Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames C

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 24, 1918
Death of C. A. Campbell

Chas. A. Campbell died Friday, Jan. 18, 1917,(SB 1918) at the residence of his uncle Captain Mulholland. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and was born in Kingsville, Canada, May 25, 1892. The father came from Cass City, Michigan to be present at the funeral. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist church and were conducted by Rev. J. F. Lanman, assisted by Rev. C. F. Thompson. The burial was in Park View Cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, September 03, 1920
David J. Campbell died at his home in New Plymouth, August 20 and was buried in Park View Cemetery, Aug. 22.

Mr. Campbell was born at Dry Run, Penn. Aug, 26, 1846. While a young man he moved to Indiana and later returned to Penn. where he was married to Miss Marie Gribble. Later they moved to Bloomington, Ill. from there to Neb. and from Nebraska to New Plymouth about twelve years ago.

Mr. Campbell had been in failing health for several months before his death. Some weeks before the end he made arrangements for the inevitable.

The calmness with which he directed the preparation of such documents, as are common with those who realize that their lease of life is not for long, indicated the courage of the man.

The words he uttered exemplified the feeling, built on a foundation of unfaltering family love, which animated his nature to the last. He fought life's battles well, but yielded as all men must, to the final call of the Great Beyond. It is over, He is gone. He will be missed, but not forgotten. There is a vacant place, that cannot be filled, in the hearts of those who were bound to him by ties of family love. (Parkview Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, January 29, 1903
Buried in One Grave

Duncan C. Campbell, father of Ex-Sheriff D. D. Campbell died at his home near Caldwell last Saturday evening. A few days prior to Mr. Campbell's death his wife took sick, growing rapidly worse until Tuesday morning when she too passed away. Mr. Campbell was 78 years of age and Mrs. Campbell 73. The bodies were buried side by side in one grave on Wednesday.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 24, 1918
Infant Dies

An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell died last Saturday morning, October 19th, and the body was quietly laid to rest in a little, tiny grave at Park View. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 28, 1930
Payette Resident Called By Death

P. V. Campbell a resident of this community for the past 24 years passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital Monday morning at five o'clock. He had been in failing health for several years and yet continued his farm work almost to the last day, but was taken very seriously ill last week and removed to the hospital on Thursday and on Sunday under went an operation which revealed a cancer of the very worst type, and the following morning at five o'clock death relieved his suffering.

Mr. Campbell was born in the state of Indiana, November 30, 1875, and was married to Maude Holbrook in the year 1899 in the state of Missouri, and moved to Omaha soon after their marriage. They continued to live in Omaha until 24 years ago when they came to Payette, where Mr. Campbell purchased a tract of land on the Payette Heights, where he toiled for years to help improve that section of the valley. He was one of Payette's honest and hard working citizens, highly respected by all, and his passing from this life at an early age brings sadness to many.

Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. L L. Sharp, and two sons living at home, Vandevere, age 19 and Vincent 13, also one grandchild. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Margaret Cole, and five brothers, Gilbert S., Arthur, Walter, Sam and John Campbell, all residing in the east.

The funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon at 2:30, from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. L. G. Fraser. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Note: According to the Oregon Death Index, his death date is 8-25-1930. ch (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 27, 1913
Miss Anna Cannon, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cannon, died last Thursday of pulmonary tuberculosis. She had been ailing for a number of years and during the last few days she was confined to her bed. The funeral was held Monday in the Christian church, Rev. Smith officiating. She is survived by her father, mother, brother and sister all of whom are living in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1921

Mr. W. C. Carlton, an early pioneer of Southern Idaho, and for many years a resident of Washoe, died in Boise last Monday, at the ripe age of 86. He will be well remembered by the early settlers of this section. He was a wagon maker and blacksmith and conducted a shop in Washoe for many years, and was a highly respected citizen.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 29, 1921

W.P. Carpenter, for many years a minister in Kansas for the Methodist Protestant church, and for three and one-half years a soldier in the Civil war, departed this life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Zeiger of near Payette, Dec. 26th, 1921. He had reached the ripe age of nearly 85 years.

The gates of heaven stand ajar before us. Our dear old friend has now passed through them. His presence will never again in this life be with us. He is dead. Dead? No, he lives. Never was he more alive than now. There is no death.

"The stars go down,
to rise upon some other shore.
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine forevermore."

He has simply changed his residence place from the earthly house to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And there in the kingdom of God he shines in the glory of the undying sun.

He was a member of Co. K of the 17th Iowa Reg. Thus another G.A.R. member has left us. How rapidly they are going. Someday in big head lines of the paper we will read that the last one has left us. American people honor and respect them. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family but they find comfort that he belonged to the Grand Army of the Redeemed.

Brief services were conducted by the Rev. Argyl Houser of the Church of God at the Lauer Undertaking Parlors. Mrs. Zeiger journeyed with the body to Earleton, Kansas, where the funeral services will be held from the M.E. Church where Mr. Carpenter was a minister for several years.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 08, 1930


The body of J. M. Carr, a well-to-do rancher living near Riggins, Idaho, was found late Saturday evening with a bullet hole from a small caliber gun, in the side of his head, indicates foul play or suicide. The authorities there are making strenuous investigations. Neighbors say there could be no motive for self destruction. Car was a middle aged man, unmarried and was the owner of the ranch near Riggins once owned by W. S. Brundage, formerly of Payette. He was also engaged extensively in the sheep business, and was said to have in his possession $104,000 trust certificates.

His body was brought to Council, where Undertaker L. H. Adair was called early Sunday morning to take charge. His remains were shipped back to Pittsburgh where he had relatives.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, December 18, 1914
Death of Miss Ina Carter

Miss Ina Carter, aged 27, died last Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of her parents east of Fruitland. Miss Carter had been an invalid most of her life with paralysis, caused from a fall when about eight months old and had never been able to walk. Deceased leaves her parents and one brother here, two brothers and a sister, Mrs. Ross, in Boise, a sister, Mrs. Carpenter, of Lapwai, Idaho, all of whom were present at the funeral, which was conducted by J. E. Shamberger, of the Brethren church, Sunday morning at the home. The body was taken to Ontario for interment.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1913

Harry Cartwright, who has been ill for three or four weeks of typhoid-pneumonia, passed away last Saturday night. He hung on bravely but owing to the complication of diseases it was impossible for him to get well.

Mr. Cartwright has been for some time, in the employ of the Mountain States Telephone Co. He was well thought of by everyone.

He was twenty five years, three months and eight days old. He is the son of J. W. Cartwright of Fruitland. He leaves a wife and little baby, and four sisters.

The funeral was held from the house Monday afternoon, Rev. A. L. Gorham officiated. Many beautiful flowers were supplied by kind neighbors and friends. The body was laid away to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 14, 1918
Iona Mae Cartwright died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright Monday morning and was buried Tuesday afternoon. She was born May 13, 1897 in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado. Thus at the time of her death she was just past 21 by 5 months and 29 days. She had been in poor health most of the time since a year ago at which time she had a severe case of tonsillitis, following which was a period of ailment which kept her vitality down. In this state appendicitis developed and while she seemed to stand the operation well it turned out that she could not regain strength. Beside the Father and Mother there are three sisters, Mrs. Frank Littler of Nampa, Mrs. Lou Feldscher and Ruth a young girl. These were all present at the funeral. The only brother, Claude, is with the colors in France.

She was at the age when hope should be highest. As a consequence her death was a great sorrow, especially to the Mother who is completely prostrated with grief.

Iona had made many friends in the seven years of her life in Payette and the floral expressions of love and sympathy were beautiful and bountiful. But the intimate friends who sent such testimonials are a small fraction of the list of friends who would assuage the grief of them that mourn if human sympathy were able. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 19, 1917

Untimely Death

At the tender age of fourteen years Gertrude Castles, whose home has been with her grandmother Mrs. Thomas Castles, passed away last Saturday morning at the home of Andy Castles from the effect of spinal meningitis.

The funeral was held from St. Aloysius church Monday being conducted by Rev. Father J. Nolan and the body was laid to rest in the Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 14, 1913
Thomas Castles, one of the old timers in the Payette valley died suddenly in Oakland, Cal., Tuesday morning while enroute to Fresno, to join his wife and daughter, who have been there several months for the benefit of the latters health. The telegram announcing Mr. Castles death came from John Monarch of Fresno, a son-in-law of the diseased, but gave no particulars as to the cause of death. Tom and Alec Castles left Tuesday for Oakland. Mr. Castles had only recently traded his residence property in Baker City valued at $5000 for farm land west of Plymouth and was making arrangements to again locate here. Mr. Castles had been suffering with stomach trouble for some time and was making the trip to California hoping that the change would prove beneficial.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1930

It was with deep regret that the people of the community heard of the death of Mr. Catanzaro which occurred at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, Monday evening, June 9.

Mr. Catanzaro was born in Termini, Sicily, Italy, April 21, 1855. He came to America about 40 years ago, residing at Springfield, Ohio. From there he moved to Louisville and thence to Lexington, Ky.. Later he moved to Logansport, Ind., where he retired about 15 years ago. He came to Idaho in 1924 where he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Palumbo, and family.

J. C. Palumbo accompanied the remains to Logansport, Ind., where funeral services will be conducted and interment made by the side of his wife, who preceded him in death two years ago.

Mr. Catanzaro is survived by his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Palumbo, of Payette; two sons, Jacob Catanzaro of Payette and Joseph Catanzaro of Peru, Indiana, five grandchildren, Agnes and Leo Catanzaro of Peru, Ind., Leo, Mary Rose and Agnes Theresa of Payette. He also had many friends here who mourn his passing.

We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends for their many deeds of kindness, during the illness and death of our beloved father.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 23, 1920

Death of Mrs. Catto Follows Operation At Hospital

With a smile upon her face, symbolic of the smiles she brought to others a long this toilsome journey of life, Mrs. Helen Catto, widow of Walter Catto, deceased, peacefully passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, on Thursday morning just as the clock was striking five.

