Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 07, 1918
The hearts of the people of this community were saddened when it was learned that Mrs. G. C. Keele who went to Boise about a month ago to work in St. Luke's Hospital, had passed away on Sunday as the result of Spanish influenza. She has lived in Payette for many years and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was a member of the Baptist church and lived a true Christian life to the end.

Mae Anderson was born in Tennessee about the year 1889 and died at St. Lukes hospital November 3rd, 1918 at the age of 29 years. She came to Idaho in 1903 where she met and married G. C. Keele. To them were born 4 children, Clyde, Eldon, Velma and Marie, who with their father will keenly feel the loss of a kind mother and faithful wife. Besides a husband and four children she leaves to mourn her loss, a father, J. W. Anderson, of Nampa, Idaho and a multitude of friends who extend to the bereaved family their true and heartfelt sympathy.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1921
Mabel Keeler passed away Wednesday at her home two miles north of Payette, after a continued illness and a hard fight with the dread disease tuberculosis. Her death, while not unexpected, was a shock to her many friends and caused a gloom of sadness over the entire community.

The writer has no further information at hand, but will publish full and appropriate obituary next week. Funeral services will be held at the Christian Church Friday morning at 11 o'clock, new time.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 03, 1921)

In the passing away of Mabel Keeler there has gone from among us one of God's own children, for surely she was led by his Spirit. There are many who, will miss her keenly for she had many friends. Her life was spent in the occupation of making friends and keeping them.

She was a graduate of Payette High School and after spending some time in Lewiston Normal, came back to Payette to teach her first school, being the only Payette girl to enjoy that honor. She taught several years here and led a very useful life.

Or the last few years she has been unable to teach on account of tubercular trouble from which she died Wednesday morning, February 23.

The funeral was held in the Christian Church of which she was a faithful member since eleven years of age. The service was a beautiful one, much of which she had planned herself, designating boys of her classes as pall bearers and her near neighbors, the Parson's family, to sing. The casket was followed to the front of the church by the boys in uniform, then came twelve girls in white each placing a beautiful flower upon the casket, then their filed in the members of the order of the Eastern Star, almost filling the center section of seats.

Miss Parsons sang most effectively "One sweetly Solemn Thought". The minister H. E. Mowe, preached a short sermon from the text: "She hath Wraught a Good Work. She Hath Done What She Could." These words were wonderfully fitting to her life. She had devoted herself to the ideal of following Christ and being useful in the world. In this she was always consistant, even through her long illness where she was compelled to stay in bed for over two years. She never forgot her Lord, nor her friends, and at the last she asked that some of her flowers be carried to the sick, and accordingly from the bountiful floral offerings twelve sick people received bouquets distributed by members of the Eastern Star of which she was a member, The ritual of the order was said at the grave, where many had gathered even before the casket arrived. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 20, 1930
The whole community was greatly shocked and saddened by the accident and death of Mrs. O. E. Keeler last Thursday. She will be greatly missed. Her kindly sweet disposition endeared her to all who knew her. The bereaved ones have the heartfelt sympathy of all friends and neighbors.

We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown at the death of our beloved wife and mother. The flowers were beautiful, and much appreciated.

Donald Keeler arrived from Moscow Friday and Dr. Harold Keeler of San Francisco and Mrs. Edie Linn and Mrs. Lawrence Spaulding and little son, and Mrs. Myrtle Keath of Portland all arrived Saturday to be present at the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, November 20, 1930)



One of the saddest and most lamentable automobile accidents that has ever taken place in this community occurred last Thursday on the state highway near the L. E. Keeler home three miles north of this city, when Mrs. Keeler, wife of L. E. Keeler, was struck by an automobile driven by Earl S. Secoy, which resulted in her death a few hours later.

Mr. Secoy, one of the faculty of the Fruitland school, in company with three of the students of the school, were driving north past the Keeler place on their way to Weiser, when the car, driven by Secoy, struck Mrs. Keeler as she was crossing highway to the mail box on the opposite side of the road.

