Payette County Obituaries
           Surnames B

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 05, 1921

George W. Baker, of this city, died in Portland, Ore., Saturday afternoon, April 30, at 10 minutes to three o'clock. Mr. Baker suffered break-down last fall from valvula heart trouble and began to fail rapidly during the winter. The end came at the home of his son, Malcolm D. Baker, in Portland, where he had been taken from Payette about the middle of March in the hope that his health would be benefitted by the change of altitude. It was, however, of no avail as he grew steadily weaker in his unequal fight with death and it had been realized for sometime that he had practically no chance for recovery.

At his bedside when the end came - of his immediate family, were his wife, who had accompanied him to Portland, his son, Malcolm, of that city, and his daughter, Mrs. Earl Venable, of Payette. The sad news was brought to Payette in a telegram Saturday afternoon to Mr. Venable, who left that afternoon for Portland. Mr. Baker leaves also in this city to mourn his loss a sister, Mrs. D. W. Alney.

Funeral services were conducted in Portland Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, from the home of the son, by Dr. W. B. Henson, pastor of the East Side Baptist Church of that city. Interment was in Mount Scott Cemetery, Portland.

George W. Baker was born at New Castle, Green county, Indiana, August 8, 1849. as a small boy he moved with his parents to Jasper County, Iowa, and in that state he spend many years of his useful and active life. April 16, 1873, he was united in marriage with Miss Abbie M. Ellis, in Polk County, Iowa, the devoted wife who watched at his bedside only two weeks before he died, upon their forty-eighth wedding anniversary. To this long and happy union were born six sons and one daughter, all of whom survive except the second son, Charles F., who died in infancy. The living are; Claude M., of Chicago, Ill.; Ward E., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Malcolm D. of Portland, Ore.; George A., of San Antonio, Texas; Kate E. Venable, of Payette, Idaho, and Dwight S., of San Francisco, Calif. Besides his sister, Mrs. D. W. Alney, of Payette. Mr. Baker also leaves a brother, W. H. Baker, of Des Moines, Iowa.

Twenty-seven years of his life Mr. Baker resided in Des Moines, Iowa, where he was prominent in business and financial circles. To Des Moines he brought his young wife early in their married life and in that city all of their children were born. He was for a number of years cashier of the Capaital City State Bank of Des Moines and was later treasurer of the Iowa Building & Loan association there. He was also active in church work in Des Moines. In his early manhood he became a member of the East Des Moines Baptist church and was for many years superintendent of its Sunday school. Later upon coming to Payette, he was actively affiliated with the Baptist Church of this city and for a conciderable time superintendent of the Sunday school.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker with their daughter, who was later married here, and their youngest son, Dwight came to Payette in March, 1902. Here they had since resided with the exception of four years spent at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a year at Wendell, Idaho. They returned to Payette in March of last year from Wendell after five years' absence, and Mr. Baker, again became connected with the First National Bank of this city with which institution before returning to Iowa in 1915 he had for several years held the position of assistant cashier.

It is rarely that a death has so grieved a whole community as his the passing of George W. Baker. Words are sometimes used loosely but it is not too much to say of him that he was loved not only by his family and immediate friends but by his business associates and all who came within the circle of his influence. The reason is not far to seek because the name of George W. Baker must be written high among those who have loved their fellow men. Blessed with splendid health until the final break-down came he went his way through life with rare energy and unfailing cheerfulness. To him life was but an opportunity for good deeds, right living and right thinking. He lived his religion day by day and year by year. His faith was screne and as simple as that of a child. So that when he realized that his end was near he accepted it calmly and with no need of preparation. He bore his suffering wihout complaint and passed into the presence of his maker as confidently as he had lived -- a kind and loving husband and father, a good neighbor and a true friend, in every sense of the word a Christian gentleman.


Payette Independent
Thursday, November 13, 1902
Death of J. C. Baker

J. C. Baker, manager of the Payette Canning Company's plant, died at the home of William Van Doozer in this city, last Sunday night about 10:45 o'clock, after a number of days' illness with acute indigestion. The funeral took place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from Mr. Van Doozer's residence. The services were conducted by Elder Keltner of Denver, of the German Baptist church. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased came to Payette late in the summer from Denver, Colo. where, for many years, he had been engaged in the canning business, and was one of the most active organizers of the Payette Canning Company, which has since installed a plant in this city. He leaves a wife and two children in Denver. Will Baker, a brother of the deceased who came to Payette at the same time, was with him during his last illness.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 20, 1920
James Baker, living near Payette died Wednesday from effects of a cancer. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock, at the Methodist Church. An obituary notice will be published next week. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 15, 1920

Mrs. A. K. Baker died of pneumonia at her home on Whitley Bottom Wednesday morning. The body was brought to Wood and Spaulding's Undertaking Parlor that evening. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church some time Friday. Mrs. Baker was 44 years old and leaves a husband and two grown sons. No particulars have been given us. We hope to be able to publish an obituary next week. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index Laura A. Baker was born 6-6-1875 and died 1-14-1920. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 09, 1919