Deceased was born in Ontario, Canada on October 20th, 1865, her maiden name being Helen Laughlin. At the age of about eighteen she was married to Walter Catto in the city of London, Ont. Three children were born to this union --- all of whom survive. Rhea Catto, of Chicago was the eldest and was here the past autumn visiting with her mother and brother for several weeks; Nema (now Mrs. F.J. Ireland) of Chicago and Walter Catto, Jr., of this place. She also leaves to mourn her death two sisters, Mrs. George D. Smith of Los Angeles and Mrs. M. D. McNichols of Tacoma, the latter arriving a few hours before Mrs. Catto died, and in time to be recognized by the dying woman.

We knew Mrs. Catto quite intimately and can truthfully say she was one of God's best children - quiet, unassuming, cultured, unselfish, of a happy disposition, and as good a mother as ever was born. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Tacoma and her body will be taken to that place to be interred beside her deceased husband. The two daughters are on their way from Chicago and will arrive sometime the last of the week. If "to live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die" then Mrs. Catto is not dead, but just crossed over to another sphere.

Payette Independent
Friday, March 29, 1907
Death of Josiah Cave

Josiah Cave, and old timer of the Payette Valley, died Wednesday March 20, at Middleton, at the age of 76 years. He was one of the earliest pioneers of Idaho City, where he was in business for many years. From there he moved to Falk’s Store and remained for nine years, having conducted the postoffice and store at that place. For the last four years he was postmaster and engaged in mercantile business in Middleton, during which time he had won the esteem of all who knew him. During his career he was twice elected and twice defeated on the Democratic ticket for the legislature. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Clara Arrasmith Cave, who has but one relative in this part of the country, a nephew, C. C. Arrasmith of Boise. Mr. Cave is survived by two brothers, one in Montana and one in California.

Mr. Cave, shortly prior to his last illness, had been preparing a series of interesting “Recollections of Early Days In Idaho.” The few numbers which have been given to the public through the columns of the Middleton Herald were well received.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 28, 1922
Eugene Charles Cazier passed away Sunday evening at ten o'clock at the home of his grand-father, C. H. Cazier, on sixth street. He is the son of L. C. Cazier who operates a ranch near Ontario, and was here for the purpose of attending school.

About a year ago it was discovered that the little fellow had diabetes and everything possible was done to help him. A few months back he was thought to be improving but about a week ago he commenced failing and the end came Sunday evening. He was 11 years and 6 months old at the time of his death. He was born at Gallitin Valley, Montana, coming to this vicinity about two and one-half years ago. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church, Rev. Buell, officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924

Gervaise Branan Cazier, three months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cazier, passed away Wednesday morning and was buried from the family residence at 2:30 this afternoon, Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. The little one had not been healthy for some time, and though its death was not unexpected it was none the less a sad event in the lives of its parents. They have the sincere sympathy of the community.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Gervaise B. Cazier was born 1-18-1924 and died 5-14-1924, Payette. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 31, 1929

The community was saddened Monday evening when it was reported that Mrs. A. Chadwick had passed away suddenly at his home. Mr. Chadwick was held in high esteem by his neighbors and the sympathy of all is with Mrs. Chadwick in her bereavement.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Abraham Chadwick was born 3-30-1844 and died 10-28-1929. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

The funeral service of Maud Chalfant, only child of Mrs. Flora Chalfant, was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Payette Sunday afternoon, June 10, 1917, at three o'clock, Rev. G. W. Barnes, the pastor, officiating. Mrs. Chalfant's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, were with her during the sickness and the funeral.

Maud Chalfant was born in Sac City, Iowa, May 10, 1902. About two years afterward, because of the father's illness, the family moved to Payette, Idaho. Since Mr. Chalfant's death the mother and daughter have made their home in Payette, where Maud attended the public school and completed the 8th grade. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and regular in attendance at the services and the Sunday School. Tho the greater part of her life was tilled with sickness and suffering, yet she was always hopeful, cheerful, patient and kind. On the 8th day of June, after an extended sickness she passed the bounds of this life and entered the gates of light. Her relatives and many friends mourn, but only as those who have hope in God, and assurance in the future "For we know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens." (Riverside Cemetery)

Fruitland Banner
Friday, May 08, 1914
Pioneer Resident of Malheur County Dies Suddenly

George W. Chambers, an old and highly respected resident of Malheur County, Oregon, was found dead last Sunday morning at his home in Ontario, having succumbed to an attack of heart disease. He had called upon Dr. Weese, a nearby physician about three o'clock Sunday morning complaining of a severe pain around his heart, after receiving treatment which allayed the pain he returned home seeming to feel much better, but was found dead on the kitchen floor about 8:30 Sunday morning.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919

The eight months old child of Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Channer of Payette-Oregon slope, died very suddenly Sunday morning, presumably of heart failure. The little one had been suffering from a severe attack of whooping cough and on Saturday evening was quite bad. A little after midnight it became easier and went to sleep in the mothers arms and passed away some time later which was not discovered until about six o'clock in the morning when the mother awakened finding the child dead in her arms. Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Argyle Houser, pastor of the Church of God, and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Channer who but a few weeks ago moved to this community will have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 16, 1922

Word came by wire Sunday evening to Mr. William Maule, from Marshfield, Oregon, announcing the death of Mr. J. C. Chapin, who left Payette less than a year ago for his health. No further information ha been received. The Chapin family came to Payette many years ago and stand high in business and social circles of this community. Mr. Chapin has been in failing health for more than a year and his death was not all-together unexpected.

Besides a wife and large family of children he leaves many warm friends in Payette who will be grieved to learn of his departure. It is likely the burial took place at Marshfield, however should we be furnished with the information we will publish an obituary next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 23, 1922)


Acute Pneumonia Takes short time
Resident of City - Ten Children and Widow Survive

J. C. Chapin of South Broadway died yesterday afternoon an illness lasting since last Wednesday night when he was taken with acute pneumonia.

The deceased was 70 years of age in January and had resided in Marshfield since last August, when he came here from Payette, Idaho. He leaves a widow and ten living children, five of whom are residents of Marshfield. There were five girls and five sons in the family. All of the children with the exception of two who are living in Colorado, will be present at the funeral which will probably be held on Wednesday.

The children include: Dr. C. F. Chapin, Myrtle, Lena, Fern and LaPriel, of Marshfield; Mrs. Harry Powell of Eugene, Ore.; R. E. of Otis, Colo.; W. F. of Post Falls, Idaho, and E. W. of Otis, Colo.

The deceased was born in France in the district near where the battle of the Argonne occured during the world war.

The family had resided for 20 years past in Payette, Idaho. Before they were residents of Loomis, Nebraska. The deceased had been a farmer for most of his life.

Mr. Chapin had been partially incapicated from a stroke of paralysis which he suffered about a year ago. - Marshfield News -

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 13, 1914

Curtiss Palmer Chapman is the full name, but Curt is the endearing form of it that everybody learned to love him by. Three weeks ago he was the picture of health, hope and happiness. Last Sunday we placed his body in its last resting place, amidst the flowers and tears of the entire community. Appendicitis was the enemy that entered his strong castle and slew him. He felt the first of it on Sunday, July 26, was operated on the following Friday, but the case had already progressed too far for recovery. Eight days of courageous suffering followed and the end came on Saturday, Aug. 8. The funeral services were in the Presbyterian church which was able to accommodate about one third of the people who came to bring their tribute of respect for the dead and sympathy for those who are left to mourn. Rev. Benj. Smith preached the sermon, and the "Misses Thurston and Messrs. Paul Brainard and Lyle Wood sang choice selections.

Curt lived his entire life in Payette. He was born Jan. 12, 1893, just ten days after his parents arrived here. He passed through our schools and graduated with the High School class of 1912. Since then he has been employed most of the time by the Idaho-Oregon Electric company and had advanced to a membership in the Electrical Workers Union.

One of the features in the funeral service was the group of young men who not only served as ushers and pall-bearers, but came and sat in a body filling a large block of the seats. These were his class mates, work mates, and members of two local clubs, the "T. B." and the "S. T. A. G.", both of which sent sheafs of roses as tributes.

The parents, S. E. and Satie K. Chapman and the brother and sister Irving and Mildred, appreciate the kindness shown and sympathy expressed all through the period of sickness and death and feel that the friendship revealed is a large compensation for the sorrow that has come upon them. The mingling of heartaches that are common to mortals make us more akin than anything else we experience. So while the death of a man at the morning of life seems a disaster, it may yet be in the great ways of God that his twenty-one years of life and his early death have had a meaning and a value that only eternity can disclose.

Payette Independent
Friday, November 4, 1904
The death of Mrs. Chapman, mother of Mrs. M. C. Bigelow, occurred early Saturday morning as the result of a hemorrhage of the lungs. The body was shipped on the Sunday morning train to Cumbrotta, Minn., where the remains will be interred. Sunday afternoon appropriate services were held at the home on the West Side by Rev. J. J. Davy.

