Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames W

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 06, 1898
Rudolph P. Wackerhagen, died at his residence in this city at a quarter past five o'clock Wednesday morning, Oct., 5th, after an illness of nearly two months. Deceased was in his 51st year. Funeral services will be conducted at the home of the deceased by Rev. B. F. Clay, of the Christian church, this (Thurdsay) morning at 10 o'clock, after which the interment will take place in Riverside Cemetery.

Deceased leaves a wife and two small children. He had been engaged in business at this place for about seven years, having come to Payette from Lincoln, Neb., where for a long time he had occupied a responsible position in one of the leading banks. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 18, 1930


MESA - Eugene Wade, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wade, was killed in an auto crash this morning about 10 o'clock on the Mesa hill. Young Wade was accompanying a friend, Ezra Stagg to Council when the accident occurred. Young Staggs was driving and because of the slick road, was not able to make a turn. The car skidded into a telephone pole and in the crash, Wade received a fracture of the skull, from which he died.

He is survived by his parents and one younger sister. The father is foreman at the Mesa orchards.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 02, 1922

The Payette community will be shocked and grieved to hear of the sudden death of August C. Walbrecht, the popular young Deputy Sheriff. After five days of sickness from influenza and pneumonia, Mr. Walbrecht passed away early Wednesday morning at his home at 538 5th Street.

The deceased was a young man of strong moral character, high ideals, and a keen sense of duty, which made him generally popular and respected over the entire community in which he has made many friends in the last two and a half years during which time he has officiated as Deputy Sheriff under John T. Jefferies; his official duties being performed in a most satisfactory manner to all concerned.

The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walbrecht of Payette, and was 29 years of age on the 14th day of last January. He was born in York county, Nebraska, where he received grammer and High School education. The family then moved to Gooding, Idaho, where they lived for nine years, coming to Payette about three years ago.

August Walbrecht served in the 116th Infantry of the 29th Division in the late war, and spent a year overseas. He was taken down with influenza at Winchester, England, and after his recovery joined his forces in France. At the close of the war he returned to Payette and soon after was appointed Deputy Sheriff.

The deceased was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge. In addition to his bereaved parents, he is survived by two brothers and two sisters; Edward and John Walbrecht, of Payette; Mrs. Myrtle Draganov, of Caldwell; and Miss Freda Walbrec, of Vale, Oregon.

Funeral Friday

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow, Friday afternoon, at the Methodist Church, with Rev. Walker officiating. Officers of the Odd Fellows lodge will conduct the services at the grave assisted by members of the local Legion Post.

New Plymouth Sentinel (Thursday, March 09, 1922)

Deputy Sheriff Dies

August Walbrecht, deputy sheriff of Payette county, died of flu pneumonia, at 1 o'clock Wednesday morning after an illness of only three days. Mr. Walbrecht was a former service man, serving in France. He was 29 years of age and unmarried, making his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Walbrecht. Saturday he was on duty at the county offices, and was taken ill Sunday night and died within sixty hours. He has been deputy sheriff for something over two years.

Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock last Friday afternoon at the Methodist church in Payette, Rev. Clyde Walker officiating. The services at the grave will be in charge of the I.O.O.F. and American Legion of which Mr. Walbrecht was a member. All county offices close at noon Friday and remained closed until after the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 1-14-1893 and died 3-1-1922.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 13, 1916

James Vernon Walker, aged about 15 years, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, died at the home of his parents on Seventh Avenue North, Wednesday afternoon, after a painful illness of about six weeks. The funeral will take place at 2:30 this afternoon from the Methodist church, the pastor, Dr. G. W. Barnes, officiating.

The peculiar circumstance connected with this boy's death is the fact that about six weeks ago, while chewing a kernel of dry corn he laughed at some amusing remark and sucked a particle of the corn into his left lung, from the effects of which he coughed more or less, but suffered no particular pain until about two weeks later when he was taken down with a pain in his lung and continued to decline in spite of medical treatment and the most careful nursing. Drs. Woodward and Woodward, who had the case in charge, sought to relieve the patient's suffering by an operation in which portions of ribs were removed on each side of the lung, but without success, as gangrene had set in and the case was found to be hopeless. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 16, 1913
Died Wednesday, January 15, at 8:00 p. m. Mrs. Mary Walker, age 85 years, two months and 3 days. she leaves one daughter and three sons to mourn her death. The funeral services will be held in the Baptist church this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. (Park View Cemetery)

Mrs. Mary Walker (New Plymouth Sentinel, Thursday, January 23, 1913)

Mrs. Mary Walker died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bettie Smith, four miles west of New Plymouth, January 15th, 1913, at the advanced age of 85 years, 2 months and three days. The funeral obsequies were conducted by her Pastor, Rev. Thomas Packard, on Thursday afternoon and the remains interred in Park View cemetery.

The subject of this sketch, Mary Cornett, was born in the state of Kentucky in the pioneer days of the Blue Grass state, and her grandfather was killed in a fort in Boonesboro, in company with the celebrated frontiersman and trapper, Daniel Boone. At the age of three years her parents pushed out from the state of her birth westward, and crossing the Missouri River on ice, settled in the county of Johnson, state of Missouri where a long and active life, filled with many interesting and touching experiences, was passed. At that time there were few whites in that state, and the family of the deceased was a close neighbor and warm friend of Senator Cockerell and family. February 11, 1845 she was united in marriage to E. M. Walker, and with him spent over 60 years as wife, mother and helpmate. To them were born six sons and three daughters. Lucretia, Mollie and William have passed into the soul-land, leaving six other sons and daughters to mourn the loss of a good and loving mother. Bettie Smith, George, Gentry and J. D. Walker, reside in this community, while James resides in Wyoming and Simson makes his home in the state of his birth, Missouri.

Mrs. Walker become a widow November 18th 1906 and in 1908 came to this vicinity where she has made her home since with her daughter, Mrs. Bettie Smith. At the early age of 17 she was converted and united with the Baptist Church in Missouri and when her old home was broken up by the hand of death, she was united with the local church of New Plymouth, and in all the shadows and sunlight of these years she had an abiding faith in her Redeemer and learned heavily upon the staff of the believer. In her closing years she seemed to look with joy like the Apostle to "That City whose builder and maker is God." (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919

Little Carrol Anson, youngest son of Mrs. Florence Walker, met with sudden death at Cascade last Saturday while playing in the switch yards of the logging camp last Saturday afternoon. It is supposed that he attempted to cross in front of a moving car and was struck on the head and chest causing instant death. He was picked up by one of the work men after the moving car had crossed over the body.

Mr. and Mrs. Walker went to Cascade several months ago and have been employed as cooks at the camp near where the accident happened. Little Carrol was a sweet child and the pet of the family. He was four years, seven months and four days old at the time of his death and his sudden and untimely departure brings sadness to many a heart. The body was brought to Payette Monday, the funeral was held from Lauers undertaking parlors Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery beside his father, and twin brother who preceded him about a year ago. He leaves to mourn his loss, a step-father, mother and two older brothers besides other relatives who have the tender sympathy of many friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 28, 1900
Mrs. Anderson Walker

Mrs. Anderson Walker died in Salt Lake City last Friday morning from the effects of a surgical operation. The remains were brought to Payette, Sunday, and taken from here to Crane Creek where they were interred. Mrs. Walker was 70 years of age. Although a resident of Crane Creek until about one year ago, Mrs. Walker was well known in Payette and esteemed very highly. She leaves a husband and several sons and daughters who are among the country's most respected citizens. The people of the community extend their condolences and sympathy to the bereaved family.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 04, 1924

The many friends of William Houston Walker were shocked to hear of his death which occurred Saturday, August 30th at the family home in Payette.

He was aged 68 and had lived in Payette and vicinity since 1881 and followed the sheep business until two years ago.

He was married 38 years to Mrs. Emma Allen, who had one boy, Henry who lives on Crane creek. Seven children were at his bedside, Albert, George, Thomas, Robert, John, Mrs. Ollie Bowman and Mrs. Lavilla Arens. One daughter, Mrs. Otto Asmussen, living at Longview, Washington was unable to be present, one brother Thomas of Whitley and a sister Mrs. Claiborn were also present, another brother, John at Horseshoe Bend was not able to be present.

Funeral services were held at the residence on 2nd Avenue at five p. m. by Rev. Matthews and interment was made in the old cemetery at Crane creek where their son Charles was buried.

Will Walker was a kind husband and father and a good friend and was well respected by all.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 24, 1919

Alberton(should be Albertine) Ann Walkington, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Burt Venable, in this city, at 4 o'clock on the morning of April 17th. Had she lived until the 24th day of the present month she would have reached her 87th years. For a long time she had been a helpless invalid, having been for 13 years confined to her room and the constant care of her daughter who knew no sacrifice imposed by filial duty.

Mother Walkington was born at Georgetown, Ohio, and spent her early life in that state. She was reared in the Methodist faith, to which she sted fastly adhered throughout the vicissitudes of a long life-time the latter part of which was attended by pitiable invalidism and much suffering. She was the last of her immediate family and is survived by only a daughter and son Mrs. Burt Venable of Payette, and Mr. W. C. Boyer of Silver Creek, Neb. She leaves five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

A simple but impressive funeral service was conducted from the Methodist Episcopal church Easter Sunday at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Wallace, the pastor, officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. E. S. Pence and I. L. Thurston, grandson-in-laws of the deceased Clyde Thurson, Lloyd Pence, J.A. Lauer and Rex Bradshaw, to whom the aged woman had long been devoted. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 16, 1904
Mrs. Anna Mary Wallace died at her home in this city Wednesday morning, December 14, as the result of an attack of pneumonia. She was only sick about a week.

The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Christian church and will be conducted under the auspices of the Rebekah lodge of this city, of which she was a prominent member. Evangelist Davidson will preach the sermon.

The deceased was 49 years old and leaves a husband, son and a daughter.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 06, 1930


Joseph M. Wallace, 62 years of age, committed suicide by means of an automatic shotgun. The rash act was committed at the ranch home of his son-in-law, Willard Lynch, three miles south of Fruitland, Friday January 31, where Wallace had been living in a tent for the past year.

A note addressed to his daughter, Mrs. Corda Lynch, found on his bed indicated there had been some dispute over money due him from the daughter and demanding immediate settlement with compound interest or there would be something doing. From information gathered, the note was given to one of the Lynch boys to deliver to his mother, but the boy became afraid and refused to do so. It was also reported that Wallace had made threats against the life of the entire Lynch family and growing alarmed at his actions they went to the home of a near neighbor and shortly after, four shots were heard. Upon investigation it was found that Wallace had killed two cows belonging to Lynch and wounding a horse, then with the fourth shot killed himself by flowing off the top of his head. His body was found by the hay stack near the barn. It is also reported that there was no money owing to Wallace by the Lynch family.

Sheriff Stewart and Coroner L. H. Adair were called and the boy removed to the Paterson Funeral Home, where the funeral was held Tuesday morning at ten o'clock and interment at Nyssa where Mr. Wallace formerly lived.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 06, 1930)

We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and help during the death of our father. Guy Wallace
Bob Wallace and family
Mrs. Ethel Shath and family
Willard Lynch and family



The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

A. A. Walton, for a short time a resident of a ranch in Washoe bottom, but later living on his ranch on Manns creek, north of Weiser, was killed in an auto accident Tuesday evening. He was with Attorney L. L. Feltham of Weiser who was driving the car when he lost control of it on a hill and it backed into a gulch. Mr. Feltham escaped.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 29, 1911
Sad Death

Russell B. Waltz, aged 18 years, son of Mrs. and Mrs. E. E. Waltz, recent arrivals from Cleveland, Ohio, met a sad death by drowning in Creasey's pond last Sunday afternoon.

In company with Will Fisher he was bathing in the pond and was seized with cramps, and notwithstanding the heroic efforts of his companion to rescue him, he sank in 15 feet of water.

Dr. Drysdale was summoned and rushed to the scene in his auto, and being a good swimmer and diver, went to the bottom of the lake several times to locate the body, but was unable to do so. The pond was dragged and Russell's body was found after he had been in the water four hours.

The funeral was held from the John B. Fisher home Monday and was largely attended. Rev. R. B. Wright, of Boise, officiating.