Mr. O. W. Baker, living north of Payette, died very suddenly Monday night at his home following a stroke of apoplexy, age 62 years, 6 months and 14 days. He is survived by a widow and five children; one son living near his home, one son in Boise, two sons in Nebraska who came Thursday morning and one daughter in Nebraska who was unable to come. Funeral services will be held from the home, Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index Oliver Warren Baker was born 3-22-1857 and died 10-6-1919. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 20, 1920
Frank Bannister was born in Iowa in June 1850, and later moved with his parents to Kansas. About the year 1880 he came with his mother and two brothers to Idaho, settling on a homestead taken by his mother on Little Willow Creek where they remained until eleven years ago when his mother died. Then he came to Payette and was united in marriage to Anna F. Stevens. He at this time purchased the Frank Crighton home on Lover's Lane where they made their home until the time of his death. Mr. Bannister health had been failing for some time and the latter part of April he went to Arizona thinking to find relief, but the dread disease, the great white plague, had too firm a hold and the end came on Saturday, May the 8th. His remains were brot back to Payette where the funeral services were held from the home at 2:30 Wednesday, May 12th, conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis, pastor of the Methodist Church. Besides a wife he leaves to mourn his departure three brothers and one sister. Of the deceased we can say he was a man of good standing in the community. He was honest and upright in all his dealings and will be missed by many friends in this vicinity. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 06, 1921
C. T. Barker died Wednesday, January 5th at the home of his son, Clarence Barker in Washoe after a continued illness. Mr. Barker was born in the state of Illinois, January 11th, 1843, being within a few days of 78 years of age. He is survived by several sons and other relatives in this community. He was a highly respected citizen and will be missed by a large circle of relatives and friends. We hope in our next issue to publish a full and complete obituary. Funeral services were held from the Christian Church this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 31, 1918
Wife of Clarence Barker of Washoe, died at their home Thursday of last week and was buried on Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were at the house, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed of the Presbyterian church with the assistance of the choir of the same church.

Typhoid fever was the cause of death. She suffered from it nearly five weeks, but was under the Doctor's care only three weeks. There was a very large attendance at the funeral showing the high esteem in which both Mr. and Mrs. Barker were held. She leaves a ten months old baby girl, who with her husband constituted her own family. Of her parents family, Mr. and Mrs. Channer.

She is the first of the ten children to go over into the great beyond. It was a heavy stroke of bereavement to them. Mr. Barker, Clarence as he is known, is one of five boys who were fathered and mothered both by their father, the mother having died when they were little fellows. They grew up in this community and are universally spoken of as splendid men. All of them and the father as well, were present at the funeral. The Enterprise adds its _expression of deep sympathy with all the bereaved ones. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 31, 1924
Mrs. Barrie Dies at Hot Lake

Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Grace Barrie, who preceeded Mr. Kellogg as proprietor of the Bancroft. Mrs. Barrie had many warm friends in Payette, who will be grieved to learn of her illness and death, which occurred after an operation for goitre, the patient never having come out of the annesthetic. After leaving here Mrs. Barrie was successfully proprietor of the Moore hotel, at Ontario, tea room, manager at the La Grande Country Club, and matron at the Hot Lake Sanatorium, which latter position she filled up to the time of her death. Funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian church at LaGrande, the remains being laid to rest in the LaGrande cemetery. Mrs. Grace Barrie left to mourn her loss, one sone Rene, also well known in Payette, and who last summer was married to Miss Lillie Wilson of Payette. The Barries make their home in LaGrande where Rene Barrie who even as a boy was a wireless enthusiast, his taken up radio as a life work.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 02, 1930

Once more the people of this community were deeply grieved when the sad news was given out announcing the death of Mrs. Renne Barrie who was so well known in this community where she was born and raised and loved by every one. She passed away at the Ontario hospital Monday afternoon, September 29, where she had been taken the day previous in the hopes of relieving her illness since the birth of a baby boy three weeks ago. It is truly sad that one so bright and cheerful, who always made the best of every thing in this life, should be taken while so young and full of hope for the future.

She was born in Payette, December 20, 1903, here she spent her girlhood days and graduated from the Payette high school with the class of 1921. Following her graduation she was employed in the Payette Mills for one year, then she went to La Grande, Ore., where she met and was united to Renne Charles Barrie, July 1, 1923. The remained at La Grande until about two years ago when they came to Payette. Mrs. Barrie was a member of the Methodist church of this city and was faithful to that belief. She was also a member of the Oregon Slope Grange, the Park Improvement club, the Payette Business and Professional Woman's club, the Portia club, the Yeoman lodge and a member of the G. A. R. Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband, Renne Charles Barrie, two sons Renne Charles Junior, age 2 years and seven months and James Wilson, age three weeks, her mother Mrs. Jennie Wilson; her father having passed away June 5th, 1925; one sister, Mrs. Rachael Golden who passed away March 9, 1919; the other sisters who survive are Mrs. Ethel Clauson of Payette; Mrs. Edna Gish of Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Berth Phipps and one brother George Wilson of La Grande, Ore.

