Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames G

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 09, 1918
Word was received the first of the week of the death of M. J. Gardiner in Omaha, Neb., Sunday afternoon, May 5. He had been in an automobile accident a short time before and had his knee cap broken but was recovering when he suddenly passed away. Death was caused by heart failure. The Gardiner family formerly lived near Sunnyside school house but moved to Omaha about two years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and five sons.

Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905
Death of Infant

The seven-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner of this city died on Monday afternoon of this week. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Brethren church and were conducted by Elder L. E. Keltner. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 03, 1919
Francis B. Gardner was born near Rock Island, Illinois in 1857 and died at his home on the farm north of Payette, June 26th, 1919, aged 62 years, 3 months and 26 days. He leaves a wife and seven children all of whom were present at the funeral, except one son who resides in Colorado and was unable to come. The sudden death of Mr. Garnder came as a great shock to his family and many friends. He was in his usual health, and was stricken while at work in the yard near the home. Mr. Gardner was a member of the Christian church, having joined with that body in Colorado.

He was a great home man, and a kind neighbor. He will be greatly missed by all. The funeral was by auto from the home Sunday, afternoon (several unreadable words) church at 4 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. N. H. Farnham of the Church of God. The E. E. Parsons' Quartette rendered very appropriate hymns. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside. The family has the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Tho, the sun shines just as brightly
As in the days gone by,
In our home there is a shadow
Clouded seems our summer sky.

Tho, the birds are singing sweetly,
And the breezes gently blow,
We can hardly catch their music
Or their sweet influence know.

Father, how we all shall miss you,
While we know that you are gone
To the land whence no returning.
We can only follow on.

No more we await your coming
Hear your footsteps at the door,
Listen for your call at evening,
As we did in days of yore.

Yet while we are bowed in sorrow
And with tears our eyes are dim,
We would list the savior's message
And as children come to him.

God He was and came to suffer
That our suffering he might share
Tasted death - that cup so bitter-
All our bitterness to bear.

Father, all your work is ended,
And your weary form laid low,
Rest, dear one, and wait our coming
When our call come soft and low.



The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 11, 1912

Louese Bower was born in Wurtenburg, Germany, Dec. 30, 1826 and died at Payette, Idaho, April 1st, 1912 aged 85 years 3 months, 2 days.

She was brought to America by her parents when she was six months old. She grew to womanhood in Pennsylvaniia and in 1852 in Blairsville, Pa., she was married to Corporal John Gardner who served through the Mexican war and afterward became Captain of Co. E. 2nd., Kansas Cavalry in the Civil war.

She united with the Lutheran Church in early life and at the time of her death was a member of the Payette Presbyterian Church.

She was the eighth child in a family of 13 children, two of whom are still living. She is also survived by one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Blakesley of Payette, four grand children and three great grand children.(Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, March 2, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth Gargrave

Mrs. Elizabeth Gargrave was born in England, June, 1833, and died February 27, 1906, aged 72 years. She was the mother of four children, two girls and two boys. She is survived by her aged husband and two daughters.

Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Gargrave moved from Washington to Idaho with their son with the hope of improving his health. Mrs. Gargrave was apparently as well as ever Monday morning, but probably the shock of her son's death caused her to break a blood vessel of her brain and she passed quietly away Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, March 2, 1906
Deaths at New Plymouth

Three deaths have occurred at New Plymouth within the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Albert having lost their daughter, Aury C. Albert, and the deaths of Mrs. Elizabeth Gargrave and her son, Lincoln Gargrave, having occurred within 24 hours of each other. The Independent's New Plymouth correspondent sends the following obituaries of the deaths mentioned:

Lincoln Gargrave

Lincoln Gargarave was born in Illinois 42 years ago and passed away Monday morning Feb. 26, 1906, leaving a wife, five children, Howard, Harold, Edna, Ruth and Johnny, an aged father and two sisters. Three of his children are laid to rest in Dakota. Last fall he moved here for the benefit of his health but had been growing worse and Monday morning died at his home west of town. Funeral services were held for him and his mother Wednesday at two o'clock at the church after which interment was made in the Park View Cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921

Mrs. Virginia Garmen, mother of Mrs. J. H. McConnel, and Mrs. Sherley, of Fruitland, was drowned in the irrigation ditch near Fruitland, last evening about seven o'clock. Mrs. Garmen came out from Iowa about three weeks ago for a visit, and was at the McConnel home with her daughter and was missed about seven o'clock when a search was made, finding the body about a quarter of a mile below where she had fallen in. It is supposed she had started to the home of her daughter Mrs. Sherley, and in crossing the bridge just north of Fruitland had fallen in.