To the bereaved parents the heartfelt sympathy of all in this community is extended in their terrible bereavement. (Park View Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 21, 1922
Stranger Dies of Mysterious Disease

Ruben Ward, a man forty years of age who had been employed on the Ed. Strohbehm ranch near New Plymouth, died Friday morning in the Ontario hospital of a mysterous disease, which tests may prove to be rabies. Mr. Ward was found in bed with his clothes on at the Strohbehm ranch Monday afternoon of last week by Ralph Hall. He had done the farm chores the evening before but did not seem to remember much about what he had done. He was brought to the hotel in New Plymouth Monday night and was taken from there to the hosptial at Ontario Tuesday. A brother living in Oregon was notified but was unable to get to the hospital before death came.

Mr. Ward lost his wife and a child twelve years ago. He leaves a daughter eighteen years of age who lives with her grand parents in Tennessee.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 21, 1922)


Rufus Ward, well known in this community, and highly respected, died at the Holy Rosary hospital at an early hour last Friday morning from Hydrophobia following several days of intence suffering, the cause of the disease in his case is unknown. Mr. Ward who was a widower of about 45 years of age, since the death of his wife here at Payette several years ago, has worked among the farmers of this community and was highly respected for this honor and integrity. At the time he was taken sick, he was alone on the Ed Strohbehn ranch east of New Plymouth, Mr. Stohbehn having moved with his family to New Plymouth, and had sent a Mr. Hill to the ranch on Monday after some chickens. When Mr. Hill arrived at the place about dark, he found Mr. Ward in bed asleep and from all appearances the stock about the place had not been fed for several days. When awakened, Mr. Ward asked how long he had been sleeping, said he was not sick and got up and went with the lantern to help catch the chickens, but acted very queer, staggered about and would burst into laughter, appearantly hysterical, but said there was nothing the matter. Mr. Hill went to New Plymouth and returned with Dr. Drysdale and after an examination, he was taken to New Plymouth where a doctor from Ontario was consulted and the patient taken to the hospital, where his case developed into every symptoms of Hydrophobia and was diagnosed as such by the attending physician, however it is not know how he became enoculated.

His suffering was severe but he seemingly was not conscious at any time of his condition, and death came as the only relief about four o'clock Friday morning.

He is survived by a daughter 17 years of age, a mother and sister and two brothers, all now living in Virginia, and one brother Sidney Ward, of Long Creek, Oregon, who was present at the funeral, and two cousins, James and Tom Carico of Payette. The funeral was held from the I.O.O.F. Hall, Monday afternoon and was in charge of the Odd Fellows Lodge, of Payette, of which the deceased was a member, conducted by Rv. Hall, pastor of the M. E. church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 21, 1918

B. F. McCarroll received word Sunday that William Wardell, a former Payette man, had died in Salt Lake Friday of last week. Mr. Wardell will be remembered by the people of Payette as he was Wire Chief for the Telephone Company from 1911 to 1916. Death was caused from cancer of the stomach. He was a single man.


Payette Independent
Thursday, February 6, 1900
Geo. T. Warner was born in Elk Creek, Erie Co, Pa., March 2nd, 1846. Died 11:30 p.m., Feb. 1900. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. His sister, Mrs. Cady of Benton Harbor, Mich., formerly Mrs. Whitney of this place, is the only one of his father's family yet living. The deceased was a consistent Christian and member of the Baptist church for thirty years, beig a deacon of the Payette Baptist church for several years since coming here. The church has lost a zealous, earnest worker; the community a good, true, Christian citizen, and everyone a neighbor. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 29, 1930

Mary Klopping was born March 11, 1868 at Newton, Iowa in Jasper county.

She was united in marriage to Frank Wasson, June 30, 1906. To this union three daughters were born, Esther, Florence and Marie.

In 190? the Wasson family moved west and located at Payette, Idaho, where she resided until the time of her death.

Mrs. Frank Wasson passed away May 24, 1930 at the age of 62 years, 2 month and 13 days.

She leaves a husband, three daughter, Florence Wasson of Payette; Mrs. Harry E. Rhoads of Scotia, New York; and Mrs. Lee W. Coblentz of Payette; two granddaughters, a sister Mrs. Adolph Ruchti of Newton, Iowa, a niece Mrs. Will Damman of Newton, Iowa. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 7, 1903
Death of H. C. Waterman

Henry C. Waterman, well known in the lower Payette Valley, died at his home in this city on the morning of May 2nd, of pneumonia, after an illness of two weeks. Funeral services were conducted from the Christian church, of which deceased had long been a member, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The sermon was preached by Rev. G. L. Surber, after which the remains were escorted to Riverside cemetery by the local Masonic lodge and a large procession of friends and neighbors, where the burial took place with Masonic honors, according to the impressive ritualistic ceremonies of that ancient order.

Henry C. Waterman removed with his family from Columbus, Ohio, to the Payette Valley four years ago last September and settled on a piece of land on the Payette bench, which he improved and made valuable. He moved into town last fall, devoting his attention to the real estate business. His age was 61 years and 10 days. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 13, 1916

The remains of J. A. Watts, who died at Oakland, Calif., April 4th, reached Payette Monday forenoon, from the late home of the deceased at Meridian, Idaho, where funeral services were conducted before bringing the body to Payette for burial. The interment took place in Riverside Cemetery, with the solemn and impressive ritualistic rites of the Order of Odd Fellows, of which the deceased had long been a member, the services being conducted by the local lodge of this city.

Deceased was a brother of M. W. Watts of Payette and was for several years, before going to Meridian, a resident of and engaged in business in this city. Mr. Watts was past 54 years of age. He leaves a widow and eight children, with many other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 17, 1914
Mrs. Wayman Dies

Mrs. W. M. Wayman died at her home Sunday morning in Boise. The direct cause of her death was heart failure. It was sudden as she had appeared to be in her usual health up to the time of her death.

Her husband is in the east at the present time. Friends of the family tried to reach him in Omaha Sunday but up to a late hour had failed to receive any communication from him. A daughter ten years old survives her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wayman are well known to old residents of this city Mr Wayman having lived here a number of years owning a farm near Archie Sundles place. Mrs. Wayman has many friends in this section who will mourn her loss.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, February 09, 1917
Death of Mrs. Wayne of Whitley Bottom

Mrs. Elizabeth Mullin Wayne, aged 63 years, died at her home in Whitley Bottom Saturday night, from bowel trouble, after a brief illness. She leaves her husband, two sons and two daughters, one son, Frank Wayne, residing in Fruitland. The funeral services were held at the home Monday morning, Rev. Ford Burtch officiating. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 02, 1922

Irene E. Wayne was born at Woodbine, Iowa, July 28, 1892, and departed this life, Feb. 28, 1922, at the age of 29 years, and 7 months. She was cut down in the prime of life, but no age is immune to the attack of death. Now we are reminded again if the words of St. James when he declares "What is queer life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little while and then vanisheth away." Death never waits for our revelation to make its abode.

At the age of three she came with her parents to Idaho. A year later they moved to Kansas. From here they returned to Idaho when the deceased was 9 years of age, and this has since been her home.

She was happily married to Henry Samuel Wayne, Nov. 17, 1907, who still survives and is keenly sensible of his loss. To this union seven children were born, two having died in infancy. The living are Minta aged 11, Herbert 9, Ruth 8, Velma 5, and Argyl 2. Many other relatives and friends survive, among them Mr. and Mrs. Abrams, the parents, and two sisters, one at Star, and Alma Lee at home. To all these and the friends the hour is dark but the sweet hope of the Christian is indeed comforting. "We shall meet beyond the river". But while these things are true, still in this once happy home, a vacant chair sits at the hearth stone. The deceased was known as one who was genial in temperment, kindly in disposition, and a loving wife and tender mother.

She was a member of the Church of God and suffered and died with the comfort of Jesus in her heart. Heaven is now her home.

"There grief is turned to pleasure
Such pleasure as below
No human voice can call better
And after fleshly weakness
And after this world's night
And after storm and whirlwinds
And calm and joy and light."

Funeral services took place from the Baptist Church of Payette, on the afternoon of March 2, 1922, conducted by Rev. Argyl Houser. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Enterprise
November 13, 1913

Friday afternoon while playing with her little sister, Wealthy, the little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wayne was so severely burned, that she passed away at half past one Saturday morning.

The little girls were playing out in the yard and had stolen some matches out of the house and started a fire in some leaves. The little girl got too close to the fire and her clothes got afire burning her very severely. She was burned to almost a crisp and despite the best efforts of the doctor, the little girl passed away.

The parents are heartbroken and have the sympathy of friends and neighbors.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Church of God. The body was interred in the Riverside Cemetery.

A fatal accident occurred Nov. 7, at the home of Herbert Wayne. Wealthy the four year old daughter, was playing with matches and set fire to her clothing, the child lived but a few hours. Funeral services were held from the Church of God in Payette. Many flowers were sent as a token of sympathy for the bereaved parents. the flowers sent by the L. S. U. expressed the heartfelt sorrow of their immediate neighbors, for the parents in their great bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 02, 1922

Mrs. Susan Weaver of Boise, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. W. Coates, Tuesday, February 4, after having been ill only a few days with pneumonia. The deceased was eighty-one years old. The body was shipped to Boise Thursday morning, where funeral services were held Saturday. The children Irvin Weaver, Mrs. Howard Weaver and Mrs. Tom Evans, all of Boise, arrived Tuesday morning. Mrs. Coates was very ill at the time and was unable to attend the funeral.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 26, 1917

William Weaver committed suicide last Tuesday morning at the Johnson ranch, about a mile and a half from Weiser on the Oregon side by cutting an artery in the left arm with a razor. Mr. Weaver was employed on the Johnson ranch and for some time has been acting somewhat queer. However, nothing was thought of it until last Tuesday morning. He was not heard leaving the house as usual, but it was supposed that he was out doing the chores. But when he did not return to the house for breakfast, Mr. Johnson went to his room and discovered that he was missing from the house and had left his shoes. A search was immediately made, and his body found back of the barn by a straw stack where he had committed the rash act. The left arm was severed just below the elbow, and a razor lay in a pool of blood by the lifeless body. No cause is known. Mr. Weaver was a man of about 50 years of age. He was the owner of some town property in Weiser and also owned a small tract of land not far from the Johnson place where he was working. His wife was living on the place. The Coroner from Malheur County, Dr. Payne of Ontario, was summoned, and on arriving at the scene, decided an inquest was not necessary as all indications were that death was caused by self infliction. The body was taken to the undertaking parlor at Weiser, and interment was made in the Weiser Cemetery. Besides a wife, he leaves a married daughter who is living on a ranch in the same neighborhood.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 18, 1900
Mrs. Elizabeth Webb, mother of A. C. Ringer, passed to her rest on Jan. 10th, at the home of Mrs. Ringer. Deceased was born in Idle, Yorkshire, England, age 72 years. Services were held at the home Friday afternoon, the Revs. Barton and Stevenson officiating.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917

John Weir, unmarried, who has been stopping at the home of his brother, Thos. Weir, the past several years, died Friday morning, March 23rd. Death was due to a complication of diseases. Mr. Weir was born in Scotland 65 years ago. He has been in poor health several years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Knight Saturday afternoon, at the Weir home. Interment was in Park View cemetery. Besides his brother, he leaves a sister in New Zealand. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 29, 1917
Jno. Weir aged 65 years, died at the residence of his brother west of town, on Friday of lst week and the funeral was held on Saturday in charge of undertaker A. Meyer, with Rev. H. F. Knight officiating.

Internment was made in Park View. He was one of a family of nine children of which but a brother and sister survive. He was born in Wigtonshire, Scotland, in March 1852. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 14, 1918
Mrs. Margaret J. Weir

Mrs. Margaret J. Weir died at her home near New Plymouth, Feb. 11, 1918. She was born in Woodstock, Illinois, Feb. 12th, 1847, her maiden name being Margaret Jane Lindsay. She was married to Rev. Thomas Weir at Woodstock, March 3rd, 1879. Her church membership was in the Free Methodist church and she was interested in all good works. She is survived by her husband and four children, Nellie, Mary, Archie and Paul, all of whom were present during the last hours of Mrs. Weir.

The funeral services were conducted from the family residence on Wednesday afternoon by Rev H. F. Knight. Burial was in the Park View Cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 14, 1918)

Mrs. Thos. Weir died at her home between Fruitland and New Plymouth, Monday morning. Mrs. Weir's 70th birthday was Tuesday, the day after her death. She has been in poor health for some time. Her's was a beautiful christian life.

