Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames J

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 16, 1922
Albert L. Jackson was born in Minnesota September 10, 1855, and passed from this life March 4, 1922, at Long Beach, Calif., leaving a wife, living at Long Beach; a daughter, Mrs. E. F. Harper of Payette, Idaho; three brothers, W. B. Jackson of Baker, Ore., and Alexus and George Jackson, of Weiser; three sisters, Mrs. John W. Davies and Mrs. Boise G. Riggs of Emmett, Idaho and Mrs. Benson Ashley of Halfway, Ore.

Mr. Jackson came with his parents to Idaho in 1873 and settled for a time at Boise. Later they moved to the Payette river and there, in the year 1879, he was married to Sallie Glasscock. To this union was born one daughter, mentioned above. He came to Weiser in 1890 and followed farming and stock raising until five years ago when his health failed and he moved to Long Beach. Seven years ago he was married a second time, Katherine Cope of this city, who survives him, becoming his wife. They have been happy in their California home and his health had improved until he seemed his old self once more.

On the day of his death he and Mrs. Jackson were planning to attend an Idaho picnic and he had just run his car around to the house preparatory to starting to the picnic grounds when he was stricken with paralysis. He lived but a couple of hours, sinking into unconsciousness and passing away peacefully to his everlasting sleep.

Funeral services were held at Long Beach yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, under auspices of the Masonic order of which he was a member. Interment took place there.

Albert Jackson was one of Weiser's most highly respected, citizens and his death was a distinct shock to all of his friends here. The wife, the brothers and sisters and other relatives have the sincere sympathy of the community. --- Weiser Signal

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915
The funeral of John Little Jackson was held in Weiser last Sunday. Mr. Jackson was a pioneer of Idaho and for many years resided in this part of the valley. Those from Crystal besides the relatives, who attended the funeral were Mrs. T. J. Jackson and daughter Opal, Wessley and R. L. Jimerson and Ned Skiffington.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 06, 1930
The three day old twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jackson passed away at the Blanchard home Thursday, January 30th. Private funeral services were held Friday and interment was made in Park View cemetery in New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have the sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. (Parkview Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 04, 1920

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. August Jacobsen were grieved to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Jacobsen which occurred at Long Beach, California, on Thursday, Feb. 25th. It had been generally known that Mr. Jacobsen had been in feeble health for some time but his sudden departure came as a surprise, casting a gloom over the people of this community.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen, in company with their daughter, Mrs. Lester Seawell, left their home in Payette late last fall for Long Beach, as had been their custom to spend the winter in a milder climate, and at this time their plans were made to soon return home when Mr. Jacobsen was suddenly stricken with apoplexy and death ensued within a few hours after. Funeral services were held the following Saturday at Long Beach and the body laid to rest in Englewood Cemetery, it being the request of Mr.. Jacobsen that he be laid away in California.

August Jacobsen was born in Schleswig Holstein, Germany, in 1835, under the Danish Administration. He came to the United States about the year 1857, landing in California during the gold excitement. A few years later he came to Idaho to participate in the mining industry at Warren and later was proprietor of a Hotel at Umatilla Landing. He also conducted a butcher shop at Auborn, Oregon. About the year 1871 he returned to Germany where he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Marxen and again returned to the United States landing at Boise. To this union one son was born, Arthur Jacobsen who is now living at Woodriver, Idaho. His wife departed this life about the year 1876 and about the year 1884 was again united in marriage to Lucia Asmussen. To this union one daughter was born, Mrs. Lester C. Seawell who is now living at Payette.

Upon his second return to America he located near Boise and for a number of years engaged in the stock raising business, and later to the Payette Valley where he continued to make his home until the time of his death.

In the passing of this pioneer the community has lost a friend with but few his equal. Until his declining years he was an energetic worker always ready to assist in the upbuilding of the community in which he lived. Honesty and uprightness, and to do unto others as he wished to be done by was his motto through life. His word to pay an honest debt was even better than his note, and was so considered by those with whom he had dealings.

Besides a wife, he is survived by one son and one daughter, Arthur of Woodriver, Idaho and Mrs. Lester C. Seawell of Payette, and one brother, N. A. Jacobsen of Payette, besides many friends who join in the sorrow with the bereaved relatives.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 18, 1920
It is with feelings of deepest sorrow that the Enterprise records the death of Carl Jacobsen which occurred at the Sanitarium in Hot Lake, Oregon, Monday evening, November 15th at 9:15 o'clock.

The sad intelligence was received by telephone immediately after he had passed away, and within a few minutes was transferred to relatives and near friends, casting a deep feeling of gloom over the entire town.

He was taken suddenly ill on Monday, October 25th, and on Wednesday evening, accompanied by his wife, Father and Mother, and Mrs. Ida Wells, was taken to Hot Lake, Oregon where, on the following morning a surgical operation was performed disclosing an acute case of appendicitis and other complications of a critical nature. From this he seemed to rally and great hopes were entertained for his recovery. A week later complications began to developed, necessitating another operation on November 11th, from which he never recovered, notwithstanding the fact that every means known to medical science, was given and the tender care of loving hands.