Payette Independent
Friday, December 16, 1904
Mrs. Nettie Chapman, wife of Mr. E. G. Chapman, came to her death Friday morning after a brief illness. The cause of her demise was pneumonia and muscular rheumatism. She was taken sick on Saturday and only lived until the following Friday, December 9. She was 39 years of age. The funeral services were held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. Davy at the Presbyterian church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 17, 1921

Just before going to press, we learn of the sad news of the death of Bernice Chatfield, the 13 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chatfield which occured about nine o'clock this (Thursday) morning after lying in an unconscious condition for a period of nearly two weeks with sleeping sickness. Great hopes were entertained for her recovery until a very short time before her death when she became suddenly worse and died from strangulation. The news of her death caused many sorrowing hearts in this community. She was a very bright child and a favorite among her school mates and all who knew her. The entire community will extend their sympathy to the bereaved family and other near relatives. So far as we have learned, no funeral arrangements have been made. We will endeavor to publish a more complete obituary in our next issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 24, 1921)

Bernice Adeline Chatfield was born at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coats, in Payette, December 22nd, 1907, and departed this life March 17th, 1921 at the home of Nurse Baker, after suffering with sleeping sickness for nearly two weeks, being at the time of her death, 13 years, 2 months and 23 days old. During her short life this community has been her home. Through her happy disposition she won the favor of all those who knew her. Her short stay in this world leaves bright and sweet memories of the past. We can but say, she had lived the sweetest part of life, and has escaped the trials and tribulations of a cruel world, and to those who know best, there is no doubt, she had gone to her maker, pure and undefiled, where sorrow and suffering is unknown. Those who will miss her in the home, are the father and mother, three brothers, Leo age 16, Carl age 10, and Willis age 8, besides the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coats, and other near relatives. Funeral servies were held from the Christian church last Saturday afternoon, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. H. E. Mowe, and the body tenderly laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. To the bereaved family and relatives we can say, the entire community will extend their most heartfelt sympathy in the loss of their dear one who has only gone on before. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 03, 1906
Died in Portland

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chesney B. Thompson of Portland, who formerly resided in this city, were grieved to hear the latter part of last week that Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had lost their infant daughter Reatha. The little one passed away in Portland on Friday

Morning, July 27. The body was brought to Weiser for burial, that city being the home of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hinze, arriving at that place Saturday afternoon. It was accompanied by the bereaved parents and by Mrs. S. B. Thompson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hinze, and other relatives were in the mountains out from Council when the baby died but word was sent to them and they arrived in Weiser Saturday evening.

Funeral services were conducted Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the Hinze residence by Bishop Funsten of Boise and the remains were laid to rest in the Weiser cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Pleas. Orrell, Mrs. Geo. W. Baker, Mrs. Rose and M. F. Sherwood of Payette went to Weiser to attend the funeral. (Weiser Cemetery, Washington County, Idaho)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 23, 1922

Milton Earl Christian, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christian of this city, passed away at the home of his parents Wednesday afternoon following an illness of complicated trouble for more than two weeks and a hard struggle for life. The cause of his death being blood poison and Septic Pneumonia. Every effort was made by the best medical aid with the assistance of loving hands but all to no avail and death came as the only relief Wednesday afternoon at 3:35.

Milton was a model young man, moral in his habits and highly respected by his classmates and associates. He was an exception to most young men of his age. He became a member of the Baptist church Easter Sunday, March 20, 1921, and has since that time lived a consistent Christian life, setting a Christian example before those about him.

He was born in Sheridan county, Kansas, September 13, 1906, and came to Idaho with his parents, September 1st, 1913, being at the time of his death a little more than 16 years of age.

Besides his parents he is survived by 3 sisters and one brother. Funeral services will be held from the Baptist church, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. W. Buell. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 30, 1916

The death of Mrs. Stephen Clanton, which occurred at 7:30 Friday evening, removed from the community a noble Christian woman and deprived the heart-broken husband and loving children of a devoted wife and mother whose sweet counsel and tender ministrations will linger with them as the most precious of their recollections. Mrs. Clanton had been sick but a short time and the news of her death was most unexpected to many of her nearest friends. The funeral services were conducted at the Christian church at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, at which time an impressive and appropriate discourse was delivered by the pastor, Rev. John Kendrick Ballou, after which the body was conveyed to Riverside Cemetery for interment.

Elizabeth Ann Farson, was born February 9, 1861, near Truro, Madison county, Iowa. As a girl and young woman she was held in high esteem of all who knew her. She made the good confession early in life and united with the Christan church. She was married to Stephen Clanton Dec. 7, 1879. She was a kind, loving, devoted wife and mother. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and six children, two sons and four daughters, John and Wesley, Mrs. Delia Biglow, Mrs. Bertha Johnson, Mrs. Mary Cumberland and Mrs. Violet Steiner. With the exception of Mrs. Biglow, who could not be here, the members of the family were all at her bedside when she passed away. The faith of her youth sustained her in the hour of death.

The deceased had been a resident of Payette about 13 years, during which time she had drawn about her a large circle of devoted friends, who extend to the afflicted relatives their heartfelt sympathies. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 21, 1921
Hildreth Clanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clanton, age one year, ten months and twenty-five days passed away at the home of Nurse Baker, Tuesday morning at 9:30 after suffering about six weeks with bronchial pneumonia and other complications. The little one made a hard fight, and everything was done to save her that seemingly could have been done, but death came as the only relief and she has gone to maker with all the pureness of a child untarnished with the sins of the world.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the Chrisitian church, where many sympathizing friends gathered to share with the grief stricken parents in their sad hour of bereavement. Besides the father and mother, the little one is survived by one brother seven years old. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the many friends for the beautiful flowers and their sincere kindness and sympathy shown us during the recent bereavement by the loss of our little daughter and sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clanton and Son


Payette Independent
Thursday, March 09, 1899
Died at her home on the bench March 3rd, 1899, Mrs. Effie Clark-Sherwood, aged 29 years 10 months and 24 days, of consumption.

Funeral services were held in the Payette M.E. church Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastor Rev. J. R. Yost. The interment took place in Riverside Cemetery, the remains being followed to their last resting place by a large cortege of friends and neighbors.

Another loved form has passed from our earthly sight. One whose life has ever been following the footsteps of her Lord and Master. We miss her presence, her ever-ready smile of welcome; yet we do not grieve for her knowing she is happy in the realization of her hopes.

Hers was a beautiful life of perfect trust; a firm believer in the truth, of the love and goodness of her source of ever-present help; her only regret was in leaving her little family.

Her health had been declining for two years, but she did not realize her danger until about a year ago; since that time she had the best care that loving hands could give or hearts suggest.

May we who have had her example before us, learn the lesson of life, and realize the fact that death is "swallowed up in victory."

"There is no death,
What seems so is transition:
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life Elystan
Whose portal we call death."
L.B. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1922

Mr. H. H. Clay, a well known and highly respected citizen of this community died at his home in Boise last Friday morning as the result of an accident the evening before. Mr. Clay was night man at one of the Boise garages and was given a ride home in a delivery truck from his work about eight o'clock in the evening and when near his house jumped from the car while moving causing him to fall striking his head upon the pavement. He was taken to the Emergency hospital in an unconscious condition, but soon regained consciousness and was thought not to be seriously injured. He was taken to his home where he was able to walk into the house and said he would soon be all right and went to bed and was soon asleep. A few hours later his wife became alarmed as his breathing seemed to be unnatural and called a physician but all efforts to restore him was of no avail and he passed away shortly after without regaining consciousness. His remains were brought to Payette Sunday morning where the funeral was held from the Lauer's Undertaking Parlor, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Besides a wife, he is survived by two sons and three daughters; Harry Clay of Lewiston, Loren Clay of New Meadows, Mrs. Margaret Jones of Butte, Mont., Mrs. J. E. Patterson of New Meadows, and a younger daughter of Butte, Mont. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Patterson and Harry were present at the funeral, the other son and daughter being unable to come.

Mr. Clay was for several years a resident of Payette moving from this place about three years ago. He was a man of high standing in the community and his untimely death was a shock to many. He was past 6? years of age but hale and hearty at the time of the fatal accident. (Riverside Cemetery) Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Herschel Horatio Clay was born 9-8-1854 and died 3-3-1922, Boise. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 28, 1918

The people of this community were shocked on last Monday morning on learning that Mrs. H. H. Clay had suddenly passed away. It was known by a few of her near friends that she had not been as well as usual for several days, but when the news came of her sudden death it was a surprise and a shock to the entire community. She had not been feeling well for a week or more, and on Sunday morning got up with a sick headache and was unable to be up during the day, and about 10:30 in the evening was taken with hemorrhage of the brain and passed away at 10:45 o'clock.

Mrs. Clay was loved by all who knew her. Her chief thought was to do for others, never complaining. She has been a true believer in Christianity from childhood, following the faith of the Christian Science Church. She has been a faithful companion to her husband for more than 45 years; a kind and affectionate mother to a large family of children who with their father, will keenly feel the loss of one who can never be replaced.

Rebecca Elizabeth Irwin was born at Greencastle, Indiana, March 8th, 1853; and died at Payette, Idaho, March 24th, 1918, age 65 years and 16 days. She was united in marriage to H. H. Clay at Cherryville, Kansas, Nov. 14th, 1872, and moved to Walla Walla, Washington Territory in 1874, later moving to Idaho about the year 1888. To this union were born eight children, three of whom died in infancy. Two sons, Lorren and Harry of Payette, Mrs. Margret E. Swarts and Carrie Belle Clay of Payette and Mrs. John Patterson of Ontario, who were all present at the funeral. Besides a husband and five children and several grandchildren she leaves to mourn her loss seven brothers and two sisters. The out of town relatives present at the funeral were, a brother, C. B. Irwin and wife of Boise, a brother N. C. Irwin and wife of New Meadows, a sister, Mrs. William Wisdom and husband of Riggins, Idaho, and a niece, Mrs. Elmer Church of Boise. The funeral was held from the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Mrs. A. B. Moss, Jr., first reader of the Christian Science Church. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 05, 1917
Mrs. Wm. T. Clayton Passed Away

Frances E. Roberson was born in Lawrence County, Ind., February 8th, 1847. Here she remained until she reached young womanhood. In the autumn of 1865 she removed to Dallas County, Iowa, and there on July 3, 1866 she was united in marriage to William T. Clayton.

After 14 years in these surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Clayton removed to Rawlins County, Kansas where they remained from 1880 to 1889, removing thence to Grand Valley, Garfield County, Colo.

In 1910 they came to the Payette Valley, Idaho, where they have since resided on a ranch three and one half miles northwest of this place and where Mrs. Clayton died on March 30th, at the age of 69 years, 1 month and 22 days. She was the mother of nine children - 7 sons and 2 daughters, one of whom died in infancy, the reminder, with their aged and feeble father, surviving to mourn the loss of a faithful wife and fondly loving mother. All these rise up to call her - Blessed.