Margaret Jane Lindsay was born at Woodstock, Illinois, Feb. 12, 1848. She was united in marriage to Thos. Weir, March 3rd, 1879. She leaves besides her husband, one brother and 4 children, Nellie B., Mary, A. L., and Thos. Paul.

The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 o'clock, at the home. Rev. Knight, who has been her pastor a number of years, officiated. (Park View Cemetery)


We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and loving sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother, also for the beautiful floral offering. Mr. Thos. Weir and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 07, 1921
Word was received Sunday of the death of Mrs. Anna Welch of Caldwell, who died Sunday morning. Mrs. Welch lived in Fruitland a few years ago, and is a sister of George Frank and Mrs. H. R. Flack. She leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn her loss.

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 18, 1923
Otto Wellman, brother of Mrs. Webster Curtis, died at the home of his sister Wednesday evening. He came with his mother to New Plymouth several weeks ago. The body was sent to Cleveland, Ohio for burial.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Otto S. Wellman was born 7-31-1900 and died 10-10-1923, New Plymouth. ch

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 08, 1914

Alexander Wells, aged 86, 7 months and 27 days, died at his home in Payette Oct., 2d, 1914. Mr. Wells for the past fifteen years had been one of the most respected and honored citizens of the town. He has been successful in a business way and has added much to the development of the town and community. No doubt his life has counted for most in the moral and religious fields. He upheld a high standard of life. Any injustice to himself or to another filled him with a righteous indignation and he was ready at once to oppose such injustice. That he believed to be right he was anxious to defend with all his might. What he believed to be wrong he launched against it with equal zeal. Among the worthy principles which he advocated were, the deeper observance of the Lord's Day, temperance, clean speech and pure social relations. He was especially interested in the church, for him the Kingdom of God was a matter of supreme importance. As a member of the Church of Christ in this place he was regular in attendance, loyal in its support and conspicuities in its service. He held the position of Elder for many years during which time he carefully endeavored to discharge such duties as were his. Often he has admonished the erring in that kind Christian Spirit which characterizes a true shepherd of the Lord. He adored no compromise with the world and worldly things but prayed and worked that the Church should be without spot and without blemish. At times he has sacrificed his own personal interests for the good of Church. He was well versed in the Sacred Scriptures and frequently in the absence of his pastor he filled the pulpit with edification and profit to all. His mind was remarkably clear, even in his last year he discussed accurately the problems of life and religion. He had a rare sense of clean wholesome wit and humor. His presence at any social gathering was a sure indication of good cheer. His after-dinner talks were always enjoyable. His cheerfulness and hopefulness together with his splendid habit of life account in part for his long life. His moral influence will be missed in the community, his spiritual strength will be miss in the church and his genial presence will be missed most in the home. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 17, 1913
Alphonso D. Wells, was born in DeBuque, Iowa, May 9, 1839. Moved to Kansas in 1859, married in the same yar to Nancy Keefever. He remained in Kansas until 1901, at which time they moved to Wanatche, Wash. At that place Mrs. Wells passed away, in the year 1904.

Mr. Wells came to New Plymouth in 191, where he has remained since that time. He was a member of the New Plymouth Baptist church. He leaves five children to mourn his death, four sons and one daughter. He was 73 yrs., 1 month and 8 days at the time of his death.

The heartfelt sympathy of the entire valley goes out to the Wells family, in their loss of a loved one and their home.

A. D. Wells Burned to Death In Bed (New Plymouth Sentinel, Thursday, April 17, 1913)

Saturday night a fire was seen south of town and was thought at first to be only some one burning brush, but upon investigation, it was found to be the Frank Wells home. The firemen were called and a desperate effort was made to reach the house in time to save the walls but too late, and only the outbuildings could be saved.

It was learned that A. D. Wells, father of Frank who had been suffering with brights disease for some time, had been put to bed before the family went to town to do some shopping, and was thought to be in the house, as he could not be found. Upon investigating his bedroom which was then a mess of flames he was discovered, the upper part of his body heavily wrapped with bedding and the lower limbs partly gone. After desperate efforts he was removed from the burning building, dead.

The origin of the fire is not known.

It was sad and beyond the control of anyone, to bring this aged man back to life. He was taken to the Leo Schmidt home and Monday the funeral services held in the Baptist church, after which the remains were shipped to Cashmere, Washington.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1922

Payette has again been saddened by the passing of one of its oldest and most respected residents, Mrs. Alexander Wells. Her spirit passed to the great beyond late Thursday afternoon, March 2nd., at the age of 79 years, five months, closing a long and useful Christian life. She is gone, but the influence of her loving disposition, kindly deeds, and true Christian principles, still lives in the hearts and minds of many friends and descendants.

The deceased was born near Scheffield, England, and came with her parents to Moline, Ill., when she was seven years old. Sixty years ago she was married in Illinois to Alexander Wells, a pastor of the Christian Church who filled many pulpits in Illinois and Iowa. They moved to Payette from Iowa 22 years ago, where Mr. Wells continued his Christian work, frequently assisting other pastors by filling their pulpits, always assisted by his ever-willing wife and helpmate. The Reverend Wells passed away here on Oct. 2nd. 1916, leaving a bereaved widow and three stalwart sons who have ably carried on the work he so well started.

Funeral services were conducted at the Christian Church, Sunday afternoon, the church was crowded with those who came to pay their last respects to one who has been generally loved and respected by all. Rev. Mowe preached a touching sermon, and emphasized the value and usefulness of a true Christian life such as was lived by the deceased who had been a faithful member of the church for 60 years. His words gave comfort solace to the mourners, that the deceased has now passed to her Greater Reward.

Mrs. Wells is survived by three sons, six grandchildren, and 5 great-grand-children. Her surviving sons are: B. L. Wells, who conducts an orchard east of Payette, William Wells, Editor of the Enterprise; and Sterling Wells, a prosperous real estate dealer of Schaller Iowa. The latter arrived in Payette in time to attend his mother's funeral.

"By their fruits, ye shall know them".

In addition to the above article written by Mr. Bartlet who kindly gave his assistance during our absence from the office, the Editor desires to add a few words -- the last sad right of a dear mother.

It has been our privilege for more than a half century to live in the same community and to know almost every thought and act of the mother we have just lain to rest. Her life was one of devotion to others, almost her last words were expressing her wishes that those about her be made comfortable. In all her life we cannot recall one harsh word. It is a sad thought that she has gone forever from this world, but a consoling thought that for more than 60 years she has lived a true Christian life and that she was permitted to live so long and to do so much good. While it brings sadness to our hearts, we rejoice that her earthly sufferings are done and that she has gone to reap the rewards. We wish to express our gratitude to the many friends for the words of sympathy and other kindness extended to us during our sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 7, 1912
Two Deaths

Henry M. Wells died at his home on the first day of November. He was born at South Strafford, Vt in the year 1855. Married in Kearny, Neb., April 8, 1902 to Lizzie L. Kelley who, with one son, Merril age 10 years survives him. The family lived in several places in Iowa, Nebraska and New Mexico, coming to Idaho about three years ago. Mr. Wells was a quiet and industrous man, a kind neighbor and a good citizen.

The funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon Nov 8 at the Congregational church of which he was a member. His wife and son have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 04, 1917
Ida Blanch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay C. Wells, passed away Monday evening after an illness of about ten days. She was first taken with acute indigestion which developed into spinal meningitis. Everything known to physicians and a trained nurse was done to save her but to no avail. Death came to relieve the suffering one at eleven o'clock Monday evening. She was a sweet child, and her little life was snuffed out like a bud before the bloom; but death in all its sadness has a comforting that -- that she has left this cruel world before the stain of sin has marred the little soul. She had returned to that from whence she came, untarnished, pure and sweet, where sin in all its temptation and the trials of a cruel world are unknown.

Little Ida Blanch Wells was born at New Plymouth, Idaho, Feb. 21st, 1917; died at Payette, Idaho, Oct. 1st, 1917, age seven months and 8 days. The funeral services were held from the home, conducted by Rev. E. E. Clayton. Many beautiful floral offerings covered the little white casket. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 12, 1923
The Fruitland community was saddened Sunday, when it was learned that Mary, daughter of Laurel Wells and wife, had passed away at 6:45 that evening in Emmett, from diptheria. Mr. Wells has been employed in a mine at Pioneerville, where Mary took sick last week, and was brought to Emmett, but nothing could be done. She would have been three years old in September.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Mary Elenor Wells was born 9-26-1920 and died 7-8-1923, Emmett. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 21, 1921
Frank William Wheeler was born at Giltner, Nebr., June 9th, 1892, and departed this life April 14th at Payette, Idaho, after a very short illness. The immediate cause of his death was ulcer of the stomach.

Mr. Wheeler was a highly respected young man, a member of the Methodist Church and of the Epworth League, he was a clean young man of "good moral habits and was taken away just when life seemed the brightest.

He was married September 3rd, 1918 to Miss Bessie Oglesby, and to them were born two little girLs, one two and a half years old, and one but a few days. Besides the young wife and two little children he is survived by a father and mother, and one brother, all of Payette, also a host of friends who will share in the grief stricken relatives in the loss of their dear one. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist church conducted by the pastor. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 16, 1924
Baby Boy Dead

Another little soul took its flight to the Heavenly Realm Sunday when George Clarkson Wherry succumbed to the dreadful disease diphtheria. The little one was playing at noon Saturday and within twenty-four hours had passed away.

He was born July 20, 1920, and died October 12, 1924, age 4 years, 2 months and 23 days. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wherry. Funeral services were held on the lawn, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. I. Mitchell. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917
The funeral of the late Dan White a highly respected citizen living one mile north of Fruitland on Pennsylvania Avenue, was held Saturday morning from the Ontario United Presbyterian church. Mr. White was born in Canada 60 years ago and was married seven years ago. He was a member and a deacon of the United Presbyterian Church at Ontario. He came to the Payette Valley about 10 years ago. Mrs. White accompanied the body to Dewitt, Ia.. A brother will meet Mrs. White at Omaha. He leaves besides the wife, two brothers and four sisters to mourn. Mr. White will be greatly missed by his many friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved wife.


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 12, 1918

Word Received Does Not Tell Cause of His Death

Roy S. White received a telegram on Wednesday morning of the death of his brother, John R. White, of Lincoln, Nebraska, who died at Base Hospital 24 in France, at the age of 24 years.

The cause of his death was not given in the telegram, but it is thought that it was from the result of wounds received by him on July 24, an account of which is taken from a letter written by his nurse on August 14, to the parents;

"My Dear Mrs. White:

I am writing to you in behalf of your son, Corporal J. Raymond White, Co. C 30th Infantry, who is at present at Base Hospital 24.

"Your son is wounded pretty badly, in the eyes. The bullet went right across his face, taking both eyes and the bridge of his nose. White was wounded July 24, and reached this hospital July 30. When he first came to the hospital and for a week or so more, he was pretty blue and depressed.

"I am returning to the states in a few weeks, and if you care to ask any questions you might write me at 106 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth C. Putman, Jr."

Mr. White was a student at York college when he enlisted shortly after America entered the world war. He played on the all-star football team in 1916 and was a member of the Hastings college eleven in 1915 and the university state farm team one year.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 06, 1922

It is with a great degree of sorrow we are called upon to record the death of Joseph A. White, one of Payette County's most highly respected and beloved citizens, which occured at his home a few miles north of Payette at 4:45 Tuesday afternoon, April 4th, after seven weeks of illness following an attack of influenza. Mr. White was a man of extreme high standing in this community where he has lived for the past twenty years. His past record is beyond reproach and will stand as a monument of his worth. Besides being a man of honesty and integrity, he has set an example before his family and neighbors a true Christian life, living up to that which he believed to be right in the sight of God and man.

His loss will be keenly felt in the Christian Church where he has been a faithful member for many years. He will be missed in business affairs of the county and community, he was at the time of his death a Commissioner of Payette County, holding that position for the past four years, and also a member of the School Board of Independent District No 32 for the past 7 1/2 years. It can be truly said, Joe White was a good man in the community.

Joseph A. White was born in Illinois, November 18th, 1862, and moved with his parents to Nebraska when ten years of age. He was married to Emma Wilson, Nov. 23, 1884. To them were born 10 children three of whom passed away in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. White together with their family came to Payette, March 5th, 1902, setting on their present ranch north of Payette where they have continuously lived. He is survived by a wife, and mother, seven children, one brother, one half brother and two half sisters. The children are, Tilghman N. of Drain, Oregon, Grace Walker, Harry T. , Edwin D., Robert F., Marjorie Whitley, and Winifred.