With death there is always sadness but in the loss of this noble young man it is more than usual. He was young and in the prime of life with every bright prospect before him. His was a happy home, unmarred by harsh words or neglect - a home where affection and devotion abounded; a devoted wife who surrendered all and was with him through his sickness to the end; two sweet children who will miss the father's tender care and training; a father and mother whom he loved and honored and who relied upon his advice and assistance in all business affairs. For years he has cheerfully carried the load of responsibility and relieved his father of business cares. When there seemed to be so much depending on him and he could be illy spared, we ask, "why should he be taken?" There is no answer; Death is no respector of person.

Carl was not like many young men of this day and age. He had no bad habits. He was clean, honest, upright and was held with most high esteem by the entire community. His highest aim, was to do what he knew to be right. The writer has known him since a boy and can say from personal knowledge, he was a good boy and grew to be a good man. Good deeds in this world will be rewarded in the next.

It is true his loss will be most keenly felt in his immediate family and by near relatives, but not them alone. He will be missed in the town and community. He was a member of the City Council where he took an active part in the affairs of the city, and where his business judgment and ability will be greatly missed. The City Council was in session when the sad news of his death came. Mayor Woodward, at once, ordered the Flag on the City Hall lowered to half mast in honor of the departed member of the City Council.

He was converted and became a member of the Christian church when a boy 16 years of age. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen in good standing where he carried insurance for the protection of his family which he loved and cherished.

Those who will feel the loss of his early departure are; first, and most of all, his grief stricken wife who, when a child, was his school mate where their love and devotion grew, culminating in their union on June 5th, 1908; his two children - Noland, age 11 years, who is a manly little fellow, bearing his burden of grief bravely and who will be a great comfort to his mother in her sad bereavement, and little Wilma, age 3; a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Jacobsen; two sisters and one brother; Mrs. John Sur and Arma Jacobsen of Payette, and Dr. A. M. Jacobsen of Pocatello; and other near relatives who were all present at the funeral.

Carl was but 33 years, 7 months and 19 days old. He was born in Payette March 27th, 1887 and was united in marriage to Miss Bird Wells, June 5th, 1908.

Funeral services were held from the home this Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mowe pastor of the Christian Church, where many gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. The many beautiful floral offerings which covered the casket and decorated the room gave testimony of love and respect. Interment took place in the Riverside Cemetery where the body was tenderly laid to its last resting place. Many are the friends who will extend their heartfelt sympathy to the relatives in their sad affliction. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921
The five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter James died at their home on Washoe Bottom, Thurdsay, June 23 following a continued illness since birth.

Andrew Jackson James was born December 2, 1915, and died June 23, 1921 being five years, 6 months and 21 days old.

He leaves a father and mother, three brothers and one sister to mourn his death.

Little Jack was sorely afflicted, and God in his mercy called him to himself. He is one of God's little ones.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. (Riverside Cemetery)

Precious darling, he has left,
Left us, yes, forever more;
But we hope to meet our loved one
On that bright and happy shore,
Lonely the house, and sad the hours
Since our dear one has gone;
But Oh! a brighter home than ours
In Heaven is now his own.

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 12, 1923
Obituary of Mrs. Emma James

The subject of this sketch departed this life on Wednesday, July 4th, at 12, M., at the home of Mrs. G. S. Fee, from the effects of the burns and shock she received when her home in Sand Hollow was destroyed by fire on July 3rd.

The deceased was a widow aged about 69 years, her husband having preceded her in death September 1, 1918. The only known relatives who survivor her are a sister, Mary F. Robinson of Winfield, Kansas; a brother, M. M. Rocke, of Mexia, Texas; mother-in-law, Mrs. L. M. James of Topeka, Kansas, and a niece, Mrs. Lee Inman of Portland.

Mrs. James was highly esteemed by many kind friends and neighbors who did everything in their power to make her comfortable in the last moments of her earthly existence.

The funeral services were held from the Methodist church on Friday, July 6th, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Hall, and interment in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 01, 1924
Ketura J. James was born in Berryville, Arkansas, March 17, 1852, and passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. Emory Hill, Monday afternoon, April 28, at 4 o'clock following a lingering illness of pneumonia. She moved to Harney county, Oregon 39 years ago, where she lived until 5 years ago when she came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Hill. She leaves to mourn her loss six daughters, Mrs. J. B. Rice of Stites, Idaho; Mrs. J. O. Alberson of Andrews, Oregon; Mrs. Joe Clark of Harney, Oregon; Mrs. Luther Tudor and Mrs. Hugh Tudor of Andrews, Oregon and Mrs. Emory Hill of Fruitland; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Hood of Chico, California and Mrs. T. B. Biggerstaff of Payette; four brothers, I. A. Whiteley and Sam Whiteley of Payette; B. M. Whiteley of Council and Wilbur Whitelay of Arlington, Oregon, besides grand children, great grand children, and a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hill left Tuesday morning with the body for Harney county for burial.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 12, 1918
W. F. James passed away Sunday afternoon, September 1st, 1918 at his home in Sand Hollow after an illness of nine days with apoplexy, and was buried Tuesday afternoon at Payette, Idaho. Services were held at the M. E. Church conducted by Rev. Wallace, and interment was in Riverside Cemetery.