From the best information at hand, the driver swerved the car to one side to miss the unfortunate woman, when she was struck by the side of the car. Her arm apparently caught in the handle of the door and was almost entirely severed from her body. She also received a broken hip and internal injuries. She was immediately removed to the Ontario hospital, where she passed away at 9 o'clock that evening.

Coroner L. A. Adair was called and held an inquest the following day, where witnesses were examined to determine the probable cause of the accident. The verdict returned was in the effect that the driver of the automobile was exonerated from any blame.

News of the fatal accident brought untold sadness, not only to the immediate family, but to the entire community, where Mrs. Keeler was so well known and loved by a large circle of friends.

Ora Myra Bosley was born February 11, 1867, at Woodville, Ohio. There her early childhood was spent. She moved to Kansas, where her education was completed, after which she taught in the grade schools and also gave piano lessons.

She was married to L. E. Keeler at Kansas City, Mo., June 4, 1889. Their home was blessed with three children, Mable, Harold and Donald. Mable went to her heavenly home February 25, 1921.

Mr. and Mrs. Keeler came to Payette in 1911, where they have since lived.

Mrs. Keeler is survived by her husband and two sons, Dr. Harold Keeler of San Francisco, and Donald Keeler, who is a student at the University of Idaho.

For many years Mrs. Keeler had been a member of the Church of Christ, and by her faithfulness proved her love for her Master.

She will be greatly missed by her many friends in the church and community.

The funeral services, which were conducted by the Rev. Mrs. J. S. Beem, were held at the Christian church. Members of the Lorraine chapter Eastern Star, of which the decedent was a member, attended in a body.

The beautiful and impressive Eastern Star services were held at the grave at Riverside cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest beside her daughter. (Riverside Cemetery)


Independent Enterprise
Thursday, April 10, 1941
Evelyn Fesler was born August 1, 1860 at Leon, Iowa. she was the fifteenth child of Mary and Elijah Fesler. She was united in marriage to James Fuller on June 17, 1885. Seven children were born to them, seven of whom survive. They are C. H. fuller of Holsinton, Kansas; Lodema R. Gilder of Cory, Colorado; and Paul fuller of Washington, D. C. James Fuller died on December 20, 1898.

On May 11, 1919 she married Peter Keim. Mr. Keim preceded his wife in death on February 5, 1937.

Mrs. Keim is survived by 17 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Mrs. Keim was a member of the Gospel Trumpet church of God at Sabetha, Kansas. Funeral services were held Friday at the Landon Funeral home. (Parkview Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

Independent Enterprise
Thursday, February 11, 1937
Peter Keim died at his home in Payette, Friday afternoon, February 5, at four o'clock.

Peter H. Keim was born in Pennsylvania, July 23, 1849. At the age of nineteen he was married to Mary A. Beachy. To this union were born six children. His wife passed away October 31, 1909.

On November 2, 1910 he was married to Mary Dohner of Beatrice, Nebraska, who passed away May 28, 1918.

In May 1919 he was married to Mrs. Eva Fuller of Sabetha, Kansas.

He moved from Pennsylvania to Falls City, Nebraska when a young man and resided for several years. From there he moved to Morrill, Kansas, where he resided for twenty-five years. In 1910 he moved to Payette where he had since made his home.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eva Keim of Payette and six children. Ella Smith, Susie Tipton, and George Keim of Wichita, Kansas, Bertha Masco of Tacoma, Washington, Harvey Keim of Wallace, Idaho and Dora Hilbarger who lives in California.

Funeral services in charge of Rev. John S. Curtis was held from the Pentecostal church Sunday. Interment was in the Parkview cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 18, 1920
On Saturday, March 13, at Pocatello, occurred the death of Ray Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Keith of this place. He had been at home for a short visit last week, only returning to his duties with the O.S. L. at Pocatello on Saturday, and being stricken with pneumonia the first of the week. The dread disease was not long in doing its work and tho the best of medical aid and most efficient nurse service were administered, he succumbed about 3 o'clock Saturday morning. His sister Mrs. Nelle Dibble and his brother Robert Keith, were at his bedside having been summoned early in the week and being in constant attendance. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Reed, assisted by the American Legion were held Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian church and interment made in Riverside Cemetery.