Mrs. Clayton was an earnest, Christian and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Funeral services were held at the house on Monday, April 2nd, Rev. H. F. Knight officiating, and interment was in the cemetery at Payette.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 05, 1917)

Frances Ellen Ruberson was born in Lawrence County, Indiana, February 8, 1847, and died Friday, March 30, 1917 at her home three and one half miles from Fruitland. On July 8, 1866 she was married to Wm. Thomas Clayton at Adel, Dalles Co., Iowa. To this union were born seven sons and two daughters. The oldest son died in infancy. Ed of Sterling, Colorado, Harry of Grande Valley, Colo., who arrived Sunday evening, Leo, Beach, Wilbur, Delbert, and Mrs. Gramlee of Grand Valley, Colorado, and Mrs. Jessie Lemmon of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton moved to Rawlins County, Kansas, in 1880, and to Grand Valley, Colo. in 1899 and in 1910 they came to the Payette Valley, where they have since resided.

Mrs. Clayton was taken suddenly ill Thursday evening. The physician was called and every thing done that could be but she passed away at noon Friday. Mrs. Clayton has been a member of the Methodist church since 1895 and was a devoted and consistent Christian. Rev. Knight of New Plymouth, an old friend and neighbor of many years, conducted the funeral services at the home. Her favorite chapter, John 14, was read at the service. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery, Payette. Mr. Clayton and family have the sympathy of many friends and neighbors in their great sorrow.


We wish to express to our neighbors and friends our sincere appreciation of their sympathy and many acts of kindness shown us during the illness and death of our loving wife and mother.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, April 06, 1917)

Mrs. Clayton Dies

Mrs. Wm T. Clayton, age 70 years, died at her home three and a half miles south of Fruitland last Friday noon after an illness of twenty-four hours from uremic poisoning.

Mrs. Clayton left a husband, six sons, and two daughters to mourn her death. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at one o'clock from the home, Rev. Knight, of New Plymouth, officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery, Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 15, 1921
Lois Cazier Clelland passed away at her home near Payette, Monday morning, following a continued illness of several months. She made a hard fight to survive and was patient to the last. She was a kind wife and affectionate mother to her seven children, the oldest a married daughter and the youngest a son four years of age.

Besides her immediate family she leaves to mourn her departure a father and mother, and one brother, all of Payette.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe, pastor of the Christian Church, interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 15, 1914
Passing of a Pioneer

James F. Clement, well known in Payette and other cities of South-western Idaho, passed away at his residence in Ontario on Thursday morning, January 8th at the age of seventy four years. He came to Idaho in 1881 locating on a homestead at Washoe where he lived with his family until 1894 at which time he moved to Ontario. Mr. Clement assisted in laying out the townsite of Payette and at one time was engaged in the lumber business on an extensive scale in Weiser, Payette and Ontario. He enjoyed the best of health until about four months ago when he began to fail rapidly. A large circle of warm friends in Payette and Ontario will regret his passing. The funeral was held at his residence on Sunday afternoon, the Rev. B. L. Milligan having charge. The Odd Fellows of Payette and Ontario had charge of the services at the cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 10, 1930

Mrs. Mary Jane Clement, 92 years of age departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Masonheimer, April 6, 1930. She has been totally blind for the past 24 years and for the past eight years has been confined to her bed, but bore her affliction with utmost patience. She became converted to the cause of Christ in early life and had lived a long and faithful Christian life and was ready, and for many years was patiently waiting to go to her reward.

Mary Jane Hayse was born in the state of Ohio, March 23, 1838. At the age of 23 she was united in marriage to Jacob E. Clement in the state of Michigan, January 3, 1861. To this union was born two sons and four daughters. She was left a widow February 3, 1884, and came to Payette in 1888, where she has continued to live until the time of her death. She is survived by one son L. T. Clement of Payette and three daughters, Mrs. F. E. Hurd and Mrs. C. E. Masonheimer of Payette and Mrs. L. V. Hardiman of Denver, Colo. She is also survived by ten grandchildren, ten great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist church of Payette Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. L. G. Fraser. Interment at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 07, 1916
Mule Falls And Kills Colored Boy

Richard Clemmons, a 10 year old colored boy, was killed last Friday afternoon about 5:30 on McKinney's Island three miles east of Fruitland, when a mule which he was riding slipped and fell. The boy was riding one mule and leading another when the accident occurred. Being rendered unconscious by a fracture at the base of the skull he remained so until he died at about 10:30. With his mother, Mrs. Josephine Clemmons, the boy was living on the J. R. McKinney ranch and attending the Fruitland school, having come here from Boise some time ago.

The Funeral services were held from the McKinney home at 2:30 Saturday the burial taking place at the Payette cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 07, 1916)

Little Richard Clemmons (colored), the 10-year-old son of Mrs. Josephine Clemmons, who is employed at the John McKinney ranch, was killed Friday evening. He was riding a mule in a team driven by Lloyd McClure. The boys were tailing some chains at which the mules took fright and tore away from Lloyd. The mule Richard rode, in some way became tangled in the chains and fell, throwing him under. He was carried unconscious to the house and Drs. Woodward called but nothing could be done as the base of the skull was fractured and his little life passed out about 10:30 o'clock. He was a 4th grade pupil and one of the brightest in his class. a number of his schoolmates and their teacher attended the funeral services held at the McKinney home Saturday afternoon by Rev. Clayton of the Baptist church of Payette, assisted by Rev. Burtch of Fruitland. Burial was made at Payette cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, December 08, 1916)

Richard Clemmons Accidentally Killed Last Friday

Richard Clemmons, a 10 year old colored boy, was killed last Friday afternoon about 5:30 McKinney's Island three miles east of Fruitland, when a mule which he was riding slipped and fell. The boy was riding one mule and leading another when the accident occurred. Being rendered unconscious by a fracture at the base of the skull he remained so until he died at about 10:30. With his mother, Mrs. Josephine Clemmons, the boy was living on the J. R. McKinney ranch and attending the Fruitland school, having come here from Boise sometime ago.

The funeral services were held from the McKinney home at 2:30 Saturday the burial taking place at the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919
CLEVENGER, Minnie Belle

The people of Payette, and particularly the old time residences were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. G. W. Clevenger which occurred at her home in Burns, Oregon Monday evening February 17th. Mrs. Clevenger had just recovered from a two month siege of typhoid fever, when it became necessary for her to undergo 2 operations from which she did not recover. The body was brought to Payette where the funeral was held, Feb. 22nd conducted by Rev. Ward. Interment was made at the Riverside cemetery, beside a little daughter who preceded her many years ago. It will be remembered by the old residents of Payette that Mr. Clevenger was married to Miss Minnie Belle Johnson about 27 years ago and lived on sixth for several years and about the year 1901 moved to Vale where they lived for two years and from there to Burns where they have continued to live until the time of her death. There were born to them three children, one passed away when quite small. The two living are Gearry Clevenger age 14 years and a married daughter Mrs. Osae Walker, both live at Burns. (Riverside Cemetery)

Mr. Clevenger is a brother of Mrs. P. E. Short.

During the time Mr. and Mrs. Clevenger lived in Payette they made many warm friends who will truly sympathize with the bereaved husband and children who will keenly feel the loss of a kind wife and mother.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 18, 1917
Mrs. Cobb Answers the Call

The spirit of Fanny Lyon Cobb took its flight from this earth for the eternal realms, Thursday, October 11. She was the wife of Calvin Cobb owner of the Statesman, Idaho's great daily and one of Idaho's big men. She died at the family residence in Boise. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. B. Funsten were held Thursday afternoon. The family accompanied the remains to Chicago where funeral services will also be held.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 15, 1912
The infant boy of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Cobb passed to realms above on Saturday. The spark of life went out like exhalation of a fragrant minion of the woodland, and in its stead was left only a holy and beautiful memory --- a memory of the lovely boy, yet how sweet, how uplifting its influence. (Park View Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 13, 1924

Dwight, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cockerum died Monday March 10th, at the home of his parents, from the after effects of measles. The little fellow as one year, five months and 20 days old just at the age to bring the greatest of joy and happiness to the home and his taking was indeed a severs blow. He is survived by his parents, two sisters and one brother.

A private funeral was held at the family home because of the nature of his illness and was conducted by Rev. Hawes, pastor of the Baptist church. Interment took place at the Odd Fellow cemetery. To those who mourn the loss of their baby boy the heart of Payette goes out in deepest sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the Masons, Rebakahs, WRC and the many other friends who so kindly assisted during the dark hours of our recent bereavement. Little Dwight has left us but the many kind acts of friends, both by the gift of flowers and other courtesies, will ever linger as a cherished memory.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 20, 1921

We wish to express our appreciation to the many friends who so kindly assisted during the sorrowing period, attending the brief span of life, and passing of our infant twins. Also for the many beautiful flowers received at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cockerum (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 14, 1920

Ben Coffee, a resident of Washoe Bottom, committed suicide sometime during Thursday night by shooting himself through the heart with a shotgun. His body was found about noon Friday by Mr. Pettit, a neighbor who was passing by and stopped at his home on the C.F. Draper ranch, as had been his usual custom. When Mr. Pettit entered the house -- a small tenement house on the Draper ranch -- he found the lifeless body in a pool of blood lying on the bed with the upper part of the body uncovered and a shot-gun under the covers where it had been kicked to the foot of the bed by the recoil of the charge. It was evident the gun was discharged by means of using his toe on the trigger. The charge entered the body directly over the heart causing instant death. Mr. Pettit at once notified Sheriff Jeffries who immediately went to the scene in company with County Attorney R.E. Haynes and Undertaker Glenn Landon who brought the remains to Lauers' Undertaking Parlor. As the evidence at hand showed clearly a case of suicide, no inquest was held. Domestic trouble is supposed to have been the cause of the rash act. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The deceased was 33 years of age and leaves a wife, a mother, one sister and one brother. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Isaac Melton Coffey was born at Lenore, North Carolina, November 5, 1858, and died at Payette, January 20, 1919, aged 61 years, 1 month and 15 days. At the age of ten years he moved with his parents to Climax, Mo. On June 10th, 1880 he was united in marriage to Miss Susan Francis Brooks. To this union 12 children were born, seven of whom are still living. Mr. Coffey moved with his family to Payette in 1893 where he has continued to live until the time of his death. He became a member of the Baptist Church at the age of ?, and has lived true to the faith to the end. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Swartz. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 22, 1924
Mrs. B. G. Forbes of this city received the sad news Tuesday morning of the death of her father, J. W. Coffman, of Weiser. He had been watering the lawn and on being called to breakfast sat down at the table and breathed his last. Mr. Coffman was an old soldier and a highly respected citizen of Weiser. The funeral services will be held tomorrow.



