Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames M

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 22, 1918

The infant child that was brought to Payette from Portland last Saturday by Miss Fern Fulton and the circumstances surrounding the case seems to have caused considerable talk and speculation as to the real facts and the motive of her bringing the child to Payette. We have made some investigation, and have also interviewed Miss Fulton and find these facts as we believe them to be.

Miss Fulton, according to her own statement, has been for some time employed at a rooming house in Nampa, and while there met and became acquainted with a lady, a Mrs. Mae, from Salt Lake who came to Nampa to visit relatives living in the country, and at several times visited the rooming house to see Miss Fulton, and about three weeks ago arranged with Miss Fulton to take a trip to the coast with her. When arriving at Portland Mrs. Mae being somewhat ill decided to remain there for a few days and engaged rooms for their convenience, and on August 13th they were taken to a hospital where the child was born to Mrs. Mack. The child, being born in a weak condition, the mother prevailed on Miss Fulton to bring it to Payette for treatment, stating she would come as soon as she was able. A doctor was called at Pendleton and at La Grande to render assistance, but the little one died in the waiting room at the depot a few minutes after arriving. The railroad physician was called and after making investigation turned the case over to the sheriff and county coroner who made the statement that death was due to natural causes, and the little one was given a decent burial at the expense of the county, and it is believed by Miss Fulton that the county will be reimbursed when the mother arrives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, the infant was born 8-13-1918 and died 8-17-1918.(ch)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 19, 1929

Nellie Cats was born in Concord, New Hampshire 75 years ago. She was married to Mr. Madden who preceded her to the great beyond 15 years ago.

To this union were born three children, all of whom are living. They are Sadie Evans of this city and Edward Madden and Gentry Madden both of McCurtain, Oklahoma.

Two years ago she came from Hazel, South Dakota and has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Payette.

She was converted in earlier life in the Union Christian church, but her church preference is later years was the Pentecostal Assembly.

Through in ill health for many years she was confined to her bed only four months before her death, which occurred Dec. 12, 1929.

This kind, loving mother who has gone to her God, will be remembered by many in and around Payette, for all who knew her, loved her, and her live and testimony were an inspiration to all who knew her. May God give us more such mothers who love their home, their children and their God.

Funeral services were conducted Sunday, Dec. 15, at 2:30 p.m. by Mrs. Ernest Wade at the Pentecostal church, assisted by Rev. T. A. Wayne of this city. She was laid to rest at Riverside cemetery to await the morning of Resurrection. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 26, 1929)


We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness to our mother and grandmother during her long illness, and for their comfort and sympathy at her death, also for the beautiful flowers given by the High School and others. Mrs. D. R. Evans, and Husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dalrimple,


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1922
Sue D. O. Malicote was born in Green county, Tennessee, February 14, 1887, departed this life, August 31, 1922. Joined the Methodist church at the age of 14 and remained an earnest worker until the time of her death. She was married to Clyde Newberry, Dec. 22, 1908 in Rodgerville, Tenn. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, Clyde Newberry, one daughter Nellie, a mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Malicote, three brothers, Charlie E., Aulden T., and William; four sisters, Mrs. Tivis Newberry, Mrs. Arthur Pellaux and Margaret, and May Malicote, all of Wiser, Idaho, besides a host of friends.

She was buried in the Weiser cemetery.


We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and beautiful floral offering during the reath of our beloved daughter sister, wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Malicote and family, Clyde Newberry, Nellie Newberry


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 23, 1910
At Rest

After a lingering illness, Arthur Mann, aged six years, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mann, expired early Monday morning.

All the loving care and the best medical attendance extended the little sufferer were of no avail, and he passed away to God's purest angels. Thus over a happy home the shadows of a little grave has fallen, and it is wonderful how long a shadow a little grave can cast. To the bereaved parents the sympathy of all in this community is extended.

The funeral took place from the Baptist church Tuesday; afternoon and was largely attended. (Park View Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, December 20, 1923
Mrs. Howard Manser Passed away Monday at 3 p. m. after a continued illness. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Obituary will be published next week.

(Payette Independent, Thursday, December 27, 1923)


Mabel Enberg was born May 8, 1896 at Park City, Utah, and passed away December 17, at 3 p. m. after a lingering illness. She moved with her parents to Fruitland in 1913, in 1916 she entered training in St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise, where she graduated in 1919. She has since nursed around Fruitland and in New York and Salem. she was married to Howard Manser, March 14, 1923. She was baptised in the Swedish Lutheran church but made her home with the Baptist in Fruitland. funeral services were held from the Baptist church last Wednesday at 2:30, and interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank our many friends who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of our beloved one.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 23, 1922
Payette Valley Resident Killed

A wire was received Sunday evening stating the death of W. O. Marlar, 65 years of age, whose residence is about two miles south of Fruitland. Mr. Marlar went to California just before the holidays to visit relatives and was on his way to Portland to visit his daughter. He stopped off at Albany, Oregon to visit a brother-in-law and at Verdura, 12 miles from Albany. He attempted to flag a through interurban in order that he might go to Albany. He was hit by the car and taken to the hospital and the first wire to his wife here Thursday was to the effect that he was not considered seriously hurt. Mrs. Marlar left here Friday morning. Mr. Marlar died at the hospital Saturday evening at 10 o'clock. Besides his wife he leaves seven children, N. O. Marlar, Columbus, Nebraska; Mrs. G. W. Koontz, Emmett; Mrs. C. F. Judy, Fruitland; H. Frank Marlar, Orosi, California; Carl in the navy and stationed at Boston; Mrs. F. W. Hopkins, Portland; and Marguerite, at home here. The body will be buried in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 23, 1922)

William Osborne Marlar was born in Davis County, Missouri, July 1, 1856. He lived in Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, and two years in Oklahoma, wher one daughter preceeded him in death. He moved here with his family eleven years ago and has lived here since with the exception of two years, when they lived in Emmett. He was married in Missouri, to Harriet Francis Scott in 1877. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, three sons, N. O. of Columbus, Nebraska, H. Frank of Prosi, California, Carl W., stationed at Boston; 4 daughters, Mrs. G. W. Koontz of Emmett, Mrs. F. W. Hopkins of Gresham, Oregon, Mrs. Charles Judy and Miss Marguerite, both of Fruitland, and 14 grandchildren, all of which were present at the funeral except Frank and Carl.

He was injured Feb. 6 and died Feb. 11, at St. Mary's Hospital in Albany, Oregon. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Payette, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. George Todd, and interment made in Riverside cemetery.


We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the sudden death of our dear husband and father, and also for the many beautiful flowers. MRS. W. O. MARLAR and Children (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 18, 1915
Word has been received of the death of Joseph Marnoch, at a hospital in San Leandro, Cal. Nov. 4, 1915, of Tuberculosis. He had been a sufferer of the disease for a couple of years and was placed in a sanitorium to undergo treatment. It was not until two months ago that his condition was rendered hopeless and he was sent to Arizona, but was taken back to California again on account of his health failing so fast. His wife succumbed to the same disease some six months ago while visiting her parents in Mass. He is well known in this vicinity having lived here a number of years before going to California about 10 years ago, and all who know him will regret to learn of his untimely death. He is survived by an aged mother, (his father having died about seven months ago), three brothers, one sister, and a son three years old.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 24, 1930


C. L. Martin, 57 years of age, a rancher living one mile east of New Plymouth, was instantly killed and his wife and daughter seriously injured in an auto accident Saturday evening, while his 19 year old son who was driving the car escaped injury.

The Martin family were on their way to Payette and when near the Wilfong ranch, three miles west of New Plymouth, they met another car driven by Mrs. H. L. Householder, who also lives in that community, and due to glaring headlights with no particular blame attached to either driver the cards side swiped with sufficient force to cause the driver of the Martin car to lose control when the car swerved to the opposite side of the road and turned bottom side up and immediately took fire. The son, who was not injured was the only member of the family who was able to relieve himself from the wreck. He at once took off his coat and smothered the flame burning his sister's hair, then pulled her from beneath the car. He was also able to get his mother from beneath the burning car, but the father who was evidently killed outright was pinned fast with a crushed skull and was not removed until after the New Plymouth fire department, being notified, had arrived and extinguished the flames that had completely burned the clothes from the unfortunate man.

H. E. Wilfong who lives nearby heard the crash and came quickly to render assistance as well as others who were passing by. Mrs. Martin and daughter were taken to the Ontario by Dr. Drysdale of New Plymouth where it was discovered that Mrs. Martin had suffered a broken pelvis bone and one leg, besides severely bruised and suffering from the shock. The daughter had one arm quite badly injured and her badly burned.

I. H. Adair, coroner of Payette county, Sheriff Stewart and Deputy Fensky were called to the scene of the accident. It was deemed unnecessary to hold an inquest. the funeral for Mr. Martin was held from the New Plymouth Baptist church, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Charles L. Martin was born 4-24-1957 and died 4-19-1930, New Plymouth. Burial at Parkview Cemetery. Ch (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 09, 1899
William Martin, familiarly know as "Uncle Billy," who had for a long time been an employee of the Oregon Short Line at this place, on one of the sections, died Tuesday afternoon quite suddenly. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Wednesday at 2 o'clock, by the pastor, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in Riverside cemetery by a large number of old-time friends of the deceased. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 18, 1916
Tuesday evening, Ross Mason received a telegram from the East informing him of the death of his son, Donald at Brownsville, Minn. Mr. Mason left Wednesday morning for Iowa to join his wife, and burial will be made in the Mason cemetery lot at Goldfield, Iowa. The news came as a great shock to Mr. Mason and the entire community. Several weeks ago Mrs. Mason and her son left for Iowa and Minnesota to visit relatives. Tuesday morning Mr. Mason received a letter from his wife saying that Donald was in the best of health. No causes for the child's death were given in the telegram. Donald Mason was born in this city a year and a half ago. The loss of the loved one coming in the way that it has is a great shock to Mr. and Mrs. Mason, and the deepest heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to them in their bereavement. (Mason Cemetery, Goldfield, Iowa)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 23, 1919

Mr. David Masoner of this city passed away at the Ontario hospital Wednesday evening from injuries received about one o'clock Tuesday while on his way to the Association packing house where he was engaged at work. His home is on the west side of the track which necessitates his crossing the track in going to work and on Tuesday afternoon when reaching the railroad track, the local train was standing on the track with a small opening between two cars. Just as he attempted to pass between, the gap was closed for the purpose of connecting the train. The brakeman who was on the other side of the train while looking to see if the connection was made, noticed a man's cap on the track and immediately gave the signal to stop which was done within a few feet. It was discovered the unfortunate man had been knocked down and while not run over with the wheels of the car was badly bruised and bleeding about the face. Dr. Woodward, the railroad physician was immediately called and removed him to the office where it was discovered one leg was broken between the knee and the ankle, and three ribs broken besides being crushed about the chest. Temporary aid was rendered and then taken to the Ontario hospital in a special car which was arranged by Agent Johnson. Every aid was rendered that was within the power of the physicians and a special nurse employed, but owing to his advanced age it was all to no avail and at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday evening death came to his relief. So far as we have learned just before going to press no funeral arrangements have been made but a full account and an appropriate obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 30, 1919)


Mention was made last week of the accidental death of David Masoner. Funeral services were on Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian church of which he had been long time a member. The number of people who came to express sympathy and appreciation, was a fine tribute to a man who never thot of himself as any more than a plain honest citizen. Probably none of those present thot differently; but the occasion made it more certain that in the final estimate it is the plain honest citizen that gets closest to our hearts.