W. F. James was born March 25th, 1864 near Crawfordsville, Indiana. He married Emma Rocke of Quincy, Kansas, Greenwood County, June 15, 1892. He is survived by a widow, father and mother, two sisters, two brothers, relatives, friends and neighbors to mourn his loss. There were beautiful floral offerings. Since coming west he made many friends. His was a genial, friendly disposition which won him friends among the young as well as the older people. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 21, 1906
Death of E. G. Jeffries

E. G. Jeffries died at his home in Payette Tuesday night at 7:45 o'clock, after an illness lasting for several months. He was nearly 74 years old, having been born March 17, 1833, in Kentucky. He came to Payette about 12 years ago and had made his home here since. He was married twice, three children being born to his first wife, all of whom are living, and 12 to his second wife, who survives him with nine of their children. The children are all in Payette, with the exception of one son and two daughters.

The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, C. M. Wickham officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 28, 1924

Dave Jennings Shot Down Without Warning on Boise Depot Platform by Nick Watkins - Will Plead Unwritten Law

BOISE - "the unwritten law" will be the defense of Nick Watkins, O. S. L. brakeman who slew Dave Jennings Tuesday by shooting him in the back.

Watkins, driven "temporarily insane" because of an alleged relationship between his wife and Jennings, was not responsible for the brutal act. This is what Defense Attorney Albert S. Delana will endeavor to show the jury when his client goes on trial, although he himself is not responsible for the statement.

With five bullet wounds in his body, shot at a range of less than 10 feet, Dave Jennings, O. S. L. brakeman, sank mortally wounded to the station depot Tuesday morning at 11:30 o'clock as he was helping a woman passenger alight from the "Pony" train. His slayer was Nick Watkins, another brakeman, who shot his victim once in the back, once in the side as he was reeling to the pavement and thrice in his prostrate body.

"Dave, Dave, speak to me," cried Mrs. W. N. Clifton, who had ridden on Jennings' train from Huntington, as she knelt beside the dying man. But Jennings could only answer with moans. In a few minutes he was dead.

Handing his gun to another brakeman, Watkins walked into the baggage depot and gave himself up to James Coughlin, a conductor on the train. Ira Emory, patrolman, made the arrest and took Watkins to the sheriff's office.

"I want to see Elbert Delana," he told Emory on the way to the jail and by coincidence Mr. Delana was in the sheriff's office when the prisoner entered.

In a tiny cell in the Ada county jail, Watkins, highly nervous and unstrung, a cigaret twitching between his lips, received a Capital News reporter with anything but a welcome.

"No, it wasn't from a scrap over booze," he said, defiantly. "I don't want to talk to you. You're doing me a disfavor, I'll give you the essential details later. I should say it wasn't over booze. I don't want to see you.

"I'm not as crazy as I look," either, I'm a grieved man, that's what I am."

The prisoner endeavored to concentrate his mind on a list of things he wanted which he had been endeavoring to write on a pad of paper the sheriff gave him. He pretended not to hear the reporter's questions.

Several theories as to Watkins motive were advanced by officers, but it is said that they eliminated all of them except the "triangle" theory.

The slain man lived at 1120 State and has a wife and one child. Watkins lives at 427 South Eleventh street. He is married but has no children.

The shooting was witnessed by a number of passengers and railroad men whose versions of the affair differed but little in their essential details.

Mrs. Clifton told a Capital News reporter a few minutes after the shooting and before the coroner had arrived on the scene, that she had ridden with Jennings from Huntington, where the train is made up. When the train stopped in Boise he alighted and was in the act of assisting her down the car steps when Watkins approached.

"He didn't say a single work," Mrs. Clifton related. "When he was only a little bit away he started shooting. Dave fell at the first shot. As he was reeling, half turned toward Watkins, he was shot again. And then three times more."

Mrs. Clifton said that she was acquainted with both men, that both were sober and industrious and that she had never known of any trouble between them.

Others who knew the victim and the assailant made similar statements, including the conductor, Mr. Coughlin, who lives at 421 Main Street. Both men, he said, had acted as brakemen on his trains - Jennings for the past four or five years. He spoke highly of the reputations of each.

"They were easy to get along with, as far as I ever knew," said Mr. Coughlin. "I didn't know they were enemies."

On the platform of the car awaiting their turn to get off the train, were Mrs. J. A. Steele and daughters, whose version was substantially the same as given by Mrs. Clifton.