Those from out of town who came to attend the funeral were George Wilson and family of La Grande; Dr. Joe Indal; Mrs. W. H. Bohnenkamp, Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Webber and Mrs. Fred Cross of La Grande. Mrs. Bird Gish a sister arrived this Thursday morning too late for the funeral but will be here with her mother. There were also ten members of the G. A. R. Auxiliary from Weiser who attended in a body.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the Methodist church, conducted by the pastor Rev. A. B. Parrett, where a large number of people attended. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1931

We wish to thank our many friend for the kindness and sympathy shown us at the recent death of our beloved father, R. D. Barry.

The flowers were beautiful and much appreciated.
J. I. Barry and family; Mrs. E. Donnelly

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Richard D. Barry was born 9-14-1855 and died 2-7-1931, Emmett. ch


The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 19, 1929

It was with considerable of a shock that Payette people received the news of the death of Mrs. Chelsey Barton, who passed away at her home in Salt Lake City last Friday and was buried Monday. The message bearing the sad announcement came to Mrs. W. J. Hughes but there were no particulars of the cause of her death.

Mr. Barton was cashier of the First National Bank of payette for a couple of years and assisted in the transfer of the institution to a state bank. While here he and Mrs. Barton were prominent in a social way and made a host of friends who were deeply moved by the passing of Mrs. Barton.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 18, 1916

Edwards M. Barton, the well-known pioneer citizen of Weiser, died at a hospital in San Francisco, Cal., on Saturday morning, May 13, after an illness of about one week, his death being due to a complication of Bright's disease. The body way sent to Weiser where the funeral was held this (Thursday) morning from the Masonic hall.

The deceased was a member of the Masons, Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows. He was born in Miller county, Missouri, December 16, 1856. He has been associated with the life of the state of Idaho for the past 30 years, as a sheep-grower, hotel man and banker, and represented Washington county several times in the senate and lower house of the state legislature.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 05, 1911

Aged Woman Who Crossed the Plains With First Body of Mormons and Pushed a Cart From Navoo, Illinois to Salt Lake, Passes Away in Payette at the Age of Ninety-Two

Monday morning of this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Holt, Sr., Mrs. James Barnes passed away at the age of ninety-two years. Mrs. Barnes had been for the last few years quite feeble and a few days ago fell down stairs and never recovered from the shock but lingered for a few days gradually growing weaker until Monday morning when the end came.

The history of this aged lady is indeed interesting. Mary Ann Thompson was born in Lawton, Chesire, England, July 28, 1820. In 1851 she was united in marriage to John West in England and the young couple started across the ocean to make their home in this country. They were ten weeks crossing the ocean. Arriving in New York City they journeyed with other people of the Mormon faith to Navoo, Illinois, the husband dying shortly after they reached Navoo. From Navoo Mrs. West took up the journey in 1862 with the great movement of Mormon people and pushing a push cart all the way walked to what is now the present city of Salt Lake. While enroute she wedded James Barnes who for eleven years after arriving in Salt Lake was one of the master mechanics employed in building the temple, tabernacle and other religious buildings of the Mormon people and died of stonemason's asthma.

Up until the last five years Mrs. Barnes was hale and hearty and did all her own house work but for the last four or five years she has been living with her daughters, Mrs. Frank Moss and Mrs. Will Holt, Sr., of this city passing her old days in bliss and quiet.

She leaves besides these two daughters to mourn her loss, Hiran James Barnes, Lorenzo D. Barnes, John Lacori Barnes all of whom live in Southeastern Idaho, and Richard Staton Barnes, of Salt Lake.

The remains accompanied by Richard Barnes and Mrs. Frank Moss and Mrs. Will Holt were shipped to Salt Lake on Monday evening for interment. (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 11, 1902
Death of T. W. Bates

Thomas W. Bates, for a number of years a prominent resident of Payette and one of the best known railroad and mining promoters of Idaho, died Thursday morning, September 4th, at his home in Boise after a long illness with Bright's disease. The deceased had been a sufferer for years and his death was not unexpected as a few weeks ago serious complications had set in and he had been in a very critical condition for some time. Mrs. Bates and the aged mother of the deceased were at his bedside when he died. The other member of the family, his son Walter, was in the Thunder Mountain country. Word was dispatched to him at once and it was expected that he would be able to reach home in time for the funeral which took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence at 6 o'clock.

The deceased was well known throughout Idaho as a railroad promoter. Previous to coming to this state he was connected with railroad construction work in Colorado and other states in the West. He was attracted by the possibilities of the mining interests in Idaho, and removed with his family to Payette about 11 years ago where he resided on his homestead just east of town until several years later when he took up his residence in Boise. He had the greatest faith in the possibilities of the Seven Devils mining region and for several years after coming to Payette spent a great deal of time in the east trying to interest capital in the project of building a railroad from this point into the district. Several times it was thought he had been successful and at two different times grading was actually begun. Afterwards Mr. Bates transferred his promoting operations to Weiser and was active in the organization of the railroad now heading towards the Seven Devils district known as the Pacific & Idaho Northern.

