, and was an honored member, having been elected to the ministry about 30 years ago, and to the office of elder five or six years later.

He brought his family to Payette in June of last year, and while he seemed to enjoy his residence here, his heart often yearned for his childhood's home.

During all the years of his ministry he was unceasing in his effort to call sinners to repentance, and to feed the lambs and sheep of the flock, to the best of his opportunity and ability, and when the sad messenger came it found him with a partly prepared sermon he intended to deliver the next day. He was called from his study to help extinguish a fire when he suddenly felt he must go to the house and lie down, as he felt a chill coming on, and in less than ten minutes the living, gentle spirit had taken its flight to God who gave it. He leaves a sorrowing wife, a son and daughter, who have the comforting thought, that he was a faithful husband and a loving father, ever anxious to add to the childrens' comfort, and willing to sacrifice all pleasure to lead his family to a higher life.

His life is done and his works do follow him.

The funeral discourse was by Eld. J. U. G. Stiverson of Weiser, from Job 14:10-1? And John 5:28.The remains were then laid to rest in Riverside cemetery, to await the final call. Mrs. Rose Snowberger. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
June 10, 1904
Brother John C. Franz was born in Germany, April 7, 1848, came to America when about four years of age, and grew to manhood in Grant county, West Virginia, where he was married, and united with the German Baptist Brethren church in October, 1870. He was elected to the ministry about thirty years ago, and to the Elder's office some five or six years later. Since then he has not ceased to warn the sinner to be prepared, and to feed the lambs and sheep of the flock to the best of his opportunity and ability, often going ten to fifteen miles on horseback, of a cold winter morning, to fill his appointment. He was a faithful husband and loving father, ever anxious to add to the children's happiness, and willing to sacrifice all pleasure to lead his family to a higher life. His life is done and his works do follow him. He departed this life June 4, 1904, aged 56 years, 1 month and 27 days.

About one year ago this Brother Frantz moved from West Virginia to Idaho, locating in the Payette Valley on the Toole ranch, north of Payette, but sold that again to Mr. Toole, and bought nearer to town. On last Saturday, after having worked all day, he sat down to prepare a sermon for the coming day, but did not prepare it. He died there suddenly. The shock seemed to be heart-rending to the family. He was an able counselor in the church, loved by all, and much respected by those outside of the church who knew him. In conversation with some of the best business men in Payette, we find that his record here was for good. One said, while passing the church door just one week before he died, he heard the Elder say, "We must rely upon the word of God." That was the last word he heard Bro. Frantz say. The impression made was one for good. I remarked to another business man that "He was taken with no warning." His reply was, "I know but few who needed it less." He said he had been in close touch with Bros. Frantz since he came to Idaho, in a business way, and found him as much disposed to do as he would wish to be done by as any man he ever saw, or could call to mind, and therefore, he thought Bros. Frantz needed as little warning of death to be ready for it, as any whom he knew.

While we feel and much regret the loss of Bros. Frantz, we are glad to know that his good works do follow him, while possibly to live to us would be Christ as a church, to die will be gain to him.

Monday at 10 a.m., Elder J.U.C. Stiverson, our Missionary of Weiser, Idaho, preached the funeral, and then our beloved Brother Frantz was conveyed to the "City of the dead," of Payette, and there given a habitation. He followed and "compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses." C. A. Williams (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 19, 1920

This community was greatly shocked when it was learned that Mrs. T. H. Frazier, living one mile south of Payette had suddenly passed away after but a few hours illness. The writer is not in possession of the facts to give a full and complete obituary, but the sudden passing of this good woman is sad indeed, as she leaves besides her husband, two small children who will keenly feel the loss of a mother's care and training. Mrs. Frazier was born in Iowa, August 3rd, 1890, being at the time of her death but a few days over 30 years of age. The funeral services were held this Thursday forenoon at 10 o'clock at the Christian church conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe. The deceased, besides her immediate family leaves to mourn her loss, a father and mother, four brothers and three sisters. The mother , one sister and two brothers from Iowa arrived last evening to be present at the funeral. Mr. Frazier's two sisters, one from Bend, Oregon, and one from Iowa and one from Nampa are also here. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier have lived in this vicinity for many years and have made many acquaintances and near friends who will not only feel the loss of a dear friend, but will offer their sympathy to the bereaved relatives in this their saddest hour. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 31, 1929