He was just two days past, 71 when death took him. Missouri was the state of his infancy, but he followed the "advice" and moved west, to Kansas when she was yet bleeding; then to Montana before that vast territory had been admitted to statehood, and last to Idaho in 1907 where he completed his allotted time.

He was married to Lucy McFadden in Paola, Kansas, in 1875. Five children were born to them. One died in infancy, another, Mrs. Card was a victim of influenza last November. The other three, Harvey, Albert and Mrs. Lucy McPherson, were present also the son-in-law, Mr. Card, a sister, Mrs. Maurer, and an old time friend, Mr. Sandy, all of Boise. The "Grange" of which he was a member, furnished the pallbearers, but their kindly offices would have been rendered by any of the others present if there had been need. The feeling was that it was an honor to show him respect. A sudden death is a shock to loved ones that we all hope to escape. But so far as "Dave" is concerned, it is certain he would have chosen a sudden, rather than a long lingering transition from the present form of life to the other form for which he had made full preparation. A good man loved by all who knew him. May it be possible for some one to write it of each of us when the time comes.

Mrs. Masoner will spend the winter with her sons in Boise. After that her plans will be made as events may lead; but wherever she may go she will carry precious memories of nearly a half-century of happy wedded life. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 19, 1922
Lenore V. Maule was born October 20, 1861, in Greensborough, North Carolina, and died at the family home in Payette, Idaho, January 14, 1922, aged sixty years, two months and twenty-three days, death coming peacefully, as the result of an illness of eighteen months duration.

Deceased spent her early years in North Carolina, moving later to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she was married March 23, 1886, to William Maule, coming to Payette with her husband and children in the fall of 1902, and making her home here up to the time of her death.

Mrs. Maule was a loyal worker in Church and Civic organizations.

She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Womens Auxiliary to the American Legion. She also held a life membership in the W. C. T. U. and was an honorary member of the Portia Club. This latter organization Mrs. Maule served for many years as Corresponding Secretary, only resigning her office when her failing health made it impossible for her to continue in the work she loved, and which she so efficiently performed. Not only by the Portia club, but by every other organization to which she belonged, and by a large circle of friends, will Mrs. Maule be sadly missed. Such service as she gave is not readily forgotten but she will be more keenly missed in the home where she has for nearly forty years filled the place as a kind and loving wife and mother.

She is survived by her husband, two daughters and four sons, as follows: Mrs. R. O. Payne, of Ontario, Mrs. E. H. Murphy of Payette, Albert Maule of Nampa, Ruel and Dwight of Payette, and Leroy, who is a student at the University of Idaho, a third daughter Pearl, died in infancy.

Funeral services were conducted at the family home on Second Ave., North, by the Rev. Thos. Ashworth, Rector of St. James' Church, while the O. E. S. officiated at the grave. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community goes out to the Maule family in their bereavement and particularly to the husband who has been constantly by her side during the long period of sickness and rendered all possible aid and comfort until the last.


To all our friends who kindly assisted us by acts of kindness and gentle ministrations, offering consolation and comfort and supplying lovely flowers during our recent bereavement, we desire to express our thanks and sincere gratitude. When darkness comes to the home of you or yours, may we wish that the power that controls human destiny will lessen your burden in accordance with your solicitude for us. WILLIAM MAULE AND FAMILY (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, December 24, 1920

Mrs. Maupin, who resided near Valley View for a number of years and who moved to eastern Colorado after the death of her husband, died there and was buried here beside her husband on December 16th. She was respected and loved by all who knew her. (Parkview Cemetery)


We wish to thank the people of New Plymouth for the many kind deeds and words of comfort shown us in the time of our sad bereavement. Mrs. Mae Gould, Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. Glen Phetteplace

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 15, 1917
The Passing of a Pioneer

After an illness of several months, Mr. T. H. Maupin quietly passed away at his home three miles east of New Plymouth on Wednesday, February 7th 1917 at the age of 69 years, 4 months and 10 days.

The funeral services conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight, were held at the residence on Friday afternoon and the body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery.

The subject of this sketch was born in Campbell county, Virginia on September 27th, 1847, where he resided until he was 22 years of age. From there he went to Missouri where he lived for eight years and then took up his abode in Arkansas for nine years.

Returning to the state of Missouri he made his home in Joplin for ten years and then took the western fever and moved to Northport, Washington where he resided for three years.

In 1904 Mr. Maupin came to Burke, Idaho and after residing there for three years came to New Plymouth in 1907 where he has since made his home.

On January 23, 1876 he was married to Miss Olive Smith in the state of Missouri who is left to mourn the loss of a kind husband. Deceased also leaves two brothers and two sisters living in Virginia.

Mr. Maupin was a man of honesty and probity of character, who was a good neighbor and leaves many friends to mourn his departure. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 30, 1916
Robert Luther Maxfield was born on a farm in McCoupin county near Greenfield, Ill., October 12th, 1853. In the spring of 1875 he moved to Dorchester, Nebraska, where he lived until 1903 at which time he came with his family to Payette, Idaho, and remained here until his death, March 23rd, 1916.

On October 8th, 1879, he was united in marriage to Eleonora Wilson. To this union were born eight children, two of whom died in infancy. Those living are Mrs. Edna Bishop of near Fruitland, Mrs. Alta Benson of near Weiser, Ellen Maxfield of Island City, Ore., Vernon Maxfield of Seattle, Wash., Clara and Russell who with the mother have been at home helping care for the father. The deceased leaves three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Elizabeth Capps of Palmyra, Ill., Mrs. Clara Klassack of Farmer City, Ill., Mrs. Belle Pullian of Minneapolis, Minn., and Edwin G. Maxfield of Lincoln, Nebraska.

When a boy he united with the M.E. church and worked faithfully with them until about the age of twenty-four, when he united with the Church of Christ and loyally supported it both spiritually and financially. He served the church as deacon and elder for many years. His home was the home of the ministers and his family profited by their conversations upon the Bible.

He had been in declining health for several years, and after much suffering his noble life of 62 years, 5 months and 11 days came to a close.

Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church Saturday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 13, 1922
Emmett Man Dies

Chas. Maxwell, who was taken to Emmett last week for an operation for appendicitis, died Sunday morning. Mr. Maxwell was a carpenter on the house being built for J. F. LaCrone. The funeral was held at Emmett Tuesday afternoon, E. C. Longwell and J. F. LaCrone attending from New Plymouth.

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 09, 1899
Mrs. Mary F. Mayfield, who had been sick for a little over two weeks, died at ten minutes before noon today. She leaves a family of ten children and a heart-broken husband, an honest, hard-working man to whom the fates seem most unkind, in that several members of the family have been sick, requiring his presence at home when he would have been at work, and thus has the home been deprived of the sustenance of its natural provider, until true charity can now find a field for operation, if it ever did exist in this community.

Mrs. Mayfield will be buried tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock, a funeral service being held at the house by Rev. Wadsworth of the Methodist church. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 14, 1929


Mrs. Mary Ann McAvoy, mother of Mrs. J. A. McMillian, passed away at the Brown hospital Friday, November 8, after an illness of one day.

Mrs. McAvoy had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. McMillan, for the past year and a half and being somewhat frail had gone to stay with Mrs. Brown during the recent illness of Mrs. McMillan. On Thursday last she complained of not feeling well, but there was no evidence of dangerous illness when she retired for the night. However, shortly after midnight she was taken worse and Mr. and Mrs. McMillan were summoned. Every possible effort was made to save her, but she gradually grew worse and passed away during the next day.

Mrs. McAvoy was born March 25, 1850 and was 78 years, 7 months and 13 days old at the time of her death. She was born in Ontario, Canada. Her remains were taken back to her former home in this country, Sault St. Marie, Michigan for burial. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan left with the body Saturday morning and funeral services were to be held there today.

Mrs. McMillan, who was just recovering from a severe illness, was almost prostrate and she certainly has the sympathy of everyone in her sad bereavement.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 21, 1914
Mrs. J. D. Welsh of this place, received a telegram last week announcing the death of her father, T. L. McCabe at Walla Walla, Wash, and left on the evening train for the funeral. Mr. McCabe had spent a number of years of his life in and near this community where he was well and favorably known. He was born in Arkansas, Jan. 28, 1848, and was married to Miss Tempest Gilkey, July 22, 1868. Was the father of six daughters and one son. Those surviving are Mrs. J. D. Walsh of place, Mrs. O. E. Harper of Murphy, Ore., Mrs. E. G. Watson of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. B. B. Tibbs of Chitapa, Alaska. The funeral was held at the home of his daughter in Cottage Place, Walla Walla. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and spent many years in the Boise valley where all who survive him, and knew him, will mourn the passing of a good and noble man.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 16, 1911
Dies of Blood Poisoning

Mrs. C. L. McCammon died Monday from blood poisoning which resulted from child birth. The baby was born February 23 and is getting a long nicely. Mrs. McCammon was a sister of Mrs. Frank Cram, Jr. She was born on August 16, 1874, and leaves a husband and four children besides the baby. She had lived in Payette at different times during the last 15 years. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Presbyterian church, Rev. G. H. Turner officiating. The body was laid away in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 16, 1904
Lee, the little eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCammon of Crystal died Monday evening of cholera infantum. The baby had been sick for some time and had been brought to Payette for medical treatment and was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cram, Jr. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, having been conducted by Rev. J. J. Davy. The remains were taken to Riverside cemetery for interment. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 22, 1917
In Loving Remembrance

Insa McCarter was born in Kentucky on May 4, 1894. She was married to H. R. McCarter in September 1912. There were three children born to this union. She departed this life March 12, 1917.