The latest project which Mr. Bates was interested in was the proposed road from Boise to Butte, known as the Idaho Midland. Mr. Bates had carefully canvassed the value of the mines along the proposed route, and had an optimistic faith in the wonderful possibilities to be opened up.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 1, 1912
Elijah Batron committed suicide in Long Valley last week. He was known in New Plymouth, at one time being in the employ of Ed Doherty, the sheepman. The cause of the awful deed was over indulgence in liquor.

Payette Independent
Friday, September 22, 1905
Death of Washington Baxia

Washington Baxia died at the home of his son, W. H. Baxia, three miles north of New Plymouth, Tuesday night, September 19, at 10:30 o'clock. He was 82 years old and was born in Ohio. Besides his son living near New Plymouth he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Duling, living in California. He was a man of robust constitution and had been in splendid health for his age until two months previous to his death when he began having stomach and heart troubles which brought on his last illness.

The funeral was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the home of W. H. Baxia, and the remains were brought to Payette for burial in Riverside cemetery. The deceased had been a faithful member of the Church of Christ for 53 years and Pastor W. E. Bobbitt of the church at Payette conducted the funeral services.

The deceased had lived with his son in the Payette Valley for the last year and two years ago had spent the summer with him, the younger Mr. Baxia being at that time engaged in the livery business in Payette. Both Mr. W. H. Baxia and the late Mr. Baxia formerly lived in Trinidad, Colo., the wife of the latter having died at that place six years ago. It is the intention of the son to bring the remains of his mother to Payette and have them laid to rest beside those of her husband in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, November 6, 1908
E. T. Beamgard Dies

New Plymouth November 5 -- Estey T. Beamgard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beamgard who live a few miles from this place, died Monday night after a protracted illness of many months. He was 28 years of age. He came here from Kansas City early last summer for his health.

Yesterday afternoon the funeral services were held, Rev. Mr. Greelee officiating. The services were conducted under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and Woodmen lodges and were largely attended by the friends of the family. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 06, 1916

J. H. Beamgard of this City Stricken With Apoplexy

J. H. Beamgard dropped dead this afternoon about two o'clock while talking over the telephone to Chas. Eder, from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Beamgard has been a resident of this city for the past nine years and was a member of the city council. Deceased leaves a wife, four sons and a daughter, Mrs. Ed Dotson, a resident of this city -- Mr. Beamgard was 72 years old. (Park View Cemetery)

J. H. BEAMGARD LAID TO REST, (New Plymouth Sentinel, July 13, 1916)

Funeral Is Held Under Auspices of Odd Fellows Lodge

The funeral services and interment of the late J. H. Beamcard took place last Saturday in this city. The local order of Odd Fellows had charge and Rev. H. F. Knight, conducted the funeral services, which were held from the Congregational church. Quite a number of the members of the Odd Fellows lodge at Payette motored up to pay their last respects to their departed brother. The business houses of this city closed Saturday afternoon until after the funeral.

Mr. Beamgard leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter, A. H., of St. Joseph, Missouri, Frank, of Boise, Clarke, of Ontario, Oregon and Mrs. Edward Dotson, of this place. Deceased was 79 years old.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, July 07, 1916)

New Plymouth Resident Dropped Dead Yesterday

J. H. Beamgard, a prominent citizen of New Plymouth, dropped dead yesterday afternoon at his home in that city from apoplexy. Mr. Beamgard was a member of the Plymouth city council and a prominent member of the Congregational church. Deceased was 72 years old and leaves his wife, one daughter and three sons. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1922
Bernice Callen was born at Valentine Nebraska, January 29th, 1898, and departed this life at Boise, Idaho, August 26th, 1922, therefore being 24 years, 6 months and 28 days old at the time of her departure. When ten years of age she came with her parents to Payette where she has, continuously lived and grew to woman-hood and by her sweet disposition made many true friends among the people of Payette. She was a graduate from the Payette High School with the Class of 1916, shortly after taking a course at Link's Business College of Boise, and later accepted a position as stenographer at the Boise office of the New York Life Insurance Company, and was later promoted to cashier of that institution being at that time the youngest cashier employed by the company, and during her service was at various times awarded medals and premiums for efficient services. On June 20th, 1920, she was united in marriage to Ralph R. Beamguard of Boise, where they continued to make their home until the end of a little more than two short years of happy union. Death came the same as the life she had lived, peacefully and sweetly and without plan, she was conscious to the very last, and while considerate for the dear ones left behind, was ready and willing to go, and with a smile, closed her eyes on earthly things to meet her God.

Besides many friends, both at Boise and Payette, she leaves to mourn her untimely going, a husband, Ralph R. Beamguard, of Boise, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Callen, and brother, Curtis of Payette, and sister, Mrs. A. C. Holden of Boise.

Funeral services were held from Summer's Undertaking Parlors, at Boise, conducted by Rev. J. A. Glendenning, and her body laid to rest in Morris Hill cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 31, 1922


The hearts of many Payette people were truly saddened when the news came that Mrs. Ralph Beamguard of Boise, had passed away at the hospital Saturday evening at 7 P. M. Mrs. Beamguard was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Callen of this city, and one of Payette's most lovable young ladies. She was 24 years of age and leaves to mourn her early departure a husband, father and mother, one brother and one sister.