It was only a few minutes after the slaying that the deputy sheriffs and Coroner William McBratney were on the scene taking names of whitnesses and interviewing them briefly. A large crowd gathered almost immediately and when the ambulance arrived, attendants had difficulty forcing their way through with the basket in which the body was to be place.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1930
H. C. Jenson, 71 years of age, for many years a resident of Payette, died at his home on Third avenue south late Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Jenson who has engaged in machine repairing work since coming to Payette about twenty eight years ago, has been in rather poor health for some time, but has continued his work, and was engaged at work in the country all day Saturday but was taken suddenly worse that evening and passed away at five o'clock Wednesday afternoon. No funeral arrangements have been made. A more compete obituary will be published next week.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Hans Christian JENSEN died 8-20-1930, Payette. ch

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 28, 1930)


Hans C. Jensen was born near Copenhagen, Denmark in the year 1859, and died at Payette, Idaho August 20, 1930. He was the eldest son of Anders Jensen. At the age of eleven years he came to America with his parents and settled at Cedar Falls, Iowa, later the family moved to Newell, Iowa, where he grew to manhood and where he was united in marriage to Grace E. Lewis in the year 1900. In 1903 he came to Payette with his family where he continually lived until the time of his death. During all these years he conducted a machine shop and was known throughout this section for his ability in his line of work, seldom, if ever, called upon to do a piece of work no matter how intricate, that he was not able to do. Besides his mechanical ability, Mr. Jensen was strictly honest and fair in all his dealings with the public.

He is survived by his wife and two children, Ray and Laurine. He is also survived by one brother Peter Jensen of Newell, Iowa, and one sister, Mrs. Sofia Anderson of Minneapolis, Minn.

Funeral was held Friday afternoon from the Landon Funeral Home. Interment in Riverside cemetery.

We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our many friends for the great kindnesses and help extended to us and also for the many beautiful floral offerings, during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.
Note: Burial is at Parkview Cemetery, New Plymouth not (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 16, 1930

John R. Jewell, well know contractor of this city died at his home on North Eleventh street, January 9th, the cause of his death being heart failure. He was living alone and his body was found in bed by Burt Nelson, who had been delivering milk to his place and finding the milk had not been removed for two days, went into the house to make investigations.

Mr. Jewell was 63 years of age and a man of high standing in the community. He was a member and a faithful worker in the Christian church, where the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by the pastor. He is survived by a wife, six sons and three daughters who were present at the funeral except his widow, one son and two daughters who were unable to be present. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, January 16, 1930)


John Jewell, Sr., a Victim of Heart Disease Sometime Last Wednesday Night

John Jewell, Sr., highly respected citizen of Payette, passed away at his home on North 11th street, where he was living alone, presumably some time last Wednesday night. Mr. Jewell, who was a carpenter by trade, had the contract for the building the new Baptist parsonage and worked on it Wednesday. That evening was the last seen of him alive.

Thursday night, Bert Nelson, who delivers milk there, saw that he had not taken the milk delivered the night before and went to Clint Graham's home next door and asked Clint if he had seen Mr. Jewell. As Clint had not they became alarmed and went to the Jewell home to investigate. There they found Mr. Jewell cold in death and appearing to have passed away either while asleep or very suddenly. His right hand was placed over his heart as though he might have put it there as a sudden pain struck him.

Sheriff Stewart and Coroner Adair were called, but as death had plainly been caused by heart failure they did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest. His son, John Jewell, Jr., of Wallowa, Oregon, was at once notified and he, with other members of the family came as soon as they could get here.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church, of which he was an elder, Tuesday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. Mrs. Beem, the pastor, assisted by her husband. Burial took place at the Riverside cemetery.

John Jewell was born January 21, 1866, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and had been a resident of Payette a number of years. He is survived by nine children, six of whom were at the funeral. They were Leslie and Clarence, of Belt, Montana, William Jewell, of Bridgefield, Wash., Mrs. Austin Stanton, of Chewlah, Wash., John Jr. and Norris, of Wallowa, Oregon. Those unable to be here were Elwood and Mrs. Anna Watson, of Moro, Minn., and Mrs. Glenn Sweat, of Sparta, Mich. The wife, Mrs. Grace R. Jewell, of Belt, Montana, could not be here. He was also survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. E. Sweet, of Yakima, Wash. and Mrs. Myrtle Evarts, of Alliance, Nebraska.

Mr. Jewell was a consistent and earnest church worker and a good citizen. His death is deeply regretted by the citizens of Payette and our sympathy goes out to the members of the family. (Riverside Cemetery)

We wish to thank the kind people of Payette for the assistance rendered us in laying to rest our beloved father, for the beautiful floral offerings, for the wonderful music and for the opening of your homes to us while we were in your midst. We shall always hold you in loving remembrance.

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1902
Death of J. R. Jimerson

After years of such suffering as few men have known, with sciatic rheumatism, John R. Jimerson passed away at a little after four o'clock Saturday evening, at the home of his parents 7 miles below Payette.

Mr. Jimerson came to this valley in the spring of 1887, and was a teacher in the public schools for about six years. He was a native of Illinois, having been born in Marion county, March 23, 1862. He was united in marriage with Miss Lucy Good of Centralia, Ill., Oct. 6, 1893, who with two children are bereft of the tender care and loving protection of a husband and father.

In spite of his sore affliction, which had extended over a period of several years, Mr. Jimerson had brought his indomitable will-power to bear upon every detail of his personal business affairs and had raised a fine orchard and brought to a high state of production a beautiful and valuable ranch about five miles below this city. He also leaves his family an insurance policy of $2000 in the Woodmen of the World.