She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Adkins of New Plymouth, who survives her. She also leaves two sisters, one brother, three children and a loving husband to mourn her death.

Mother, sister, wife and daughter, your place will never be filled.

Internment was held in Corral cemetery as it was impossible to bring the body to New Plymouth as the plans were at first.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 21, 1916
Death And Funeral Of Frank McCarthy

Frank McCarthy, aged 60 years, died at his home here Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the effects of a general breakdown. He is survived by his wife. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy homesteaded a 160-acre place near New Plymouth and they moved to town about six months ago, mainly on account of the poor health of the deceased. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. F. Knight of the Congregational church officiating.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, September 22, 1916)

New Plymouth Man Dies

Frank McCarthy, aged 60 years, died in New Plymouth last Friday morning at nine o'clock from the effects of a general breakdown. He is survived by his wife. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy homesteaded a 160-acre place near New Plymouth and they moved to town about six months ago, mainly on account of the poor health of the deceased. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. F. Knight of the Congregational church officiating.

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, April 07, 1905
The funeral of the baby girl, Hazel, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, was held at the home, Wednesday morning. Rev. Jones conducted the services, being assisted by the young people. A more beautiful child at five months old is seldom seen, and the grief-stricken parents are assured of their friends' sympathy. Whooping cough and pneumonia combined took the little one. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 12, 1916

A sad accident which resulted in the death of Perry McCarthy, the 12-year-old son of C. J. McCarthy, who formerly resided at Washoe, occurred at the ranch of George Thomas on Dead Ox Flat, Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock. The boy was kicked in the abdomen by a horse which he was trying to handle in the barn. The little fellow died of his injury late Monday afternoon.

The boy was making his home with the Thomas family, attending school, his father having gone to Montana to work in the harvest fields, was located at Higham, Montana, where he was advised by wire of the death of his son.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Langley, grandparents of the boy, had the body brought to the undertaking parlors of Wood and Spaulding in Payette, where it was prepared for burial and from which place the funeral took place at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 17, 1918

Horrors of War Again come Home to Payette People

A telegram was received last Saturday by A. I. McClanahan, announcing the death of their son Thomas who was killed in action on the battlefield in France September 23rd. Thus another Payette boy had made the supreme sacrifice for his country and freedom for the world.

Tom was 23 years old and a graduate from the Payette High School in 1915. He had lived in Payette almost all his life and had many friends and intimate associates who will learn of his death with sadness yet proud to know that he was a true American and died a hero fighting for the greatest cause the world has ever known. He was a volunteer in the service, leaving Payette April 26th, 1918, and enlisted at Brighton, Colorado, going from there to Camp Funston, and sailed for Europe about June 10, landing in England June 20th. He was a private in a Machine Gun Battalion. His older brother Ross, is now First Lieutenant at Camp Fremont, California. The Enterprise joins with the entire community in extending to the bereaved family their heartfelt sympathy, and share with them a degree of pride that another gold star will be placed on the service flag in memory and in honor of another Payette son who has surrendered his life that the world might live in freedom and peace.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 16, 1921

We have just received word that the body of Thomas McClanahan, one of the Payette boys who was killed on the battlefield in France, was expected to arrive in New York about the 15th of this month and will be taken to Cerlington, Virginia, for burial in the National cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 12, 1917

Ray Hooker and Glen McCleur Drowned In the Snake

Fruitland, Ida. - Glenn McCleur, 13-year-old son of James McCleur, and Raymond Hooker, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hooker were drowned in an arm of the Snake river a mile and a half west of Fruitland at 9 o'clock Monday evening. Young McCleur was pulled down while trying to rescue the Hooker boy.

The boys were members of a patrol of Boy Scouts which had gone out for an overnight hike under the leadership of the Rev. Ford Burtch of the Baptist church.

Several of the party had been in swimming when the accident occurred. When Raymond Hooker began to go down, young McCleur, who was a good swimmer, went to his rescue, but the drowning boy seized him around the neck and he could not break the hold. Two other boys who went to the aid of the struggling pair were too late. The accident occurred so suddenly that the scoutmaster did not see it.

The bodies could not be found on Monday night, but the entire population has been summoned to make a search Tuesday morning.

A brother, Russell, of Raymond Hooker is a member of 1 company, Second Idaho, on bridge guard duty. Idaho Statesman.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, July 13, 1917)

Two Boys Drown in Snake River
Glenn McClure and Raymond Hooker Lose Lives While In Swimming

To Fruitland boys, Glenn McClure and Raymond Hooker, both thirteen years of age, were drowned in what is known as Ramey's slough, about one mile west of town, at nine o'clock last Monday evening.

Young McClure's body was recovered about five o'clock Tuesday evening within a few feet of where it went down, while that of the Hooker boy was not found until Thursday evening about six o'clock at the mouth of the Malheur river.

The boys, members of a patrol of Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Rev. Burtch, of this place, had gone out for a hike, intending to camp overnight. Rev. Burtch and some of the boys had crossed the slough to the Ramey island to establish a permanent camp for the night and were some distance away when the accident happened.

Several of the boys had gone in swimming and Glenn McClure had floated down the slough, through which quite a strong current flows this time of year, on a log, and Raymond Hooker, who was standing in shallow water, made a leap for the log, but missed it and was taken into water from 20 to 25 feet deep.

When Raymond Hooker began to go down, young McClure, who was a good swimmer, went to his rescue, but the drowning boy seized him around the neck and he could not break the hold. Two other boys who went to the aid of the struggling pair were too late, the accident occurring so suddenly and at the point where it was very difficult to lend any aid.

Funeral services for the two boys were held in the Baptist church this morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Derry (?) of Ontario, and Rev. J. E. Shamberger, of Fruitland. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Friday, August 19, 1904
Death of Mrs. McConnell

Mrs. Olive Etta McConnell, wife of N. P. McConnell, who lives about two miles southwest of Payette died Thursday evening, August 11, from consumption, at the age of 36 years. The funeral took place the following afternoon from the Presbyterian church, services having been conducted by Rev. Morrow, who lives near Ontario. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased came to Payette with her husband last spring from Castle Rock, Wash., hoping that her health would be benefitted by the climate. Besides her husband she leaves five children. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 03, 1917
Walter Ray McConnell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McConnell, died Monday night, April 30, 1917, at their home on Pennsylvania Avenue. Walter was born June 2nd, 1898 at Doyleville, Colo., and came to Payette with his parents about 14 years ago. The next year they moved to their present home. Walter's school days were spent in the Fruitland schools. He was a member of the Freshman class in High School. He was sick but a week with pneumonia but seemed to be seriously ill from the first. All was done that the family physician, who had known Walter from childhood, and a loving family and friends could do, but all bowed to the will of Heaven, feeling sure "that a wiser hand than yours or mine, pours out this potion for our lips to drink," and that when we shall clearly understand we will say "God knew the best." Walter has been a member of the Baptist church since twelve years of age and when Rev. Kiles was here, he belonged to the Boys' prayer meeting class, always taking an active part. Members of this class acted as pall bearers. His last words as he bade the members of the family 'good bye' were, "Yes, I am going home to Jesus." The funeral services were held from the Baptist church at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Ford Burtch.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, May 04, 1917)

Dies From Pneumonia

Walter Ray McConnell, aged eighteen years, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William McConnell, died Monday night, April 30, after a week's illness, from an attack of pneumonia. Deceased was a member of the freshman class in the Fruitland school. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Baptist church conducted by Rev. Ford Burtch. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1914
Death Enters Home

George Jeffries returned Monday from Portland where he and his mother were recently called by the death of a sister, Mrs. S. P. McCrary living at 1019 Williams Avenue in that city. Mrs. McCrary was quite well known in Payette having resided here for four years. Her death came as a shock to her friends and relatives as she was up and around the day before and passed away at six thirty a. m. on January 1. The remains were taken to Harwood, Missouri, for interment by her son and daughter Boyd and Lulu and a sister Mrs. Lettie Newman, of Deer Lodge, Montana.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 10, 1914
Mrs. McCullough, the wife of E. W. McCullough of this city and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Nichols of Falk, died very suddenly at her home in New Plymouth Tuesday night. His death was due to heart failure. Mrs. McCullough was taken sick about 7 o'clock Tuesday evening and at 12 that night she passed away. Her husband, mother and brother, R. H. Nichols were at her bedside at the time of her death. Funeral services will not be held until Friday morning in order to give relatives and her husband's relatives time to get here. The services will be held at the house at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Rev. C. H. Blom of Emmett will conduct the services. Interment will be made in Riverside cemetery.

Olive Nichols was born at Falk, Ida. on the 20th day of November 36 years ago. She made her home at Falk until her marriage to E. W. McCullough at Caldwell in 1901. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough have made their home in New Plymouth for the past five years and during that time have made a large circle of friends who will deeply mourn Mrs. McCullough's untimely death. She was a devoted christian, and a member of the Baptist church at this place. She was active in church affairs, and will be greatly missed in religious and social affairs. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, September 15, 1898
Death of John McDonald

Uncle John McDonald is dead. After a brief illness he passed away Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. He was 73 years old, but up to the hour of his last sickness he was in possession of all his faculties and was quite active for one of his age. He was taken to his bed a few days ago and had a congestive chill from the effects of which he never fully recovered, but his death was most unexpected even to the members of his immediate family. The funeral will take place from the M.E. church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body will be laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 13, 1924

After a lingering illness of several months duration, Mrs. M. E. McDonald passed away peacefully at her home on March 10th, 1924. Josephine Huxford was born in Montezuma, Park County, Indiana on December 17th, 1856, and was sixty-seven years of age at the time of her death. She was married to Eugene McDonald of Central City, Nebraska on May 14th, 1879, and in April, 1891 moved to Payette with her husband and little daughter, making her home here until the time of her death.

Mr. McDonald her husband, her daughter Lura (Mrs. Charlie Smith) and one granddaughter Rowena Smith, both of Gooding, one brother and three sisters all of Central City, Nebraska, Mrs. Smith and one sister, Mrs. Donald Clother (who was Miss Dora Huxford) were with her at the time of her death. Services were held from the Methodist church, where it seemed as if the whole town were gathered to pay their respects to a dear and well loved friend. Interment was made Tuesday afternoon in Riverside cemetery, Rev. Hall of the Methodist church officiating. The casket was hidden by the beautiful floral tributes heaped upon it.

