Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 25, 1922

The finding of a dead baby in the rubbish pile on the bank of the Snake river last Friday revealed by far, the most vile crime that has ever been committed in this community.

James Wallace in company with other men who were camping near the Snake river bridge just north of town on their way to the construction camp of the Oregon Highway, merely by chance found the body of the little innocent victim. He was walking along the bank of the river just west of the cemetery where the bank extends above the water some 25 or 30 feet and seeing a new grain pack that had apparently been thrown over the bank among a lot of tin cans and other rubbish, thought to save the sack, went down and found the sack tied with what appeared to be a lot of rags inside, he cut the string, dumped the contents and was greatly shocked to find the body of an infant child inside, a blood stained flour sack, together with an old dirty coat, towels and other rags. He at once notified the authorities who deeming the case of so importance, demanded the attention of the County Coroner who held an in quest over the little body at the court house, Friday afternoon, the verdict of the jury being as follows:

"In the above entitled matter we, the jury, find as follows: That the infant child came to its death from exposure, and from the evidence, its identity could not be ascertained".

From expert testimony given in the hearing it is firmly believed that the child, a fine baby boy, about 11 pounds, red hair and blue eyes, born about twenty-four hours before, had been thrown over the bank into the rubbish pile alive. A cut over the left eye (presumably from striking on some sharp object) had bled freely and seared over would be sufficient evidence to bear out the belief, a cold-blooded murder of the worst type, in a civilized community where we send missionaries into foreign countries to civilize and christianize the heathens who in the worst of heathenizm would shrink from such a crime. the perpetraters of this act are undoubtedly in this immediate vicinity and without any question their are those who are in possession of evidence that would assist the officers who are seeking to locate the guilty parties. Any one with holding such information are in a manner almost as guilty as the parties who commit the act.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, July 03, 1914
Body of Child Found in Payette River near Payette

The body of the child was discovered in the Payette river last Friday evening, just below the Short Line bridge, which spans Payette river near Payette.

The gruesome find was made by boys while fishing. On investigation it was found to be the body of a baby girl fully dressed and supposed to be about six months old. The remains were badly decomposed and had evidently been exposed for four or five months.

Coroner Robinson was notified and made an investigation, after which the body was ordered interred. There was no clue to the child's identity.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 13, 1914
E. E. Utley Laid To Rest

Edwin Erastus Utley passed away at the home of his daughter in this city on Thursday, August 6, and was laid to rest in the Weiser cemetery Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Weiser, conducted by Rev. W. W. Deal, of Nampa, assisted by rev. A. L. Howarth of Payette.

Mr. Utley was born March 23, 1829 being in his 86th year at the time of his death. The surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Martha Utley, one son, J. E. Utley, and two daughters, Mrs. Tim Driscoll and Mrs. Harry Mitchell.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 27, 1930


On Tuesday afternoon the sheriff's office was notified that a man had been found hanging by a rope from the snake river bridge between Ontario and Payette. The discovery was made by two young girls who were walking across the bridge. The body was brought to the Peterson Funeral Home in Payette and a description of the man was sent to the Idaho Statesman which was published and brought a reply from Nampa and the body was later identified as Joseph Valaske, who lived four and a half miles northwest of Nampa. It was reported the man had left his home Monday, going with a neighbor to Nampa, but did not return home with him, saying he would be home Tuesday. However, it appeared that he took the stage to Ontario and from there was taken to the Wilcox Service Station in a taxi and then walked back to the bridge where he ended his life.

A note was received by is wife Tuesday morning containing five dollars and the information that he intended to kill himself. In his pocket was $5.75. He was 64 years of age and leaves a wife at Nampa and one son living in Bohemia. The body was shipped to Nampa Wednesday evening.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, his name is spelled VALASEK. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 24, 1924
Mrs. Arthur Hollbrook received word Monday of the death of Nels Van Camp, which occurred last week at Croswell, Michigan. Mr. Van Camp is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Hollbrook, and visited her last summer.




Payette Independent
Friday, August 16, 1907
Pioneer Called to Rest

After being ill nearly constantly since last December, George Van Doozer died last Saturday at a hospital in Boise, leaving a wife, three sons, one daughter, his father and many friends to mourn his death. If he had lived until October 23 he would have been 49 years old.

Mr. Van Doozer was a pioneer of Payette, having lived here for 20 years or more. He had lived on the place where his family now reside for 17 years. He had been engineer on the Payette Valley railroad since it was built until the time of his illness.

The body was brought to Payette from Boise Monday and the funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist church, Rev. McCoard conducting them. At the cemetery the services were under the auspices of the Modern Brotherhood of America, of which order he was a member, carrying with it $2000 insurance.

His daughter, Mrs. W. S. Cotton, arrived in Payette from Tacoma Tuesday night, too late for the funeral, so the body was exhumed Wednesday that she might have a last look at the remains of her father.