The funeral was conducted from the Baptist church of Payette at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. T. S. Dulin preached an impressive discourse from the 23rd Psalm, after which the local camp of Woodmen, of which decreased was a member, took charge of the remains which were followed to Riverside cemetery by a large procession of relatives, friends and neighbors, and there laid to rest with the beautiful ceremonies of the order. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, July 17, 1908

J. W. Jimerson died yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock at his home five miles north of town of heart trouble. He had been suffering with the disease for more than a year. He was 65 years old and had lived in the Payette Valley 15 years, having coming here from Illinois. He was born in Robinson county, Tennessee. He leaves a wife and one daughter, the daughter being Mrs. W. C. Armstrong.

Mr. Jimerson was a veteran of the civil war, having spent three years in active service. He was a member of W. T. Sherman post, G. A. R.

The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Baptist church, where Rev. A. F. White will preach the funeral sermon. Interment will be in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 06, 1920
Robert L. Jimerson was born in Clinton County, Illinois, March 9th, 1883 and died at his home north of Payette, May 3rd, 1920, after an illness of about two years, being 37 years, 1 month and 23 days old. There remain to mourn his loss, a wife and two sons, Mearl, age 9, and Earl, age 5, three brothers and three sisters: Mrs. J. T. Melcom of New Mexico, Mrs. Wm. Cahill and W. A. Jimerson of Illinois, Mrs. C. G. Goodwin of Sweet, Idaho, and Wesley and Presley Jimerson of Payette, besides a host of relatives and friends.

Mr. Jimerson was united in marriage to Miss Estella Hurd, September 27, 1905.

The funeral service was held in the Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon, the pastor of the church officiating.

The Pall-bearers were three brothers of Mrs. Jimerson, Claud, Clyde and Glenn Hurd, and three brothers of the deceased, Presley, Wesley and Will Jimerson. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Last Friday Mrs. R. L. Jimmerson, an aged and well known resident of Payette, passed away at her home north of the city after a very short illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Jimmerson was sick but six days and was not thought at any time to be in a serious condition but on Friday a sudden turn for the worse came and she passed away.

Mrs. Jimmerson came to Payette with her husband and family fifteen years ago from Illinois and during the long term of her residence here she became known to her friends and acquaintances as a lady of estimable quality. She was a member of the Baptist church and in her earlier life was an earnest, faithful worker in the church but of late years on account of her extreme age she had not been so active.

Mrs. Jimmerson was sixty-four years of age at the time of her death and leaves to mourn her loss three sons, Wesley, Presley and Robert, all substantial ranchers living near Payette and a daughter, Mrs. C. G. Goodwin of this city. She also leaves a sister and two step sons living in Illinois who were unable to be present at the funeral which was conducted at the Baptist church of this city, by the rev. Van Engelon. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery by the side of her husband, Robert L. Jimmerson who died four years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 06, 1924

Little Amelia Johnson, eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, died at the family home in this city early yesterday morning as the result of burns she received Saturday evening while playing with burning leaves in the yard of her home.

The parents had gone to town, leaving the children to play. Some one suggested that they burn leaves and to make the bonfire brighter, the gasoline can was brought out and some poured on the fire.

Then in their play, the children began kicking the leaves around the yard as they burned. A flame caught Amelia's dress and before her frightened playmates were able to render assistance her clothing as entirely burned away.

Neighbors heard the screams of the frantic children and came to the rescue but too late. Medical assistance was called, but the extent of the burns were such that the child lived but four hours, unconscious all the time. Weiser Signal

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 14, 1931
Donald Johnson Killed When Hit By Payette Auto

Donald, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson was killed on the streets of Ontario, when struck by a car driven by Mrs. Ray Shurtliff of Payette, Tuesday. The little fellow, had attempted to run across the street, and darted in front of the Shurtliff car, being knocked down and the front wheel passed over his body. Mrs. Shurtliff with the assistance of some bystanders, picked the boy up and rushed him to Holy Rosary hospital. The boy's father is employed at Bill's Toggery, a gent's furnishing store in Ontario.

Payette Independent
Friday, January 19, 1906
Death of Edith K. Johnson

Edith Katherine Johnson, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. J.O. Johnson of Payette, died at the home of her parents last Saturday, January 13, at 1 o'clock p.m., after several weeks illness with typhoid fever. The deceased was born at Santaquin, Utah, and at the time of her death was 17 years, 10 months and 14 days of age. She came to Payette from Utah nearly two years ago with her parents and brothers and sisters, and by her many lovable qualities had made many warm friends here, who join with the bereaved family in the deepest grief for her loss.