Elvira Jane Stuart, oldest daughter of Henry Y. and Martha G. Stuart, was born in Macksburg, Iowa, May 18, 1856, died Oct. 27, 1929, age 73 years, 5 months, 9 days. She moved with her parents, in early childhood to Harrison County, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood.

She was united in marriage to S. R. Frazier, Sept. 12, 1878, at Missouri Valley, Iowa, where they resided until 1907, moving at that time to Payette, Idaho, where they have since lived.

To them were born eight children, one dying in infancy, another, Ethel E. Richardson, passing away at Magnolia, Iowa, May 20, 1929.

The husband, six children, Lola M. Barnes of New Plymouth, Thos. H. of Payette, Clyde C. and James E. of Fruitland, Lillian E. Arcutt of Bend, Oregon, Florence L. Brown, of Burns, Oregon, survive her. Besides two brothers, W. H. Stuart of Eagle, Idaho, and M. E. Stuart of St. Charles, S. Dakota. Two sisters, Mrs. F. M. Crooks and Mrs. J. A. Willard of Anadarko, Okla., also 22 grand children and two great grandchildren.

At the age of 24 she united with the Christian church, where she died, trusting in the faith of her youth.

For over 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Frazier traveled life's pathway together, having celebrated their golden wedding anniversary a little over a year ago. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1931
James Frazier passed away on Sunday, Jan. 25th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Barnes. He had been ill several months. Funeral services and interment were at Payette.






The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1931
Louise Freemyer was born June 10, 1840 at Korhnville, Ohio, and died February 2, 1931, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Pultz near Payette, Idaho.

At the age of three her parents moved to Missouri. When 18 years of age she was united in marriage to Geo. S. Charlton. To this union nine boys and one girl were born. Mr. Charlton was a soldier in the Civil war, which was the cause of an early death, leaving her to support and educate her children. December 26, 1882 she was married to W. M. Herberth, who is still living. One daughter, Dorothy Fannie was born to this union. In 1901 they moved to Jennings, Oklahaoma, and then back to Missouri and later to Prior, Oklaahoma, and in 1915 they changed their residence for Caldwell, Idaho and they lived in the state since that time.

She was soundly converted at the age of 20, and at the age of 52 received the second blessing. She was a joyful follower of her Lord and a student of the Bible, and lived a consistent life, never haiving attended a show of any kind and only one dance in her life, which is indeed an unusual record.

Her husband, W. M. Herberth of Boise, and six children, Jas. E. Charlton of Wilder; Chas. E. Charlton of Murphy; Harve C. Charlton, Murphy; Mrs. Maryu Pultz of Payette; Goerge M. Charlton, in Texas; and Mrs. Dorothy F. Stone of California; besides twenty-two grandchildren and fifty great grandchildren remain tomourn her loss.

The funeral service was conducted by Mrs. E. Wade of payette, at the Full Gospel church at Caldwell, and the body laid to rest in the Caldwell cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, June 11, 1920
C.S. French Passes Away

Colman S. French died at his home southeast of New Plymouth, June 5th. Mr. French was born at Barre, Vermont, seventy-two years ago. In 1866 he engaged in the mercantile business in Chicago. Later he moved to Iowa where he held a position with a railroad company for twenty years. Then returned to Chicago when he again engaged in the mercantile business, and from Chicago came to the Payette Valley. In 1872 he was united in marriage with Miss Abbie Southgate. He is survived by his wife and his son, Fred P. French, and his grandchildren.