His brother, Fred Van Doozer of Seattle, formerly a resident of Payette, did not come. He also had a sister living in New York.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 23, 1916

News has been received of the death of William Vandoozer, which occurred at the home of his son, Fred Vandoozer, in Seattle, on the 10th inst. Mr. Vandoozer was in his 94th year. He had been ailing only a short time previous to his death and in spite of his advanced age, had been steadily employed as a railroad watchman, a position demanding careful attention.

"Uncle Billy" Vandoozer was one of the pioneers of Payette, having resided there until a few years ago. In the early days he was the owner of considerable property, most of which has become very valuable, particularly the land fronting on sixth street on the West Side, which is now occupied by some of the finest residences in this city.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 08, 1930

Mrs. Ida E. Babcock was born August 4th, 1872, died May 2nd, 1930. She was married to S. B. Van Etten, June 16, 1889. To this union six children were born, four daughters and two sons of which five are living, Milly May Huff passed away December 26, 1916. There are ten grandchildren living, also two daughter-in-laws and two son-in-laws and two brothers, Pearl and Mage Babcock.

Mrs. Van Etten was converted in 1897 and joined the Church of God. She was a faithful member until death. The funeral services were held Sunday, May 4th at Payette, from the Peterson Undertaking parlors. Rev. N. H. Farnham, pastor of the Church of God, conducting the services, preaching from 1st. Corinthians 12:19. A quartet from the Brethren church of Fruitland sang several beautiful hymns. The Royal Neighbors with their beautiful and impressive ceremony, conducted the services at the cemetery.

The love and esteem of her many friends was manifested by the large attendance and the profusion of the beautiful floral offerings. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 09, 1930

Levi Alonzo Van Natta was born February 22, 1861 in Grant county, Wisconsin. He resided there until he was seventeen years old when he moved to Nebraska City, Neb. At Lincoln, Neb., on June 21, 1882 he married Mary Alice Wilson. To this union seven children were born. On the eleventh of November 1904, he came to Payette valley where he has been a member of the Brethren church and was faithful to the end. He departed from this life at the home of his eldest son. C. A. Van Natta of Emmett, Idaho, on October 2, 1930, at the age of 69 years, 7 months and 8 days.

He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, Mary Alice Van Natta; three daughters, Mrs. F. L. Spencer of Tieton, Wash.; Mrs. R. A. Coffeit of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Owen Holloway of Live Oak, Calif. and four sons, C. A. Van Natta of Emmett; Everett Van Natta of Homedale, Idaho; Perley Van Natta of Huntington Beach, Calif.; Willard Van Natta of Los Molinas, Calif., and also 21 grand-children and six great grand-children. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 12, 1930

Word was received on last Saturday by Burt Venable announcing the death of his brother S. O. Venable of Los Angeles, Calif., which occurred Saturday morning, June 3rd at the Culon hospital of that city. The deceased was past 80 years of age. He was known here by a number of Payette people, having visited here a few years ago.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, June 12, 1930)


Burt Venable received the sad news Saturday of the death of his brother, S. O. Venable, of Los Angeles, who passed away at the Culver city hospital, after a lingering illness starting with a paralytic stroke several years ago. He visited Payette on his way to locate in California and has visited here since then, so that he was known quite well to a number of our citizens. He was past 80 years old at the time of his death.

Burt and his brother were very close to each other and the sad news comes as a serious blow to him. We extend to him fraternal and personal sympathy.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 31, 1931
Emmett Girl Meets Tragic Death In Farmhouse Fire

Parents Awakened in Dead of Night By Flames; Mother Burned in Effort To Rescue Child

(Emmett Index)
Alice, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vickery, ranchers living about a mile north of Falk, was burned to death early Thursday morning by a fire which completely destroyed the dwelling house in which the Vickerys lived. Mrs. Vickery was badly burned in a vain but heroic attempt to rescue her daughter from the burring building.

Mr. and Mrs. Vickery and family consisting of six children, had attended a Christmas program at the Falk school that evening. On returning home about 11 o'clock, a fire was kindled in the heating stove to warm the room. Shortly afterwards they retired for the night.

About 1 o'clock the parents were awakened to find the house completely enveloped by flames and smoke . Hastily awakening the children, they made their way outdoors only to find that one, Alice was missing.

Mrs. Vickery then made a dash for the girls bedroom, broke out the window panes and climbed into the room, but the flames were too much for her and she collapsed just inside the room. Mr. Vickery was able to pull her out of the building to safety, but not until she had been seriously burned.

The building, a one-story frame house, fanned by the high wind, burned extremely rapidly, and the roof fell in a few minutes after Mrs. Vickery had been rescued from the building.

The body of the little girl, burned to a crisp was lying across the mother's bed. Evidently the child had run from her own bed to the bed of her mother and there the hungry flames found her and devored her.

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