For several months prior to her death, Miss Johnson had been in Boise and was taken ill in that city, having come to Payette, on the advice of a physician, so that she could be under the care of relatives as she continued to decline in health. She had been at home for about two weeks at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Christian church, interment having been at Riverside cemetery. Rev. W. E. Bobbitt conducted the services. Six young women acted as pall bearers and a large number of the saddened young people, who had been associates of the deceased, were present, the attendance in general having been so large that many had to stand. The casket was literally hidden in a profusion of flowers, the offerings of sorrowing relatives and friends of the departed one. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 28, 1920
The funeral service of little Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, was held at 3 o'clock Tuesday at the home of Grandpa and Grandma Johnson in the southeast part of town. Edith was a bright little girl, 2 years, 7 months old, and was only sick four or five days. Her death was a great shock to her parents and grandparents.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, she was born 4-8-1918 and died 10-25-1920. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924
Eugene V. Johnson second son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson was born May 27th, 1904 at Holman, Oregon, died at Holy Rosary hospital, Ontario, Tuesday, March 24th, 1924, following an operation for appendicitis on the Thursday previous. Eugene had lived on the Slope for the past eight years where he had made a warm place for himself in the hearts of a host of friends, and the sad news of his death cast a gloom over the entire community. The many beautiful floral offerings were mute testimony to the love and esteem felt for him by the many friends. Besides his parents, he is survived by three brothers, four sisters and other relatives. Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist church in Ontario. Interment at Ontario cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson and family wish to extend their thanks to their friends and neighbors for their kind help and many beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of their beloved son and brother Eugene.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 02, 1922

Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Departed

Mrs. Fannie Johnson, a most worthy and lovable woman passed away at her home near New Plymouth last Sunday, February 26 at the age of 67 years.

The deceased was born at Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa, February 2, 1855, where she received her education. She was married in 1871 to William Johnson, who after fifty years of useful and happy married life is left to mourn the loss of wife and helpmate. They were blessed with a family of seven children, all surviving. They are: Mrs. V. Mercer and Lorenzo Johnson, of Payette, Lot and Curtis Johnson, of Ontario, Levi Johnson and Mrs. J. E. Brassfield, of New Plymouth, and Earnest Johnson, of Camden, Washington. She is also survived by two brothers, Perry and Albert Tally, who live in the East.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to Idaho 18 years ago and have made a host of friends in this vicinity. The deceased joined the Methodist church when 13 years of age and all through her long and useful life has been a faithful member of the church and maintained a most worthy christian character.

Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon by Rev. C. L. Walker at the Lauer Undertaking Parlors and were attended by the family and many friends and acquaintances. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 04, 1913
Lineman Electrocuted

Frank Johnson, an employee of the Idaho-Oregon Light company, was electrocuted Wednesday morning at 11:15 o'clock while in the discharge of his duty two miles west of Eaton on what is known as the high line. At this place the company is at work raising their telephone wires above those of the Mountain States company. Johnson had gone up one of the poles to make the necessary change when his leg came in contact with one of the telephone wires and the ground wire on the pole which completed the circuit.

"Somebody cut the ground wire," he shouted as he fell backwards onto two other telephone wires. That was the last he said. His fellow workmen went to his aid as soon as they could climb the pole and cut the wires on which he rested. He was then lowered and all efforts to restore him known to the workmen were restored to. Frank Johnson was 23 years of age and has been at work as lineman for this company for the past seven years. His parents, both of whom are living, reside at Kalispell, Mont. - Weiser Signal.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 19, 1918

Mr. G. F. Johnson, O.S.L. Agent who was taken to Boise Monday, suffering from an attack of heart truble, passed away Wednesday afternoon at 1:40. We are truly grieved to make this announcement. This community as well as the railroad company have lost a friend. Mr. Johnson has served the people and his company at Payette for many years in an unusual and satisfactory way. His pleasant and congenial manner has won for him many friends. His body was brought to Payette this morning and will be laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. so far we know nothing of the funeral arrangements. A full and appropriate obituary will be published in next week's Enterprise.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, September 26, 1918)


George Frederick Johnson was born at Quincy, Ill. July 24th, 1868 and departed this life September 18th, 1918 at St. Lukes Hospital in Boise, being at the time of his death 50 years, 1 month and 24 days old. The greater part of his boy-hood days were spent at Meadville, Mo. He came west in 1900 and began work for the O.S.L. railroad, moving to Payette with his family where he took up his duties as agent Sept. 18th 1909, just nine years to the day prior to his death. And the hour on which he died was just 9 years to the hour from the time he left Burley with his family for Payette.

During the nine years Mr. Johnson served the people and his Company at Payette, his services as Agent were more than satisfactory. He was always ready and willing to accommodate the public in a manner unusual for men of that position, and his death will be keenly felt by many people.

Funeral services were held from the home on Sixth St. Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. H. Swartz, pastor of the Baptist church, and the body laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery. He leaves to mourn his death, a wife, six children and one brother. The children are K. L. Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Ruth, Alice and Dorothy all of Payette, and Mrs. Elisabeth Bulmer of Portland, and the brother, Henry Johnson of Brunswich, Mo.

The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to this family in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 06, 1916
Merchison Johnson was born in Nampa, Idaho, April 15, 1897. At the age of four his parents took him to Huntington, Oregon, where they remained for about seven years. Thence he came with his parents to Mallheur co., Oregon, near Payette, Idaho, where he made his home until the time of his death. About five years ago his health failed. Every possible attention was given him; but his health was not restored. Died Thursday, March 30, 1916. Age 18 years, 11 months, 15 days. He leaves to mourn his loss, a father and mother, three brothers and a host of friends.

"I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, from henceforth blessed are the dead who die in the Lord: even so saith the spirit; for they rest from their labors."