Ray Keith was born at Brant Lake, So. Dakota, November 20, 1887, being past 32 years at the time of his death. In 1902 he came to Payette with his parents and has lived here a part of the time since, tho his work as a mechanic has taken him elsewhere. A natural mechanic, he early begun his work along his chosen line, and has spent the greater part of his life in construction and engineering, being in the employ of the Oregon Short Line about eight years. He was of a quiet retiring nature, and his studious thorough disposition found its reward in an unusual efficiency which has accompanied all his work.

He served with Co. B., 91st Division, heavy artillery, in the recent war, resuming his interrupted duties upon his return from overseas.

Besides the parents, are left three sisters, Mrs. T. E. Helmbolt of Stetler, Canada, Mrs. Leonard Wright of Jerome, Idaho, Mrs. Earl Dibble of Payette, and three brothers, Walter S. Keith of Emmett, Idaho, Robert and Wayne of this place, all of whom excepting Mrs. Helmbolt have been at the family home during the past week. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 19, 1902
Mrs. Mamie Keller, wife of A. D. Keller, died in this city at 9 o'clock this (Thursday) morning, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Keller was a sister of W. F. Sherwood. She had been a resident of Payette but a short time, having recently moved here from Kendrick, Idaho. A month ago the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Keller, a little babe, died and was taken back to Kendrick for burial. Friday night Mr. Keller will start with the body of his wife to lay it by the side of his child. The sympathy of all who have become acquainted with him will go out to him in this hour of his deep affliction.

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 22, 1902
The five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Keller, who arrived in Payette recently from Kendrick and have been residing on Wm. Sherwood's bench ranch, died Tuesday morning after a short illness. The remains were shipped to Kendrick on the early train Wednesday morning.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 12, 1918
Word was received by the Wilson family that Mrs. Laura Wilson-Kelley had passed away as the result of Spanish Influenza at an early hour Tuesday morning. They had previously received word of her serious illness, but when news of her death was received it came as a shock to the entire community, as both Mr. and Mrs.. Kelley were well and favorably known to the people here. Mr. Kelley with his baby daughter less than one year old left Columbus, Ohio, with the body of the wife and mother Wednesday evening and will arrive in Payette Saturday evening on No. 18. Mrs. Wilson left this morning on the early train and will meet them at Cheyenne. So far as we have been informed no further arrangements for the funeral have been made. A full and ? obituary will be published ?. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, August 26, 1904
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kennedy lost their little ten-months' old girl, Jennie, Sunday from Cholera infantum. The funeral was held on Monday, when Rev. Kershaw gave the grieving parents consolation in a short sermon on immortality, from the 16th Chapter of Corinthians. A large procession accompanied the remains to the Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, September 02, 1904
Died on Sunday evening, August 21, 1904, at the residence of her only surviving daughter in East Orange, New Jersey, Mrs. Eliza Gordon Kershaw. Mrs. Kershaw was born in New York City eighty-five years ago. She was the daughter of James and Hannah Gordon, who came to this country from the north of Ireland. They were of Scotch descent, as the name Gordon implies. When a little child her parents moved to Paterson, New Jersey, and here her children were born and most of her life was spent. She had been a widow since 1864. Her husband, James Kershaw, was a major in the New Jersey state militia, and for a time was an enlisting officer during the civil war. Though she had five sisters she was the last surviving member of her family. She leaves two children, a daughter, Sarah, the wife of Mr. Robert Burnet, of East Orange, New Jersey, and a son, John, the pastor of the Congregational church at New Plymouth. No mother ever had more devoted daughters and no daughters ever had a mother more worthy of their devotion. (JK)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 24, 1918

Mrs. Elizabeth Kent, whose sudden death was recorded in the last Outlook, was laid to rest in Mt. Scott cemetery on Saturday, following funeral services at Carson's chapel, at which Dr. A. Thompson officiated. The members of Gresham Chapter Order of Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Kent was a member, conducted the burial service.