The body was brought to Payette and will be shipped to Iowa for burial. Mrs. Garmen was a widow lady 71 years of age. No further particulars of the sad accident is known at this office.





Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 28, 1930

Charles A. Gauer for many years a resident of Payette died at his home on South 9th street, Monday, August 25th, following an illness of three years, suffering from pernicious anemia.

Mr. Gauer was born in Knox county, Missouri, in 1860, and was married in that state to Racheal Ridenour in the year 1890, where they continued to live until 1910 when the family came to Idaho, Making their home here at Payette, where they have since lived and where the family has made many friends. He is survived by a wife and three daughters, Miss Edna Gauer and Mrs. Elmo Rotering of Payette and Mrs. Bert Stone of Boise.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Episcopal church, conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth, former rector of the church here at Payette. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, May 25, 1906
Death of C. E. Genoway

Cyrus E. Genoway died at his home on the south side of the city on Tuesday morning, May 22, at 6 o'clock, of pneumonia. He was 49 years of age, having been born in Springbay, Woodford county, Ills., July 23, 1855. The earlier days of his life until about his 17th year were spent in Illinois after which he removed to Nebraska where he remained nearly all of the time until he came to Payette from Aurora, Neb., in March, 1905. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and six children, three of his children having died. He was an honored member of the Masonic, Modern Woodmen and Red Men orders.

The body was shipped to Mr. Genoway's old home at Aurora, Neb., on Wednesday afternoon, John Orr, step-son of the deceased, having accompanied it. Services will be conducted at Aurora by the Masonic fraternity. At 1 o'clock on Wednesday prayer services were conducted at the family residence at Payette by the Brethren church after which Umatilla Tribe No. 18, I. O. R. M., conducted the ritualistic services of the order and marched with the body to the depot.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 10, 1930

Mrs. C. E. Genoway for many years a resident of Payette, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, passed away at her home here Tuesday evening at 6:30. Funeral services will be held from the Church of the Brethren, Friday afternoon at 2:30.

A more complete obituary will be given in next week's issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 17, 1930)


Pheobe Neoma Shottenkirk was born 1860, at Spring Bay, Ill. At the age of eighteen moved to Nebraska. In 1879 she was united in marriage to Joseph Orr, and to this union two sons were born, Fred and John. Mr. Orr died in 1882 and in 1885 she was united in marriage to Cyrus E. Genoway. To this union six children were born, Peter T. Genoway of Artesia, Calif., Grover Genoway, deceased 1907, Mrs. Robert S. Megorden of Zillah, Wash., May Gleim, Ivy Genoway and Sam Genoway of Payette.

Mrs. Genoway was left a widow in 1906. Since Mr. Genoway's death, she successfully carried on her floral work until recent years when her failing health made it necessary to turn the business over to her youngest son, Sam.

She bore her suffering unto herself and only the past winter did she give up her work entirely. She was taken to the Ontario hospital March 24 for an operation. A cancer was revealed. Medical science could not help her; only comfort and care where possible to relieve the intense pain which she suffered to the last. She was removed to her home the Wednesday preceding her death, the end came the following Tuesday at 6:45 p.m.

Besides her immediate family, she leaves to mourn her death thirteen grandchildren and a large circle of friends. Funeral services were held at the Brethren church at 2:30, April 11. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 6, 1916
Roland, son of Earl Gilbert of Meridian, died Monday from eating wild parsnips. The two little Carpenter boys, who were with the Gilbert lad and also nibbled at the poisonous roots, made a speedy recovery, and in a few hours were able to get about again. It so happened that these tots came home almost at once after eating of the parsnips, and that on eating dinner were nauseated, with the result that their stomachs were emptied. On hearing of the condition of the Gilbert boy, the parents also administered an emetic. The Gilbert lad, on the other hand, went down town and was riding about on his father's delivery wagon before signs of his illness were noticed. It was about an hour after he had swallowed bits of the poisonous tuber before poisoning was suspected, and in that time the destructive agent had too thoroughly permeated the system to be counteracted.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 11, 1912
Sad Death

The sad tidings was received Saturday from Richland, Idaho, that Ruth, aged 7, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert, had expired from pneumonia. Ruth was a favorite of everybody during her father's pastorate here, and her demise is deplored by all in this community. To the grief stricken parents heartfelt sympathy is extended and we point them to the promise: "At eventide it shall be light."