He has not been in good health for several months. While paying a visit to Chicago last winter he had a severe sickness from which he partially rallied and returned to his home this spring. Recently he again took sick and all efforts failed to conquer the disease which had fallen upon him.

He came to the Payette Valley in 1898 where he engaged in farming and later in fruit culture. He accumulated considerable property about three miles southeast of New Plymouth where he built his home now well know as Valley View. About the year 1905 he became interested the Farmers State Bank of New Plymouth and was in charge of this bank for several years. He took an active part in politics. Served in the state senate several years ago and was his county's representative in the lower house, and was speaker of the house in the 1915 session.

He was a man of sterling qualities and substantial strength of character. One who loved his family and was loved in return. He was a part of the community in which he lived, and lived in it to make it better. Where he lived his presence was felt. Now that he is gone he will be missed. Ne're more will his firm grasp close on the hand of friend or loving arms enfold dear ones of his home. He is gone, but only in the flesh. He will remain in the memory of those who knew him. There is a vacant place in the home. A sorrow in the hearts of those who were dear to him. A sorrow which can not be dispelled. But let kind friends with tenderest sympathy carry love, like Heavens sweetest sunshine into the home of those bereaved people and lighten the burden of sorrow so far as may be possible. Payette Enterprise (Thursday, June 10, 1920)


Coleman S. French, one of Payette County's most respected citizens, died at his home near New Plymouth Saturday evening at 7 o'clock after a long continued illness. He had been in failing health for several years but was not confined to his bed but a few days. Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. Knight when the largest procession of sorrowing friends ever witnessed, followed to the last resting place at the New Plymouth Cemetery.

Mr. French was highly respected not only in his own community but throughout the state of Idaho. He was one of the early settlers in the Payette Valley and was one of the main factors in the upbuilding of Southern Idaho. He was a good neighbor and will be greatly missed in his community.

Coleman S. French was born November 27, 1847 at Borrie, Vermont and departed this life June 5th, 1920, age 72 years, 6 months and 9 days. He was a graduate of the Borrie Academy, taught school one year, moved to Chicago in 1866, and later to Marshalltown where he was in the employ of the Iowa Central Railroad for 20 years; then moved to the State of Ohio where he started a wholesale Drygoods store, and came to Idaho in 1898 where he continued to live until the time of his death. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 21, 1913
Columbus French died Sunday morning at his home. He had been quite sick for some time and his death was not unexpected. He was 77 years old. Mr. French was born November 29, 1836 at Cato, Caynga, N. Y. In 1845 his family moved to Michigan where he remained for a number of years. In 1866 he married Miss Susan Graves. From Michigan he moved to Nebraska then to Oregon and finally to Idaho, settling in the Payette valley near New Plymouth. That was 18 years ago and he has lived her ever since. His wife and one son, T. D. French, survive him. He was one of the old pioneers of the Payette valley and was loved and respected by all. Funeral services were held Monday morning at the Congregational church and were attended by a large company of friends and neighbors. The body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, September 09, 1904
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. French's infant child last Friday was attended by a large number of friends, all of whom manifested a sympathy for the bereaved parents which was unmistakably genuine. We have seldom seen an audience affected by a child's funeral as on this occasion. The remarks by Rev. Kershaw were appropriate to the letter, and the singing, floral decorations and service throughout was beautifully impressive.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 03, 1922

Baby Fatally Injured in Auto Accident on Way Home

The Fred French family on their return trip from Chicago met misfortune near Medora, North Dakota when a front wheel of their "house on wheels" collapsed. Mrs. Fred French with her sleeping babe in arms and Mrs. C. S. French were thrown to the ground. The baby was fatally injured and the mother received a severe cut over the eye. The grandmother was injured about the face and probably has a broken leg. Other members of the family received minor injuries.

The accident happened at a place forty miles from a doctor, minister or undertaker, but tourists, settlers and a traveling health clinic gave aid to the family. According to a letter from Mrs. C. S. French received by Mrs. Leo Schmidt Monday, they are receiving splendid treatment by their new friends.