Mrs. Kent was born in Stockholm, New York, November 23, 1849. She was married to A. E. Kent, who survives her, on June 4, 1868. After residing several years in Oakes, N. Dakota, and Payette, Idaho, they came to Oregon in 1911 and settled near Rockwood, where she died. She is also survived by two daughters, Mrs. George Hageman and Mrs. Jas. Gray of Portland and five grandchildren. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Payette, Idaho, of the Gresham grange and the M. A. Rose Women's Relief Corps.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Dossie Clinton Kessler was born near Reann, Indiana, August 4, 1880, and died in Fruitland, Idaho, December, 1924, at the age of 44 year, three months and 28 days. His parents were William and Martha Kessler. In 1894 he moved with them to Cando, North Dakota, where he was married to Rose Baney in 1908. To this union three sons, Lamont, Claude, and Ralph, and two daughters, Grace and Janet, were born. Beside's his widow and these, he leaves to mourn his departure, four brothers, and three sisters, all in the East except Mrs. Emma Miller, of Weiser. His parents and one sister proceeded him in death. The cause of his death was contagious spinal meningitis, which made it impossible to have funeral services at the time. Memorial services were held from the Bretheren church Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Shank. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 21, 1918
Frank E. Kessler Passes Away

Frank E. Kessler died at his home near Falk, Monday afternoon. He was 29 years of age and is survived by his wife and three children. The burial will be at Boise.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 30, 1913
Falk Lady Dies

Mrs. Mary Kessler, died at Falk, last Tuesday at 5:00 a.m. of heart failure. She was 58 years old, and leaves a husband, three daughters and one son to mourn her death.

Services were held at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon at the home. From their the remains were shipped to Boise, where services will be held in the Presbyterian church Friday morning, after which she will be laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.

Her life was gentle, but like the still waters, it was deep. In her heart of hearts she carried those she loved, and her hand was never weary her step never failed in ministrating unto, caring for, waiting upon those who were in any way dependent upon her. She was not only faithful to her church, but just as faithful in believing that it was her duty as a Christian to do the will of her Master at all times.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 06, 1916
Mr. Wm. Kessler, aged 69 years and 5 months, died Monday afternoon at his home in Fruitland. Mr. Kessler has suffered with anemia for several years. In December he was taken sick with la grippe which developed into pneumonia. Little hopes were then given for his recovery and word was sent to his children. His five sons were with him several weeks, as he seemed to be improving they returned last week to their homes. Mr. Kessler was born in Franklin county, Va., and was married to Miss Martha Flora in 1867. He was the father of nine children, eight of whom are living, James, Jerry, Mrs. Ida Miller and Mrs. Mason, of North Dak., Edward of Montana, Doss, of Dead Ox Flat, Oregon, Lon, who resides in Fruitland and Miss Emma, who is one of our teachers. Mr. Kessler has lived in Fruitland about four years and has made many friends. He was a noble christian man, a loving and devoted husband and father.

The funeral services were held in the Brethren Church of which he was a faithful member, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, the officers of the church acting as pallbearers. Revs. Ebey and Shamberger officiating. Burial took place at Payette.

"How beautiful it is for a man to die on the walls of Zion, to be called like a watch worn and weary sentinel, to put his armor off, and rest in Heaven."

Fruitland Banner (Friday, January 07, 1916)

William Kesler Passes Away
Succumbs to an Attack of Pneumonia and Other Complications

William Kesler passed away at his home in Fruitland Monday evening at 5:30 after being confined to his bed for the past month, as the result of an attack of pneumonia. Although rallying from the pulmonary trouble the complication of diseases together with an old malady contracted while in Cuba, was the primary cause of his death.

Mr. Kesler was born August 31, 1846, in Franklin County, Indiana and at the age of 20 with his parents moved to Wayne County, Indiana. He was married to Miss Martha Flora, March 29, 1868, and to this union nine children were born, eight of whom with the widow survive him.