The funeral was conducted by P. H. Evans, Pastor of Payette Baptist church, Saturday noon at the house and the body was buried in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 19, 1911
Sad Death

Oscar Johnson, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Johnson, who reside four miles west of the city, died early Tuesday morning of appendicitis. Oscar was a fine young fellow, and his death is deplored by a large circle of acquaintances. The funeral took place on Thursday and was largely attended, the remains being tenderly consigned to their last resting place in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1913

The funeral of C. Oscar Johnson occurred on Tuesday, January 7th at the Swedish Lutheran Church, and was largely attended. Oscar, as he was familiarly known, had just passed his 19th birthday, January 2nd, when death claimed him. He was a son of Axel Johnson, a prosperous farmer living on the bench south of town. A father, mother, two brothers and four sisters mourn the loss, all of whom were at home at the time of his death.

Death came after an illness extending over a period of six weeks, and was caused by an attack of pneumonia while at work near Yakima, Washington. The young man was brought home by his father who was called to him by wire. He found him suffering from a severe hemorrhage of the lung, causing a weakness from which he did not rally, although every effort known to medical skill and good nursing was put forth in his behalf.

The young man was born here at Payette, and having spent his life in this locality, had gained many warm friends and many associations which endeared him to those who knew him best.

Again the "grim reaper" admonishes us that while the aged must be expectant at any time, the young may be called with little warning of the inevitable. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 13, 1919
Mrs. Rosy Johnson

Last Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church occurred the funeral of Mrs. Rosy Johnson wife of Mr. W. A. Johnson. Her death occured at her home a mile and half north east of Payette. Though she and her husband lived in this vicinity only about a year and a half she had endeared herself to all who became acquainted with her. She was but thirty-five years of age and it would seem that she was called in the prime of life. She was a close Bible student and for years had lived in intimate fellowship with her Savior. The old home is unspeakable lonesome but she has been translated to the Home Above.

Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, Mrs. Ida Condit of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Lily Lawrence of San Jose, Calif.; also four brothers, William Luce of Portland, Ore., Daniel Luce of Vancouver, B.C., George Luce of Fortuna, Cal., and Henry Luce of Payette, Idaho. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 08, 1914
Mrs. Johnson, the wife of James Johnson of this city died Sunday evening at her home a few miles west of New Plymouth, after an illness of about three weeks. About three weeks ago Mrs. Johnson gave birth to a daughter, and since then she has gradually been getting worse, until Sunday evening she passed away. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Johnson was a member, Monday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Thomson, assisted by Rev. Knight. the body was laid to rest in the Park View cemetery.

Mrs. Johnson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Johnson of Bellevue Idaho. She was born 38 years ago in Wisconsin. On the 2d day of October, 1900, she was united in marriage to James Johnson. In 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved to Idaho, making their home on the wood river, near Haily. Five years ago they came to New Plymouth and have lived here since. Mrs. Johnson was the mother of eight children, all of whom are living. Besides her husband and children she is survived by her parents, two brothers and one sister. Her parents and one brother and sister live at Bellevue and were at her bedside at the time of her death. (Park View Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 01, 1924
William Calvin Johnson was born in Jackson county, Missouri, November 25, 1924 and died at his home on Berding Island, Thursday morning, April 24, 1924.

Mr. Johnson came west with his parents in 1850 and settled at Corvallis, Oregon where he lived until 1861. At the age of 22 he came to Payette valley where he "run" cattle for some time. He engaged in teaching in 1872 and taught for a number of years. He was united with the Methodist church in 1872 and has lived in the Christian faith for 52 years. He was married to Nancy A. King daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. King, January 11, 1874. To this union were born seven children, all living, Mrs. Charles Flint, Long Beach, Cal., Mrs. Herman Kaiser, Boise and Mrs. George Barker, Mrs. John Howard, Charles and Ed Johnson and Mrs. Lee Boyd, all of Payette.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, seven children, 21 grand-children, two great grandchildren and two brothers, Henry Johnson of Spokane, Washington and Joe Johnson of Corvallis, Oregon and one sister Mrs. Alice Martin of Portland.

The immediate family were all present at his death and burial except one daughter, Mrs. Charles Flint who was presented from coming on account of the strict quarantine on Los Angeles county, California.

One of the largest funerals ever seen in the Payette valley was held at the home. Besides the hundreds of friends and neighbors, people came from Boise, Caldwell, Middleton, Emmett, Weiser, Ontario and Homedale. Rev. Knight and Rev. Price of the Congregational church of New Plymouth officiated. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The community extends their heartfelt sympathy to this family in the loss of their loving husband and father. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921

Andrew McCauley Johnston was born in Centerville, Iowa, December 10th, 1879. He was married to Lucelle Dean June 12, 1907. He moved from Iowa to Payette in March, 1910 then to Nyssa, Oregon, in 1913, and to Payette-Oregon Slope in April 1920, where he has since resided.

Some weeks ago Mr. Johnston was taken ill with a complication of diseases, a result of overwork. He was removed to the Ontario Hospital, but in spite of a valiant fight, passed away, September 17th, 1921. Mr. Johnston was respected and loved by all who knew him. He was ever a leader for all that was progressive and the best in the community in which he lived.

He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Trenton, Mo., in August 1907, and has since lived a consistent Christian life, ever willing to take upon himself the burden of Church leadership.