Mrs. McDonald was a member of the Methodist church, to which she gave not only willing hand and feet, but what is worth infinitely more, a loving and loyal heart. She also belonged to the Eastern Star. She was a woman known to all, her many years residence her active life and her friendly spirit and made of her a part of the community in which she lived and her absence is going to leave an empty place in many homes. To her husband we can only offer our silent sympathy.

Mr. McDonald has broken up his home and left Thursday for Gooding accompanied by his daughter and son. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith with whom he will make his future home. So two more of our pioneers have gone away. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 30, 1899
Death of Mother McDonald

Mary McDonald, aged 69 years, died at her home in this city at 7:30 Friday morning, Nov. 24th, after a lingering illness with lung trouble. The funeral took place from the M.E. church, of which denomination deceased had long been a consistent member, Saturday at 2:30 p.m., when the mortal remains of Mother McDonald were lain by the side of her husband, who preceded her to the spirit world a little over a year ago.

Mother McDonald was a dear old soul, whose beautiful life made the world better wherever she came in contact with it. She leaves three children to mourn the loss of a noble Christian mother, the best friend given to man in this world. Mr. Eugene and Miss Josie McDonald reside in this city and Mr. Fred A. McDonald at Missoula, Mont. They have the sympathy of our people in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, January 31, 1908
Death of Mrs. Amelia McDowell

Mrs. Amelia McDowell, mother of Mrs. J. F. Dressler, died January 16 at the age of 76 years. The funeral was held Sunday, January 19, at 2 o’clock from the Methodist church, Rev. Haley officiating. Mrs. Frank Kelley of Central City, Neb., also a daughter of the deceased, was present at the funeral.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 03, 1918

D. C. McGilvery of Twin Falls, a brother-in-law of Dr. H. B. Catron, was suddenly killed last Friday night about 40 miles out of Twin Falls on the Jarbridge road when his car, a Cole Eight, turned over the grade, pinning him underneath, causing instant death. It was dark at the time and endeavoring to dodge a bad place on the grade got too near the embankment which gave way. There was another man in the car with him at the time, who was unhurt. Mrs. McGilvery, who is a sister of Mrs. Catron, was here visiting at the time and was notified by wire. Dr. Catron accompanied her on the next train to Twin Falls. The body was shipped to Portland for interment. Mrs. McGilvery will receive the heart-felt sympathy of a host of friends here in Payette where she has been well known for the last 15 years.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 13, 1916
John McGlinchey Passes Away

The news of the sudden death of John McGlinchey, which occurred at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning, has cast a gloom over the community.

Mr. McGlinchey received a fall Monday morning while walking out to post a letter in his mail box, resulting in a broken arm. He had but recently partially recovered from a severe illness and it was realized that the shock was something to be seriously considered. After receiving surgical attention he appeared to be resting easy, which lead to hopes for his ultimate recovery. The worst was not feared until a few minutes before he breathed his last.

Mr. McGlinchey was 77 years old. He was a pioneer of the early days, having come to Idaho in 1862, when he engaged in the mercantile business at Idaho City. He afterwards lived in Uinta county, Wyoming, where he served both as a member of the legislature and as sheriff. He was married to Mrs. May Noggle Alvord in 1879 and became a resident of Payette in 1886. He had resided for 28 years at the present family home where he died, in this city.

The deceased is survived by his widow, a step-son, Mr. D.D. Alvord of Twin Falls, Idaho, a daughter, Mrs. W. B. Gilmore of this city and a sister, Mrs. John Phalan, of Pocatello, Idaho, all of whom are now present to attend the funeral, which will take place from the Church of the Holy Family, on First Avenue South, at one-thirty o'clock Sunday, after a short service conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth of St. James Episcopal Church, at the family residence.

Mr. McGlinchey was one of the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of this community, where he had spent the best years of a busy life. In his intercourse with the affairs of life it may be truthfully said of him that he had only one guide, his own conscience, which preserved his integrity and honored the Divinity in whom he placed his trust.

An obituary notice worthy of the life he lived and the achievements of a long and useful career will appear in the next issue of the paper.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 20, 1916)


The funeral of John McGlinchey, the highly esteemed pioneer citizen of Payette, who passed away at his home in this city at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning, January 12th, took place Sunday afternoon. A brief but impressive service was held at the McGlinchey residence at 1 o'clock when a large number of the old-time friends and neighbors viewed the remains and extended their heartfelt condolence to the bereaved relatives.

The casket occupied a place in the large room where the deceased had spent the happiest hours of his life in the entertainment of those who were near and dear to his great heart -- that ever beat in unison with the better things of life -- love of home, family and friends.

The great banks of flowers, embracing many beautiful floral designs that bore works expressive of the love and esteem in which the memory of the deceased is held in this community, were more eloquent than any language the tongue could frame to utter.

The short and simple service at the house consisted only of the singing of a duet, "Perfect Peace," by Mrs. Hamilton of Weiser, and Mrs. Masonhelmer of this city.

The body was then borne to the Church of the Holy Family, where a most impressive funeral service was conducted according to the established rites of the Catholic church, of which Mr. McGlinchey had been a consistent communicant throughout his life.

The funeral was largely attended by the people of the community and by friends from Boise, Caldwell, Weiser and other towns of this section. The burial took place in Riverside Cemetery.

As a pioneer of the early days, in Idaho and Wyoming, Mr. McGlinchey did his full share of the important work that was necessary to be done by the men who gave the best of their lives toward the laying of a sure foundation for that prosperity and happiness now being enjoyed by those who followed later in their foot steps. He was plain and unassuming, but was firm in his convictions and intensely earnest in his efforts to be a factor for the betterment of the community in which he lived. He filled many important positions of public trust and moved in a large field of business activity during his life, and it may truthfully be said now that he is gone, that the record of his earthly stewardship is one that is altogether worthy of the very highest type of good citizenship. (Riverside Cemetery)




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1913
Charles McKay Dead

Word received in Payette Saturday by Nelson Wilbur, secretary of the Local Order of Moose, that Charles McKay well known in Payette as a former cook at the Commercial hotel had passed away in Dalles, Oregon on Friday afternoon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 27, 1930

Albert T. McKibben resident of this city died at his home here, Tuesday, March 25, after an illness of several months. Mr. McKibben came to Payette last summer and has since conducted a shoe repair shop in the Jacobsen building on First Avenue North. He is survived by a wife, one daughter and a mother, also a niece, Mrs. R. P. Peterson. His body was shipped to Nampa, Wednesday evening for burial, where the funeral will be held this afternoon, conducted by the Eagle's lodge of which the deceased was a member.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 03, 1930)

We wish to thank the many friends who so kindly rendered their assistance and words of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 12, 1918

It is with a great degree of sadness that we make the announcement of the death of little Mary Eleanor McKinney, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKinney, who passed form this life into the great beyond at 2:30 Wednesday morning. The little one was taken with Spanish influenza about a week before her death which soon developed into pneumonia and while she received the tenderest care and constant attention of the best of physicians it was to no avail and death came to relieve her sufferings at 2:30 Wednesday morning being just 2 years, 11 months and 4 days old at the time of her death. This is one of the saddest occurrences this community has ever witnessed, as the mother at the time and is now lying very low with the same disease and the body of her sister Mrs. L. C. Kelly of Columbus, Ohio, who died of influenza last Tuesday morning is enroute for interment at this place, accompanied by the husband and infant child.

On account of the prohibiting of public gatherings no public funeral was held, just a short service conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth at the Riverside cemetery where the little body was laid to rest.

Many are the sorrowing friends who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved relatives in the loss of this little one that was so near and dear to them, who will ever remember with cherished thoughts the bright spot in the home for a few short months. She was a sweet child and will not only be missed by father and mother and other relatives, but by many others who frequently passed the home. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 16, 1922

Word was received here last Sunday morning of the death of Mrs. H. H. McMannis which occurred early that morning at the home of her daughter at Mountain Home. She will be remembered by many Payette people as for many years Mr. and Mrs. McMannis were residents of this place. The deceased was a sister of Mr. J. H. Connyers, of this city, who is now the last surviving member of a family of 12 children. Mr. Connyers and daughter, Mrs. Will Wells, left Monday morning for Mountain Home to be present at the funeral which was held there last Tuesday afternoon.

Sarah Margaret Connyers was born in Clark County, Iowa in 1847 and died on her 59th wedding anniversary, March 11, 1922. She was united in marriage March 11, 1863, to Henry Johnson, who died July 2, 1892. To this union 6 children were born of whom 3 are now living. She moved with her family to Idaho 38 years ago. Her second marriage to H. H. McMannis, November 6, 1898, moving to Payette shortly thereafter. She has been a member of the Latter Day Saint's Church for more than 60 years and a member of the Rebekah lodge of Payette since 1900. The deceased is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Sarah Hoffman and Mrs. Myrtle Calindo, of Mountain Home and Mrs. Will Bell of Nampa, one brother, J. H. Connyers of Payette, eight grand-children and eleven great-grandchildren.

Beautiful floral offerings were sent from Payette by the Rebekah lodge for which the berieved relatives desire to express their sincere thanks.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 05, 1912
H. McMannus Died At Notus

Word was receive in Payette on Wednesday of the death at Notus, Idaho, of H. H. McMannus formerly a well known citizen of Payette. Particulars other than he passed away of neuralgia of the heart, are unknown. The remains will arrive in Payette Friday on the Pony and the funeral services at the grave will be in charge of the I.O.O.F. of which deceased was a member. Interment will be had in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 29, 1920

Ethel McNeil died as the result of paralysis last Saturday evening and was buried Monday afternoon from the Lauer Undertaking parlors. Rev. M. D. Reed officiating, with Rev. A. J. and Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Blair, and Mrs. Lathrop assisting.

Mrs. McNeil was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Picklesimer, a family that came from Crane, Oregon. They were working in the fruit harvest at New Plymouth, where Ethel met Mr. McNeil and they were married there just a few days before the paralysis came upon her and left her helpless except as to the muscles of the head and neck. She was cheerful and hopeful thru the nearly three months of helplessness, but on Saturday morning pneumonia set in and she lingered but twelve hours after that.