They were traveling about 10 miles an hour when the accident happened and the car did not turn over. The French's have the sympathy of a host of friends in the vicinity of New Plymouth.

A clipping from a North Dakota paper sent by Mrs. Walker Burke says the brakes on the car failed to hold it in descending a long hill. The car gained such a speed that Mr. French could not mesh gears in order to use the engine as a brake and gained so much momentum it was impossible to make the turn at the foot of the hill, plunged from the grade and overturned with the terrible results as related above.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 06, 1930

The whole community was shocked and saddened last Wednesday morning when news came of the death of Georgia Fretwell, whose death occurred at her home, 2 1/2 miles south of Fruitland, Tuesday night at 11:15. She was ill a couple of days the week before, but was better and on Sunday attended the funeral of her cousin, in Boise. She became ill again on Monday evening. A doctor was summoned and Tuesday afternoon he pronounced her illness due to infantile paralysis. She died quite suddenly, however, as the doctor held out hopes for her recovery just a few minutes before.

Georgia was one of Fruitland's most popular young ladies. She was a member of the Junior Class and was a favorite and was loved by all who knew her at school and elsewhere. She had gathered around her in her few short years, a large circle of friends, who enjoyed and appreciated her sunny disposition. She was an earnest worker in school, at home, and in Sunday school and the queen Esther Circle. She became a member of the Methodist church here last spring.

Georgia Naomi Fretwell was born at Vale, Oregon, November 29, 1911, and passed away Tuesday, October 28, at the age of 18 years, 10 months and 29 days. She lived with her parents at Watson, Oregon a number of years, moving to Fruitland in 1927.

She leaves to mourn her passing, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fretwell, 3 sisters, Mary Fretwell Ransom and Billie and Ielene Fretwell, and 4 brothers, Earl, Edward, Willard and Stapley. She also leaves a large circle of friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family and will not soon cease to grieve or the death of this dear girl.

Funeral services were held from the grave in Ontario Cemetery last Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, November 06, 1930)


The community was shocked and saddened last Wednesday morning when news came of the death of Georgia Fretwell, whose death occurred at her home, 2 and one-half miles south of Fruitland, Tuesday night at 11:15. She was ill a couple of days the week before, but was better and on Sunday attended the funeral of her cousin, in Boise. She became ill again on Monday evening. A doctor was summoned and Tuesday afternoon he pronounced her illness due to infantile paralysis. She died quite suddenly, as the doctor just a few minutes before had though she would live.

Georgia was one of Fruitland's most popular young ladies. She was a member of the Junior Class and was a favorite and was loved by all who knew her at school and elsewhere. She had gathered around her in her few short years, a large number of friends, who enjoyed and appreciated her sunny disposition. She was an earnest worker in school, at home, and in Sunday school and the Queen Esther circle. She became a member of the Methodist church here last spring.

Georgia Naomi Fretwell was born at Vale, Ore., November 29, 1911, and passed away Tuesday, Oct. 28, at the age of 18 years, 10 months and 29 days. She lived with her parents at Watson, Ore. a number of years, moving to Fruitland in 1927, where she had since resided. She leaves to mourn her passing, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fretwell, three sisters, Mary Fretwell Ransom and Billie and Ielene Fretwell, and four brothers, Earl, Edward, Willard and Stapley. She also leaves a large circle of friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family and will not soon cease to grieve over the death of this dear girl.

Funeral services, which were the grave in the Ontario Cemetery Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry, were held at the grave in the Ontario cemetery Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. (typed as it appeared in the paper)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 25, 1931
Word has been received of the death of Carl Fricke, who is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fricke, was born at Weslake, Ida. on October 11, 1909, coming a year later with his parents and two brothers to make his home in Payette. Always delicate, he nevertheless tried manfully to overcome his weakness. During Mr. Purcell's ownership of the paper, Carl worked for some time in the Independent office. Two years ago he went to Portland in the hope of benefiting his weak heart. During this time he made his home with an aunt. Carl leaves to mourn his loss besides his parents, two elder brothers, Bill and George of Payette, to all of whom our sincerest sympathy is extended. Interment was made in Portland.