Funeral services were held from the Christian Church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. Mowe. Services of the grave being conducted by the Masonic lodge of which the deceased was a member. During the funeral services all business houses including the doors of all county officers were closed. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 31, 1924

Terrible Tragedy Enacted In Lonely Shack On Bench Five Miles East of Boise - four Bullets Sent Into Infant's Brain

BOISE - Margaret Thelma White, the 18-month-old victim of her mother's religious fanaticism, lies dead in the Ada county morgue with four bullet holes in her head and the demented woman who bore her sits listlessly on a cot in her cell in jail, where she was taken after Allen Stein and four other men discovered late Monday afternoon that she had slain her infant daughter in the poor ranch house where the Whites lived, about five miles east of Boise on the bench.

Mrs. George White, the slayer, fired four shots into the head of her off-spring from a 32 calibre revolver while the baby was playing on the bed in the barren front room of the shack. She fired six shots, evidently missing twice, and had reloaded the gun to shoot herself, but in her own words, "she lost her nerve."

The tragedy was discovered by Mr. Stein. W. T. Brown, Albert Hapeny, Edward Frier and I. H. Friar who went to the ranch to get a gasoline engine. The Whites rented the house from Mr. Stein. Mr. White is a laborer.

The bullets, which Coroner McBratney believed were shot from very close range, all entered the infant's head on the left side and passed through the tiny brain, coming out on the right side. Any one of the four wounds would have brought instant death.

BOISE - The last vestige of her reason rapidly slipping from her, Mrs. George W. White, slayer of her 16-month-old infant daughter, will be a raving maniac within a few days, and it is imperative that she be hurried off to the insane asylum at Blackfoot as soon as possible. This was the statement which doctors and jailers made Wednesday and undoubtedly the insanity hearing, scheduled to begin late today, will result in her commitment to the institution.

A coroner's inquest was held Tuesday afternoon and after the jury had visited the lonely shack where the demented mother fired four shots into the head of her tiny offspring and had heard evidence from Doctors T. N. Braxtan and O. H. Parker regarding the mental condition of the woman, the following verdict was returned.

"We, the jury, find that the deceased came to her death by gun shot wounds inflicted by a gun in the hands of Mrs. George W. White, whom we believe insane."

The funeral of the tiny victim was held at the McBratney undertaking parlors Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. c. W. Johnson of the Lutheran church officiating.

The prisoner slept well Tuesday night, but it has become more and more difficult for her to talk coherently and she has had frequent hallucinations.

"There's my little baby - right on the bed there," she told Mrs. J. W. Bradshaw Tuesday night before retiring. Mrs. Bradshaw had been appointed by Sheriff L. E. Allumbaugh, to watch the woman, who fears that she many try to kill herself. "My baby looks so bright tonight," continued the prisoner.

Later, she said, "I'm certainly glad I killed her because I love her and wanted her to be happy."

The attitude of listlessness which has characterized her actions since discovery of the tragedy becomes more and more pronounced and when she talks her voice sounds flat and lifeless and is absolutely devoid of any _expression whatsoever.



Payette Independent
Friday, February 28, 1908

J.M. McGrevey Kills Him in a Quarrel Over Some Hay ALLEGES KILLING WAS DONE IN SELF DEFENSE

Tragedy Occurred Tuesday Morning on Whitney’s Place South of Payette - Two Bullets Pierce Whitney’s Body, Either of Which Would Have Been Fatal - McGrevey Held for Trial on Charge of Manslaughter.

W. Grant Whitney was shot to death Tuesday morning on his place about six miles south of Payette by James M. McGrevey as the result of a quarrel over some hay. Whitney ordered McGrevey to desist from baling the hay, which McGrevey claimed belonged to him, and ordered him to leave the premises. Not doing this, but instead, starting the baling machinery in operation again, Whitney started after McGrevey and was chasing him with a club when he turned and shot Whitney with a 38-automatic revolver. He was about 30 feet away when he fired three times, two of the shots taking fatal effect. One entered the upper left chest, passed through the plural cavity and entirely through the lungs and was found in the man’s clothing at his back. The other entered near the naval and passed through the abdomen and lodged just under the skin at the back. Either shot would have caused death.

After being shot Whitney walked about 40 feet and climbed into his buggy and drove probably 70 feet before he fell over backwards in the rig. As he was leaving he turned to McGrevey and with a motion of his hand, exclaimed: “Now don’t you bale any more of that hay.” He was taken to the home of Chapman Williams, about half a mile away, where he died about an hour after he was shot.

Before passing away, he was told by the physician that if he had anything to say he should not delay as his time was short. Dr. I. R. Woodward was the first physician to reach him and Dr. Avey arrived just before he died. Whitney could talk only in short syllables. E. E. Hunter, Mr. Williams and R. F. Tussing were with him nearly all the time. He told Mr. Hunter that if McGrevey had told him he was going to shoot he would have gone away and left him. Then he said he hoped McGrevey wouldn’t be pardoned. A little later he asked it the men were still baling hay and said they must be kept away. He gave Dr. Woodward some instructions about a thousand dollar check he had in his pocket.

This is the first killing that has occurred in or near Payette since a man by the name of Snyder was killed by an unknown murderer on the streets of Payette about 20 years ago. Snyder was killed one night in front of D. S. Lamme’s old store in the old town. He was of a quarrelsome, ugly disposition and it is the opinion of old timers that the people at that time did not care enough about his fate to make a very vigorous search for his murderer.

There has been trouble between Whitney and McGrevey since the latter left the former’s ranch some time ago. Last year he rented the Whitney place on the shares and it seems the two were unable to make a satisfactory division of the products, and as a result a suit between the two is now in the district court. The immediate quarrel which resulted in the killing was over the hay.

McGrevey claimed he was entitled to half of the hay raised on the place the year he had it rented. Whitney refused to make a division of it and ordered McGrevey, who had purchased part of the Whitney place and lived about a half mile away from the hay stacks, to keep off the place. McGrevey decided to go ahead and bale his share and started men to work on it Tuesday morning. The men were Fred D. James and son Basil, who live at Washoe, and Mr. James son-in-law, Frank Goff. Mr. James was the chief witness to the shooting, as the other two men did not see all of it.

When Whitney learned that the hay was being baled he drove out to the stacks and ordered James to quit his work. James walked over to McGrevey’s place and told him Whitney had ordered him away. McGrevey told him to wait until he went to the house after a drink and he would go with him to the stacks. The two drove there in McGrevey’s buggy. When they reached the hay Whitney was gone, so the work was started again. But in a few minutes Whitney retuned with Mr. Sutfin, the man who now has Whitney’s place rented. Whitney drove his team in the way of the team hooked to the sweep of the baler, and ordered that the work be stopped. McGrevey picked up a short handled fork and tapped his horses which dodged past Whitney’s team and started the baler going. This seemed to anger Whitney who jumped from his buggy and started after McGrevey. James testified that Whitney carried his right hand in his coat pocket the entire time. Whitney chased McGrevey around the circle made by the horses attached to the baling machine two times, when McGrevey circled to one side and redoubled on his course and started around the end of the hay stack. When he made this change in his course Whitney grabbed a heavy wooden stake in his left hand and continued after his man. McGrevey was about 30 feet away and he turned and shot three times. He stood and watched Whitney until the latter climbed into his buggy and drove away. The he walked over to where James was kneeling scarcely three feet away from Whitney when he was shot and asked what he had better do. James advised him to drive to town and give himself up, which he immediately did.

As soon as the news of the killing reached Payette General Manager Dunn of the P. V. railroad offered his train to County Attorney Van Duyn, who was in the city, to take him to the scene of the tragedy. The train left shortly after 1 o’clock, Mr. Van Duyn being accompanied by Fred James and a number of others. The county attorney went over the ground with the witness and heard his story.

An autopsy was held Wednesday morning by Drs. I. R. and J. C. Woodward and Dr. Avey, whose findings were as reported in the first part of this story. No gun was found in Mr. Whitney’s possession.

McGrevey’s preliminary hearing was held Wednesday night before Justice of the Peace Tim Driscoll, who withheld his judgment until 10 o’clock yesterday morning when he bound him over to appear in district court on the charge of manslaughter, placing his bond at $5,000, which he raised yesterday. His trial will come up at the March term of court. He was represented at the preliminary by Attorney John C. Rice of Caldwell and Attorney J. ?. Seawell of Payette.

Mr. Whitney was a member of the Weiser Masonic lodge and eight or ten Masons were up from Weiser and with a number of Payette Masons attended a short service which was held at the ranch house Wednesday, before the body was brought to town.

A coroner’s inquest was held Wednesday, which determined three things. That Mr. Whitney was dead, that he came to his death as the result of gun shot wounds and that the wounds were inflicted by someone other than himself.

Grant Whitney was a pioneer of the Payette Valley. He came here more than 20 years ago with his brother, John Whitney, who died several years ago, and started a nursery. He leaves a wife and adopted daughter, who were at their home in Boise at the time of the shooting and arrived in Payette Tuesday afternoon. He came here from the Walla Walla valley, where two brothers now live. One is C. I. Whitney and the other is E. C. Whitney, both of whom were here and accompanied the remains to Walla Walla where they will be buried. The body was shipped Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Whitney also had a sister, Mrs. A. F. Sayre, at Spokane who was unable to reach here but will join the other relatives at Walla Walla. Mr. Whitney was about 50 years of age.

He had accumulated considerable property and was well to do. Besides his place north of Payette and ranch south of Payette where the tragedy occurred, he owned property in Boise, where he had lived for the last few years, and at Seaside, where he spent his summers. He also owned valuable property in Black Canyon over which he was engaged in litigation for many years. He had interest in the Payette Valley Mercantile company at this place.

Mr. McGrevey and family came to Payette about a year ago from Whitby Island, Wash.

Payette Independent (Friday, March 06, 1908)

Funeral Services of W. G. Whitney

Complaint has been made that the Independent failed to give the details of the funeral of W. G. Whitney in last week’s issue. The funeral services were held at the home of Captain and Mrs. Irvin on Wednesday, Rev. Edward Wright of the Christain church conducted the services. There were many of the friends of the family present besides the members of the Masonic lodge, who went to the Irvin home in a body.

Payette Independent (Friday, March 13, 1908)


In the death of our neighbor and fellow townsman W. Grant Whitney, this community has lost one of its enterprising citizens. His many years of labor in our midst have left the impress of progress. His numerous acts of kindness, especially to those less fortunate in life's conflicts than himself, usually unknown to the general public, brought many messages of comfort to the bereaved family. He had been successful in a business way, having accumulated through years of industry, an ample fortune to protect and provide for those dependent upon him. Mr. Whitney possessed many qualities of mind and heart that endeared him to those who knew him best, and judging from the many kindly messages to the stricken wife and daughter, his sympathies with the friendless become quite apparent, as he seems not to have let his right hand know of the kindnesses done by the left.

He was one of a family of ten children, five boys and five girls. He was born near Girard, Pennsylvania, July 20th, 1863. Three sisters and three brothers survive him, two brothers living at Spokane Washington, and one at Walla Walla, Washington. His father now lives at Walla Walla. About three years ago his parents celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, with their children around them, but his mother passed away about a year ago.

Mr. Whitney, like many other courageous men who have made the West what it is to-day, went first to California and subsequently came to Payette about 1884 when there were but a few buildings here, and engaged in the nursery business with his brother J. G. Whitney. The business became quite extensive but the death of his brother caused him to close out the nursery business.

On December 20th, 1888, he was married to Miss Mamie Lamb at Stuart, Montana, who, with their little daughter Marguerite, survives him.

Mr. Whitney lost his life February 25th, 1908. The funeral services were held at the home of his old friend Captain Irvin, at Payette, under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of which he was a member. His remains were taken to Walla Walla, Washington, the home of his father, where they were laid to rest with Masonic honors on February 28th, 1908. Thus passes away a thoughtful strong man in a time of usefulness.