In 1895 Mr. Kesler moved to North Dakota and in 1912 moved to Fruitland. The funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10:30 in the Brethren Church, of which deceased was a faithful member, Elder L. H. Eby in charge.

Interment took place in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 21, 1910
Sad Death

Mrs. Chas. R. Ketchner, of near New Plymouth, expired at Boise last Saturday evening, to which place she was taken the same day for medical attendance.

The deceased resided in this section four years and had many friends who mourn her demise. She was aged 27 years leaves a husband and four children, to whom the deepest sympathy is extended. When they have drained the cup may the peace that passeth all understanding come to them from One that cares for each little sparrow that falls.

The remains arrived in New Plymouth on Tuesday and were tenderly consigned to their last resting place in Park View cemetery in the afternoon, Rev. Blom conducting the funeral services.

May her sleep be sweet. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 28, 1899
The infant son of Mr. J. M. Keys died in this city at 5 o'clock a.m. Sept. 26th.

Funeral services were conducted by Elder L. L. Harader. The burial took place at Riverside. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, January 29, 1903

Passes Away Suddenly - Buried on Her Wedding Day

Mrs. Leatha M. Kimbley, formerly a resident of Payette, died suddenly of heart failure at her home in Baker City, Ore., at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. The body was taken to Boise for burial which took place on Wednesday, the occasion being all the sadder because of the fact that that was to have been Mrs. Kimbley's wedding day.

Mrs. Kimbley was a member and held a beneficiary certificate for $1000 in Friendship Camp No. 2914, royal Neighbors of America, of this city.

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 17, 1898
Death of Mrs. Kimmell

Emma J. Kimmell, wife of Dr. T. A. Kimmell, died at 6:30 Wednesday evening of pneumonia. Mrs. Kimmell had been in declinig health for some time and spent the summer with her husband in the high altitude of the mountains, returning to Payette only a week ago. She was a most lovable woman and made friends of all with whom she came in contact. She was in the 42d year of her age and had resided in Payette between three and four years.

The funeral will take place at 1 o'clock Friday morning.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, June 11, 1915
Run Down By Auto At Caldwell and Killed

William Kincaid was run down and instantly killed at Caldwell last Friday noon by John Pipher, of Nampa.

The victim of the accident was 84 years old and a pioneer resident, coming to Caldwell in 1863. Before the car could be brought to a standstill he had been dragged half the width of the street beneath the front axle. Death was instantaneous, resulting from a broken back.

A verdict of the coroner's jury charged Pipher, who is a prominent citizen of Nampa, with criminal negligence.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, October 01, 1920
Grandmother King died at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. C. Johnson, Sunday. She was the mother of Mrs. Sam Applegate.

(October 8, 1920)

Mrs. Elizabeth King, nee Ruff, died at the W. C. Johnson home on Sunday, Sept. 26. She was born in Madison county, Tenn., July 18, 1831, so had attained an age of a little more than 89 years. In 1841 the family moved into Mississippi where Elizabeth grew to womanhood. In 1854 she was married to S. W. King. Four children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The King family came to Idaho in 1869 and settled where Emmett now stands.

Those were days of real pioneering and many were the privations and hardships endured. In it all she bore her part bravely and did her duty well. In 1907 Mr. King died. Since then she has lived with her children and been mother and grandmother to all the children in the neighborhood. The survivors are Mrs. W. C. Johnson and Mrs. John Applegate.

Funeral services were conducted at the Johnson home on Tuesday, Sept. 28, and the body laid to rest beside her husband in Payette cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, September 30, 1920)

The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth King who died Sunday evening, was held at the C. W. Johnson home, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Knight of New Plymouth.

Elizabeth Ruff was born in Tennessee, July 18, 1831 and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Johnson, Sept. 26, 1920, age 89 years, 2 months and 8 days. She moved with her parents from Tennessee to Mississippi when a young girl, and in 1854 was married to Alex King.