Funeral services were held in Boise Monday afternoon. As Mr. and Mrs. Callen have not returned, no further information is at hand, a complete and appropriate obituary will appear in next week's issue.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, February 27, 1920
Their Son Dies

After only a short illness, Lawrence M. Beamguard, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beamguard, dies at his home here Saturday. The cause of his death given as acute nephritis.

Lawrence was a bright little lad and has a host of friends among his school mates here. The stricken parents of the boy have the sympathy of the whole community.

The remains were taken to New Plymouth yesterday where the funeral services were held in the afternoon. Weiser Signal (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 01, 1910
Death of Mrs. Bean

Mrs. Chas. Bean died yesterday after a long illness. She was an estimable lady and her death is deplored by many friends. The funeral will take place today from the Congregational church, 3 p.m. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 16, 1920
Death of Infant

Little Mary Anna Bean, infant daughter of Harry Bean and wife died at the parents residence in the Emmett country and was brought here for burial Tuesday. (Parkview Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 18, 1917
Miss Beardsley, well known to all Payette people died at St. Alphonso hospital Monday evening, the 15th of October. She had been in poor health for a couple of months, and underwent an operation for gallstones some weeks since. The results of that appeared to be good, but the case turned out otherwise. After her return home she ? in health and last Sunday it became plain that another opening of the wound was necessary if she was to have a chance for life. But it turned out that she was too weak for the ordeal and death came at the hour slated above. The funeral services will be at the Presbyterian church but at the time of writing this the hour is not set as the ? have not all been able to get here yet. Burial will be in the New Plymouth cemetery, New Plymouth having been the family home when first they came to Idaho.

Miss Beardsley was born in Burlington, Ia, Nov. 1st. 1852. Being left an orphan at an early age she was given a home in the family of Nathan R. Lewis of Danville, Iowa and has shared all the blessings and changes of that home until now. Her name has been spoken in connection with that of Miss Ellan M. Lewis in all her Payette life. The other members of the Lewis family had gone their various ways and these two remained and maintained a home of similar charm, these last seven years.

Obituary notices are naturally eulogistic; but there is no way of telling the truth about Miss Beardsley without putting her in a high class. She accepted Christ as her Lord and united with the Congregational Church of Danville, Iowa, at the age of seventeen; but that much might be said and to many people would say very little. But to say that those who knew her agreed that selfishness did not seem to be existent in her is getting onto ground where readers will feel an opinion. And yet it is not one which beyond, the fact. She had delight in her Church life but her joy was in filling weeks and months and years full with these deeds that are mentioned with approval in the Great Judgment scene of Matt: 25. To her are the words, "Well done good and faithful servant; Enter into the joy of the Lord."

Of her own relatives probably none will be in attendance at the funeral as they live in the far east. C. G. Lewis of Portland and another brother from Boise will be here. It is needless to say that the sympathy of all friends go out to Miss Lewis, who above all others will feel bereavement in the death of the one other member of her household. (Parkview Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 23, 1930


Mrs. Margaret J. Beckstead, wife of A. Beckstead, died at her home on North 9th street the evening of Jan. 20, 1930. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss three sons and two daughters. P. L. Beckstead of Kelowna, B. C.; Ray and Francis of Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. Laura Voorhees of Tacoma, Wash.; and Mrs. Ollie Alli- (the rest of this name was not completed)

Services were held this (Thursday) at 2 p. m. from Petersons Funeral Parlors. Rev. A. B. Parrett had charge of the service, assisted by the Royal Neighbors. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 23, 1930)


Mrs. Margaret J. Beckstead, wife of A. Beckstead of this city died at her home on North 9th street, Monday evening, January 20. She is survived by her husband, three sons and two daughters. The surviving children are P. L. Beckstead of KeCowna, B. C., Ray and Frances of Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. Ollie Allison of Caldwell, Idaho and Mrs. Laura Vorheese of Tacoma, Wash.

Funeral services were held this Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Peterson funeral Parlors, conducted by Rev. A. B. Parrott, pastor of the M. E. church, assisted by the Royal Neighbors. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Baby Died

Sylva Beckwith was born Nov. 16, 1918, at Fruitland, and died Friday evening about 9 o'clock from spasmodic croup, following an illness of a week. She has lived near Fruitland most of the time since birth. She leavs to mourn her loss, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckwith, three brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held from the house Sunday at 2:30 p. m. and interment made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, November 30, 1906
Death of Elbert M. Bell

Elbert M. Bell, aged 30 years and six days, died at an early hour Tuesday morning, after an illness lasting about three years. He was not confined to his room during much of that time and it was only Sunday that he became so weak the last time that he was forced to his bed. He knew his disease was incurable; it was an affectation of the blood. He was born in Galena, Lewis county, Missouri. He leaves one brother, Elmer Bell, residing at Payette.

The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Baptist church, Rev. A. F. White, assisted by Rev. Davidson, officiating. The funeral was under the auspices of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 19, 1912

Monday morning at two o'clock at the home of his son H. M. Bell, George M. Bell passed away from a complication of diseases resulting from extreme old age. He had been troubled some time with spinal disease and for a week or more had been in a very critical condition and the end came Monday morning.