Those who knew him best will remember him as a kind, brave and generous man, indulgent almost to a fault to those he loved.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, March 30, 1917
Dan Whyte Dies Suddenly

Dan Whyte, sixty years of age, who lived about a half-mile north of Fruitland, died quite suddenly at the Ontario hospital Thursday morning. Few knew that he had been ill until hearing of his death. He had been taken to the hospital for an operation for stricture of the bowels, but succumbed to heart failure before reaching the operating table. He leaves a wife, four brothers and three sisters. Brief funeral services were conducted by Rev. Brown, of the Ontario Presbyterian church, and the body shipped to DeWitt, Iowa, where deceased formerly resided before coming to Idaho and where members of his immediate family still make their home.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921

Little Mary E. Wilcox, ten month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Wilcox, passed away at the home here last Friday morning. The little one had had whooping cough and other complications followed which caused her death. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Walker of Payette conducted the services and the little one laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the Wilcox family at this time. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 27, 1930

Mrs. Mary T. Wild who has made her home in Payette for the past eight years and who was highly respected by a host of friends, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott Brubaker on Second Avenue South at 7:45, Tuesday morning, March 25, following an illness of heart trouble and other complications for the past four or five weeks. She was a staunch member of the Catholic church to which faith she has followed closely since childhood, and during here last illness attended the church services when she was barely able to go.

She was born at Kittanning, Penn. in the year 1855, and was therefore past 75 years of age at the time of her death. She was united in marriage to Adam J. Wild at McKeesport, Penn. in 1885 and later moved to Morence, Ariz., where her husband died in 1915. She came to Payette in 1922, where she has since made her home.

She is survived by three sons and four daughters, Frank A. Wild of Los Angeles, Calif.; Joe Wild of Miami, Fla.; Pete Wild, St. Louis, Wash.; Mrs. Scott Brubaker of Payette; Mrs. T. A. Dominick of Nampa; Mrs. Roy Doner of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Thomas Williams, Morence, Ariz. She is also survived by three brothers and two sisters, Charles Steim, Atlantic City, N.J.; Dicktime Steim and John Steim of Kittanning, Penn.; Mrs. Anna McGivern and Lizzie Maloney, Kittenning, Penn.

Funeral services were held from the Catholic church this Thursday morning at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. Father W. A. Gallhue and interment in Kolonholu cemetery at Nampa.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who were so kind in extending their assistance and words of sympathy during the sickness and at the death of our dear mother.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 12, 1929

May Georgianne Weathern was born in Oakland, California, April 10th, 1885. When 9 years old she accepted Christ as her personal savior and has lived a life of service for her master ever since.

On January 21, 1913, she was united in marriage to Harry J. Wildeson in Oakland. To this union three children were born, Lydia 15, Harry J. 11, and Marjorie seven. Most of her entire life was spent in Oakland.

On November 10th last year, the family moved to their ranch near Fruitland, where she passed peacefully away Friday afternoon at 1:30 after a lingering illness of three and one-half months, caused from a complication of diseases. Everything possible for human hands to do, was done, for her during her illness. While she resided in the community only a little over a year, she endeared herself to her many friends and neighbors and those who knew her best loved her most.

Besides her immediate family she leaves to mourn her passing, four sisters, two brothers and various other relatives, among whom is a great aunt in Los Angeles, who is 92 years old, also a large circle of friends both here and in California, who will greatly miss her.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist church in New Plymouth Saturday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. H. L. Jacobs. Mr. Wildeson left Saturday evening with the body for the Portland crematorium, as it was her wish long ago that her body be cremated. The three children are staying at the Ben Strohbehn home during Mr. Wildeson's absence.

The whole community extends sympathy to the bereaved ones that are left.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 22, 1916
Alice Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler, was born at Weepingwater, Nebraska, Nov. 17th, 1879. She was one of a family of ten children all of whom live in Nebraska, except a sister, Mrs. Marshal, who lives in Payette, Idaho, and one sister who is dead. On Dec. 25th, 1901, she was married to Wm. G. Wiley of Nebraska. Three years later Mr. and Mrs. Wiley came west and lived one year in Washington, and one year in Oregon and the past nine years in the vicinity of Payette, Idaho. They were the parents of two children, both of whom survive, Grace, 13 and John, 12. She remembered her Creator in the days of her youth and united with the Methodist church at Weepingwater, Nebraska. Since coming to Idaho she has worked with the Christian church at Payette. She was taken suddenly and seriously sick four days before her death which occurred early Sunday morning at the Ontario hospital. Her relatives and many friends grieve her early departure.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Tuesday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, May 28, 1920

Forrest, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilfong, passed away at the home of his parents, west of New Plymouth, Friday, May 21. Funeral services were held at the Breather Church in Fruitland and the burial took place at Parkview Cemetery at New Plymouth.

Over two years ago it appeared that something was wrong with his health. The family became interested. Tests proved that he was afflicted with diabetes. That dread disease with which adults may, under careful treatment, live for years, but children and youths seldom survive beyond a few short months and years. The condition was at once recognized as grave. Every effort was made to affect a cure if cure might be possible. Expense, time, labor, effort, everything known and available was brought to bear upon the case. Nothing was spared. It was a fight of loving parents for the life of a dear one. The fight was well made. But fate was against those who so diligently strove to conquer the inevitable. The end has come. The grave has claimed another body; Heaven another soul. Playmates of his childhood and associates of his youth will miss him. To the home to which he brought light, pleasure and hope, there is, and can be, no relief from the sadness which now fills it. Time may lessen the acuteness of the bereavement but the loss is irreparable. The place cannot be filled. Loving heart will ache. Heavens brightest sunshine cannot dispel the shadow which deaths dark clouds have cast around the home. Mortal man cannot relieve the sorrow which fills the hearts of those who mourn his loss. But if the sympathy of generous friends who would gladly bear a share of the burden of sorrow for them, and the sympatric pulsation of hearts who have felt such sorrow from experience to recent to be forgotten, could in some small measure assuage the grief which now fills the home, such sympathy from the depths of such souls would gladly be given to the sorrowing family. More than this we cannot do. We would counsel them to forget. But memory stands like adamant while life exists. Sorrow may be lessened but not forgotten. Such clouds may be driven away for a time by the brighter lights of life, but life's sunshine can never be as clear as before. He was a part of life's bright sunlight. But he is gone. But there is a measure of relief in knowing that his sufferings are over. He will not need feel the sorrows which fill human lives, the sufferings which fall to mortal man are no longer his, the sins of Earthly life cannot tempt him and the pains of flesh can not torment him. He passed before the darker part of life had overtaken him. His body is at rest. His soul is in peace. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 04, 1930

Hugh E. Wilfong was born in Morrill, Kans., August 25, 1880. He was married August 31, 1902. In 1903 he and Mrs. Wilfong came west and settled in New Plymouth where he lived until the time of his death. The summons of death came suddenly at an early hour Saturday morning, August 30, 1930, just a few days after the deceased had passed his 50th birthday. Surviving Mr. Wilfong to mourn his departure are his wife and daughter Fern, one sister Mrs. Augusta M. Axley of Portland, two brothers, Otis S. and Elmer J. Wilfong, both of Fresno, Calif. The brothers were enroute by auto to attend the funeral but were unavoidably delayed and did not arrive in time. A son Forrest preceded him in death some ten years ago.

Funeral services were held in the Congregational church in New Plymouth, Monday afternoon, September 1st at 2 o'clock in the presence of one of the largest crowds ever attending a funeral in this community. The officiating ministers were Rev. George G. Roseberry of the M. E. church of Fruitland and Rev. Henry Jacobs of the Baptist church of New Plymouth. Special music was furnished by a male quartet from the Baptist church. The many beautiful floral offerings testified to the high esteem in which Mr. Wilfong was held in the community. He was a good friend to all who knew him, and a good neighbor. He was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need of work, in sickness, or in any way in which he could. He was one of the most highly respected citizens of the community, and he will be greatly missed by all. In the passing of this good man, the community has suffered a distinct loss.

Interment was made in Park View cemetery in New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 13, 1930
A. V. Williams Dies At Home of Daughter In Portland

Word was received here Wednesday morning announcing the death of A. V. Williams well known contractor of this city which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. O. E. Bussie, Tuesday evening, March 11th, following a short illness of heart trouble.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams left for Portland early in the winter for an extended visit and was taken ill a short time ago. His death is quite a shock to many friends in Payette. His daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Currie are leaving for Portland this evening. No funereal arrangements have been made except burial will be at Portland. A more complete obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 20, 1930)


Alfred V. Williams was born at Rockport, Mo., January 3rd, 1853, and died at Portland, Ore., March 11th, 1830, at the age of 77 years, two months and seven days.

When 14 years of age he began as an apprentice at the carpenter trade and continued in that line of work until the time of his death.

As the age of 21 he united in marriage to Margaret E. McDonald at Linden, Mo. They continued to make their home at Rockport for 12 years, when they moved to Auburn, Neb., and in 1906 they moved to Payette which place has since been their home.

As a contractor and builder, Mr. Williams was one of Payette's most reliable men, his work in any business transaction was an absolute guarantee of fulfillment on his part. Numerous business blocks and residence building throughout this section stands as a monument of his ability and honesty in his line of work. He was a man highly respected and will be missed by a host of friends throughout this section.

He is survived by a wife and six children. The children are H. L. Williams of San Francisco, Calif.; W. J. Williams, Boulder, Colo.; Mrs. E. C. Payne and Mrs. O. E. Bussy of Portland, Ore; Mrs. C. D. Wood, Medford, Ore.; and Mrs. G. T. Currie of Payette. The funeral services were held Saturday, March 15th at 1:00 p.m. at Friendship Lodge No. 150 A. F. and A. M. Portland, Ore., where he was laid to rest by the side of his son Joy Williams, who preceded him in death a year ago.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 05, 1922

Just before going to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Amelia Williams living on Center Avenue. She was one of the early settlers of the Payette Valley and a highly respected woman. She was the mother of W. R. Williams and Mrs. P. H. Krost. Funeral services will probably be held Friday afternoon at the Church of God.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, May 11, 1922)


Mrs. Amelia Williams, wife of David H. Williams, was born at Jackson County, Ohio, April 12, 1845, and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Krost, May 4, 1922, her age therefore being 74 years and 22 days.

She was converted at the age of 15 years and was ever a firm believer in Christianity and as such she has awakened in the Savior's likeness. She was a member of the Payette Church of God, and ever filled her place well.

At Jackson, Ohio, June 25, 1870, occured the happy marriage of Miss Amelia Storer to David H. Williams, who passed away May 20, 1920, another happy reunion in eternity. The union was blessed with four children still living, one son, W. R. Williams of Payette; three daughters, Mrs. P. H. Krost of Payette, Mrs. Mary McClure of Fruitland, and Mrs. Adma Bowman of Cove, Ark. Besides these three lives after her twelve grand-children and one brother-in-law and one sister-in-law, and a large circle of relatives and neighbors. But to these this sad hour is not the end of fellowship. Heaven is home and we will know each other there.

"Dearest mother, we must lay thee
In the peaceful graves embrace,
But thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face."

In 1886 Mr. and Mrs. Williams moved to Nebraska. In 1903 they moved to Idaho and this has since been their home. Thus Payette again loses a true and loving Mother, a royal neighbor and friend, and it is again true, "Children arise and call her blessed".

Funeral services from the Church of God conducted by her pastor, Rev. Argyl Houser assisted by Rev. Hershel Shanks and Rev. N. H. Farnham. The Parsons' quartet rendered beautiful music. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 06, 1919

Carrie Thornbus was born at Morrison, Maine, June 12th, 1848. At the age of 20 was married to Benjamin Brown who died four years later. To this union three children were born, one died in infancy. In 1874 she was married to Thomas Williams who preceded her in death twelve years ago. To this union two children were born, Benjamin Williams of Nebraska and Ida Williams who came to Payette with her mother twelve years ago and has had the constant care during her long siege of sickness. Mrs. Williams was a kind woman and a good neighbor, and during her residence in Payette has made many warm friends who will grieve at her departure, and extend sympathy to the daughter who is left alone. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

I wish to thank the many friends who so kindly gave their help during the sickness and death of my dear mother. MRS. IDA WILLIAMS

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 20, 1920

We just learned of the death of Mr. D. H. Williams which occured this morning at an early hour, at his home in east Payette. Mr. Wiliams has long been a resident of the Payette Valley and the news of his death will sadden the hearts of many people who have known him for many years. We have heard of no funeral arrangements, but will publish an appropriate obituary next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, May 27, 1920)


"There is a reaper whose name is death,
And with His sycle keen,
He reaps the bearded grain with a breath.
And the flowers that grow between."