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 17, 1916

The whole community is mourning over the death of Mrs. Mary A. Perdue Gladish which occurred at her home near Fruitland, Saturday evening, August 12th. Mrs. Gladish was born July 18th, 1869, at Aulville, Missouri. At the age of 14 she became a member of the Baptist church at Aulville and has been an earnest Christian ever since. Among her last words were these, "There is nothing like being a true Christian when one comes to die."

She was married to Edwin Baker Gladish, January 1, 1896. They came to Fruitland, Idaho, in December 1900 and have lived in this neighborhood ever since.

Mrs. Gladish has been untiring in her efforts in every capacity and will be greatly missed in the W.C.T.U. Sunday school, where she has been a teacher and in the church and in the Ladies' Aid in which she has been the President. Mrs. Gladish was a member of the school board for many years.

Someone who has always known her said this; "That was a noble life, and it has been just the same since girlhood."

Mrs. Gladish has been in ill health for several years having had two operations but was able to be about her home duties until a few weeks ago when she became much worse which proved the beginning of the end. The final cause of death being Brights disease. Last week she joined with her son Oscar in singing that beautiful song "Lead Kindly Light."

She leaves her husband, two sons, Oscar and Aubrey, her mother, Mrs. Sarah Perdue, who has been with her the past three years, and a sister, Mrs. Lydia Shamel in California.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon in the Baptist church of which she was a member, Rev. Ford Burtch, pastor, who used as a text 2nd Cor. 5-1, officiated. Her favorite hymns were used at the service. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Interment was made in Payette cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, August 18, 1916)

Mrs. Gladdish Dies after Long Illness

Mrs. E. B. Gladdish died at her home near Fruitland last Saturday evening from Bright's disease, after an illness of several months duration. Mrs. Gladdish has lived in this section about sixteen years. Deceased leaves her husband, two sons, Oscar and Aubrey, her mother, Mrs. Sarah Perdue, and one sister, Mrs. Lydia Shamel, who resides in California.

The funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Ford Burtch. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, March 15, 1923
Clinton C. Glascock, pioneer, died at his home near Crystal on February 26th. He was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, March 12, 1838. He crossed the plains by immigrant train when he was 12 years of age going to California where he resided until 1863, in which year he came to Idaho, with his brother Charles as a prospector. After a short stay, however, they returned to California, remaining until 1873 when he returned to Idaho, and took up a homestead on the Weiser river. He served as a scout under the leadership of the late Thoma G. Galloway in an Indian uprising. In 1880 he was united in marriage to Miss Ella L. Langley of Huntington soon after they located on the ranch he resided on until his death -- 43 years. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, two sons and three daughters, Clinton and George of Crystal, Mesdames Anna Kelly of Weiser, Mollie Milligan of Arcade, Oregon, and Mrs. Grace Hartung of New Plymouth. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at the home, conducted by Rev. Geo. Taggert and interment at Hill Crest cemetery at Weiser.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1930

Millie Roberts Goforth was born in Tanny county, Missouri, August 9, 1855. She was called home to glory Wednesday, Aug. 13th at the age of 75 years and 4 days. She suffered a stroke of paralysis ten years ago, and had been a cripple, walking with one crutch ever since. Her last illness was of only one days duration, death being due to heart trouble.

At an early age she moved with her parents to Arkansas, where she met and married Calvin Goforth, who preceded her in death 38 years ago. Five children were born to this union, two of whom survive her. William Goforth of Fruitland and John of Tenino, Wash. Both of these and their families were present at her funeral. She moved here from Washington with her son about two years ago, and has made her home here since.