George M. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, January 5, 1828, and was at the time of his death 84 years and six months of age. He came to Canada in 1833 and resided in the Dominion until 1837 when he moved to Buffalo, New York where he lived until 1841 when he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and engaged in the fur business until 1881 when he took up his residence in Minnesota where he resided until July of this year when he came to Payette to make his home with his son H. M. Bell. He was married in 1855 and three children and the aged wife survive to mourn his loss. H. M. Bell, a son lives in Payette; E. T. Bell, of Long Beach, California and Mrs. Florence B. Orton, of Marrietta, Minnesota.

The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery the Masonic brethren having charge of the services at the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
December 18, 1913

Mrs. L. M. Bell died at the home of her son in Payette, Dec. 12, 1913, of pneumonia, aged 81 years, seven months.

Lucinda B. Miller was born at Cambridge, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1832. she was married to G. M. Bell, March 29th, 1855 at Oxford, Wisconsin. She was the mother of six children, four daughters and two sons, three of whom have preceded her. Florence B. Orton of Marietta, Minn.; E. T. Bell of Long Beach, California and H. M. Bell of this city remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother.

She came with her husband to Payette in July, 1912, to reside with her son. Her husband died in September of the same year.

She joined the M.E. church in early life and was an active Christian worker during her lifetime.

Funeral services were held at the M.E. church. Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Rev. Howarth officiating.


We take this method of expressing our appreciation to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance during the sickness, death and burial of our dear mother and grandmother. Also for the beautiful flowers sent. H. M. Bell and Family (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 10, 1924
J. M. Bennett Succumbs to Heart Failure

Word has been received of the sudden death of J. M. Bennett, an old time resident of Payette. At the time of his death, which occurred on January 4 and caused by heart failure, Mr. Bennett was staying at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George Hickey, at Ely, Nevada. Services were held by the Masons, a Guard of Honor being furnished by the American Legion in recognition of the fact that Mr. Bennett was a veteran of the Civil war. The body was taken to Los Angeles where Mr. Bennett was laid to rest at the side of his wife who died several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett had many warm friend in Payette, they having made their home here for some twenty years. Mr. Bennett was for many years in the employ of the O. S. L. and had been in Payette in charge of construction work long before he and his wife came to make their home here.

Services at the grave were in charge of the masons.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 01, 1914

In the death of C. A. Berding Payette Valley lost a well known and highly respected citizen. Coming suddenly as it did and on Christmas day it was a severe shock to the large number of people who had known and admired him for the ten years he has resided on the big stock ranch near Payette.

The writer of this was privileged to know C. A. Berding quite well for the past seven years and, knowing him as well as we did, we feel it unnecessary to comment upon his life. Those who knew him best loved him most. His was that broad disposition, with unbounded charity for all, Kind and liberal to a fault his was the sort of life that drew near indeed to him all who came in close contact with him.

The remains were taken by his stricken wife and a sister who came from California to Ferndale, California for interment. No services were held either at the home or in Payette. The wealth of beautiful floral offerings sent by residents of this valley to the home all bore mute testimony to the esteem and love in which this man was held.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 1, 1910

Last Friday afternoon while attending a picnic given by the Fruitland Sunday School in Orcutt's grove, Austin Berg, the seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Berg living on the bench near Fruitland was drowned in Washoe Slough. The young man had gone in bathing with some companions and as he could not swim had been advised to keep in the shallow water. He got beyond his depth and shouted for help. His companions at first thought he was joking, but workmen working at the icing station noticed his genuine distress and hastened to his rescue. Before they could get to him he sank and was in the water fully twenty minutes before they could locate him. It is a sad accident and the family have the sympathy of many in this community.

The funeral services were held at the home on Saturday, afternoon and interment was made in the cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 01, 1931
Fatal Wreck for Deer Hunting Party

Elderly Emmett Man Caught When Trailer Turns Over, Enroute to Hunting Grounds

Emmett - Frank C. Berry, 74-year-old contractor, was the first victim of the 1931 deer hunting season when he was crushed beneath an automobile trailer 12 miles out of Idaho City early Wednesday afternoon.

Berry with Clare Shane, Emmett, and Ed Case and his father, both of Caldwell, left Emmett at 4:30 Wednesday morning for a trip into the Beaver Creek country.

Trailer Upsets
The hunters with the exception of the driver, were walking behind the car as it pulled a steep ditch in a detour of the Mole's creek summit road. A rope connecting the trailer with the car broke and the vehicle began to roll back down the grade.

Shane grabbed the trailer and while it was still moving turned it into the bank at the side of the road. The trailer upset. Another of the party came running up the grade. "There's somebody underneath the trailer" he shouted.

Chest Crushed
The men lifted the trailer and pulled Berry free. Berry apparently was not severely hurt. The party turned back toward Idaho City. Before they has gone more than two miles, Berry died. Examination revealed his chest had been crushed.