Of a truth of these poetic words, we are again reminded in the death of David H. Williams who fell under the stroke of the sickle as bearded grain, ripe for the shock. He lived a long and useful life.

He was born in Monogeheia Co, Virginia, February 24, 1846 and left us to enter that abundant life spoken of by Christ in the Gospel of John, May 20, 1920, aged 74 years, 2 mo., and 26 days.

He was most happily married at Jackson, Ohio, June 25th, 1870 to Amelia A. Stover. Had Mr. Williams lived, this worthy couple would have celebrated their Golden Wedding in June. The union was blessed with four children still living: Mrs. Adia Bowmar of Cove, Arkansas; W. R. Williams; Mary E. McClure, and Sadie M. Krost all of Payette. Besides the children and wife there are one brother, two sisters and twelve grandchildren besides a host of friends who live after him. For these the hour is dark but they sorrow not as those who have no hope.

His Church work dated from early life. He was converted at the age of 17 and fellowshipped with the Methodist Church. Upon moving from Nebraska to Idaho he chose the Church of God at Payette and his life has been a blessing to the Church and a glory to God. As a believer he has awakened with the Savior's likeness. He confessed Christ before men and Jesus will confess him before the Father. Brother Williams was blind for a number of years in this life but now he can see. We lay the earthly tabernacles away but the spirit has gone to God "where the many mansions be."

Funeral services were conducted from the Church of God by Evangelist J. E. Barbour and his pastor, rev. A. E. Houser. Interment in Riverside Cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, May 27, 1920)

Mr. D. H. Williams passed away last Thursday at his home in Payette. He formerly lived on the bench near Fruitland. He was seventy-four years old; was born in Virginia and lived in Ohio and Nebraska before moving here eighteen years ago. He became a member of the Methodist Church when a boy seventeen years of age and remained a Methodist until about eight years ago when he united with the Church of God. He lost his eye sight two years ago but enjoyed going to church and listening to the truths of God. He was taken sick at church Sunday morning, May 16th with tonsillitis and seemed his system was not able to throw off the poison. The funeral was held in Payette at the church of God Sunday at 2:30p.m. He leaves a wife, one son and three daughters, one brother and one sister, all of whom were here but one daughter who's home is in Arkansas. The bereaved family have the sympathy of their many Fruitland friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 5, 1912
Mrs. Eliza Williams mother of Mrs. Lake passed away Saturday at 11:25 a.m. after an illness of ten weeks. Funeral services were held at Emmett, from there the body was shipped to her old home at Oxford, Idaho. The body was accompanied by C. W. Lake and wife and J. P. Clifford.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

H. M. Williams who has been building a home for Lester Sewell on Payette-Oregon Slope, passed away very suddenly while returning to Payette in a car Wednesday evening. Mr. Williams, John L. Robinson, and Fulton were working on the Sewell house Wednesday. Mr. Williams seemingly was feeling well and had been doing a little more work than us all that day. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon he said he was not feeling well and laid down. In a short time he told Mr. Robinson to get in the car and take him home as he was very sick. They started and just before reaching home, he passed away. Funeral services will be held from the home tomorrow, Friday, afternoon, at 2 o'clock.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 31, 1918

Early Sunday morning, Jan. 27th, Mrs. J. E. Williams passed into the life beyond. Mrs. Williams has been in the Sanitarium at Vale, Oregon, for some time and it was hoped that she was gaining in health, and her death came as a shock to her family.

Lillian Maud Royston was born in Fall City, Nebraska, May 29, 1887, and came with her parents to Idaho in 1906. November 26th, 1912 she was united in marriage to James Edward Williams of Kimberly, Idaho, where they made their home. Mr. Williams and little son had gone to Vale Saturday to visit over Sunday with her.

When a girl at home she was an active member in the Methodist Christian Endeavor here; and at the time of her marriage she joined the Christian Church in Kimberly. She leaves besides her husband and four year old son Lewis, her mother Mrs. J. M. Royston, four sisters, Mrs. Harry Hart of Twin Falls, Misses Clara, Irma and Josephine, and six brothers, John of Prosser, Neb., Edward of Twin Falls, Chas. and Earl who are at home and Lafayette and Schuyler who are in France. All were present at the funeral services except the brothers in France, which were held in the Christian Church in Payette Thursday afternoon. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery where her father was buried three years ago. The whole community sympathize with the bereaved family in their sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 19, 1922

Word has been received announcing the death of Mrs. Estella Williamson at Boulder, Colo., on September 30th, after being confined at the hospital for ten months. Mrs. Williamson will be remembered by many Payette people, having lived here until about four years ago, leaving at that time for Boulder.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 29, 1923
Serious Accident

Frederick Benjamin Willmore of Preston, Idaho was accidentally killed while unloading electric light poles in the Fruitland years, about 4 p. m. Thursday, March 22nd. While working for the Idaho Power Co. under Lineman f. G. Redman, and Virgil McAdams another employe, was severely injured when the poles on the top of the car upon which they were standing, while cutting the wires which bound the load to the car, began sliding. Seemingly, the stakes on the opposite side to which wires had been fastened were broken off and the pressure on the upright stakes on the side they were working caused them to give way and they were carried to the ground and buried under the failing timbers. McAdams was rushed to the hospital at Ontario, where it was found he sustained a broken leg and an injured shoulder. A coroner's inquest was held and young Willmore was found to have met instantaneous death caused by the falling of the poles upon him.

His body was brought to the Landon Home Undertaking Parlors, where it was prepared for shipment. It was accompanied to Preston by an uncle, Clancey Williams, who is a brother of the boy's mother.



The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 16, 1911

Benjamin Franklin Wilson was born in 1852 near Youngstown, Ohio and with his parents moved to Mahaska county, Iowa, in a very early day. As a lad of twelve he went to Denver and spent three years freighting to and from Omaha, afterwards locating at Winterset, Iowa, where he grew to manhood and met and married Sylvia Ellen Wilson and located in Cherokee county, Iowa, near Aurelia on a homestead. Of this union five children were born, four of whom survive him, Mrs. C. A. Dobell of Corvallis, Oregon; E. C. Wilson of Mikado, Sak., Canada; Dr. C. E. Wilson, of Corvallis, Oregon; and Mrs. Chas. Shontz of Payette.

After an active career in the grain and stock business at Marcus where he as a charter member of the Masonic lodge at Anthon, Iowa, for over twenty years, the call of the prairie lured him to Canada where he lived until about one year ago when he was stricken by a partial stroke of paralysis. With his wife he then came to Payette where Mr. Wilson bought ten acres north of town in the hopes that the climate of this valley would aid in warding off the inevitable, but on Sunday morning, November 5th, a second stroke developed after a week's illness and he passed away November 14th. His mind was clear to the last; his unfaltering trust in Jesus the Christ and his repeated assertion that he had no fear to go helped those who are left to mourn a noble father and a faithful husband.

The funeral services were held at the Christian church on Tuesday afternoon at two thirty o'clock, the Rev. Smith of that church officiating and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 07, 1915

Former Congressman Expires After Short Illness, Victim of Pneumonia

From the Statesman

While his wife, from whom he had been separated for more than a year was being called to the telephone at her home, Edgar Wilson, one of the first Idaho congressmen, died at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at his apartments in the Owyhee hotel. Acute pneumonia was given as the cause of death.

Mr. Wilson had been ill for several days, having contracted a heavy cold, but his condition was not regarded as serious until his physician called Sunday morning. Mr. Wilson's attorney, Frank Martin, was summoned by the doctor and when it was learned that Mrs. Wilson had not been notified of her husband's condition, Mr. Martin stepped to the telephone to inform her.

Mrs. Wilson reached the telephone as her husband expired. He had been unconscious for some time.

His estate is rated at around a hundred thousand dollars and is represented principally by bank stock. In addition there is a business building on Idaho Street and the family home.

Mr. Wilson leaves a widow and two children, Laura and Maurice Edgar. The later is at present with his father's mother and sister at Brooklyn, N.Y. Besides his mother, Mr. Wilson leaves a brother, Albert Wilson of Payette, and two sisters, Mrs. Handy of Denver, and Mrs. Howes of Brooklyn.

Note, According to the Idaho Death Index, James Hoagland Hunter was born March 10, 1913 and died March 20, 1915. (Cheryl Hanson)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 06, 1922
Edgar Landrith Wilson, one of Payette's brightest young men, just blooming into manhood when all of life's prospects seemed the best, passed away very suddenly July 1st, unexpectedly of heart trouble following a severe attack of influenza. Edgar was born in Payette, July 19th, 1906 and was therefore 16 years, 11 months and 13 days old at the time of his death. He was a graduate from the 9th grade of the Payette school and thereafter going to Seattle where he took a year's course in the Moran College and a year's course in the San Diego Army and Nancy Academy with the further intention of completing his High School work in Payette, returning here for that purpose March first this year, but was taken with influenza from which and the following complications he never recovered.

He is survived by a father and mother, one sister, Mrs. J. R. McKinney, and one brother Allen Wilson of Payette. His mother who was in San Diego arrived on the morning of July fourth, to be present at the funeral and will remain here perhaps a month.

Funeral services were held on the afternoon of July fourth at 6:30 from the home of his sister Mrs. J. R. McKinney, conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth. The pall bearers chosen to lay his remains in its last resting place were, Joy Williams, Everett Peterson, Moss Crump, Mark Shafer, Lester Patten, and Fred Satoris. Following behind the casket were, Frank Hogue, Richard Hogue and Harry Sanger, all were near friends of the deseased. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 03, 1922)


A letter received by Mrs. Leo Schmidt of New Plymouth contains the sad news of the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. French, the result of an auto accident which occured at Medora, N. Dak., on July 31st.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. French and family and Mrs. Fred French were returning to Boise, while enroute, one front wheel breaking, causing the occupants of the rear seat to be thrown to the ground resulting in the baby's death and slight injuries to the two daughters, Elnora and Bessie, and Mrs. C. S. French having a slight cut over the eye, the rest of the occupants being uninjured. Owing to the distance from civilization the only help obtainable was that of a traveling health clinic.

The car was repaired and the party left Medora, Monday on their homeward trip to Boise.

The French's were prominent leaders in the New Plymouth and Valley View communities and have the sympathy of many friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1919
Mrs. Elizabeth (Skinner) Wilson

Mrs. Wilson will be better known as mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson, with whom she has made her home all the later years of her life. She died at the same home last Sunday and was buried Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were at the home conducted by Rev. Mr. Reed, members of the Rebecca Order acting as "pall-bearers." Neighbors and friends gathered in a large company to pay respects to her memory.

Mrs. Wilson was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1833. Two children were born of the union, Mrs. Hutchinson, as already noted, and Mr. John H. Wilson of Meadows. Mr. Wilson was down during the last days of his mother, and will be in Payette some time yet.

Her life is of exceptional interest to all who study the movements of people that have gathered here in America to Constitute the Land we love. She was bereaved of her husband after only a few years of married life, and when her son was grown to manhood he felt the call that has brought so many of the select of the world to our shores, and sought in America a new home for the family. After selecting a place to his liking, he went back to the land of "the Bonnie Thistle weed" and brot Mother and Sister to the new World. That was in 1883, seven years before Idaho became a state. The journey from Ogden to Meadows was in an emigrant wagon. They were in the Meadows Valley early enough to share the dangers of Indian savagery, and were fast friends and co-workers with those who helped "win the west" from barbarism to the state of perfect security as we now know it.

A child of Scotland, she was of course a Presbyterian with that strong faith in a God who knows and orders things in the Earth, which faith has been the foundation of so many of the world's best enterprises. In that faith she lived and died and the message of her departed spirit is to our generation "Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, August 8, 1919

At An Advanced Age This Pioneer Joins the Choir Invisible

After a lingering illness of several months Judge Wilson passed quietly away at his home on West Boulevard on Monday morning, August 4th 1919 at the age of 81 years, 7 months, and 9 days.

The Subject of this sketch, George W. Wilson, was born at Watseca, Illinois, Christmas day in 1837. In 1861 he was married to Sarah John and the union was blessed with the coming of nine children, six of whom survive. Alex Wilson, of Payette; Sidney Wilson and Mrs. George Young of Albion, Neb.; Mrs. Flora Fitzsimmons, of Spaulding, Neb; Frank Wilson of Watseca, Ill. and Mrs. Anna Vliet of Roseville, Ill.