Early in life the deceased gave her heart to God, through faith in Jesus Christ. She united with the Baptist church, through which she was a faithful member at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Fruitland Friday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Henry Jacobs of New Plymouth conducting the services in the absence of the pastor, Rev. M. L. Rickman. Interment was made in Park View cemetery in New Plymouth.

The bereaved family appreciates the find services of Mr. Jacobs, the help of the singers and pall bearers and the warm sympathy of friends who provided the floral offerings. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 18, 1902
Another old pioneer has passed away. Mr. James B. Golden died Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock September 8, 1901,(should be 1902) at his home in Washoe near Payette. The funeral took place from the family residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, being conducted by members of the Catholic church. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. He lived and died an earnest adherent to the Catholic faith.

The deceased was 60 years of age. He was born in Boston, when quite young was taken to New York state, where he lived until 1863, when he came west to Butte, Mont., where he stayed until 1871. He then went to The Dalles, Ore., where he met and married his wife a Miss Isabella Long. After their marriage they moved to Goldendale, Wash., where they remained for nearly four years. They then returned to Oregon, near Vale where his brother-in-law Mr. N. C. Long resided. From there they came to Payette in 1893, bought them a home in Washoe near that place where he had since engaged in farming and stock raising.

Seven children have been blessed their union, four boys and three girls. There are two grand children, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Draper of Vale, Ore.

James Golden was a man who conformed as nearly to the golden rule of doing "unto others as you would have them do unto you" as seems possible for human nature. He was temperate in his habits, quiet and retiring in his life, and was honored and respected by all who knew him. He was a devoted husband, a kind and loving father. He loved and delighted in little children wherever he met them. Their natural grace and innocence appealed to him with unusual strength and seemed a bond between them. His undiscouraged will was patient to the last, bearing his suffering in silence while seeking to comfort and cheer the loved ones about him. (Riverside Cemetery)

Rest brave man, thy life work done.
As thou has seen it best.
Thy loving deeds shall still live on.
Thy dear ones' lives tombless.
(Vale and Ontario papers please copy.)
A Friend

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 11, 1920

Death has again taken from our midst a wife and mother who will be missed and whose loss will be truly felt by the bereaved husband and children, and other near relatives.

Rachael Luella Wilson was born in the state of Nebraska, November 20, 1884 and came with her parents to Payette in 1901. She was united in marriage to Emmett Golden, January 27, 1904. Three children bless this union, one died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Golden have made Payette their home during these years and have lived happily together and have by their honest and upright life made many friends who will grieve with the family in their loss. Mrs. Golden was taken with the flu some time ago, terminating in pneumonia which resulted in her death last Tuesday, March 9th at 3 p.m. Besides her husband she is survived by two little daughters, Ethelyn, age 7, and Edna age 1. She also leaves to mourn her loss, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Wilson, four sisters and one brother, Mrs. Carl Clauson of Payette, Mrs. Byrd Gish of Ogden, Utah, Mrs. Phipps and Lellis Wilson of Payette and Geo. Wilson of Ironside, Oregon. Funeral arrangements have not definitely been made, pending the arrival of the brother.

Payette Enterprise (18 March 1920)


Racheal Golden, wife of Emmett Golden, was born November 20, 1884, and left us to enter the abundant life March 8, 1920, aged 35 years, 3 months and 18 days.

Those who live after her are her grief stricken husband, two children, Ethelyn aged 7 and Edna aged one; a father and mother, 4 sisters and one brother and a host of friends. The Lord who calls our loved ones away comforts also those who mourn "We shall meet beyond the river," is the peculiar hope of the Christian. Truly the hour is dark, yet there's never a day so dreary but God can make it bright. And unto the soul that trust Him, He giveth songs in the night. There's never a path so hidden but God will lead the way. If we seek for the Spirit's guidance and patiently wait and pray. After a brief illness, the spirit of his mother peacefully glided away into the eternities to God who gave it. The soul had gone to its crowning.

In the year 1909 she fellowshipped with the Payette Church of God and remained a member till death. To all she leaves a precious heritage, a hope to meet again.

Funeral services were conducted from the Church of God by her pastor Rev. Argyl E. Houser.