Her husband, Father and Mother, and two married brothers live here and a married sister lives in Burns, Oregon. It is a bereavement to them all as death must be; but unless she could be cured from an extreme case of paralysis, there was no prospect of joyful womanhood before her. Many friends were present at the funeral to express their sympathy.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Ethel McNeal was born 2-25-1902 and died 1-25-1920. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921

The body of Mrs. Janette McPherson was removed from the Malheur City, (Oregon) cemetery, Monday, by Undertaker Glenn Landon and Ed Shelworth, after being buried thirteen years, and brought to Payette Tuesday, where it was buried in the Riverside cemetery. A daughter, Miss McPherson of Fruitland, accompanied by John H. Norris, attorney for the McPherson estate also drove to Malheur City to identify the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

Fruitland Banner (Fruitland, Idaho)
Friday, May 07, 1920
Dies At Advanced Age

John McPherson, aged eighty-two, died at his home three miles south of Fruitland of cerebral hemorage. The funeral services were conducted at the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Chas. Rittenhouse, of Baker, Oregon, officiating, and burial taking place in Riverside cemetery in Payette.

Deceased leaves two daughters, Misses Minnie and Kate McPherson, and two grandchildren, Claude and Caroline McPherson, of Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 15, 1917
John McWilliams died Tuesday morning and was buried Wednesday afternoon, funeral services being at the Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor Mr. Reed, in conjunction with Mr. McWilliams' Fraternal order "The Woodmen of the World." A large company of people came to express their sympathy with the bereaved ones as well as their high esteem of "Johnny" as he was endearingly known.

He has been in poor health a good while. Some two years ago he suffered an injury to his heart and has not been able to depend on himself for full duty since. But he had a stout will and kept doing his best until a leakage prostrated him some weeks ago, since which time it has been plain to his friends that he had but a short time to live.

Two brothers came from Colorado before the death and remained for the funeral. Another brother and two sisters were unable to be here.

He was born in St. Louis county, Mo., Jan 30th, 1878. As a small boy he was ? to Colorado where he grew up with a mother's care only till the age of seven. After that the father was also mother to him except as the older brothers and sisters shared the privilege of caring for their young brother.

At twenty he enlisted in the regular army and was very soon sent to help uphold the flag in the Philippines. In all he gave five years soldier service to his country. He came to Payette eleven years ago.

In October 1912 he was married to Miss Edna Davis and the five years of wedded life have been happy ones indeed. There are no children so the bereavement to Mrs. McWilliams is the more complete. But she has a rich heritage in the memory of him. Those who knew him in the ways that unveil character are eager to say of him not only a good man, but a rarely good man. The Enterprise joins with the many other friends in extending the fullest sympathy to the wife as well as to the other relatives who feel a keen sense of loss in his departure from this realm of earthly friendships. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Friday, February 03, 1911

Mrs. William H. Mellor, mother of Mrs. A. B. Moss, Mrs. C. H. Bussey, and Mrs. George Rezac of this city, died at her home on Park street last Friday from pneumonia and heart trouble. She had reached the ripe old age of 78 years and ? months. Her husband and all her children were with her before she passed away.

Mrs. Mellor had been ill for some time and it was known that she could not survive the ravages of the disease. So besides her daughters who live in Payette, her other children gathered here to be with her during her last days. They are Mrs. Murray and C. H. Mellor and W. E. Mellor, all of Rock Springs, Wyo.

Elizabeth Scott was born in Penrith, England, September 10, 1832. She was married to William H. Mellor at St. James church, New York on June 21, 1857.

For the last few years Mr. and Mrs. Mellor have lived in Payette, occupying a pretty cottage on Park street, and spent their time here and with their children in Rock Springs.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at St. James Episcopal church, the prayers being read by Thos. Ashworth. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 02, 1911

Mrs. W. H. Mellor, wife of Wm. H. Mellor passed away in this city on Friday, January the 27th from a complication of the diseases pneumonia, heart trouble and Bright's disease. Mrs. Mellor had been a sufferer from heart trouble and of Bright's disease for many years and this winter when she was stricken with a severe attack of pneumonia her nearest and dearest friends felt that owing to her advanced age, that of 78 years, that her chances for recovery were slim. Patiently she suffered and up until a week ago was thought to be slowly but steadily gaining. The fore part of the week she suffered a relapse and finally passed away on Friday. The funeral occurred on Tuesday afternoon of this week a large number of friends paying their last tribute of respect to one they had known and loved so well. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Elizabeth Scott was born in Penrith, England, September 10, 1832 and died in Payette, Idaho, January 27th, 1911, being 78 years of age. June 21st, 1857, she was united in marriage to Wm. H. Mellor at St. James church in New York City and the husband at an advanced age survives the wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Mellor moved from New York to Illinois, from there to Missouri and from that state to Wyoming where they lived until three years ago when they came to Payette at the urgent request of their children that they might pass their declining days in close proximity to and where they could receive their care in their extreme old age.

The children living in Payette and who are left to mourn the loss of their loved mother and comfort the aged father in his sorrow are Mrs. A. B. Moss, Mrs. C. H. Bussey and Mrs. George Rezac. Two sons, Wm. and Charles H. Mellor and another daughter Mrs. E. S. Murray live at Rock Springs, Wyoming, and have been at the bedside of their parent for the last 10 days. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 22, 1911

Founder of Rock Springs, Wyo dies in Payette - Wm. H. Mellor follows the Wife Who Died a Few Months Before

There died in our little city, Tuesday afternoon, June 13th, an aged and respected citizen whose life and work are inseparably connected with the early history and development of Wyoming. This man was Wm. H. Mellor, born in Lancashire, England, in 1832 and coming to America in 1856.

Four years ago Mr. Mellor decided to retire from the activity of business and with his wife who had been a loving helpmate for fifty years, builded a home in Payette where they might spend the remaining days of their lives among their children who have lived here many years. They are Mrs. C. H. Bussey, Mrs. Geo. Rezac and Mrs. A. B. Moss.

In a comfortable home, in this beautiful valley of fruits and flowers, surrounded by loved ones whose loving hearts and hands were ever ready to minister to their wants, with that peace and serenity that comes as the benison of faithful live this worthy couple's cup of happiness was filled to overflowing. But ? had decreed that they should not long enjoy their new home. On January 27, 1911, mother Mellor received the summons and, laying aside the affairs of life and bidding a long goodbye to her children and to her husband to whom she had been the living wife and helpmate for almost fifty four years, sought her touch and sunk into dreamland ? her to awaken in a fairer land.

From the day of her death, until the summons came to the husband and father, he constantly longed to be with the wife who had shared his joys and sorrows, his fortunes and nonfortunes for so many years. It was no unwelcome news that the silent messenger brought to him of the end of his period of waiting. A paralytic stroke gave notice that the end had come and that the life work of this good husband, father, and citizen was at its close.

With tender hands, ministering to his every want, kind and loving hearts unwilling to give him up, did all that love could do to keep him with them, but to no avail. At eleven o'clock Tuesday evening, the weary spirit left its earthly temple to join the wife who had gone but a little while before.

At his bedside during his last moments, were his children and grand children. Of his direct family there were present at the funeral four daughters and two sons. Many neighbors and friends were present at the last rites. A short service was held at the house, conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth and the Knights of Pythias took charge of the casket and the ceremony at the grave.

In a volume of the annals of the state of Wyoming and the part taken in its development by the prominent men within its border, the following excerpts taken:

Wm. H. Mellor received his educational training in Paradise Academy, Blackburn, Lancashire, England. When a youth he was employed in the office of an attorney in his native town and later in a similar capacity in the office of the Blackburn Cotton Manufacturing Company, where he continued until his 24th year. In 1856 he came to the United States, reaching New York on November 1st. He engaged in several occupations in the east for a few years and then moved to Kewanee, Ill. and engaged in coal mining, and afterwards in Macon Co., Mo. In 1864 he returned to his native country remaining until the spring of 1865 and came back to Missouri. In 1868 he joined the Wyoming Coal and Mining Company and took charge of the company's store at "Point of Rocks" and in January 1870 came to Rock Springs and erected the first building in what is now one of the most thriving and prosperous towns in Wyoming. Mr. Mellor took charge of the company's affairs at this point and in addition to his other duties, took the superintendency of the mine. He was soon compelled to devote his entire time and attention to the mining interests, which grew in importance and magnitude with each recurring year. Meanwhile the town grew apace and the influx of population became such that the term city could very appropriately be applied and it is now one of the leading mining centers of the state. Mr. Mellor was superintendent for 15 years during which time he did more than any other man in this section to develop the resources of the county. He ably and successfully managed the mines of the company and demonstrated abilities which placed him among the leading mining experts of the West. Resigning the position in 1886, he embarked into a lucrative cattle business until 1894, when he retired from active life.

On June 21st, 1857, in New York City, Mr. Mellor and Elizabeth Scott were married. Mrs. Mellor is a native of Cumberland county, England, the daughter of Geo. and Mary (Hall) Scott, the father for many years being the head of a large shoe business. Six children have been born to them, Fredrick who died in 1862 aged two years; Ann E; Edward; Charles; Lula; Elizabeth.

No one who knows Mr. Mellor will question his unsullied integrity, his devotion to principle or his loyalty in the interests of his fellow men. He has seen grown up, around his first humble domicile amid the mountain fastness a city of no mean proportions, with every interest of which he has been identified. To the growth and development of this thriving city he has contributed with a free hand and clear brain, and much of its present prosperity is directly attributable to his painstaking efforts. All who come within the range of his influence speak in the highest terms of his many estimable ? of character, being always foremost in advocating reforms and public improvements, making all personal and private interests subordinate to the public good. In a very important sense he is the father of Rock Springs, as well as one of its most worthy citizens. No person in the state stands higher in the esteem of the people.

The foregoing, written while he was still living at Rock Springs, Wyo., furnishes a splendid index to his life and character, and of the respect and esteem in which he was held by his friends and neighbors after their associations with him for forty years. He made many friends in Payette during his short time in the city and his loss is keenly felt by all who know him.(Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, December 10, 1914
Sarah Freel was born a LaFayette, In., in 1830, where she lived with her parents until she was married to V. Mercer. Six years later they moved on a farm near Adel, Iowa. She departed this life Dec. 6, 1914.

Mrs. Mercer was the mother of ten children, nine of whom are still living. Henry Mercer, of Dodd City, Ark.; Nancy Jane Francis, of Payette, Idaho; Eliza College of Adel, Iowa; William Mercer of Blockton, Iowa; Sarah Alexander of Des Moines, Iowa; Mary Overton of Oregon City, Ore.; V. Mercer Jr., of Payette, Ida.; Emma Turner of Payette, Ida.; and C. Mercer of Payette, Idaho.