In 1903 Judge Wilson and his wife came to New Plymouth where they built a new house on the farm now owned by Karl Hartman. Mrs. Wilson only lived to enjoy the same for about a year dying in 1905 and her was taken back to Woodland, Ill. where it was laid to rest and now the remains of her husband are enroute to find a last resting place by her side.

In 1907, on March 5th Mr. Wilson was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Ringer, in New Plymouth and the union was one of the happiest this side of Paradise. They were one and inseparable, and all that loving hands could do, was done by Mrs. Wilson during the life and death of her dear one. She left this week with the body for interment in Ill. and will return in about three weeks. Judge Wilson was a member of the A.F. and A. M. and was a constituent member of the New Plymouth Baptist church. Brief funeral services were held on the lawn Tuesday afternoon conducted by the pastor Rev. Ford Burch.

Judge Wilson was one of God's noblemen. He was not puffed up by honor, nor a fair weather man to those who gained his friendship. He was a man of the highest sense of honor, disclaimed sham, hypocrisy and fraud. He was of a happy disposition, and made everybody happy around him. He died as he lived, with a smile on his face and a circle of gold around his heart. He was born crying, while those around him smiled - he did smiling, while those around him wept. Fairwell, true friend, we hope to find the same triumphal ending when our time shall come.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1919
Margaret Jane Conway was born in Butler county April 25, 1856 and died Wednesday, May 14. She was married to A. T. Wilson Aug. 13, 1877, to this union 7 children were born, six living one dying in infancy. Mrs. Wilson was taken ill with pneumonia a month ago which developed quickly into tubercolosis.

She with her husband and son and daughter came to Fruitland last January. Since a little girl about sixteen years of age she has been a member of the Church of Christ. She leaves beside the husband and daughter Miss Lillie, and son Oscar, who were here with her a son Loinel and daughters Addie, and Odilah of Kentucky, and Miss Lena Wilson who arrived Monday from Louisville, Kentucky.

Elder Shelby Smith conducted the funeral services in the Church of Christ, Saturday. Burial was made at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924
Mary Elizabeth Wilson was born April 9, 1844 in Illinois where she lived until she was 12 years old when she moved with her parents to Vernon county, Missouri. she was married to Zachariah Wilson at the age of 17. Six children were born to the union, four of which are living, one son and daughter in Missouri, a daughter, Mrs. G. Walker of Bend, Oregon, and one son J. E. Wilson of this place, the two latter being present at the time of her death. Her husband passed away when they had been married 20 years. She moved with her son J. E. to the Boise valley 19 years ago and to the Payette valley 17 years ago. She passed away Friday morning July 11, after a days' illness, being 80 years, three months, and two days old. funeral services were hely from the Christian church in Payette Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. G. L. Knight of New Plymouth, and interment made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921
Rev. Argyl Houser was called to Caldwell to officiate at the funeral of one of Homedale's High School students who passed away at the Caldwell hospital after an eight day sickness of appendicitis. Ralph was born Nov. 10, 1901 and departed this life Oct. 16, 1921. His age was therefore 19 years, 11 months and 6 days. When a child his home was in Payette where he has a host of friends. He lived with his parents at Homedale, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, he was loved and respected by the Homedale students who attended his funeral in a body, furnished beautiful music, and provided many beautiful flowers.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 23, 1920
Good Woman Passes To Last Reward

Mrs. J. E. Wilson passed away at the Ontario hospital the last of last week from Bright's disease and was quietly laid to rest in the Payette cemetery on Tuesday of this week. Deceased leaves a large family of children and a husband all of which will mourn the loss of a quiet, tender-hearted, Christian wife and mother and the sympathy of the entire community go out to them in this hour of their sorrow and sadness. (Riverside Cemetery)




Payette Independent
Thursday, April 14, 1898
Death of Jacob Windle The announcement of the death of Jacob Windle Monday evening was a shock to his old friends and neighbors. We were all aware of his sickness but none suspected that the "silken chord" was so suddenly to be broken. Mr. Windle had been sick of spotted fever but was believed to be slowly recovering infact he was feeling very much better during the afternoon just preceeding his death and his family and friends were hopeful of a speedy recovery. There was a decided change in his condition however, late in the afternoon, and growing rapidly worse until 6:30 o'clock he passed away from the scenes of earth, leaving a large family of grown sons and daughters, as well as everyone who knew him intimately, to mourn the loss of a kind father, a good neighbor and an upright and useful citizen.

Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church at 10:30 Wednesday morning, by the pastor, the attendance being large and the service throughout very impressive, after which the remains were followed to Riverside cemetery for the last sad rites.

Jacob Windle was born in Virginia Feb. 7, 1833. He moved to Ohio when a young man. From there he went to Nebraska where he resided for a number of years. Coming to Idaho in 1882, he lived in Boise for two years and then located on Washoe bottom near Payette, where he made a beautiful home and resided up to the time of his death, Monday April 11th, 1898, at 6:30 o'clock, at the age of 65 years, two months and four days. He leaves eight children, three sons and five daughters: Mrs. Frank Whyman, now in Nebraska, Mrs. D. B. Coates, Wm. Windle, Mrs. W. F. Eberle, George Windle, Thomas Windle, Mrs. Wm. Whyman, of Boise, Mrs. Wm. Young. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
March 5, 1892
WINDLE - In Washoe bottom, on Thurdsay, March 3, 1892, Tryphena, wife of Jacob Windle, aged 55 years.

Mrs. Windle, whose maiden name was Wilcox, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1837, and became the wife of Jacob Windle February 7, 1856. In 1871 they came west to Nebraska, and in 1884 to Idaho, where they have lived ever since, residing for the past eight years in the vicinity of Payette. Eight children were born to them -- five girls and three boys. Of the daughters three are married and two single; of the sons two are married and one single.

The members of the family wish to express through this paper their earnest thankfulness to friends for kind attention during the illness of the deceased and attendance at the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 11, 1920
Geo. M. Winkler one of Council's prominent business men, died Monday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Donoho. The deceased was 63 years of age and had spent the winter in California and had stopped here to visit his daughter when taken worse with Bights Disease which was the cause of his death. The body was shipped to Council Monday evening for interment.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 9-25-1856 and died 3-9-1920. ch


Payette Independent
Friday, January 31, 1908

Donald and Hugh Winn, Aged 10 and 8 years, Are Drowned in a Shallow Pond - Hugh Loses His Life While Attempting to Save the Life of His Brother.

One of the saddest accidents that have occurred in the history of Payette and which shocked the hearts of friends and strangers when they heard of it was the drowning of two young sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Winn on Captain Henry Ervin’s place a mile and a half south of Payette last Saturday afternoon. The boys were but eight and ten years of age and were drowned in a slough less than six feet deep and not more than 10 feet across.

The accident was unusually sad in that the mother of the boys was lying ill expecting soon to give birth to a child and for the sake of the babe soon to be born, was not permitted to see her sons whose lives had passed to their maker. The bodies were laid away unseen by the mother’s eyes and when the same day, she gave birth to a bouncing boy of 10 pounds joy and grief were mingled in the mother’s breast.

Shortly after noon on Saturday Mr. Winn sent the two boys, Donald and Hugh, across a field on an errand. Light-hearted, happy, full of life and free from care, they left their father and it seems attempted to make a short cut across the field by crossing a slough which was covered with a thin layer of ice.

From all appearances it is evident that Donald, the older of the two, attempted to cross first and broke though the ice and into the water. His younger brother jerked off his coat and cap and with the aid of a willow hook attempted to rescue him and met a like fate.

The boys were discovered by a Japanese who, without waiting to attempt a rescue, ran to Mr. Winn’s house nearly a mile away and told him that he believed his boys were in the slough. The two rushed back to the place and the moment Mr. Winn saw the coat and cap from a distance he knew the victims were his sons.

He rushed into the water, which was up to his neck, and carried the boys to the bank and friends assisted in taking them to his home. Donald was standing almost upright in the water.

Dr. Avey was summoned as quickly as possible and he and J. S. Thurston worked over the prostrate forms for an hour, doing everything in the power of man to revive respiration, but their efforts were unavailing.

With the passing of Donald and Hugh Winn, two beautiful young lives have passed into eternity, and although taken in their early youth the world cannot but be better for their having lived in it. For the last three years the family have resided on Captain Ervin’s place. The little fellows by their bright and endearing ways had won the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin, from whose home the funeral services were held Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Christian Scientists, whose ceremony was very beautiful and impressive. Mrs. J. B. Burns furnished music.

A large number of the friends of the boys and the family followed the two hearses as they proceeded from the residence to Riverside cemetery, where the bodies were laid to rest. The pallbearers were chosen from among the boys’ school mates, they having been pupils in the Payette school, and were the following: Phillip Rieger, Emmett Fitzgerald, Frank Wilburn, Clyde Sherwood, Clarence Coats, George Fields, Louis Falkenstein and Lloyd Brundage. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 15, 1930
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters motored to Baker Saturday and attended the funeral of Rev. W. A. Winters which was held at 2 o'clock. Services were conducted by Rev. H. H. Hamilton of Boise and Rev. R. C. Lee of Union. Interment was made in the family plot in the Masonic cemetery there. Mr. Winters was found dead in the church Tuesday evening, death being due to heart trouble. He had been in apparent good health and was conducting revival meetings. He had been out making calls during the day and had gone over to the church to prepare for the evening meeting. Mrs. Winters had been out in the afternoon and upon returning home went to the church with a neighbor lady and found him slumped to the floor. Mrs. Winters expects to make her home with her sons in La Grande this summer and this fall she expects to go to Hollywood where her daughters are.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 17, 1929

Succumbed To An Operation at a Boise Hospital Tuesday Night

Landrum Lynn Wiseman, familiarly known all over the Payette Valley as "Tip" Wiseman, died at a Boise hospital about midnight Tuesday night, October 15. He had been living at McCall and had gone to Boise on some business when he was taken ill and was taken to the hospital. He was operated on Tuesday, October 8th, but was not able to recover and passed away just a week from the time he was stricken.

Funeral services will be held at the Christian church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and the funeral will be in charge of the Elks lodge of which he was a member.

His mother, Mrs. Lou Hubert, and his wife are both sorely stricken, the mother being bedfast as a result of the shock. A more extended obituary will be given next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, October 24, 1929)


Landrum Lynn Wiseman was born February 22, 1894, and passed away October 15, 1929, at the age of 35 years, 7 months and 23 days. He came to Gilliam county, Oregon, with his parents in 1897, and moved to Payette in 1893. He has lived in and near Payette since that time.

For some time he had been with Stringer and Duff stockmen, who have run sheep in the mountains near McCall in the summer months. As announced last week, he came from McCall to Boise and was stricken there and taken to a hospital where he underwent an operation from which he failed to rally.

He was married to his present wife in Chicago last year, and in addition to her he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Hubert, his father, T. R. Wiseman, of McFadden, Wyoming, two brothers, Lloyd Wiseman, of Hood River, Oregon, and Odie Wiseman, of Arlington, Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. H. M. Dodge, of Battleground, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Elsie Yancey, of Arlington, Oregon. Also three children from a former marriage in Los Angeles, California.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and were conducted by Rev. Mrs. Beem, pastor of that church. The Elks lodge, of which he was a member, conducted the service at the grave. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We take this method of extending most sincere thanks to the very kind neighbors who came to our assistance at the death and burial of our son, husband, and brother and wish you to know how much we appreciate your kind and loving assistance. MRS. I. HUBERT, MRS. L. L. WISEMAN, ODIE WISEMAN, LLOYD WISEMAN, MRS. H. N. DODGE, MRS. ESSIE YANCY

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 20, 1923
Sudden Demise

The passing away of A. B. Wood of the New Plymouth neighborhood came as a distinct surprise and shock to the community in which he was generally well know.

Mr. and Mrs. Wood had been entertained to dinner at the Miller ranch near New Plymouth on last Sunday, where they had remained during the afternoon, enjoying the hospitality of their hosts, with no seeming indications, imminent to his sudden passing away. On their return home in the evening Mrs. Wood noticed her husband's hands relax from his hold on the steering wheel of the Ford coupe in which they were riding and another look at him showed his head to have fallen to one side. Instantly she took the wheel and stopped the car. Aid was given immediately by occupants of another car which just at that moment met them, and a physician was hastily summoned who pronounced him dead, due to apoplexy.