Berry is survived by two nephews, John Hunt, Emmett and Frank Hunt of California. John Hunt and Coroner Buchman left Emmett Wednesday afternoon to return the body.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 08, 1920

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Berry, an aged couple well known to the early pioneers of this section, departed this life at their home on Linsen Creek with in a few hours apart, after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Berry passed away Tuesday night and Mrs. Berry early the next morning. Their bodies were brought to Wood & Spaulding's undertaking parlor Tuesday forenoon in the same conveyance. Mr. and Mrs. Berry have been residents of Linsen Creek about 25 miles northeast of Payette, for many years, having come to this country and filed on their homestead in 1897. Mr. Berry had passed his 88th year in life and Mrs. Berry had passed the 80th milestone. The immediate cause of their death was influenza contracted but a few days before. It is thought the funeral will be held at the Church of God Friday afternoon, however no definite arrangements have been made. At this time, so near going to press, we are unable to get any history of their lives or information to enable us to publish an appropriate obituary, but will endeavor to do so in our next issue.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Clarissa Berry was born 8-25-1839 and died 4-7-1920. Henry A. Berry was born 2-8-1832 and died 4-6-1920. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 30, 1919

The body of Dewitt A. Bigelow, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard F. Bigelow, arrived in Payette Sunday morning from Oxbow, Oregon, where the young man had been for several months working in the mining camp, and was taken sick while there and passed away after but a few days illness. Dewitt was a young man full of ambition and after registering, for service in the army and was exempted to be called at any time, went to work at the mining camp near Oxbow, where it would be convenient to return when called. He was taken with influenza about a week ago and passed away January 25th at the age of 19 years, 3 months and 2 days. He was a graduate from the high school at Woodburn, Oregon, in 1917, and shortly after came with his parents to Payette, wher he made many firends among the younger people who will regret his early departure in life.

Besides a father and mother he leaves to mourn his death two brothers, Dwight E. and Russell M., and two sisters Blanch and Belva, all of whom are living at home. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis at Riverside cemetery Monday afternoon at 4 P.M., where the body was laid to rest. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 05, 1929

T. B. Biggerstaff, an aged and respected citizen of Payette, and a pioneer of western Idaho, passed away at 9 o'clock Saturday night at his home on Seventh Avenue North. The immediate cause of his death was a third paralytic stroke suffered while he and Mrs. Biggerstaff were enjoying an outing with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Freehafer at Starkey Hot Springs a couple of weeks ago.

Talbert B. Biggerstaff was born June 2, 1851, in Carroll County, Arkansas. He was united in marriage to Harriet E. Whiteley in 1873 and came west in 1886, locating first in Oregon, coming to the Upper Council Valley about 42 years ago. There he underwent the hardships of the early pioneer, but made for himself a splendid home, a fine stock ranch, and a competence, and won the highest esteem of all his neighbors and the people of Washington and Adams county in general. He retired from active work nine years ago and came to Payette from the ranch to rest from his labors, purchasing the home in which he passed away.

Seven children, one son and six daughters, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Biggerstaff. They are A. C. Biggerstaff of Weaversville, California; Mrs. J. J. Jones, of Vancouver, Washington; Mrs. Irvin Goldsmith, of Caldwell, Idaho; Mrs. Eva Applegate, of Wilder, Idaho; Mrs. E. E. Hart, of Riddle, Idaho, and Mrs. Lida Mathias, who passed away at Council in 1904. The wife and all the living daughters were with him at the end. The son was unable to be present. His is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Emily Harp, living in Upper Council Valley. A coincidence is that there are seven children, 17 grand children and seven great grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at the Landon Undertaking parlors in this city Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock, and were conducted by Rev. Beldaw, of Caldwell, and Rev. Iverson, of Ontario. He was laid to rest in the Pioneer Cemetery in Upper Council Valley beside the body of his daughter, after appropriate services at the grave.


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 23, 1916
Mrs. Lucy Biggs Dead

Mrs. Lucy Biggs, mother of Mrs. W. J. Weese and Judge Dalton Biggs, of Ontario, passed away at the Dr. Weese home in that city Tuesday morning after a lingering illness of several year's duration. The deceased came to Ontario something like a year ago from Bowling Green, Missouri, for medical treatment and to be with her daughter. Brief funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday morning after which the remains were taken back to the old home at Bowling Green for interment.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, November 24, 1916)

Mrs. Lucy Biggs Dies in Ontario

Mrs. Lucy Biggs, mother of Mrs. W. J. Weese and Judge Dalton Biggs, of Ontario, passed away at the Dr. Weese home in that city Tuesday morning after a lingering illness of several year's duration. The deceased came to Ontario something like a year ago from Bowling Green, Missouri, for medical treatment and to be with her daughter. Brief funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday morning after which the remains were taken back to the old home at Bowling Green for interment.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 7, 1918
Mrs. Fred Bigsby who had been in poor health for several months and has been removed to Payette died today. We hope to give an obituary notice later.