The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 20, 1930


Minnie S. Roberts was born in Columbia County, Penn., June 12, 1854. In the year 1877, January 18, at Orangeville, Penna., she was united in marriage to Joshua S. Cole. To this union was born one child, a daughter, Mrs. Eva M. Forbes.

Seven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren survive. The grandchildren are Mrs. S. E. Browning, Pleasant Valley, Ore., L. G. Forbes, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. F. Camplan, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. E. Silkett, Fruitland, Ida.; Mrs. J. Chapman, Payette, Ida.; Mrs. E. W. Sorenson, Unity, Ore. and Frank Forbes, Payette, Ida.

The funeral was held Friday November 14, from the Church of God, E. M. Hickman, Minister of the Church of God assisted by Rev. Thos. Wayne officiated at the funeral. Burial was in the Payette cemetery.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the friends who gave their help and floral offerings during the illness and death of our grandmother, Mrs. Minnie S. Cole. (Riverside Cemetery)
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camplan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Silkett
Mr. and Mrs. John Chipman
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sorenson
Frank Forbes

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, November 20, 1930)


Mrs. Minnie S. Cole, for many years a resident of this city, died at her home Wednesday, November 12, following a lingering illness, the cause of her death being an inward cancer. She was born in Columbia county, Pa., June 12, 1854. On January 18, 1877, she was united in marriage to Joshua S. Cole at Prineville, Pa., who preceded her in death many years ago. To them were born one daughter, Mrs. Eva M. Forbes, who passed away several years ago.

The decedent is survived by seven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Friday, November 14, from the Church of God, and were conducted by the Rev. E. M. Hickman, assisted by the Rev. T. A. Wayne, officiating clergyman.

Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the friends who gave their help and floral offerings during the illness and death of our grandmother, Mrs. Minnie S. Cole. (Riverside Cemetery)
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camplan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Silkett
Mr. and Mrs. John Chipman
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sorenson, and
Frank Forbes

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 27, 1914
Roy Cole was born in Nebraska. He removed with his parents to Wyoming and later, in 1899, came to Payette. For the last two years he has resided for the greater part of the time in Boise. He married Miss Harris of Nyssa. He died at Pocatello on August 29, at the age of twenty six years. He leaves a wife, two adopted children, father, mother, three sisters and one brother. He was a nephew of Mrs. Frank Cram, Jr., of this city. Interment was made at Nyssa on the 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cram Jr. attended the funeral.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 10, 1924

George M. Coleman, born September 1, 1847 in Illinois, died April 6, 1924 at Payette.

Mr. Coleman inlisted for service in the Civil war in February 1865 and served until the close of the war. He married in 1871 and lived in Iowa until about 1912 when he brought his family to Payette. His wife and two daughters, Mrs. Spate of Ashland, Oregon and Mrs. Houghton of Omaha, Nebraska survive him.

Services were held on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the M. E. church. Rev. Knight of New Meadows officiating. Interment was at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 14, 1910

Although it had been known for some time that from the nature of his disease the death of this good young man might occur at almost any time, its announcement last Sunday morning was a sad shock to his many friends.

His death occurred last Sunday morning April 10, 1910 about three o'clock at the home of his father six miles and a half south of Payette.

James William Colley was born in Missouri and at the time of his death he was twenty-six years old. When he was yet but a small child his mother died, after which he went with his father to Oklahoma where they lived eight years, then moving to Idaho where he had lived for the past six years. James is survived by his father, step-mother, one half-sister who lives in Walter, Oklahoma, three half-sisters and one step-brother all at home. He was a member of the Christian Endeavor and Loyalty Bible class. During the last months of his sickness, he became convinced that he must make a public confession of his faith in Christ. This he did before a small company of friends at which time Rev. Day administered the ordinance of Baptism.

The love and esteem in which he was held is shown by the flowers by which his friends endeavored to make his sick room more cheerful.

The services were held at the home at 11 o'clock conducted by Rev. Day of the Methodist church assisted by Rev. Kyles of the Baptist church.

The music was rendered by Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Harry Lewis, Messrs. Edgar Vestal and Harry T. Lewis with Mrs. C. E. Peterson as accompanist. The pall bearers were Messrs. Lee McCoy, Milton Carnifex, Charley Smith, Philip Smith, Kenneth Stegner and Guy Graham. The honorary pall bearers were Misses Melcher, Linch, Potter, Tussing, Lewis and Mrs. Harry Lewis.

The family have the sympathy of the whole community. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 17, 1921
The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colingsworth, born on Sunday, Nov. 13, passed away the same night. Funeral services were held Monday. (Parkview Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index the name should be Collinsworth. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 30, 1916

Charles B. Compton, a prominent business man and former mayor of Payette, died at his home in this city Tuesday night after an illness of only a few hours. The news of Mr. Compton's death was a shock to the people of this community, where he was so well known and so highly esteemed. He had been engaged in the drug business here for about eight years and served two years as mayor with the administration just preceding the present one.

A brief but impressive funeral service was held at the family residence at 10:30 today, being conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The Masonic lodge, of which the deceased was a member, took charge of the body at the conclusion of the services at the residence, furnishing an escort to accompany the remains to Boise where the burial took place in Morris Hill cemetery, with Masonic honors.

Charles B. Compton was born at Elmira, New York, July 28, 1861. At the age of 20 years he went to Minden, Neb., to work in a drug store, remaining there for one year, when he engaged in business for himself at Curtis, Neb., where he remained until 1908, serving a part of the time as postmaster. He was married to Miss Frances B. Bowen at Hastings, Neb, in 1888. Mr. Compton moved his family to Boise in 1908 and engaged in the drug business at that place for a short time before becoming a resident of Payette.

The deceased is survived by his widow and four children, Mrs. Vern B. Davis, of Boise, Mrs. Cecil M. Dunn, Charles H. Compton, Jr., and Dorothy Compton, all of whom were present when he passed away.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 5, 1910
Death of Dr. Conant

Dr. J. L. Conant, Jr., secretary of the Idaho State Medical Board, died at Weiser on Monday, aged 57 years. He was a prominent Mason and K. of P.

He came to this state from Nebraska in 1893, and was well known by many of the Nebraskans in this community. A delegation of his friends left here Friday morning for Weiser to attend the funeral.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 14, 1921

After several months of long and patient suffering with cancer of the stomach, Mrs. Cora Connerly passed peacefully away at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. R. Fitch, of this city, Friday, July 8th.

She had previously underwent two operations and everything within the power of the attending physicians was done that she might be spared to live but her disease was such that at no time was there any hopes of her recovery.

Mrs. Connerly was a good Christian woman, a kind and affectionate wife and mother. Her life was practically devoted to the good she might do for others thinking the least of her own troubles and sufferings in this world, and her departure while there was yet time for her to speak kindly and do good to others, will be keenly felt by those with whom she associated.

Cora Howard Connerly was born near North Bend, Nebraska, April 6, 1875 and died at Payette, Idaho, July 8, 1921, aged 46 years, 3 months and 2 days.

At the age of nineteen she was baptized and united with the First Baptist Church of Rogers, Nebraska, and lived a life of loving self sacrifice until she was called home. She was married to Lee Connerly, Dec. 18, 1900. She came to Payette twelve years ago and has made her home here since excepting one year spent at Jordan Valley, Oregon.

She leaves to mourn her going one son, Darrel, his wife and infant daughter, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Howard, one sister Mrs. B. R. Fitch, and one brother Guy C. Howard, all of Payette. Her husband passed away May 30, 1921.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fitch, conducted by the pastor of the Baptist church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921

The news of the sudden and untimely death of Lee Connerly, foreman of the Clinton ranch at the mouth of Willow Creek, was a severe shock to the entire community. So far as was generally known, he had been in the best of health and his sudden death was a great surprise. Last Monday morning, he in company with his son, went to the field to repair some fence and about ten o'clock, Mr. Connerly went to the house to get a lunch as had been his usual custom, and stated to his son, that he would work until noon in the garden. About an hour later, his son after finishing his work started to the house, and on his way found his father lying dead on the creek bottom near the edge of the water where he had started to cross to the garden. Word was immediately sent to Payette and the body moved to Wood & Spauldings Undertaking Parlors. No inquest was held as all evidence clearly showed that death was due to heart failure. While it was not generally known, Mr. Connerly had been subject to, for some time with heart trouble, frequently becoming unconscious. The origination of these spells are said to have been caused by a severe attack of Trichiniasis some ten or twelve years ago.

The death of Mr. Connerly is made doubly sad as at the present time his wife is in very poor health and is confined at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. R. Fitch, in Payette.

It is not only immediate relatives that will keenly feel the loss of this man, Lee had a cheerful and friendly disposition that won friends where ever he was. To meet him was to meet cheer and the bright side of life. He was a man among men, and honest to a fault. He was a good neighbor, a kind and thoughtful husband and father, in short, he was the kind of a man that makes the world better, it is with the deepest sorrow that the people of this community must lose from their midst a man of this character.

Lee Connerly was born at Waterloo, Neb., February 20th, 1876, and departed this life May 30th, 1921. He moved with his parents in 1896 to North Bend, Neb. At this place he was married to Cora Howard, in December, 1900. To them was born one son, Darrell, now living at Payette. In 1901 he moved with his wife to Kahotus, Wash., and back to North Bend, Neb., in 1906, and to Payette in the spring of 1908, where he has made his home until the time of his death. Besides a wife and son, he is survived by three brothers, Jesse, of Proctor, Colo.; Harry, of Fremont, Neb., and Guy of Pendleton, Oregon, the latter being present at the funeral which was held at the Baptist church, conducted by Rev, Buhl, who preached the funeral sermon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917

Last Saturday evening we received the sad news of the death of Mart Connyers who was crushed between two logs while working in the logging camp near Cascade. The accident occurred on the morning of the 19th. He was caught between two logs, and one of his legs and foot was crushed so badly that it was necessary to amputate it just below the knee. At the time, the railroad was blockaded with snow and it was impossible to bring him out, and not until Saturday was it possible for a surgeon to reach Cascade. The operation was performed Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and owing to his weakened condition he was unable to stand the shock, and never recovered from the effects of the anesthetic.