Interment was made in Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 14, 1916


The dead body found lodged against a pier of the Snake river railroad bridge near Ontario last Monday, upon investigation proved to be that of R. C. Goodwin, a wealthy sheepman, who had for some time past made his headquarters at Ontario and Boise. The body had been weighted down with tire chains and the hub of an automobile before being cast into the river, and showed that death had resulted from a bullet wound in the back of the head.

Suspicion soon after pointed to D. C. Brichoux, an automobile driver of Ontario, as the murderer. Brichoux was placed under arrest Tuesday night upon returning to his home in that city from Winnemucca, Nev.

Brichoux has made a confession in which he claims that Goodwin was shot while the two men, who were traveling in an automobile, were scuffling over a revolver, on the western outskirts of Ontario, on the night of September 4th, and that both were drinking at the time. He then placed Goodwin's dead body in the auto, drove back thru the town to the wagon bridge east of Ontario, weighted the body down as stated, and cast it into the river. Before doing so, he robbed the body of valuable papers and other effects, after which he made his way to Winnemucca, Nev., drew on Goodwin's bank account for $500 by telegraph, bought an auto load of whiskey and returned to Ontario.

Goodwin was a single man, with no known relatives except his aged mother, at Butler, Tenn. Brichoux is a married man with a family of five children.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, September 15, 1916)

Prominent Sheepman Is Murdered Near Ontario

The finding of the body of R. C. Goodwin in the Snake river Monday near Ontario, has brought to light a very sensational murder. On returning from a four day trip in the Steen Mountain country an auto driver by the name of D. C. Brichoux shot Goodwin, who was a prominent sheepman residing at Boise. The killing took place in the Brichoux car on the outskirts of Ontario about 11 p.m., September 4. The body was taken by auto to the inter-state bridge between Fruitland and Ontario, weighted and thrown over the railing into the river. The disappearance of Goodwin was already being investigated and when the body was found Brichoux, who was known to have driven him on the trip, was instantly suspicioned. The two men resembled each other, it is said, and after the killing Brichoux impersonated the dead man and wired a Boise bank for funds which were forwarded to him at Winnemucca.

Payette Independent
March 26, 1892
GORRIE - On Tuesday morning, March 22, 1892, in Payette, Ray, little son of Mr. and Mrs. David Gorrie, aged 4 years. (Washoe Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915
It was indeed a shock last Thursday when the word passed round that Byron had died in the morning of that day. His sickness was so brief that many had not heard of it. But those who knew its severity from the first were heavily anxious all though the week that it lasted.

Pneumonia was the ailment and it had made great progress when the Doctor first got to him. He died at 9:30 Thursday and was buried Saturday, the funeral services being at the Presbyterian Church.

He was sixteen years and five mo. of age and had lived all but eight months of his life here in Payette, the parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gorton having moved here from Crawford, Neb. when then he was but a baby. He had gone up through our schools to the Sophomore class and the active class was out to express their sorrow at the funeral services. Also his Y.M.C.A. Bible study Club were out in a body.

The outstanding feature of his character was vivacity. There was never any dull time where he was. And yet his pleasantries and drolleries were not of the stinging sort. He was universally liked and so is universally held in tender memory, which may make it that his life so brief shall count for more than that of many who drag out many more less helpful years. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 05, 1929

La Rue Gorton, a graduate of the Payette High School, and one of Payette's splendid young ladies, passed away at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Nora Loveland, in this city, Friday morning after a brief illness, and was buried from the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Parrett, pastor, officiating. Two solos were sung by Mrs. A. H. Shuman and the entire service was very beautiful. The pallbearers were taken from among her former classmates and were Glenn Levers, Marion Woods, Keith Marshall, Wesley Weidner, Lewis Miars and Max Gerloch. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery.

Not quite three months ago Mrs. Gorton passed away, and La Rue, who was employed in the local telephone office, was sorely bereaved and had not been herself since. She grieved for her mother and soon began to fail in health. However, no one realized that she was so soon to follow. The end came peacefully and she just slept away.

Her father, J. B. Gorton and a sister, Mrs. Pat Short, of Grants Pass, Oregon and a brother Arner Gorton, of Ryderwood, Washington, attended the funeral. Mrs. Homer Fletcher, of Long Beach, California, another sister, was unable to get here.