The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 17, 1913
On Wednesday, April 9, 1913 at 4 o'clock the beautiful life of Mrs. Sarah Ann Fuller came peacefully to a close, aged 71 years, 5 mo., 6 days, after many years of patient suffering and fruitful service and in her quiet, unobtrusive way her pathway has been strewn with noble deeds and many will rise up and call her blessed.

Born in Park Co., Indiana, Sept. 3, 1841, Sarah Ann Ephlin lived her young life until her marriage to Rev. A. F. Fuller when they removed to Iowa and for thirty-three years she worked side by side with him as a Presbyterian minister in that State, six years at Burlington and twenty-seven years at Panora, Iowa, where their name is revered as workers for God and humanity in those early days, and stand alongside with the most prominent in that state.

To this union were born two sons, H. B. Fuller and M. A. Fuller of Fruitland, Minnie Fuller, now Mrs. James O'Hara, of Nampa, all who survive her and lovingly attended her during her months of patient suffering. In the year of "94, March 14, her husband passed to his reward and the mother followed her children to Idaho in 1902, first to Nampa, to her daughter who was a teacher in the public school of that place, and two years ago to her sons here. Last October she became seriously ill from a malady that had troubled her all her life, heart trouble, and dropsy, and everything was done for her that loving hands could do, for their lives were wrapped up in their mother, but in their grief too deep for words they bow to the inevitable and in the words of the children's poet say:

We will be patient and assuage the feeling
We may not wholly stay
By silence sanctifying not, concealing
The grief that must have away.

The funeral services were held at the home Saturday 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed of Payette and as he read John 14 and 1 Thess. 4, the words of promise and comfort reached the hearts of the sorrowing and as the hymns, "Nearer My God to Thee," "Asleep in Jesus" and other songs of comfort were sung we were constrained to recall

There is no Death! What seems so is transition,
This life of mortal breath,
Is but the suburb of the life Elysian
Whose portal we call Death,

Many beautiful flowers by family and friends were laid on the casket that held their beloved mother and friend.

Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette, largely attended by their many friends from Fruitland who extend to them their deepest sympathy in their deep loss. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 25, 1917

Mrs. Geo. Fulton passed away at her home Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after a long illness. The funeral will be held at the residence at 611 N. 6th St., Friday afternoon at three o'clock. The body will be taken to the old home at Marysville, Kansas, for interment. Mrs. Brubaker and sister Lena will accompany their father to Marysville. Miss Puchert will accompany them as far as Denver and will go from there to Morenci, Arizona.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index - Eliza A. Fulton was born 3-22-1840 and died 10-24-1917.(ch)

(Thursday, November 1, 1917)


We made mention last week of the death of Mrs. Fulton. A fuller obituary notice is fitting when one so much esteemed as she passes from among us.

She was Eliza A. Woodcock before she became Mrs. Fulton. Her birth place was Wooster, Mass., and the date March 21st, 1840. The Woodcock family trace their line back to the Mayflower, and Mrs. Fulton was a worthy descendent. She was married to George R. Fulton July 21st, 1861 at Rochelle, Ill. These were stirring times, something like these only more so, and when Co. H. of the 92nd Ill. Infantry were leaving for their field of action the city of Rockford presented them with a large flag. The honor of presenting it was conferred on Miss Woodcock, as her name was at the time. The incident is of peculiar interest to one of our Payette citizens as he was a member and is now the only Idaho member of that Co. J. H. Bowers is the one who reports this with great pleasure.

The Fultons moved to Kansas in 1870 and helped turn that state from desert to the fertile wealthy state that it now is. Seven children were born to them, three of whom died in infancy, and another as he was just coming to young manhood; so there were but three to rejoice their later years; Charles R., well-known in our business circles, Miss Lena who has been with the parents all the years, and Mrs. E. H. Brubaker whose home was here until a year ago when she with her family moved to Arizona. She however was here several weeks before the mother's death so that she had the pleasure of having them all about her as the end drew near.