Mr. Connyers was 42 years old. Besides a wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, a father, J. H. Connyers of Payette, two sisters, Mrs. Will Wells of Payette and Mrs. H. E. Miller of Seattle, four brothers, Rufus of Payette, Vet. John and Dock of Cascade. Mr. Connyers was for several years a resident of this City, and had many friends who will mourn his loss and untimely death. The family, except the sister living at Seattle, were all present at the funeral which was held at Cascade Tuesday. Interment was made in the Cascade cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 29, 1921

Mr. John Cooper, an aged and respected citizen of this community, passed away at his home in this city at an early hour this (Thursday) morning. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. An obituary will be published in next week's issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 13, 1921)

Mr. John Cooper was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 20, 1839 and died in Payette, Sept. 29, 1921, being 82 years and 9 days old. He was married at Ravanna, Mo., to Miss Martha Luticia Spurgin, May 7th, 1868. There were born to this union two daughters; Lillian Elizabeth and Laura Francis. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. E. B. Dorathy of Payette. The other daughter, Mrs. Allen of Midvale, died last July. There are six grand-children and four great grand-children. There are many friends who sympathize with these bereaved ones. Mr. Cooper enlisted in the 114 Illinois Infantry, Co. D and served his country faithfully until wounded. He spent a number of months in the hospital and when able to travel was sent home and was honorably discharged after the war closed.

The funeral services were conducted by the pastor of the Baptist church of which Mr. Cooper was a member.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 27, 1912
Boy Dies Suddenly

Carl Henry, the seven year old boy of Mr. Henry Conrad, died early Wednesday morning of meningitis, after having been sick but six days. During his sickness he suffered intensely, caused by the accoupying high fever which brought on a delirium from the very first out of which he never emerged until a few minuets prior to his death, when with fingers ? in prayer entwinged and a smile on his lips he passed out of this life into the life beyond.

A short but impressive funeral service was conducted at the house of the bereaved parents after which interment took place Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at Park View Cemetery.

To the bereaved parents goes out the heartful sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their son. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 04, 1915

On last Sunday, Jan. 21 at 10 A. M. Mrs. Elizabeth Conyers died at her home in this city. While her serious illness was generally known to many the announcement of her death came as a surprise, and many expressions of regret were expressed by those who knew her. Funeral services were held at the family home on Tuesday afternoon Feb. 2, at 2 P.M. (her 64th birthday). The services were conducted by Rev. Benjamin Smith, of the Christian church and a large number of friends were gathered to pay their last tribute, many of whom were also pioneers of early days. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery beside a son and daughter.

Elizabeth Jane Peasley was born in Crawford Co. Pennsylvania, Feb. 2nd 1851. She moved with her parents to Indiana and later to Iowa, locating in Harrison Co. In 1869 she was married to John Hiram Conyers. Twelve children were born to this union, seven of whom are living, Martin of Payette, Rufus, Vet, Johnnie and Wallace of Long Valley, Mrs. Ella Wells of Payette, and Mrs. Minnie Miller of Seattle. More than thirty years ago, 1884, the family came by wagon from Iowa to Payette and were among the first settlers of this community. They were called upon to endure the hardships of pioneer life, dwelling for a time in tents. Her home was been in Payette and Long Valley all these years. Mrs. Conyers was a believer in the Christian faith and became identified some 47 years ago with the "Latter Day Saints". She was taken sick last May and continued in declining health until death relieved her.

She leaves a husband, seven children, fourteen grand children, besides other relatives and friends to mourn her decease.

Cards of Thanks

We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted during the long sickness and health of our dear wife and mother, and especially those who contributed flowers and the near neighbors who were never tiring in their assistance day or night. J. H. Conyers and family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 18, 1903
Death of Isabel Conyers

Isabel Conyers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Conyers, died in this city Wednesday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, after a lingering illness. The deceased was 14 years of age. She had been an invalid for eleven months never being able to leave her bed. She received the very best of medical attention and everything possible was done for her but her trouble was of a nature which puzzled all attending physicians and for sometime it was known that her young life was soon to end. When taken sick she was living with her parents in Long Valley but as she steadily declined in health she was brought by them to Payette during the latter part of October for better treatment. She was afterwards taken to Baker City hospital and later to Boise but nothing that was done was of any avail. Since she was brought back to Payette from the latter city her parents have known that they must loose her and with this sad knowledge have given her every loving care possible to make her last moments brighter.

The funeral of the deceased will take place this (Friday) morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence in Melcher's addition. Services will be conducted by Rev. C. M. Wickham.



The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

Mrs. Alwilda Copeland, aged 55 years, 9 months and 7 days, wife of W. M. Copeland, manager of the Payette Fruit Distributors, passed away at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, September 19, 1924, at her home, 811 North Sixth Street, this city, after an illness covering more than a year. In fact she had been a semi-invalid for several years and for the past year had been gradually sinking. With her at the time of her death were her husband, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyda McFadden, and an old friend, Mrs. George Powers, of Boise.

Mrs. Copeland had been a resident of Payette for many years, and although in failing health, she had many acquaintances and friends who admired her many noble traits of character and to whom the news of her death brought sadness of heart. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and also of the Eastern Star. Various lodges and the missionary society of the Methodist church arranged for floral offerings to be delivered at Wymore, Nebraska, where the body was taken by Mr. Copeland and where the funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon of this week. At the funeral were her brothers and sisters and a brother of her husband. She was laid to rest by the side of her son who passed away some years ago.

In the death of this estimable woman the community has suffered and the loss to the husband is irrepairable.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 18, 1900
Geo. A. Copeland, secretary and manager of the Payette Valley Irrigation & Water Power Company, died at this place at 9 o'clock on the monday of January 11th, of lung trouble, and was buried at Riverside Saturday at 11 a.m.

Mr. Copeland was born July 9, 1899, at Stromness, Orkney Isles. He came to this Valley from London, England, arriving at New Plymouth in May, 1898, afterwards becoming a resident of Payette when the offices of the Water Company were removed to this place. He had been connected with the people who own the big canal for about 13 years. His social and business relations with the people of this valley had been very pleasant.

Deceased was a member of the Congregational church. He was a courteous gentleman and a true man in all the walks of life. He leaves a wife only.

Mr. B. P. Shawhan will look after the P.V. I. & W. P. Co.'s business until a man arrives to take charge at the office. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 23, 1922

W. H. Coppedge, President of Link's Business College of Boise, was fatally injured in a crossing accident which occurred about nine o'clock this morning, a short distance east of Weiser. Mr. Coppedge was traveling by auto and was alone in the car at the time of the accident. His car was struck by the local freight going east. He was brought to Payette by the train crew where Dr. I. R. Woodward, local railroad physician, was called and gave temporary aid and taken immediately to the Ontario Hospital on train No. 4, where he died shortly after.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 19, 1922
Commits Suicide

Ira Corbit, who disappeared from his home at French, Idaho, Tuesday, was found in a vacant cellar on the Harvey Wright place with his head blown off by a shotgun, Thursday noon.

Mr. Corbit left his home Tuesday carrying a shotgun, but his family, thinking he had gone to visit a neighbor, did not become alarmed when he failed to return home in the evening, but on Wednesday a searching party was organized, headed by Sheriff Jeffries and the body was found after a 24 hours search. The body was taken to Payette Thursday evening by Coroner Knight, but no inquest was held as it was a plain case of suicide. Financial difficulties is given as the cause for the rash act.

Deceased was about 60 years of age and owner of the Corbet Mercantile store at French. He is survived by a widow and eight children. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 7-12-1867 and died 1-10-1922. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 06, 1916

Helen Cornelsen, aged 10 years, 11 months and 20 days, died at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cornelsen, who reside three miles north of Payette. The little girl had but recently recovered from an operation performed for appendicitis. She was taken suddenly ill with indigestion Monday afternoon from which, owing to her weakened condition, she could not recover.

The funeral will take place Friday at 2 o'clock from the family residence. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 10, 1904
Baby Dies

The life of the little baby girl of Mrs. and Mrs. H. J. Cortner expired Monday, June 6, from bronchial pneumonia. Funeral services were held from the house by Rev. J. J. Davy and the remains were taken to Riverside Cemetery. The little child was 17 days old. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Friday, January 10, 1908
Amos Coulter Passes Away

Last Friday afternoon Amos Coulter died at his home in Payette. He was 62 years, 8 months and 27 days old, and left an invalid wife and nine children to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Edward Wright preaching the funeral sermon. The funeral was conducted by the members of the G. A. R. as Mr. Coulter was a member of that organization.

It is the passing of another war veteran, and brings home the fact that only too rapidly are those who fought and became heroes in the civil war dropping off one by one. They are passing to that world where wars and strife are not known. Mr. Coulter served as a private in company F, 147th regiment, Ohio infantry, during the entire war.

He was born at Wheeling, West Virginia, April 6, 1845. He was married to Miss Hulda Grimm on May 2, 1866, and to them eight sons and two daughters were born, all of whom are living with the exception of one son who was drowned June 19, 1893. He came to Payette with his family four years ago, seeking better health as for 15 years he had suffered with asthma and heart trouble. For 25 years he was a member of the Methodist church. Three years ago he and his family united themselves with the Church of Christ.