La Rue was 19 years of age and until her bereavement and illness was one who spread sunshine wherever she went and was beloved by all who knew her. Young and old regret her untimely death and extend sympathy to her grief stricken relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 25, 1918

David Graham was born at Muncie, Indiana, May 26th, 1837, and died at Payette, April 19th, 1918, at the age of 80 years, 10 months and 22 days. He was married to Sarah A. Fuller, July 30th, 1863. To this union nine children were born, four of whom are still living, Mrs. O. N. Clemensen of Mt Pleasant, Utah, Mrs. Edna McDonald of Seattle, Washington, Mrs. I. W. Kenward and Mrs. A. F. Taylor of Payette. His first wife preceded him in death in 1906. He was married to Mrs. Nancy Branham in 1917, who with the four daughters, twenty grandchildren and two great grandchildren are left to morn his loss.

Mr. Graham has been a member of the Methodist Church for more than sixty years and owing to his advanced age has not taken an active part in business and public affairs, but in his quiet way has made many friends.

He was taken with lagrippe about two weeks ago which disease was the cause of his death, he has lived a good life and finished his work on earth and was ready and willing to go to his reward, he made all the funeral arrangements and sang some of his favorite hymns as long as he was conscious. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis from the Methodist church Saturday afternoon. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 25, 1910

Last week just before we went to press we learned of the death of Dorothy the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Graham living on the bench and at the time were unable to give other particulars. The little girl was taken sick at midnight on Saturday of last week and on Tuesday it was decided by the attending physician that she was suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis and that an operation was imperative. It was accordingly performed Tuesday and on Wednesday morning the little one passed away.

The funeral services were conducted on Thursday afternoon at the home conducted by the Rev. George Turner of the Presbyterian church of this city. Internment took place in Riverside cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have the sympathy of a host of friends and acquaintances in the loss of their little daughter. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, April 29, 1904
Mrs. Mary Graham, nee Settle, died in this city April 18, her death having resulted from an attack of measles from which pneumonia set in with other complications. The funeral took place the following day from the family residence and was conducted by Rev. Herbert Jones. Interment was in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased was 65 years of age, having been born in Des Moines, Iowa, January 16, 1839. She was one of the pioneer women of this section of the Northwest. In 1846 she crossed the plains with her parents, finally arriving at Walla Walla where her father had charge of mission mills for Dr. Whitman and who narrowly escaped the terrible Whitman massacre with his family, he having left there for Oregon only two weeks before it took place because of warning received that an Indian outbreak would occur. After leaving Walla Walla Mrs. Graham resided in Oregon at different points until about six years ago when she came to Payette from John Day. She leaves to mourn her loss five sons and two daughters. Of her sons three reside in Payette, being Frank Hampton and Charles and Ira Haner. (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 31, 1931
Former Payette Teacher Meets Death

J. Earl Graves, former Payette high school teacher, met his death mysteriously in Denver, Col., on Dec. 16.

He was assistant U.S. District Attorney in Denver at the time of his death, being only 33 years of age. His sudden rise to political fame was as startling as his sudden death.

The deceased was divorced from his first wife last October and shortly thereafter married again. He has a son six years of age. Mr. Graves taught in the Payette school in 1920 until 1922.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919
Mrs. Fay Gray, youngest daughter of John L. Henshaw, died at a hospital in Astoria, Oregon, last Monday September 15th, following an operation. The body was brought to Payette Wednesday evening where the funeral services were held from Lauer's Undertaking Parlor, this forenoon at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. W. Buell, pastor of the Baptist Church at Payette. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Gray was about 30 years of age. She leaves a husband and daughter ten years old, to mourn her untimely death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919

After suffering intensely for the last eight months, Mrs. J. W. Gray passed away quietly Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. at the home of her daughter Mrs. Reeder at Halfway, Oregon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 14, 1920

Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. J. Tunis, September 4th, 1920, Mrs. Annett P. Green of Independence, Oregon, at the age of 71 years. Mrs. Tunis is her only child. Mrs. Green's husband died in June of this year. She was a member of the Congregational Church and W. R. C. at Independence. The funeral will be held at the Veatch chapel Monday, at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. A. M. Spangler will have charge of the services and the remains will be interred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. W.R.C. will hold services at the grave. - Contributed