Mrs. Mercer was a devoted Christian having been converted in her girlhood she joined the United Brethren Church and continued a member of the same all her life. In her life exemplified the religion the religion she professed, and by her example recommended her religion to others. About six years ago she moved to Payette where she lived for one year, since that time she has lived with her youngest son, C. Mercer near New Plymouth, until her home going on Sunday, Dec. 6. About 30 years ago her husband preceded her to that home above.

Her recent sickness was of short duration, and when God called her she was ready and quickly answered the call. The remains will be taken back to Adel, Iowa and laid beside those of her husband.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, December 11, 1914)

Fruitland Lady Dies Suddenly

Mrs. Sarah Mercer, aged 84 years, one of the pioneers of this section, died last Sunday evening at the home of her son, Clinton Mercer, from a stroke of apoplexy after an illness of about two hours.

Mrs. Mercer left a large family to mourn her death, a son, T. Mercer, and a daughter, Mrs. Turner, living in Payette, Mrs. Nancy Frances, who was with her mother when she died, two sons and two daughters who live in Iowa, and a daughter, Mrs. Overton, in Oregon City, Oregon.

The remains were taken to Adel, Iowa, for interment.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 06, 1917
The funeral of Arthur C. Merritt who died at the home of his parents near Eagle, Idaho, on the 27th of November, was held at the home of his uncle, R. E. Haynes, November 29th, conducted by Rev. H. E. Wallace, pastor of the Methodist church. His body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery beside his brother Don who preceded him to the Beyond about six years ago.

Arthur C. Merritt was born at Perry, Kansas, March 26th, 1892, and was at the time of his death, 25 years, 8 months and one day old. He came to Idaho with his parents when about nine years of age, moving to Payette soon after, where he has lived continuously until within the last two years. He was a member of the class who graduated from the Payette High School in 1912. At the time of his death he was a member of the Camp of Modern Woodmen at Boise.

He was a young man of good habits, clean character and bright prospects for the future. He was cheerful and hopeful to the last, believing that he would soon be well and able to resume his work, but his life was snuffed out just as he was blooming into useful manhood.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Merritt of Eagle, Idaho, and two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Perkins of Payette, and Mrs. G. R. Bliss of Caldwell, all of whom were with him, and who will receive the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 04, 1915
The little daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meyer on January 11, died Thursday afternoon at the Meyer home, after an illness extending over two weeks. The funeral service was held at the Meyer home and was conducted by Father Nolan of the Catholic church and the body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at this place. (Park View Cemetery)




New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 16, 1916
Death of Aged Man
(Richland, Wisconsin, Democrat.)

The death of Abram Miller, who has been a patient at the city hospital for several weeks and who underwent an operation for the removal of one of his limbs ten days since, occurred Saturday afternoon last, the 21st inst. He had been making such favorable progress that relatives and physicians had great hopes of his ultimate recovery, but Saturday morning a change took place which caused the summoning of those near to him, and late in the afternoon he breathed his last.

Deceased was a native of Kentucky, born in Fleming county, December 14, 1832 being 83 years and 10 months of age. When a babe he moved to Marion county, Indiana, where his boyhood days were spent. In 1854 at the age of 22 years, he came to Richland county, which was then in its pioneer days and where he wrought his home and competence. He was united in marriage October 30th, 1855, with Louisa A. Jones, who preceded him to the unknown several years since. This union was blessed with four daughters, Mrs. Martha Sigrist, of the town of Orion, Mrs. Ella Cox, of New Plymouth, Idaho, Mrs. Elizabeth McClintock, of Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Emma Benham, of Cedar Rapids, Nebraska all of whom were with their father in his last days and attended the last sad rites. Mr. Miller enlisted in the fall of 1862, and served his country until the close of the civil war. He was in every sense of the word a good man a man who followed the dictates of conscience and did as near as possible for frail humanity, as he would be done by.

Funeral services were held from the Pratt funeral parlors Monday afternoon, interment taking place at the city cemetery. The funeral address was made by his old comrade, Rev. Hood, and the services at the cemetery were under direction of the G.A.R.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 08, 1920
The funeral of Mrs. Elsie E. Miller, wife of H. W. Miller who died at her home near French Tuesday morning after a continued illness was held at the Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Miller came to Idaho from Independence, Iowa, eight years ago. They were the parents of 14 children, 7 having preceded their mother to the better world. Mrs. Miller was 64 years of age and has been a member of the M.E. Church since childhood. The sympathy of many friends in this community is extended to the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 15, 1918
Dies at Meridian

Emma Miller, wife of E. Bruce Knight died at her home near Meridian, Wednesday June 12th. She leaves a husband a nine children. Fuller obituary next week.



Payette Independent
Thursday, July 26, 1923

Prudence Miller, 37 years of age, passed away at her home her early Friday morning. She had been ill for some time and her death was not unexpected. She came here about a year ago from Meadow Grove, Iowa. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church Friday afternoon at 5, conducted by Revs. Shank and Todd. She leaves a father, brother, aunts and uncles to mourn their loss. Interment in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index - Purdence Miller was born 7-18-1888 and died 7-20-1923, Fruitland. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1919
It is the desire of the Enterprise to give a creditable mention of all of the soldiers who have been killed or wounded, but for lack of knowledge at the time there was but a brief mention of the death of Roy Milton Miller who died of wounds October 6th. The news of his death was received December 13th which simply stated he had died of wounds. Roy was a young man 26 years old with a moral standing unexcelled in this community. He was drafted into the service from Payette County last August and was in training at Camp Lewis but six weeks, until he was sent across and immediately sent to the front and shortly after was wounded, and on October 6th gave his all for the great cause. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Anna Mock, of Bancroft, Idaho, and many friends in this community who will ever hold in memory him who gave his life that peace might reign throughout the world.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 25, 1914
Drowns in Payette River

The terrible news of the drowning of the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller of Boise, and the only grandson of Mrs. Lucina Shipman, was telephoned by the mother to the grandmother Monday evening, when Mrs. Shipman learned that the little boy, aged 11 years, had been drowned in the Payette river, and the body not yet recovered. The drowning occurred at the Miller ranch near Falk's store. The river at this point runs within 25 feet of the barn on the ranch and while no particulars were given, it is supposed that the boy was playing in that vicinity. Mrs. Miller and her son had been at the ranch since school closed. Mrs. Shipman left the same evening to be with her daughter.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, June 26, 1914)

Falk Boy Drowned In the Payette River Monday

Albert, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller, who live about two miles above Falk, slipped on a rock and fell into the swift stream and was drowned last Monday while attempting to wade across the Payette river at the regular fording place.

The accident occurred almost within the site of the father, who was running to see if the boy made it safely across the ford. When he reached the place he was horrified to find he was no where in sight. The body was recovered Monday night at 8:30 o'clock about a quarter of a mile from the point of the accident. The parents took the body to Boise Tuesday for burial.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 30, 1919

Mr. Milton Bailey passed away at his home on North Sixth street Friday January 24th at 2:30, after a continued illness of about four years, and during the last eight months was confined to the house with intense suffering. Mr. Bailey was born near Indianapolis, Ind., March 18th, 1845; when quite young moved with his parents to Illinois; in 1871 moved to Nebraska where he took up a homestead and three years later was united in marriage to Miss Mary Catherine Zahaller. To this union four daughters were born; one died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey remained on their homestead in Nebraska until April 1910, at which time they moved to Payette where they have resided until the time of his death. Mr. Bailey united with the Christian Church early in life, and later became a member of the Methodist church and has continually lived a Christian life. He has been a kind and gentle husband and father, and has won the respect of all who have known him where ever he has lived. He bore his long continued sickness with patience, ever looking forward to the hour when the death angel would come to his relief. He leaves to mourn his death a wife and three daughters; the daughters are Mrs. Charley B. Scott, living on the old homestead in Nebraska, Mrs. W. H. Mullin of Ontario, Oregon, and Melessa Mullen, the youngest, who is at home with her mother.

Funeral service was held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 P.M., conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 09, 1912
Gene Edna Minard, daughter of Charles and Elvina Minard, was born in Iowa August 15th, 1883. At the age of twelve she came in a wagon with her parents to the state of Idaho where she lived the remaining years of her life. On February 3d, 1901, she was married to Charles Browning. Three children were born to bless this union, two sons and one daughter. After a long and lingering affliction of eighteen months she passed away on the evening of May 5th, at the early age of 28 years, 8 months and 20 days. The children, husband, mother, two sisters and two brothers with other relatives remain to mourn her departure.

The funeral services were held at the Christian Church Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Benj. Smith preached the funeral sermon.





The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 14, 1929


Fred Moore, a respected citizen of Payette, Passed away at his home on north Seventh street at 4:30 o'clock this (Thursday) morning after an illness covering a long period of time.

Arrangements have been made to have the funeral Saturday, November 16, at the Landon Undertaking Parlors, at 2:30 p. m.

A complete obituary will appear next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, November 21, 1929)


Fred Moore was born at Ontario, Canada, September 4th, 1851, growing to manhood there and learning the trade as blacksmith, which he followed until his health failed several years ago. In the year 1878 he came to the United States with his wife and child, locating at Hastings, Nebr., his wife dying and leaving two children, the oldest dying at the age of twelve years, the other growing to womanhood was injured in the San Francisco earthquake and died one year later.

He was married Jan. 8th, 1896 to Mrs.. Jennie Van Riper, then a widow. He leaves to mourn his departure two step children, Mrs. A. L. Mathis of Pasa Robles, Calif., formerly of Payette, C. E. Van Riper of Menlo Park, California, eleven step grandchildren and four step great grandchildren.