His children were Mrs. Viola Pounders and Jacob Coulter of Minnesota, Mrs. Ellis Dougherty of Owyhee, Ida., Homer and Fernando Coulter of Garden Valley, Ida., Alvah, Ellsworth, Sheridan and Sherman Coulter of Payette. Mrs. Alvah Coulter was as a daughter to him as she helped to care for him during his entire illness.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
Mrs. Lula Coulter was born March 24th 1888, died November 6th, 1919. Wife of Fernando Coulter and daughter of S. J. Mayfield. Married August 29th, 1906. Six children were born one of who is dead. The husband and five children remain to mourn the loss. When her mother died she assumed the responsibility of the home and was a mother to her younger brothers and sisters. Much credit is due the departed one for her efforts which meant much sacrifice for her.

She was first a member of the M.E. Church, joining when about 15 years old, but soon united with the Christian Church, and has been a faithful member since. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Adams Tuesday afternoon at the church and interment made in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 15, 1931
Passing of Beloved Baptist Minister

Edward Eugene Cox was born in the state of Iowa, Jan. 8th, 1862, where he spent his early childhood. In 1872 he, with his parents, two brothers and two sisters moved to Nebraska. There he pioneered and helped reclaim the primitive environment.

On April 28th, 1887 at Richland Center, Wisconsin, he was united in marriage to Mary Ella Miller. To this union were born four children, who with the wife still survive. The children are Leonard A. Cox of The Dalles, Oregon, Sherman R. Cox, of Portland, Mrs. Henry Weidner of Payette, Idaho and Glenn L. Cox of Los Angeles, at whose home he passed away.

When a young man he became a member of the Baptist church at Cedar Rapids, Nebr., to which faith he has always been true, working unceasingly for the kingdom of God, the upbuilding of his communities in which he lived and ever ready to help in the betterment of humanity.

In the fall of 1903, Mr. and Mrs. Cox and family came to New Plymouth, which has since been his home and where he was called to work as Colporter for the American Baptist Publication Society, and soon after was ordained to the ministry. In speaking of Mr. Cox and his services, Rev. W. A. Shank, Boise, Idaho, Executive secretary for the Idaho Baptist convention, who was so closely allied with him said in part; "It is with deepest sorrow that the Baptists of Idaho have learned of the passing of Rev. E. E. Cox. For nearly twenty years Rev. Cox served as colporter missionary in this state. His work took him from Yellowstone Park on the east to Weiser on the west and he worked from Utah's line on the south up into the mountains of Central Idaho on the north. There are few communities in this vast area which he did not visit at more or less regular intervals in carrying out his work as Colporter. He was responsible for the organization and re-organization of scores of Sunday Schools and a number of Baptist churches came into existence through his endeavors. All over Southern Idaho, in towns and villages and in the most isolated sections of the mountains, one will find families who have been helped spiritually by the ministry of Brother Cox. Idaho Baptists feel a since of great loss in his passing, but rejoice in the great work which he did. He sowed beside all waters, and the seed he sowed will bear fruit for generations to come."

Although it was know for some time he was failing in health, no one was expecting his immediate passing. He visited at the home of each of his children in the fall and in October arrived in California to spend the winter at the home of his eldest son. In some ways it was thought he was improving but he was stricken with a hemorrhage of the brain and although everything possible way done for him he dropped into a peaceful sleep from which he never awakened on this earth and passed away on New Year's day at 2 p. m. His going away has bereaved the wife of her considerate life-long companion, the children of an ever thoughtful father, whose presence was an inspiration for all that is best. No sacrifice was too great, for him to make in the interests of those he loved and the good he could do.

That he was ready to go we can be assured, as he expressed himself many times in connection with his illness, that, "Whatever comes, the Lord knows best." His only regret beingthat "My work is not finished."

Funeral services were held from Pierce Brothers Mortuary, Los Angeles, California on January 3, at 1 P. M. with Rev. J. Howard Adams in charge. Boyhood friends who now reside in California acting as pall bearers.

He leaves to mourn his loss besides his wife and children, four grandchildren, two brothers, three sisters and a host offriends.

He was laid to rest in Val Halla Memorial Park, Los Angeles. Many and beautiful were the floral offerings and a number of friends of former years wereamong those who attendedhim to his final resting place.

Thy day has come, not gone;
Thy sun has risen, not set;
Thy life is now beyond
The reach of death or change,
Not ended - but begun.
O, noble soul! O, gentle heart!
Hail, and farewell.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 19, 1922
Mr. Cox was born in Missouri, March 26, 1841 and died January 13, 1922, at the age of 80 years, 9 months and 13 days.

At the age of 7 years he moved to Texas with his parents where he resided until he was 21 years old, when he went to California, where he has lived since.

On last Monday Mr. Cox came to Payette with his daughter, Mrs. S. D. Thacker, to spend the winter. The ones for him. He retired Friday evening in the best of health and went peacefully to sleep, never to awaken. His death was a terrible chock to his loved ones, but they are consoled with the thought that he passed on without any suffering.

Besides his daughter, Mrs. Thacker, he leaves a wife, four sons and two daughters in California.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church, Tuesday, January 17th, at 3 P. M., conducted by the Rev. Clyde L. Walker.

Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery.


We wish to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind to us in our sorrow and who gave the beautiful flowers. MR. AND MRS. S. D. THACKER, CHLOE L. BRASSEY (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 11, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Effie L. Craig was held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the Schreiber and Sidanfaden chapel. Members of the Royal Neighbors attended the body. Burial was made in the Morris Hill cemetery. Mrs. Craig was 54 years old and died at her home near Reginia 18 miles from Boise on the Mountain Home road. She died of complication of diseases after being an invalid for over 4 years. She is survived by her husband and two sons. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors of America of Curtis Neb.

Mrs. Craig has for a number of years been a residence of New Plymouth and last spring her and her husband moved to Reginia where they have lived on a desert claim. (Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Idaho)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kindness to our wife and mother during her illness and death. Abe Craig, Walter Craig, and Dee Craig.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 22, 1903
Death of Samuel Craig

Samuel Craig, father of Ab Craig who resides on the Payette bench, died at his home in Ontario, Oregon, last Friday, morning and was buried Sunday near that place. Mr. Craig was 76 years old. He went to sleep about 7 o'clock Wednesday evening and slept continuously until 7 o'clock Friday morning when he peacefully passed away without a struggle. The deceased was a man of sterling character and enjoyed a large circle of friend. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Craig request us to say that words cannot express their appreciation of the kind attention shown by the good people of Ontario in the hour of bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 02, 1919
Clifford Leroy Cram, the 6-months old son of Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Cram, died at the home of Mrs. Hattie Shafer Wednesday afternoon after an illness of three weeks with stomach and bowel trouble. Funeral services were held from Mrs. Shafer's home this (Thursday) afternoon, conducted by Rev. M.D. Reed, and interment made in Riverside cemetery.

When first taken sick, the little one was taken to the hospital for treatment and a few days ago brot to the home of Nurse Shafer where every possible care could be given but all to no avail. Mr. and Mrs. Cram will have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index Clifford Leroy Cram was born 3-31-1919 and died 10-1-1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 07, 1917
Frank H. Cram, Sr., died suddenly on Monday, June 4th, at his home which was with his son, Frank H. Jr., on Payette Heights. The funeral services were at the home on Wednesday when a large company of people assembled to express the friendship they had for a peculiarly friendly man. Rev. M. D. Reed and other members of the Presbyterian church had charge of the funeral services, thus fitly expressing what was his chief relationship in life during the last several years.

Mr. Cram has had part in making up the good citizenship of five different states. Wisconsin was his birth place. He was married in Minnesota, moved to Montana, then Washington, and in 1895 to the Payette Valley. His wife and life companion for thirty-five years, died here seven years ago. The two sons, Frank H. Jr., and Ray, and the daughter, Mrs. Walter B. Pence, all live among us and are held in esteem that does honor to a worthy father. It is by such as him that communities are made so fine for dwelling places and we will honor him who is gone by adding on our post the same sort of integrity and friendliness that characterized him. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 27, 1917
Cecile Luella Cram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cram, age two month, died at the Ontario Hospital Tuesday. The body was brought to Payette. Funeral services were held at the T. A. Fulton home this Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index she was born 7-18-1917 and died 9-26-1917.(ch)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 7, 1910
Death of Mrs. Cram

Many people of Payette were shocked and pained on Tuesday morning of this week to learn of the death at Hot Lake on that morning of Mrs. Frank Cram, Sr. Mrs. Cram had been in poor health for sometime and a patient sufferer from a combination of diseases and while her death was not in the strictest since of the word unexpected, yet the news of her demise came with a distinct shock to her many friends. The remains were brought to Payette Tuesday evening and on Wednesday at the Presbyterian church the Rev. Turner officiating the funeral services were held a large concourse of friends paying their last tribute to the one they had known and loved in life. The remains were interred in Riverside cemetery.

Mary Wanamaker was born in Minnesota July 18, 1859, near Albert ?. Her parents were of that sturdy pioneer stock that have made this western country what it is and her father was killed in the Indian wars while she was but a mere child.

In October 1776 she was united in marriage to Frank H. Cram who survives her. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cram moved to Montana where they resided for ten years. They moved to Washington in 1890 and in 1895 came to Payette where they have since made their home. She leaves besides a loving and devoted husband to mourn her loss one daughter, two sons, Roy and Frank Jr. both of this city, a mother, one sister and four brothers.

Mrs. Cram was a member of the Presbyterian church and a devoted Christian woman and among her friends she will be sorely missed. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 17, 1918
Eliza Elvorg Crane passed away at her home in Payette Wednesday morning after a long continued struggle with that dread disease consumption. At the time of her death she was 31 years, 9 months and 3 days of age. She leaves four small children and a husband who will have the deepest sympathy of the people of this community. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church this Thursday afternoon at 2.30, conducted by Rev. Ward. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 09, 1924
Grandma Crane Passes Away

Margaret Francey was born in Ohio, May 15, 1850, and was married to W. J. Crane in 1987. (probably 1887) They moved to Oregon in 1901. Mr. Crane departed this life July 27, 1920. Mrs. Crane has made Oregon her home until two weeks ago she came to Payette to visit her son and family.

Three sons and one daughter were born to this union, one son, Charles, died March 18, 1916.