Funeral services were at the home on Friday, Oct. 26th and on Saturday the body was taken to the old Kansas home for burial. Father Fulton, George, and Miss Lena went to the burial. Mrs. Brubaker with her children accompanied them as far as Denver but turned from there to her Arizona home.

Mother Fulton lived a beautiful life among us and made friends as one living so is bound to do. Her departure is not an occasion for wailing after the fashion of the heathen, for she had been granted many happy years here and had a sure hope for the hereafter. The sadness of parting was very keen as it must be where love has abounded, but death relieved her from a long period of acute suffering. She had been confined to her bed nearly all the time since July. The sympathy of a large circle of friends goes out to the family, but we can scarcely wish for those we love anything better than that they may meet their end as well prepared as she.

Payette Enterprise
December 07, 1922

Mr. George R. Fulton, one of Payette's most highly respected citizens, died at his home on North Sixth street, at 1:30 this morning. Mr. Fulton had lived to the ripe old age of 85 year, and was quite vigorous until a year ago, when he was taken with a severe attract of la grippe, from which he never fully recovered. For lack of information we will not publish anything further at this time, but will give a full and complete obituary in our next issue. His body will likely be sent to the old home in Kansas for burial beside his wife and daughter, the daughter having preceeded him about two years ago.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 14, 1922)


George R. Fulton was born in Ohio, August 18th, 1922, and died at his home in Payette, December 7th, 1922. He moved to Illinois when a young man, he was married to Eliza Woodcock, July 21st, 1861. In 186? he moved to Kansas, where he acquired a large tract of land which he still owned at the time of his death. He left the farm in 1900 moving at that time to Beatrice, Nebr., and in 1902 moved to Payette and during his 19 years of residence here made many warm friends through fair dealings and friendly ways. His wife preceeded him in death in 1917, and his oldest daughter, who remained with him at home, passed away in 1921.

His is survived by one son, Charles S. Fulton, and one daughter, Mrs. E. H. Brubaker, both of this city. He is also survived by seven grandchildren and one great-grand-daughter.

His remains left Payette Saturday morning, accompanied by his son Charles, and son-in-law E. H. Brubaker for interment beside his wife and daughter in the family lot at Marysville, Kansas.

Note: His birth date in the obit is listed as 1922 which we know is not correct. According to the Idaho Death Index his birth date is 8-18-1839. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921
Lealine Susan Fulton was born near Rachelle, Illinois, from which place she moved with her parents to Marshall county, Kansas, while still a child, where she grew to young womanhood, coming to Payette about eighteen years ago, since which time she had made her home here.

She united with the Presbyterian church at this place several years ago and continued faithful till her death.

She was also a member of the Rebekah lodge here in Payette.

During her residence here she has become favorably known and loved by a great many who will miss her cheerful and friendly presence.

She leaves to mourn her death, her father, Geo. R. Fulton, of 611 N. 6th St; one brother, C. S. Fulton; and one sister, Mrs. E. H. Brubaker; and several nieces and nephews, all of Payette, besides many friends both here and in Kansas, where her remains were laid to rest.

The remains were accompanied to there last resting place by the father and brother to Marysville, Kansas.


We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the kind friends who assisted us during the illness and after the death of our beloved daughter, sister and aunt, also for the beautiful flowers and to the Rebekahs for their kindness. Geo. R. Fulton, C. S. Fulton and Family, Mrs. E. H. Brubaker and Family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 26, 1921

Miss Lena Fulton passed away at her home on Sixth street, Tuesday evening at 8:10 after many months of suffering with cancer of the stomach. Funeral services will be held at the home this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30, after which the body will be shipped to Marysville, Kansas, for burial, accompanied by the father Geo. Fulton and brother Charley Fulton. A complete and appropriate obituary will be published next week.

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