Mrs. Green was formerly a resident of Payette, having lived on N. Sixth Street a few years ago.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 02, 1913
Mrs. P. Green Dead

Word was received recently by the local lodge of Odd Fellows of the death at Loveland, Colo., of Mrs. P. Green for many years a resident of Payette. Interment was made in Loveland cemetery.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 06, 1924
James Oscar Green

James Oscar Green was born at Pineola, N. C., April 25th, 1909, and died at his home near Washoe Saturday, November 1st, 1924, after a few days illness of pneumonia. The funeral was held in the Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. V. E. Hall conducted the services. "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and "Whiter Than Snow" a song he hummed and sang while ill, were sung at the funeral. The pallbearers were his most intimate friends, Billy Shamberger, Jay Burtleson, Nelson McCrae, Robert Hogg, James Jewell and Charles Clauser.

He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Green and besides his parents leaves two sisters to mourn his untimely death, Mrs. Stella Young and Bonnie Green. He was a student in the second year of high school, where his good disposition and pleasant manners won him many warm friends. He was of a studious nature, yet liked good wholesome fun and was a favorite among his fellow students, and will be sorely missed by them. (Riverside Cemetery)



New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 22, 1910
A Sad Death

The death of Harry Griep, who expired Monday night at his home two miles east of this city, has cast a glom over this community. The cause of his death was perforation of the bowels, following an attack of typhoid fever, and was ill two weeks, and notwithstanding the best medical attendance passed peacefully away. He was aged 30 years and leaves a wife and four children and many warm friends to mourn his demise. He was a member of the M.W. A. and carried a policy for $2000 in that order.

To the broken-hearted wife and fatherless babies who sit in sorrow where Harry's footsteps shall never again find echo, the Sentinel joins with the many friends of the family in extending deepest sympathy.

Funeral Arrangements will not be made until a brother arrives from Iowa. (Riverside Cemetery)

Last Sad Rites (New Plymouth Sentinel, Thursday, September 29, 1910)

The funeral of Harry Griep took place from the Pioneer hall last Thursday morning under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America. The services were conducted by P. Monroe Smock, who paid a tribute to the deceased. The music was especially fitting for the occasion and was beautifully rendered by a quartet composed of C. S. French, F. P. French, Mrs. E. E. Cox and Edna Stuve. They sand in a sweet and most expressive manner "Sometime We'll Understand," "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere."

After the services the remains were taken to Payette and tenderly consigned to mother earth by a delegation of Modern Woodmen.

Harry Griep, may your sleep be sweet. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, January 27, 1905
Death of Infant

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Griep, whose home is on the bench, died in this city Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Humphrey, where it had been brought so that medical treatment could be had more conveniently. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, having been conducted by Rev. J. J. Davy. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
The funeral of Mr. W. L. Griffin was held at Vale, Oregon, Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Adams of Payette officiating. Mr. Griffin was a pioneer of that section, and was a Charter Member of the Christian Church when organized there in 1898.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 15, 1921
Everett, the little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes, passed away at his home, Monday morning. About a month ago he was taken ill with typhoid fever, but was getting along nicely until last week pneumonia set in. Being weak from the fever, he was unable to withstand any more. Everett was born in Nebraska, and moved here with his parents two years ago. The bereaved parents have a host of friends here who extend their heartfelt sympathy to them.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 12, 1920
Clarence B. Griner who has been working here through the packing season, died on the morning of February 9th from pneumonia following influenza. His entire family were ill and feeling that he must keep up in order to care for his loved ones, he heroically ministered to them until compelled to cease. He was born at Danville, Illinois, on March 25, 1887. On May 20, 1907 he was married to Miss Zora Jones and to this union five children were born, three boys and two girls. All but one survive him although at the time of his death two little daughters were lying near his bedside critically ill. In 1914 he took up a homestead near Ironside, Oregon, where he lived until coming to Fruitland last September. His father, Daniel Griner, is expected on Thursday from Illinois and arrangements for interment will be deferred until his arrival. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many neighbors and friends who rendered us sympathy and help at various times during the illness and death of our loved one. Mrs. Zora Griner, O.D. Jones, Alberta Griner, Juanita Griner, Henry Griner, Danny Griner