Three children are left to mourn the loss of a dear mother, George Crane of Payette, Pearl Crane, Ontario, and Mrs. Myrtle Stewart, Ontario. There are ten grand-children and a host of friends.

She was a patient mother and faithful Christian, giving her heart to the Lord when a young woman. A loyal worker and member of the Presbyterian Church.

Her death came unexpectedly. She had just retired having been in usual good health. She was stricken with paralysis and passed away instantly. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. W. Dean. The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 15, 1923
The subject of this sketch was born in Springfield, Missouri, July 15, 1907, and finished his earthly pilgrimage in Payette, Idaho, February 7, 1923.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Buell at the Baptist church of which he was a faithful communicant and member, and loving hands laid him to rest in Riverside cemetery Friday, February 9th.

Paul was in his first year of high school and left an influence that will be felt by those who knew him best. His illness was a gradual decline which he bore patiently and with fortitude of one whose life is in God, where Love and Truth are forever eternal.

He leaves to mourn their loss his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Crane, one brother and a sister, other near relatives and a host of friends who will ever hold him in tender memory. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
January 21, 1892
Death of Charles Crawford

Charles Crawford, who was well known in Payette, died at Ontario, on Tuesday, at 11 o'clock a.m. He was about 28 years old, and died of consumption. Deceased was a member of Ontario Lodge No. 90, I.O.O.F., and was buried with the honors of the order, on Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock. A delegation of Payette Odd Fellows assisted in the last sad rites. Rev. Lydston preached the funeral sermon.

Charles Crawford was united in marriage with Miss Minnie McGregor in March last. A babe was born to them only a few days proceeding his death. Maid, wife, mother and widow within less than a year is what the vicissitudes of time have brought to Mrs. Crawford, and she has the heart-felt sympathy of many good friends.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, October 22, 1915
Dies in Boise Hospital

Otto Crawford, who has been working at the C. H. Sargent farm, was summoned to Boise Wednesday by the serious illness of his mother, who passed away Thursday morning at six o'clock in the hospital there.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1930

Mrs. R. A. Crawford received the sad news by wire Sunday evening announcing the death of a sister at Vancouver, Washington, which occurred as the result of an auto accident. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford left for Vancouver on the Tuesday evening train.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 5, 1912
A Sad Death

Sam Creago, aged 23 years and 3 month, was killed last Friday at his homestead on Big Willow. He was riding a horse which became excited and fell over backwards throwing Mr. Creago in such a manner as to render him unconscious, and within twelve hours he passed to the great beyond.

He leaves a wife, and babe six months old, to mourn his death.

The entire valley extend their heartfelt sympathy to the family.

Funeral services were held at Payette, Monday.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 02, 1922
Ozias Cree, a well respected citizen of Payette, died at his home in Payette at 12:30 A. M., January 29, 1922, following a long continued illness and failing health for several years. He was a man reserved in his way, but loved by all who knew him. He was honest and upright in all his dealings which made for him many friends in this community, he was born in Ohio, January 15, 1851, being a few days past 71 years of age at the time of his death.

At the age of two years he moved with his parents to Waynesville, DeWitt County, Ill., and in 1870 moved to Pottawatomie County Kansas, and on February 3, 1876, he was united in marriage to Mary Williams his present berieved wife. In the year 1902 he moved with his family to Manhattan, Kansas, where the children might have the advantages of the college at that place. In the year 1912 they moved to Payette which has since been their home. Besides his grief stricken wife he is survived by eight children: Mrs. A. P. Scritchfield of Weiser, Idaho, Mrs. P. F. Terrall of Casper, Wyo., Mrs. N. A. Tounsend of Eugene, Oregon, Mrs. Ira Tweedy of Rupert, Idaho, Mrs. Scott Brainard of Honolulu, Vernon V. Cree of Twin Falls, John Cree and Lillian Cree of Payette, also seven grand-children. Of his own family there remains but one brother, Elwood Cree, of West Morland, Kansas.

In early life the deceased became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, where he took an active part until recent years owing to ill health took but little active interest. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Clyde L. Walker, pastor, where many sorrowing friends gathered to pay their last respects. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 21, 1916
(Emmett Examiner)

Mary Daisy Creswell, thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Creswell, died at the home of her parents on Sunday afternoon, December 10. Although in poor health for some time, death came suddenly, due to heart trouble not at first recognized as serious.

Brief services were held at the home at one o'clock on Monday, and largely attended by friends of the family and by Mary's schoolmates.

The body was taken on the afternoon train to Payette, the former home of the Creswells, where Mrs. Creswell's parents now reside.

Services were held there at eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning in the German-Lutheran church conducted by Mr. Hunter who accompanied the family to Payette. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery.

The Emmett friends join with those of Payette in expression of sympathy to the Creswells in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1921
Mary E. Crews, 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crews, died at her home in Payette Saturday evening as the result of measles which was accompanied by other complications. Short funeral services were held from the home on Monday morning, conducted by Rev. Shamberger, and the body shipped to Nampa for burial. She was highly respected among the younger people of Payette who will grieve at her early departure. She will be missed among her school mates and in social gatherings. Besides a father and mother, she is survived by one brother, Jerry Crews, all at home, and two sisters living on Payette-Oregon Slope, Mrs. Howard and Mrs.Troxell.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 01, 1919

The people of the Community were greatly shocked when it was learned that Mrs. L. L. Culbertson had passed away at the Weiser Hospital on last Monday evening. She was taken suddenly with appendicitis on Sunday and taken to the hospital where an operation was performed about six o'clock in the evening and on Monday evening she passed away seemingly without suffering. The body was brought to Payette where the funeral services was held from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery.

Mildred Nellie Chapman was born October 15th, 1889, at Copeville, Wyoming and when but a small child moved wtih her parents to Payette where she has continued to live until January 1, 1916.

She was united in marriage to l. L. Culbertson and moved to their ranch on Payette Oregon slope and a few weeks ago moved to Weiser.

Mildred was a girl loved and respected by all who knew her. She was noted for her kindness to others, she was a model in the community with but few her equal and her early departure will be keenly felt by many friends.

Besides a husband and infant child, she leaves to mourn her death a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chapman of Wendle, Idaho, and a brother Irving Chapman of Caldwell. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the berieved relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 15, 1916

Mrs. Sadie E. Culler, was born in Vinton, Iowa, March 1, 1874, and died in Payette, Idaho, June 12, 1916. Her age at death being 42 years, 3 months, and 11 days. She was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery in Payette, Idaho.

Her father, Michael Hiller, was born in Saxony, Germany, from which place he came to America with his wife and one child, and settled in Iowa. Eight children in all were born into this family, five of whom are now living.

After the death of his first wife, Mr. Hiller married Charlotte Thomas and to this union were born two children, Mrs. Sadie E. Culler, and Mrs. W. J. Allen, of Pierson, Iowa.

Sadie E. Hiller and Ira M. Culler were united in marriage at Pierson, Iowa, March 1, 1893. Later they moved to Southern Alberta, Canada, with their two children, Greta and Russell, where they resided for six years. They came to Payette two years ago hoping to benefit Mrs. Culler's health, but the best of care and medical attendance was unavailing.

Sister Culler was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In all her ways and conversation she manifested those Christian graces which mark the life of those who walk close to Jesus. She became a Christian at the age of eight years and was active in Church work until poor health compelled her to give up those activities which she so much enjoyed. The courage and cheerfulness with which she faced the approaching separation, and the calm way in which she talked of the Home-going was a source of great strength and comfort to all her friends.

The funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church, the pastor, Dr. G. W. Barnes, preaching the sermon from the words found in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid." - Contributed (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 28, 1921
Blanche Edna Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Culp, was born near Sigourney, Iowa, Sept. 22, 1885 died at the home of her brother on Payette-Oregon slope, April 19, 1921, of heart trouble. She leaves to mourn her departure, two sisters, and two brothers, Emerson of Morrell, Nebr., Mrs. Bernice Clough and Maud and George W. Culp of the Payette-Oregon slope, an aged grand-mother of Milo, Mo., and many other relatives including an uncle, J. D. Conner of Payette-Oregon Slope.

Her parents and two sisters having gone on before.

In early girlhood she united with the Methodist church of Harmony, Mo., and later moved to Highland, Cortland, Neb., where she united with the Congregational church.

The funeral was conducted from the home of her brother on Dead Ox Flat, Thursday, April 21st, at 2 p.m., Rev. C. W. Buell, officiating.

Interment took place in a cemetery on Payette-Oregon Slope near Weiser.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 10, 1929

Frances May Cundiff was born January 29, 1887 at Heppner, Oregon, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kirk. She first came to Eagle Valley in 1877, when her parents and their family of five children moved there and established their home. In 1903 her father died and the family then returned to Heppner, where they lived until their home was destroyed in the Heppner flood of that year.

Following this adversity the widowed mother, Mrs. Mary E. Kirk, and her children moved to Payette, Idaho, where the mother and two brothers still reside. The brothers Clarence E. Kirk and Earl E. Kirk. Another brother, William T. Kirk, lives in Portland. The other brother, Ernest L. Kirk, died June of this year.

In 1904 she was married to Fred L. Cundiff, one of the pioneer citizens of Eagle Valley, and to this union there was born three children, William Fountain, Elizabeth Jane, and Frances Bernice, all of whom survive her. She also is survived by a granddaughter.

He parents were devoted Christians and she was reared in the atmosphere of the church. She never departed from this and throughout her life was an active and devoted follower of the Christ. She was a member of the M.E. church, which she immediately joined when she returned to Eagle Valley as a bride. She maintained her membership there since that time except for a brief period when she transferred it to Baker where the family moved in 1917 and lived for seven years, after which they again returned to Eagle Valley. She has served as president of the Womens Missionary society, and always was interested in all the activities of the church. She was a member of the neighbors of Woodcraft.

She suffered a stroke of paralysis in May, 1926, and a second stroke, more severe, in November of the same year. She never regained her health. Her last sickness was brief. Last Thursday morning she suffered an attack of heart trouble and the end came as 11:30 o'clock Saturday morning.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Eagle Valley and interment took place there.



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