To this union four children were born, two sons and two daughters. The boys died when quite young. The daughters are: Mrs. C. W. Johnson of near Payette, and Mrs. John Applegate of New Plymouth.

Since the death of her husband in 1906, Grandma King had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Johnson. She is also survived by grand-children and great grand-children to the number of 25. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 29, 1922
The news of the death of Mrs. Mike King was quite a shock to the community last Friday morning. Mrs. King was in Boise recovering from an operation. She had been improving rapidly when a sudden change resulted in her death at about 6:30 Friday morning. She leaves her husband and nine children to mourn their loss.

New Plymouth Sentinel (Thursday, July 6, 1922)

Mrs. Maggie Parker King was born in 1881 in Powell county, Kentucky. In her native state she spent her girlhood and young womanhood and there in 1895 she was married to Mr. Mike King. Ten children were born to them, nine of whom survive their mother. Besides the five who have been residing with their parents are, Mrs. J. C. Gillis of Glenn's Ferry, Mrs. E. O. Mendenhall of Huntington, Miss Mabel King of Tacoma and Arthur King of Huntington.

About nine years ago the family moved from Kentucky to Idaho and since then have lived in this vicinity. A host of friends extend to her loved ones their heartfelt sympathy and join with them in their sorrow. (Parkview Cemetery)

Fruitland Banner
Friday, May 15, 1914
Mother of Mrs. F. W. Greip Dies in Illinois

J. A. King and Mrs. F. W. Greip received word of the death of their mother, Mrs. Mary King, at the home of her son in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Greip left Friday evening to attend the funeral. The interment will be made at Enid, Oklahoma, beside her husband.

Mrs. King lived in this vicinity for some time and had many friends who learned of her death with keen regret. She was 73 years old.

Payette Independent
Friday, February 08, 1907


Two of the Oldest Residents of the Payette Valley Die Within the Week - Mr. King Came to Idaho in 1869 and Mr. Hutchinson in 1878 -- Were Men Highly Honored and Respected.

During the last week two of the pioneers of the Payette Valley have been called to that bourne from which no traveler returns. One an old man enfeebled by age who had served his time and did it well and who was expecting the call of the angel of death, the other a man seemingly in good health who was stricken down with a suddenness that was a great shock to his many friends and which makes it hard for them to realize that he has been called from this life.

It was Thursday of last week that the last flickering spark of life of Samuel W. King departed to the Great Ruler from whence it came. While on Monday afternoon of this week at the Baker City hospital James Hutchinson passed away.

Samuel W. King was born in Louisiana in 1836. When he was but a lad five years of age his father and his family moved to Vaideu, Miss., where they lived until 1869, when they came to Idaho. In 1854 Mr. King was married to Elizabeth Ruff and to them four children were born: two sons who died while young and two daughters, Mrs. W. C. Johnson and Mrs. J. H. Applegate.

Probably there was no man in the Payette Valley held in higher respect by his friends and neighbors than Mr. King. He was a great lover of truth and honesty and with such a love to guide him he lived a most commendable life. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1856 and had since been a faithful member.

The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock from the Methodist church, Rev. Charles McCoard officiating. The pall bearers, who were J. S. Thurston, Burt Venable, D. C. Chase, N. A. Jacobsen, Peter Pence and C. W. Giesler, all old friends of the deceased, accompanied the remains from W. C. Johnson’s ranch on Little Willow creek. Interment was in Riverside cemetery.

The members of W. T. Sherman post, G. A. R., showed their respect and honor for him by attending the services in a body, led by Commander Ashbaugh. Deceased had been a follower of the lost cause but there probably was none among the old soldiers who loved the flag carried by them more nor who took more interest in memorial day services than did the soldier whose spirit had so lately departed. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 14, 1916

Jacob Alonzo Kinsey, born August 11, 1856 and died December 9th, 1916, aged 60 years, three months and 28 days.