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924
Fruitland friends were grieved Sunday to hear of the sudden death of little 10 year old Henry Griner, which occurred in a Boise hospital Saturday morning. He climed a cottonwood tree Friday evening and was picking cotton balls, when the limb on which he was standing broke, and let him fall to the ground, a distance of 35 feet. He was taken to the hospital at once and it was thought he was not seriously injured but he passed away early Saturday morning. Funeral services were held in Boise Sunday, and the body was brought to Payette for burial by the side of his father and sister, who died in Fruitland 4 years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, August 22, 1919
Young Man Dies

John Grischkowsky came to Fruitland December 22nd 1918 from Kimama and died from pneumonia August 18th. He was nearly 20 years of age and leaves a mother, five brothers, and four sisters to mourn his untimely death. He was buried Wednesday by the Rev. E. F. Meier, assisted by Rev. Hy Schuize. He died saying the Lord's prayer and shortly before his death he said "Mother why do you cry. I am not going to die, I am only going home to my Savior." The remains were laid to rest in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 24, 1922

Mr. John Grosbeck, who for some time past has made his home at the Commercial Hotel, was taken sick two weeks ago and removed to the Holy Rosary Hospital at Ontario, where he died Sunday, August 20th. The body was brought to the Home Undertaking Parlors, at Payette, where the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Grosbeck was 70 years old, a veteran of the Civil war and had no known living relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 27, 1914

Mrs. P. H. Brown has received the sad intelligence that her father Albert Grothe, died in Mexico City, August 19th. Mr. Grothe was sick and a surgical operation was necessary, which was performed, but from which he did not rally. Mr. Grothe was for more than ten years a prominent citizen of Payette. He was born in Hagen Germany, in 1841, came to Payette in 1891. For the past fifteen years he has made his home in Mexico, where he had extensive mining interests. He leaves a widow, his second wife, and four children by his first wife, Miss S. H. Grothe, of Boise and Mrs. P.H. Brown, of Payette.

Mrs. Grothe is now placed in a very trying position. Her step-daughters are far away and hardly know what she can do. There is a state of war in Mexico and it is now trouble out and anxious times in Mexico City, her home, and the awful war is on at her former home in Germany. Mr. Grothe was a member in good standing of Washoe Lodge No 28, A. F. and A. M. The Independent expresses sympathy, as we believe, for the entire community, on behalf of the bereaved.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 10, 1918

Mrs. B. W. Grover passed away at her home 4 miles southeast of Fruitland Tuesday afternoon.

Anna Marie Kullander was born August 12, 1882, in Kensington, Minn. In 1910 she and Mr. B. W. Grover were united in marriage by Rev. C. D. Day. The same year they united with the Fruitland Methodist church. Mrs. Grover was confirmed in the Swedish Lutheran church early in life. As a young woman she was a teacher and bookkeeper. She has been an active worker in the W. C. T. U. having served as president of the Frances Williard Union.

Mrs. Grover was in ill health since April but was very hopeful and has been planning so much on moving to her beautiful new home in Fruitland, which was almost completed, until a short time ago when she realized that she was soon to dwell in her "mansion in Heaven." We can but wonder why so young a mother should be called. "She loves her home, her church her God." and was loved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn besides her husband, two little daughters, Marion and Iola, aged 5 and 3 years, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kullander of Kensington, Minn., five sisters and two brothers. Two of the sisters, Nurses Selma and Ida Kullander, have been faithful in caring for her during her sickness. Another sister, Miss Lucy, who has been with her some of the time, was called as a nurse to Ft. Riley, Kansas a short time ago.

The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church, Rev. Chas. McCoard, her pastor, and Rev. C. D. Day of Apple Valley, her former pastor, officiated. The body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery at Payette. "but tho dead she yet speaketh and shall live in the hearts she has touched and in the lives she has influenced." (Riverside Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 19, 1931
Word was received last Friday of the death of Carrol Gurnsey, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gurnsey, whose death occurred at their home in Rapid City, S. Dakota last Thursday. Death was due to spinal meningitis.


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