Mr. Wood was at one time certified public accountant with the Van Deusen Bookkeeping Syndicate at Weiser, and at another time held the position of accountant with the King Hill, government irrigation project, and was well and favorably known in the business world. He was a Mason of high standing. Funeral rites were conducted by Washoe Lodge and A. F. & A. M. from his late home at New Plymouth, today.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921

The news that spread quickly of the sudden death of Mr. A. E. Wood, one of Payette's most highly respected citizens, was a severe shock, mingled with a keen feeling of the deepest sorrow, and to those who had seen him but a few moments before the sad news seemed increditable.

On last Tuesday afternoon, at about three o'clock, Mr. Wood left Payette in his car for Weiser on some business matters, and when arriving at the railroad crossing on the State Highway about five miles north of town, was struck by West bound train No. 23, totally demolishing the car and killing him instantly. His body was taken on to Weiser in charge of the Conductor, and returned to Payette on No. 24, and taken to Wood & Spaulding's Undertaking Parlor where it is being held, pending the funeral, which will be held Friday afternoon at the Christian Church at 2 o'clock, during which time all business houses will be closed by a resolution passed by the Chamber of Commerce.

With the loss of Mr. Wood, the people of Payette and vicinity have lost a true friend. His early career at a community builder, a man of courage and integrity, will never be equaled. When he came to Payette in the spring of 1889 and entered upon a campaign of advetising and the sale of real estate, it can be truthfully said that he spent more hard earned money in advertising and personal energy in building up the Payette Valley than the entire community. The writer, being personally engaged with Mr. Wood in his efforts in this work for many years, can speak from experience. He was honest, upright and truthful in all his dealings which won for him a reputation that will stand as a monument never to be forgotten. He has for many years been a member and strong supporter of the Christian Church, living close to the teachings of his Master.

In later years Mr. Wood has spent considerable of his time in the marketing of fruit with marked success, and at the time of his death, had a volume of unfinished business in that line that undoubtedly would have been highly beneficial, both to himself and his clients.

The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to the grief stricken wife and children.

Allen Edgar Wood was born at Smithfield, Pa., December 18, 1852. He was married to Elizabeth Gerould, December 18, 1873. Four children were born to bless their home, three of whom are now living: Mrs. Jennie Soule of Seattle, Washington, Clinton D. Wood of Pocatello, and Mrs. J. A. Harader of Boseman, Mont. The second daughter, Mrs. Clara Fripp, passed away about 12 years ago. They lived at Smithfield until March 26th, 1880 when they moved to Casselton, N.D., and from Casselton to Payette, March 9th, 1898.

Mrs. Soule, Clinton and wife, and Mr. Harader will be present at the funeral. Mrs. Harader being unable to come.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, September 29, 1921)


The funeral of Mr. A. E. Wood last Friday afternoon was attended by a large gathering of people who met to pay the last tribute of respect to a man who for many years has been held in the highest esteem. Promptly at 1:30 o'clock, short services were held at the home on first Avenue South where the beautiful casket was submerged in a bank of floral offerings, as tokens of high respect in which the deceased was held in this community. The sermon at the Christian Church by the pastor, Rev. H. Mowe, exemplifying the true Christian life of Mr. Wood and setting forth his life's career as an example for others, was a fitting sermon. The members of the K.P. Lodge of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body, at the Church, and formed open ranks while the remains of a beloved brother was conveyed through to the entrance. All business of the City was suspended during the services in respect for a citizen who will be keenly missed in social and business circles, and in the church where he was an ardent worker. Many automobiles formed the procession which followed to Riverside Cemetery where the impressive ritualistic services were held by the Knights of Pythias while the body was lowered to its last resting place. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We desire to extend our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and to the Knights of Pythias members for their many kind acts and beautiful floral tributes at the time of our sudden sorrow and bereavement. They will always be remembered. Mrs. A. W. Wood, C. D. Wood and family, Mrs. Jennie Smith, J. A. Harader and family

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 24, 1924

Death took from our midst Friday evening at 6 o'clock one of Payette's most beloved women in the person of Mrs. A. E. Wood. As she had been very ill for some time and had been sinking quite rapidly, the end was not unexpected, although the news was received with deep grief by all the older citizens of the community. Since the death of her husband in a railroad accident two and a half years ago she had been bowed with grief and life seemed to hold little of real enjoyment for her. Ever kind and considerate of those about her she lived for others rather than for herself and her death is keenly felt by those closely associated with her.

Mrs. Libby G. Wood was borne in Smithfield, Penna., January 15, 1856, and lived in the town of her birth until March 26, 1880 when she moved to Castleton, North Dakota, and from there she came to Payette with her husband and family on March 9, 1898. She and her husband were among the most highly respected citizens of the community, and Payette's loss since both are now gone is great indeed.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. H. E. Mow, her pastor. For a quarter of a century she had been a consistent and faithful member of this church and a large congregation was present to pay their last tribute of respect. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Clinton Wood, of Yreka, California, and two daughter, Mrs. Jennie Soule, of Los Angeles, California, and Mrs. Edith Harader, of Bozeman, Montana. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 16, 1922

M. E. Wood was called to Midvale last Friday on account of the death of his brother, Frank Wood, who lived a few miles from that place. His death occured Friday evening at 5 o'clock following several years of failing health. Mr. Wood was well known and highly respected in this community having owned and lived on the Miles Cannon ranch between Payette and Weiser for several years, he was 61 years of age and leaves a wife and married son who with his wife is now living at home with his mother. The funeral was held at Midvale Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, interment in the Midvale cemetery.

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 20, 1902
The five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of Oregon, who are visiting at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. Robt. Green, north of Payette, died last Monday afternoon after an illness of but a few hours with spasmodic croup. The funeral took place on Tuesday.

Payette Independent
July 2, 1891
WOODEN - In Payette, June 27, at the age of 26 years, Mrs. Mollie, wife of W. M. Wooden; also, on the same day and hour a child of the same parents, aged 12 days.

The deceased, whose maiden name was Mollie Downs, was born in Hickory county, Missouri, twenty-six years ago, and became the wife of W. M. Wooden on the 12th day of August, 1890, at North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. They came to Payette in August of last year. Since March last Mrs. Wooden had been in extremely poor health, being under almost constant medical care. Deceased gave birth to a child on the 20th of June, and she never afterward left her bed alive. Mr. Wooden, in company with the brothers of the deceased, called at this office on Tuesday of this week and desired us, through the columns of THE INDEPENDENT, to return the heartfelt thanks of himself, and those of Mrs. Martha Downs, mother of the deceased, and her brothers Thomas and Johnson Downs, to the citizens of Payette, who did so generously by them in the hour of bereavement.

Payette Independent
Friday, October 16, 1903
Mrs. Bert Woodland, for many years a well known resident of Weiser and vicinity but who had for some time past resided with her husband and family at Payette, died in this city Sunday morning. The remains were taken to Weiser for burial. The funeral took place on Monday morning in that city, an account of which is given in the Weiser Signal as follows:

The funeral services of Mrs. Bert Woodland, who died at Payette Sunday morning, were held Monday morning under the auspices of Kalos Circle, of the Women of Woodcraft. Services were held in Odd Fellows hall, conducted by Revs. Deiapine and Deal. A large concourse of friends and the ladies of the Circle followed the remains. At the cemetery the remains were taken in charge by the ladies, and interred according to the ceremonies of their order.

Mrs. Woodland was born at Boone, Iowa, Jan. 7th, 1860. She came to Idaho in 1863, and has been a resident of the state ever since. At the age of 15 years she was married to Lafayette Lansdon, was the mother of thirteen children, twelve of whom survive her. She became a member of the Baptist church at an early age, and was a consistent member until her death. A little more than two years ago she was married to Bert Woodland.

Mrs. Woodland has been a sufferer for several months with cancer, had had two operations performed, but without success. She leaves many to mourn her loss.


Payette Independent
Thursday, November 08, 1923
Nyssa Man Blows Top of His Head Off with a Shot Gun

Hunters in search of game made a gruesome discovery in a lonely cabin in this county about four miles east of Nyssa last Saturday.

For four years Charles E. Woodward had made his home at Nyssa with a man by the name of Frank Winton, but on October 8th he left the place, taking Mr. Winton's shot gun with him. No trace of the missing man had been discovered and it was thought he had gone away as he had been rather eccentric since suffering from an attack of influenza a couple of years ago. The gruesome find, however, made by the hunters was his dead body, and he had beyond a doubt committed suicide.

The unfortunate man had evidently gone to the cabin and then placed the muzzle of the shot gun in his mouth and in some manner discharged the gun, in all probability by throwing the hammer with his foot. The entire top of his head was blown off and the sight was indeed a sickening one.

Word was brought to Payette and the sheriff's office notified. Deputy Christianson, County Attorney Haines and the County Coroner at once went to the scene and made a thorough examination of the surroundings and of the dead body. It was decided that an inquest would not be necessary and friends of the dead man were notified to take his remains for burial.

It is believed the unfortunate man had become temporarily demented as a result of his attack of flu and committed he deed in that frame of mind.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, September 03, 1920
Mrs. Eveline McLean Woodward (nee Steele) died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McFarland on the 27th day of Aug. She was born near South Salem, Ohio, on the 15th of June, 1837 and so attained the age of a little more than 83 years. She was married June 10th 1857 to Chas. Frederick Woodward. Eight children were born to them, four of whom survive. Mr. Woodard died in 1872, since which time Mrs. Woodard has lived among her children. Funeral services were held at the McFarland home on Saturday 28th, and the weary body laid to rest in the cemetery at Boise.

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 24, 1902
Isreal Woodward, father of Dr. I. R. Woodward of this city, died at his Denver home from intestinal trouble Saturday. Dr. Woodward was with his father at the time of his death having been called to Denver about 10 days ago on account of the latter's serious illness. The deceased had recently undergone a severe operation from which he never recovered.


Payette Independent
Friday, September 16, 1904
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, who live on Little Willow creek, died Sunday of pneumonia. The infant was 20 days of age. The funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at the Christian church and were conducted by Rev. W. E. Bobbitt. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 08, 1917

The whole community mourns the death of Mrs. Emma Lane Wright, wife of Dr. Crispia Wright, which occurred Saturday morning, Feb. 3, 1917. Mrs. Wright has been in failing health the past three years but it was little thought by her friends that the end was so near. She was born in Chicago in 1885 and left there 10 years ago on account of tuberculosis. She made a determined and successful fight against the disease until three years ago when pneumonia caused her to lose in the race, she having steadily lost strength and health since.

She had a bright, cheerful, happy disposition and was a noble Christian and a member of the Methodist church in Fruitland. When in good health she was an active worker in the church, the Womans' Home Missionary Society and the W.C.T.U.

She leaves to mourn besides her husband, one son, George Dryden, aged 5 1/2 years, a sister, Miss Fanny Lane, a brother, Otis M. Lane, and her father, George H. Lane, all of Chicago, Ill. The sister was on her way in answer to a telegram but was delayed 3 days in Wyoming because of the snow blockade, arriving Monday evening.

The funeral was held in the Methodist church at Payette Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. L. Walker and Rev. Ford Burtch officiating.

Dr. and Mrs. Wright and little son have made their home in Fruitland five years and their many friends sympathize with the bereaved family. Interment was made at Payette Cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, February 09, 1917)

Mrs. Crispin Wright Dies after Lingering Illness

Mrs. Emma Lane Wright, aged 32 years, wife of Dr. Crispin Wright, died at her home in Fruitland last Saturday morning, February 3, from tuberculosis, after an illness of several years duration. Besides her husband she leaves a little son, George Dryden, five years old, one sister, Miss Fanny Lane, a brother O. M. Lane, of Chicago. Miss Lane arrived from Chicago on Monday, being delayed in Wyoming three days one account of the heavy snow.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist church at Payette Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. L. Walke. A special quartet sang several selections and T. R. Nielson sang a solo. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917
Mrs. Rachel Wright, wife of George Wright, who has been a resident of Payette for fifteen years, died Saturday, March 24th, 1917, at their home on North Sixth Street, after an illness of several months.

The deceased leaves to mourn her departure a husband, three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Mrs. Elva Baker and Miss Olive Wright, and two sons, Will and Roy Wright. all were at the bedside when she passed away.

Mrs. Wright fellowshipped with the Church of God March 26, 1910. She was a consistent Christian and a faithful member. She died in the full assurance of faith. The funeral was largely attended. The Royal Neighbors were present in a body and many friends came from a distance. The services were conducted by her pastor from the Methodist Episcopal Church. (Riverside Cemetery)


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