While the birth place was Milford, Indiana, he came to the West when a young man and married Miss Angie Elizabeth Hunsaker, March 22, 1885, at Baker City, Oregon. To this union were born eight children all of whom are living except one who died by accident about a year ago when at the age of 23 years. Mr. Kinsey became a Christian and was baptized by Rev. Perce at Payette, January 24th, 1897. He later identified himself with the Christian Church (Disciples) March 5th, 1905, at Halfway, Oregon, where the family made their home for several years. Mr. Kinsey was an earnest Christian and an upright citizen and valued neighbor. The family but recently moved to Payette for the second time, and lived on River street. It was Brother Kinsey's desire to live where the children as well as the parents, could enjoy church privileges. Pneumonia and a weak heart were too much for the constitution which was not very robust, and after an illness of a week's duration, he departed this life and was laid to rest in the Payette cemetery. The funeral sermon was preached at the Christian Church at 1:30 p.m., Dec. 12, by the minister, Rev. John Kendrick Ballou.

A daughter of the deceased, Mrs. Walter Johnson, of Halfway, Ore., his brother and sister, Mr. H. H. Kinsey of Twin Falls, Idaho, Mrs. Crossfield, of Portland, Ore., and Mr. Frank Hunsaker of Baker, Oregon, a brother of Mrs. Kinsey, reached Payette in time for the funeral. A brother in Montana and a sister residing at St. Paul, Minn., were unable to be present. (Riverside Cemetery)








New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 23, 1920
Donald, the six year old son of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Knight of Middleton and grandson of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Knight died at his home last Friday night.


Payette Independent
Thursday, August 28, 1902
Mrs. I. Kolby died of typhoid fever at the family residence on East Commercial street Monday morning, half-past three o'clock. The deceased had been a resident of Payette only a few months, the family having moved from Minden, Neb. Mr. Kolby and children started Tuesday morning to take the body back to the old Nebraska home for burial. We understand that Mr. Kolby and the children will not return to Idaho, and that A. L. McClanahan, who is an old acquaintance of the family, will complete the residence which Mr. Kolby was building on East Commercial street and will place the same on the market.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 27, 1911

Young Man Well Known in Payette Killed While in Hills With Party of Friends on Outing -- Remains Brought to Weiser and interred Where Parents Live

Chris Korup, well known in Payette having worked here for some time with his Uncle Chris Henrichsen, met his death last Sunday morning in the hills near the head of Squaw Creek where he had gone with a party of friends for a hunting and fishing outing.

At the time of the accident the young man was engaged with two or three other men in the party in cutting down a huge dry tree that leaned threateningly toward the camp. Just before the tree fell young Korup notified the crowd of the direction he thought it would fall. As it started to fall they all scattered but in some manner a large section of the upper part of the tree broke off and striking another tree rebounded and struck Korup on the head. He lived from nine o'clock Friday evening when the accident happened until 12:30 Sunday morning when despite the efforts of all in camp and of Dr. I. R. Woodward, who was with the party and stayed by him constantly for the twenty-seven hours, he passed away.

The remains were brought to Weiser where his father and mother live and on Tuesday were interred in the Weiser cemetery the funeral services being held in Pythian Temple being conducted by Rev. Springfellow. The services at the grave were in charge of the K. of P. lodge of Weiser of which he was a member and a large delegation of the Payette K. of P. lodge also attended in a body.

The accident is one of the saddest that has occurred in this section for some time. Chris Korup was a young man, well known and admired by a large number of Payette residents as a clean upright young man. He was born in Germany, April 24, 1888 and came to this country with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ? Korup of Weiser who survive him. A brother, Karl Korup lives in Payette and a sister Mrs. Lew Waters, lives in Weiser. They all have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends who all deplore the sad affair. (Weiser Cemetery, Weiser, Idaho)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 29, 1920
Katarina Kosesan, nee Dorabach, was born in Wisesota, Hengary on Nov. 3, 1896. On Jan. 27, 1920 she passed out of this life at the age of 23 years, 2 mo., 23 days. Last week Thursday a child was born into the family. The baby is living, but its life cost the life of its mother. After days of untold suffering she went to sleep, leaving to mourn, her husband, Nikolaus Kosesan, her father and mother, and a small son of 2 years. Funeral services were conducted from her home, north of Payette, the Rev. F. C. Rueggeberg of the Evangelical church officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, she was born 11-3-1897 and died 1-26-1920. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 02, 1930
Virginia Ellen Kronfuss