There is no death, the stars go down
To rise upon some fairer shore.
And bright in heavens jeweled crown
They shine forever more.
And sometime in the twilight
In that city that hath no pain
They will watch from the beautiful doorway
To bid us welcome again.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 14, 1918

Geo. W. Moore passed away at the Asylum at Blackfoot, Idaho, on last Saturday evening after an illness of nearly six years. Mr. Moore was stricken with paralysis and other complications nearly six years ago, from which causes he has been confined to his chair the greater part of the time. He bore his afflictions patiently through it all, never complaining, and oftimes doing what he could to assist in the affairs of the house. For the last few months he has gradually grown worse until his mind became somewhat affected and a short time ago it was thought best to take him to the asylum for treatment, but soon after he became suddenly worse and on Saturday a message was sent to Mrs. Moore to come at once as he was not expected to live, and in a few hours another came stating he had passed away. His body arrived in Payette on Tuesday morning and the funeral was held at the Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis, pastor. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the bereaved wife, who never tired in her constant care and kindness during the years of affliction.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 21, 1918)

George W. Moore was born at Peoria, Illinois, November 2nd, 1863, and died at Blackfoot, Idaho, February 9th, 1918. He was 54 years, 5 months and 17 days old at the time of his death. When seven years of age he moved with his parents to Iowa, and from Iowa to Nebraska in 1880. On August 23, 1885 he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Hendrickson. In 1904 they moved to Payette where they have since made their home. Besides a wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, two brothers both living at Idaho Falls. The funeral was held at the Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon, February 13th, conducted by Rev. H. E. Wallis, pastor and the body laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 05, 1918

Word was received by Mr. L. C. Moore last Friday morning that his son, Lee Moore, had been killed in action on the battlefield in France, October 22nd. Thus another son has made the supreme sacrifice for his country. He has paid the price that the world might be made free front the iron grip of autocracy. Lee was inducted into the service of the United States from Hailey, Idaho, September 5th, 1917, and at that time entered the training camp at Camp Lewis, and on August 1st, 1918 sailed for France. He was a big husky young man 22 years old with the best of moral habits. Just before sailing to take up his part in the world's struggle, he was home on a few days leave and stated at that time he was anxious to go and do what he believed to be his patriotic duty. He also took out his full quota of insurance which will be left to his relatives. He will ever be remembered by many friends who also extend to the relatives their sincere sympathy in the loss of a true American who leaves just a little mound some where to mark the spot, the last resting place of a boy who gave his all in the cause of freedom for the world.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919
Company K361st Infantry
American E. F. A. P. O. 77
8th January, 1919
From Commanding officer, Company K, 361st Infantry
To: Mr. Charlie Moore, Haily, Idaho
Subject - Private, Lee E. Moore, deceased

I regret to state that Private, Lee E. Moore, 2258187 Company K, 361st infantry, was killed in action in the Meuse-Argoane Offensive, near the town of Gesnes, France, on October 9, 1918. Private Moore was an Automatic Rifle Gunner. In the advance on Hill 255, he was struck by the fragment of a bursted shell, killing him instantly.

Private Moore was buried on the battlefield, and refer you to the Chief Graves Registration Bureau, American E.F., for correct location of grave.

I extend to you the entire sympathy of myself, and the men of this Company. You have the consolation that Private Moore died, honorably, while executing his duty as a soldier.

Curtiss R. Gilbert, Cap. 361st Infantry, Comdg. Co

The above letter was received by L. C. Moore from his son at Haley, Idaho.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 28, 1921

The military funeral of Alfred Mordhorst, who was killed in action on a battlefield in France, will be held at Riverside cemetery on next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock.

The John Webster Rhoads Post of the American Legion will have charge and all former service men in the County are URGED, in fact all MUST come and assist.

It is respectfully requested that all business houses in the city be closed between the hours of 10:30 A. M. and 12:30 P.M., out of respect to our departed comrade. All people should feel it their particular duty to attend.

Former service men are requested to meet at the Y.M.C.A. corner at 10 o'clock in uniform if possible. There are a few things we must discuss and instructions will be given to carry out our plans.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 04, 1921)


On Saturday of last week the vicinity of Payette was submerged in sorrow at the event of paying the last respects over the mortal remains of one of Payette's most valiant soldier boys who gave his life for his country upon the battle fields of France.

Promptly at eleven o'clock in the forenoon the flags throughout the city were lowered to half mast as the flag draped casket containing all that was earthly of Alfred Mordhorst was placed upon the caisson for transmission to its last resting place in the Riverside Cemetery. The cortege assembled at the sound of the bugle at the Y.M.C.A. and consisted of a beautifully draped caisson drawn by four jet black horses and accompanied by a full military escort, together with hundreds of civilian mourners in as many automobiles. The horses were ridden by soldiers in full military uniform in true army style. The helmet, coat and rifle of the dead soldier preceded him to his last resting place.

The body was accompanied to the cemetery by the largest procession attendant upon any funeral heretofore held in the city, the line of vehicles being over a mile in length. Upon arriving at the cemetery the usual form of infantry funeral was held. Appropriate music was offered by a male quartet. Upon behalf of his comrades fitting remarks were made at the grave by Major Harry Lewis and Lieutenant Albert E. White, commander of the John Webster Rhoades Post, of the American Legion, of Payette. The funeral service was read by the Reverend Ashworth of the local, Episcopal Church. Whereupon the ceremonies were completed in true military style by the usual firing squad, taps were sounded, the flags removed from the beautiful metal casket and the body of our beloved hero was laid to rest in the bosom of his own and native land. Reluctantly the hundreds of mourners slowly returned to their homes and places of business, their minds filled with thoughts, thoughts which brought home to them again the supreme sacrifice of this beloved and honored son who had made the supreme sacrifice and had laid down everything that was dear to him at the feet of liberty, had given up the sweetest of all, his very own life, in order that they could continue the enjoyment of the liberty of God's sunshine and freedom during the years to come, thoughts that are wholesome, thoughts that are the very nucleus and foundation of our nation and the freedom which we enjoy.

Comrade Alfred Mordhorst was born upon the 20th day of September 1894 at Arcada, Iowa, he came to Payette Valley with his parents about twenty years ago, where he grew into manhood and became the magnificent, manly material which is the backbone of our government in every hour of need. He entered the military service of our country upon the 29th day of May, 1918, and was taken to Camp Lewis where he became the excellent and faithful soldier that he was. Later he was transferred to Camp Kearny, California, and on July 29 of the same year to Camp Mills, sailing a few days later for France. He was a member of Company L, 110th Regiment of the 28th Division. He was killed in action in the historical battle of the Argonne Forest in which the American troops played so important and glorious a part. Upon the 5th day of October, 1918, Company L and Company M were ordered to advance down a hillside and to charge a small village on the opposite side of a river in the midst of this famous forest to reach the village, which was occupied by the Germans, it was necessary for the troops to ford this river, which they did, wading water waist deep amidst bursting shells and intense machine gun fire. Having reached the opposite bank, drenched with water, these world's bravest troops charged on a run, this village amidst the machine gun fire which was momentarily becoming more intense. Before reaching their objective the enemies fire became impenetrable and our troops were ordered to seek shelter in shell holes, which some of them did.

It was in this last mad rush that our friend and comrade Alfred Mordhorst was pierced by five machine gun bullets. As soon as possible he was carried back behind the lines and died on his way to the first aid station.

Nothing too grand or noble could be said of this departed comrade, whose only regret at the time of his death was that he could not "carry on" with the others of his company to their ultimate and unrestricted victory. He took his misfortune with the calmness and confidence of one who insists that shortly he will be restored to life and health; but he had run the race, he and fought a good fight, he had kept the faith and his work was done.

Alfred Mordhorst is gone. But his spirit, his soul, and the purposes for which he was created and lived goes marching on. It had been wisely said that "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends," and if his survivors, the thousands upon thousands of living Americans today can realize and remember what the little mound in the Riverside Cemetery in Payette, Idaho, and the thousands and thousands of other mounds scattered throughout the world at large. Alfred Mornhorst shall not have died in vain. Let us live and breathe to the perpetuation of the noble sentiment set in motion by the supreme sacrifice of this faithful soldier. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 23, 1920
Once more death has taken from our community another respected citizen, George Mordhorst, Jr., who has been a sufferer for the past two years with that dread disease, tuberculosis. He passed away at the home of his parents north of Payette early Wednesday morning. Not being in possession of the particulars we are unable to publish an appropriate obituary. George was a young man highly respected and was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mordhorst who have lived in this community for the past twenty years. He was born in Iowa, Feb. 22, 1893. Besides a father and mother, he is survived by six brothers and two sisters. One brother made the supreme sacrifice and now lies buried into battle field of France. Funeral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home conducted by Rev. Carl Rueggeberg. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 25, 1930

Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Woodward received the sad news by wire on Tuesday evening that Thomas E. Morgan, father of Mrs. Woodward had passed away at his home at Sparta, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and Miss Nell Morgan visited the Woodward family for a number of months in Payette recently. They enjoyed the visit and Mr. Morgan seemed to be in his usual health. Mrs. J. C. Woodward left Wednesday morning to be with her family in its hour of sorrow.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 16, 1911
Peter Mordhorst Dies

Peter Mordhorst, father of George Mordhorst and Mrs. Emma Precht, died Tuesday of last week, after an illness of about a year. He was 72 years old. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at the residence at 2 o'clock by the Payette grange.

The Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 16, 1911)


Peter Mordhorst an aged resident of this valley and one who had lived here for eleven years died at his home north of the city on Tuesday March 7th from old age and a complication of diseases. Mr. Mordhorst was a well known resident of the valley and in the vicinity in which he lived had the friendship and respect of all his neighbors. He leaves to mourn his loss two children both residents of this valley. George Mordhorst and Mrs. Emma Precht. The funeral services occurred on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the ranch home, a large number of friends paying their last tribute of respect to a well known friend and neighbor. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery beside the remains of his wife who passed away just a year ago in January last.

Peter Mordhorst was born in Germany, April 3, 1839, and came to America in May 1867 and first located at Davenport, Iowa. After a residence of 2 years in Davenport, he moved to Tama county and in 1877 he moved to Carroll county, Iowa, where he lived until the year 1900 when in company with others who were seeking the far west he came to Payette Valley and since that time has resided here. Peter Mordhorst was of a very quiet, retiring nature but was one of those neighbors that are missed in the neighborhood in which they reside when called away. The sympathy of a large number of friends will be with his son and daughter in this loss of their father coming so soon after the death of their mother. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 20, 1924
Zola Morris, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morris was born at Olson, Wyoming, February 10th, 1907, and departed this life at the Holy Rosary Hospital at Ontario, Friday morning - March 14, 1924. Death claimed her of the early age of 17 years, 1 month and 4 days. She died a few hours after an operation for appendicitis, with which she was stricken while suffering from the measles.

She is mourned by her parents, one brother, Ora, of Payette, five uncles and one aunt.

Zola Morris was junior in high school and a member of the Girls' glee club. Though her residence in Payette was brief she had made a warm place for herself in the hearts of her school mates, and the sad news of her death cast a deep gloom over the high school. The many beautiful floral offerings were a mute testimony in the love and esteem felt for Zola by her many friends.