Bro. Johnston leaves to mourn his loss, a loving wife and four young boys, besides a dear old mother and other relatives back in Iowa, and a host of friends in every locality where he has lived.

Funeral services were held at the home, Tuesday, Sept. 20th, at 11:00 a.m., in charge of Rev. C. L. Walker of Payette assisted by Rev. Henry Young of Ontario. Members of the E. E. Parsons family furnished beautiful music. The funeral was attended by large numbers from Payette, Nyssa, Ontario and Oregon Slope. The body was laid at rest in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 19, 1922
Dies at Son's Home

Wm Joiner, father of W. P. Joiner, died after a long illness, at the home of his son west of New Plymouth early this morning. Funeral will be at 2 o'clock, Friday at the home.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 07, 1918

Saturday morning death claimed one of Fruitland's best young women when it called Miss Edna Elvira Johnson who was fitting herself to be of great use in this world of suffering. Vera, as she was called, was born February 1, 1898 in Santaguin, Utah, and came here with her parents where she has been educated and has grown to young womanhood. Three years ago she decided to become a nurse and entered St. Alphonsus hospital from which she would have graduated in June. She had enlisted for overseas service and was anxious that her life be one of usefulness. Last week she was stricken with influenza and on Thursday the family was called to Boise because of her serious condition. She seemed to be better and hopes were given, but pneumonia developed Friday. The disease had too strong a hold on Vera and she passed away Saturday morning. The body was brought to Payette Sunday morning accompanied by the mother, Mrs. J. O. Johnson and sister, Miss Iona. Funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Ford M. Burtch, pastor of the Fruitland Baptist church which Vera attended when at home.

She leaves besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Johnson, six sisters and three brothers; Mrs. Anna Purcell of Paddock Valley, Mrs. Cora Martin of Astoria, Oregon, Mrs. Emma Fisher of Crane, Oregon, Mrs. E. W. Neal of Fruitland, Mrs. Ray Hurd of Payette, and Miss Iona of Fruitland; Peter E. and Arthur of Fruitland and Dewey of Meadows, Idaho, besides many other relatives and friends who mourn and sympathize with the family.

Miss Vera was the second student nurse to die in St. Alphonsus Hospital in over 22 years, the first one having died just the day before with Spanish influenza. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1924

Martin B. Jolly, of the Fruitland bench about three miles south of Payette, passed away at his home at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, after a lingering illness covering a period of about six years. In April his son, Harry, came from Kansas City to visit him and soon afterwards he took to his bed and has been confined to it ever since.

Martin B. Jolly was born in Kentucky, October 2, 1848. His parents moved with him to Illinois when he was a baby and later they came further west and located at Trenton, Mo., where he was married October 9, 1873. One child, a son, Harry, was born to them. At the age of 16 years he was converted and joined the Christian church of which he was a loyal member at the time of his death. He was also a Mason, having been a member of that order for 43 years. The son and his wife arrived from Kansas City last night, too late to see him alive again, but as he had been unconscious since Monday it made little difference.

The funeral services were held this afternoon, Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating in the absence of Rev. Mowe, pastor of the Christian church. Interment took place at the Payette cemetery.

Mr. Jolly was an honorable and upright citizen and was respected by everybody. Although an invalid for years, his influence for right was felt in the community and his death is deeply deplored. The family have the sympathy of friends. (Riverside Cemetery)


Fruitland Banner
Friday, March 09, 1917
Has Relative Killed In European War

Mrs. Luce, wife of the O. S. L. agent at this place received a letter this week telling of the death of a cousin, Harold Jones, 16 years old, who died recently at Blackpool, England. The young man was severely wounded in the battle of Flanders in France, some time ago.

While it is not definitely known, he was presumably a volunteer as it is hardly possible that boys of such tender age are being pressed into service in England.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 08, 1930

We wish to extend our appreciation and thanks to the many friends, who were so considerate during the sickness and death of our mother and grandmother, Mrs. Jemima Jones.

Note: Jemima Jones died 4-29-1930 and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 15, 1916
Thomas J. Jones was born in Monmouth, England, March 10th, 1840. March 25th, 1862, he was married to Miss Catherine Jinkens. To this union were born four children; two sons and two daughters, one only still survives. In 1869 Mr. Jones came with his family, from England to Virden, Illinois; there his wife and three children died. From Virden he moved with his daughter to Bloomington, Ill., and later to Nebraska. After his daughter was married, Mr. Jones moved to Leeds, S. D. There he was married again. In 1909 his second wife died and in 1911 he came to Payette to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. James O'Haleron. Died June 10th, 1916. In 1874 he professed faith in Christ and united with the Baptist church. He has been a faithful husband, a loving father and devoted Christian. His funeral was conducted Monday afternoon in the Baptist church by the pastor. The remains were laid to rest in the River Side Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924

Editor Independent:

Please Express through the columns of your paper to the good people who assisted us in our hour of grief, our heartfelt thanks for what they did for us. Especially do we wish to thank the members of the American Legion for their tender solicitude and the fine tribute of respect for our lost son and brother. S. M. JUSTICE AND FAMILY (Riverside Cemetery)

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