Word was received last week of the death of Virginia Ellen, month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kronsuss at their home in Carlyle, Washington, on Monday, Dec. 23. Death was due to pneumonia. Mrs. Kronsuss will be remembered here as Audrey Walker. Her many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy to her and her husband in their bereavement.

Note: The name is KRONFUSS. ch


The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 30, 1930


Again the community was saddened last Thursday morning when news came of the death of Miss Ida Kullander, which occurred in the Ontario hospital last Wednesday night at 10:15.

She underwent an operation Monday morning and at first it was thought she was getting along nicely, but Tuesday noon, she became unconscious, and remained so until her death. Ida was a dear sweet girl and was loved by all who knew her. Through her profession, she made many friends in the community and wherever she was, she was always thinking of their comfort and trying to make things easy and comfortable for them. Her kind and cheerful way in ministering to them made them all love her. Indeed, she will be greatly missed by all.

Ida Wilhelmina Kullander was born at Kensington, Minn, Feb. 24, 1881. She spent the earlier part of her life in the state of Minnesota. In her youth, she was confirmed into the membership of the Mission church, of which she remained a member.

She came to Idaho in 1910, and made the west her home until she passed away. At the time of her death, she was 49 years, 7 months and 28 days old. She leaves to mourn her passing, 4 sisters, Mrs. E. O. Fritz, of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lucy Erps, of Washington, D. C. , Mrs. B. W. Grover of Fruitland and Miss Lydia Kullander of Ontario. Two brothers, Frank Kullander and Adolp Kullander of Kensington, Minn. She also leaves a number of near relatives and a large circle of friends, who will greatly miss her and mourn for her.

Funeral services were held from the Peterson Funeral Chapel in Ontario, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry. Owing to her brother Frank, who was unable to get here until Tuesday, interment was not made until that date. She was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery in Payette, beside here sister, Mrs. Anna Grover, who passed away a number of years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 30, 1930)


Again the community was saddened last Thursday morning when news came of the death of Miss Ida Kullander, which occurred in the Ontario hospital last Wednesday night at 10:15. She underwent a serious operation Monday morning and at first it was thought she was getting along nicely. But Tuesday at noon she became suddenly worse and unconscious and never regained consciousness. Ida was a dear, sweet girl, and was loved by all who knew her. Through her profession she made many friends in the community. Her kind and cheerful way in ministering to them made them all love her. Ida Wilhelmina Kullander was born at Kensington, Minn., Feb. 24, 1881. She spent the earlier part of her life in the state of Minnesota. In her youth she was confirmed into the membership of the Mission church, of which she remained a member. She came to Idaho in 1910 and made the West her home until she passed away. At the time of her death she was 49 years, 7 months and 28 days old. She leaves to mourn her passing four sisters, Mrs. E. O. Fritz of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lucy Erps of Washington, D. C., Mrs. B. W. Grover of Fruitland and Miss Lydia Kullander of Ontario, and two brothers, Frank Kullander and Adolph Kullander of Kensington, Minn. She also leaves a number of near relatives and a large circle of friends that will greatly miss her and mourn for her. Funeral services were held at the Peterson funeral chapel in Ontario Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Owing to her brother, Frank Kullander, who could not get here until Tuesday, interment was not made until Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. George Roseberry, and interment was made in Payette beside her sister, Mrs. Anna Grover, who passed away several years ago. (Riverside Cemetery) KUTCH, BECKFORD

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1913
The sad news received here of the death of the baby boy of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Kyles at Caldwell from cholera infantum Monday the tenth, elicited the deepest sympathy for the unhappy young parents in their bereavement.

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