The funeral was conducted from the Baptist church at two-thirty Monday afternoon, the Rev. Hawes officiating. Beautiful music was offered as a last loving tribute to their departed friend by the Boys' and Girls' glee club of the high school. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The hearts of all are with Mr. and Mrs. Morris in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank all where by their kind thoughtfulness helped us during the illness and death of our beloved Zola, as well as for the many beautiful floral offerings. MR. and MRS. E. W. MORRIS, ORA MORRIS

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1922

Amanda Morrison Ends Her Life Saturday Afternoon

Miss Amanda Morrison in a state of despondency brought on by a life-time struggle against physical infirmaties and continued sickness, ended her life last Saturday afternoon by shooting herself in the head with a 39-caliber revolver.

The tragedy was first discovered by her brother, George Garvey, section foreman of the O. B. L. railroad, when he returned home from his work about 4 o'clock. He at once notified the authorities and Coroner H. T. Knight came down from New Plymouth, and after a thorough investigation decided that it was a clear case of suicide and that no inquest was necessary.

The deceased was 38 years of age, and had resided in Payette since last September, when she was brought here by her brother, following the death of her mother in Butte, Montana. She had since made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Garvey at the railroad section house. Relatives had no previous intimation that she was unusually despondent and for sometime previous to her death had seemed more cheerful than usual. Mrs. Garvey was out of town on Saturday.

Funeral services were held at Lauer's Undertaking Parlors Monday morning, the remains being interred in Riverside cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel (Thursday, March 09, 1922

Invalid Ends Life

Coroner Rev. H. F. Knight was called to Payette last Saturday to investigate the death of Miss Amanda Morrison, who was found dead by her brother, Geo. Garvey, when he returned from work Saturday evening. The coroner says it was a case of premeditated suicide. No direct cause for the act was found except that she had been an invalid since, 12 years old, suffering from curvature of the spine. She had lived with her mother until last October when the mother died. Then she came to Payette where she had a comfortable home with her brother. Miss Morrison chose a day for the deed when other members of the family would be away for the day. She was 38 years of age. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, she was born 11-16-1884 and died 3-4-1922.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 30, 1931
Mrs. Sophrina Morrison Died in Baker

Mrs. Sophrina Morrison, who lived in Payette sometime ago and who made many friends in this place, died in Baker, Oregon, Friday, July 24th. While in Payette she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Alexander, who has since made her home with Mrs. Alexander in Halfway, Oregon.

Burial was held in Weiser, Monday afternoon.



Payette Independent
Thursday, November 08, 1900
A Sad Death

Friday morning of last week occurred the death of Gertrude E., the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moss of this city. She was only 14 months of age. Funeral services were held at the residence on Saturday conducted by Rev. McPherson, of Weiser, and the remains were interred at Riverside cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved parents at this most trying time. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 08, 1930

Little Dorothy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Moulton, passed away early Sunday morning, three hours after birth. Mr. and Mrs. Moulton have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. The little one was laid to rest Sunday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 16, 1924
Mrs. P. S. Mueller, nee, Miss Pearl Stark, daughter of Mrs. A. M. Stark, of Payette, died Tuesday at midnight in Pasco, Washington, after a five weeks' illness.

The body is being shipped to Payette for burial, as yet no definite plans have been made for the funeral.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, October 23, 1924)

Pearl Stark Mueller

Pear Beatrice Stark was born in Lakeview, Oregon, September 6, 1888 and departed this life October 14, 1924 at Pasco, Washington, aged, 36 years, one month and 8 days. Her death was caused by vincent's angima from which she suffered six weeks. She was educated in the Payette schools, having made an enviable record on the basket-ball team, was of athletic nature. She was married to Paul Cook Fife in 1907. To this union one son was born, Lyndon. In 1920 she was married to P. F. Mueller. To this union one son was born who is now two years old. She was a member of the Congregational church at Pasco, Washington, and sang in the choir, also.

She was a member of the Royal Neighbor Lodge at Pasco. Her untimely death will be mourned by all who knew her and especially in the Church and Lodge circles in which she was an active worker.

Funeral services were held in the Congregational church at Pasco, Thursday, and another service was held from the Laudon Undertaking parlor Friday afternoon. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery beside her father and sister. She leaves to mourn her death, a husband, two sons, and her mother, Mrs. A. M. Stark, one Brother, Harry Stark, three sisters, Mrs. Mildred Roberts, Mrs. Lola Sanders, and Miss Rita Stark of Payette, Mrs. Marjory McCrea, Vale, Oregon, and Mrs. Mabel Dorman, Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 17, 1919

Charles Frederick Muller was born in Philadelphia on January 11, 1844. The early part of his life was spent in the immediate vicinity of Philadelphia. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Lucie Branen Randall of Brockport, New York. Two daughters were born to this union -- Lucile Muller Morgan who is living at present in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and Maud Muller Clements, wife of Dr. Melbourn Clements, U.S. N., Chief Medical officer on the S. S. Wilhelmina.

In 1900 he was married to Margaret Whittaker of Philadelphia. Of this marriage there was born one son, Charles F. Muller Jr., who is now attending Moran school at Rolling Bay, Washington.

For twelve years, from 1897 to 1909 Colonel Muller lived in France, as the executor of the estate of his uncle, Dr. Thomas Evans, the renowned American dentist of Paris.

After a year and a half of travel in the United States following residence abroad, he came to Payette in 1911 in the interest of an irrigation project on Oregon Slope and then became interested in Payette, erecting the cold storage plant, one of the largest and best of its kind in the entire Northwest.

Colonel Muller was a member of the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of Loyal Legion. He was department commander of the G.A.R. of Tennessee and had never severed his connection with his Post at Chattanooga, Tenn.

Mrs. Muller and Junior left with the body Monday morning for Philadelphia where interment will take place in Woodlands Cemetery.

Colonel Muller's life was purposeful four score years, rich in worldwide experience and full of service of struggle and achievement. There was no pause in his virile activities until the end suddenly came.

The rich life of Colonel Muller covered an equally rich period of his country's history. The scene of his youthful activity was the old historic city of Philadelphia, and while he was a boy many of the political giants of our history were still alive and Philadelphia was the center of political activity. His boyhood and young manhood were passed amid the storms of a great argument, made necessary by the silence of our Constitution as to the nature of the Union. To our minds, cleared of the hot temper of time, that age seems an unhappy time; but it was a good age in which to be born, for men were in earnest about deep, vital things. It was, indeed, an age of passion, but of passion based on principle and enthusiasm and deep loyalties - and it made men, for men then counted their ideals as of more value than their lives and they kept faith with their ideals. Indeed, it was a good age in which to be born.

Colonel Muller was but a boy of 17 when the great drama, fate-driven and fate-determined, passed from argument into grim war, and he himself, at that early age of 17 caught in the grip of that same fate, played the part of a man and a soldier. No wonder he was a man of high purpose and ideals. He had reached young manhood when the storm had passed and despair had smitten so many souls, but he was a young man of heart and courage and he set himself to make good in life.

The most vivid characteristic of the man during the late world war and since was his intense and complete Americanism.

His home was of the ideal American type where loving and thoughtful consideration and equality of interest are the fundamentals of family life. He was more than husband and father in his home - he was friend and companion, appreciating with a rare understanding the problems of wife and children. Knowing the value of a good woman's influence, he made his wife his confidant and true helpmate.

As a friend, he was loyal and true, and while he admitted but few to the inner sanctuary of his friendship, he was admired and respected by all.

He was a public spirited citizen, interested to the end in the welfare of his fellow beings. One of his closest friends said of him, "He was a man of the finest fiber I have met."

Frank and upright in character, kind and considerate, but positive and outspoken, there was nothing in his life in Payette, that did not square with his convictions. We shall remember him as a dignified, courtly, Christian gentleman -- one whose motives were pure, whose oath was straight and who never shirked from what he considered duty. His life and character in Payette will survive as a wholesome memory.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 29, 1924

Archie B. Mullin, the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mullin, of Washoe, died at the Ontario hospital, after an operation, Monday. The remains were taken to the Landon Home Undertaking parlors in this city where funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, May 17, Rev. Hawes, of the Baptist church officiating. The little one was buried in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 15, 1913
The son of Mrs. Matt Munce died shortly after her arrival in Portland. The funeral is deferred until arrival of a brother from Pittsburg, Pa.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1930


Mrs. I. H. Meyers of Fruitland received the sad news by wire at two o'clock Monday morning announcing the death of her mother at Woodland, Calif. caused by an auto accident when a moving train crashed into the car in which her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Muncey, were riding on their way to church. the message stated that Mrs. Muncey was killed and Mr. Muncey probably fatally injured.

It has been twelve years since Mrs. Meyers has seen her parents and they had plans make to drive to Woodland on a visit within the next few days, but upon receiving the message they left Monday afternoon, not with the usual joyous spirit that goes with pleasure trips, but with saddened hearts perhaps to attend the funeral of both father and mother, whom they had previously planned to visit.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
Rev. A. J. Adams was called to Parma Monday where the funeral of Mr. L. L. Mundel was conducted by Thos. E. Buckner and Rev. Adams, Grand Master and Chaplain of the Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. Mr. Mundel was one of the leading business men of Parma and an Honored Citizen.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1919
Mrs. Anna Murray, wife of ? Murray, died at her home one mile west of Payette, Wednesday morning, a few hours after the birth of a baby boy. The body was brought to Payette and shipped to Caldwell for burial besides two children who proceeded her a few years before. Mrs. Murray was 43 years of age and has made friends with all who knew her and will grieve at her sudden departure in this life. The husband with the infant babe will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in his sad hour of affliction.

NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index Anna J. was born 11-13-1875 and died



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 02, 1918
Frank H. Muzzy was born in Illinois December 19, 1852, and died at Payette April 27th, 1918, age 65 years, 3 months and 8 days. He was married to Pauline Gates April 4, 1882, and moved to Wyoming the following year and to Payette in 1909 which place has been his home until the time of his death. He was a lifetime member of the Baptist church and also a member of the Woodmen Lodge. His motto through life was to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. His honor and sterling character has won for him friends wherever he went. He was kind and gentle as a husband and father. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia, although he has not enjoyed good health for more than a year. He leaves to mourn his loss besides a wife, four children, Chester of Baker City; Frank of Cascade, Idaho; Mrs. Kenneth Taylor of Eau Clair, Wis.; and Mrs. F. J. Stanton of Payette; also one brother and one sister who were all present at the funeral. The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. Van Englen, a former pastor, and the body laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)



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