Mrs. Edith Case Bigsby (New Plymouth Sentinel, February 14, 1918)

Mrs. Edith Case Bigsby died, at Payette, Feb. 7 after an illness of several months. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Case and was born in Iowa Feb. 22, 1875. She was married to Mr. Fred Bigsby in 1901 at Cheyenne, Wyoming. With her husband she removed to this section about 2 years ago. She is survived by her husband and 3 children, Gladys, Walter and Nelson. Funeral services conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight were held at the family residence near New Plymouth Friday afternoon. The burial was in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, November 20, 1908
Mrs. Anna F. Bilyeu died at her home on Ada avenue Tuesday of organic heart disease, from which she had been suffering for more than a year. She was 42 years of age, and leaves a husband and five children. She had been a resident of Payette for more than 10 years. (Riverside Cemetery)

Funeral of Mrs. Bilyeu (Payette Independent, Friday, November 27, 1908)

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Bilyeu was held Thursday afternoon of last week from the home on Ada avenue, Rev. A. F. White officiating. Beautiful flowers were sent by the members of the Baraca and Philathea classes of the Baptist Sunday school, who attended the funeral in a body. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924
Elizabeth M. Bingaman was born December 14, 1846 at Ephrata, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and died in Fruitland, May 1, 1924 at the age of 77 years, 4 months, and 17 days. She was the daughter of Harry and Anna Keller, two brothers and one sister besides her being born in the Keller family, one brother of which is still living. In 1868 she was married to George L. Bingaman, and the same year, with her husband publicly confessed Christ, and united with the Church of the Brethren. Thus for, 54 years she was in her Master's service, living faithful to the end. She was the mother of 9 children, 7 of whom are living, two sons preceeding her in death, of the living they are the following: Martin K. of Denver, Colorado; Catherine Ikenberry of Miami, New Mexico; Salome Harader of Grants Pass, Oregon; Emma Bowman of Quinter, Kansas, and Oliver K,; Anna Cox and Viola Willard of Fruitland. In addition to these she leaves 33 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. In disposition this mother was always kind and loving, and although in poor health for some years, showed a moved cheerfulness. Last Sunday morning, she was stricken with paralysis, and was conscious but little until her death. At such periods of consciousness she was still manifestly pleasant. During the declining years of her life she often expressed her readiness to go whenever her Master should call. The Bingaman family lived in Kansas and Nebraska for some 30 years and father and mother came to Fruitland about 5 years ago, and here made some warm friends who are today in sorrow because of the departure of this friend. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Shank, and interment made in Riverside Cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 18, 1918
Mrs. Fanny E. Bivens of Ontario, aged 51 years, 10 months and 16 days died Saturday July 6th at Pendleton, Oregon. Fanny E. Stuart came to Falk in 1882 and was married to John Bivens in 1884. To this union were born 6 children; three surviving the mother. George S. Bivens in service at Portland; Miss Fanny Emily, of Deeth, Nev., and Mrs. Jessie Heap of Fruitland. She leaves besides these her husband, one grandchild Miss Josephine Schall, one brother, Mr. Scott Stuart of Falk and two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Nesbit of Payette and Mrs. Byera in Nevada. She was buried from the Baptist church in Payette Sunday, July 14th.

Mrs. Bivens has been in very poor health for a number of years. She and her husband were among the early settlers and have many friends who sympathize with the bereaved ones.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 9, 1899
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Bixby died at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Peter Pence, in this city, of paralysis, having been stricken about 7 o'clock on Monday evening, from the effects of which she never rallied.

Deceased was the widow of the late Seth Bixby, who proceeded her to the spirit land about two years ago. She was one of the early pioneers of Idaho, having crossed the plains with her husband and small children in 1862. They settled at Auburn, Oregon, near what is now Baker City. In the spring of 1863 they moved to Boise Basin, and with the exception of a few years spent in California, Mother Bixby has resided in Boise, Ada and Canyon counties, and since 1884 on what is known as the old Bixby homestead between Caldwell and Middleton.

Mrs. Bixby was born in Knox county, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1830. She had been a member of the Methodist church and lived a consistent Christian life for many years. She leaves three sons and two daughters, Hon. G. L. Bixby of Owyhee county, Mrs. Peter Pence of Payette, Robert Bixby of Oregon, Mrs. T. B. Roberts of Caldwell and Ann Bixby of Middletown, all of who except Robert, could not arrive in time, accompanied the remains to their last resting place by the side of the husband, in the cemetery in Middleton.

Fruitland Banner
November 12, 1915
Mrs. J. R. Blackaby, of Ontario, Dies Suddenly

Mrs. J. R. Blackaby, wife of the president of the Ontario National Bank, died quite suddenly last Saturday afternoon with neuralgia of the heart. While attending a football game the day before Mrs. Blackaby took cold which brought on the fatal attack. Mr. and Mrs. Blackaby were only married last July and up to the few hours before her death was seemingly in as good health as usual.

Payette Independent
Friday, February 24, 1905
In Memoriam (By: A Friend)

On February 16, Stella Ray Blackman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Blackman, aged 15 years, departed this earthly existence to begin that heavenly life which knows no sorrow, after an extended illness of two long years. During all this time, she bore her affliction with great patience. She never complained, and always showed marked consideration for the feelings of her devoted mother and father.

As a daughter, she was adored; as a sister, she exerted a most commendable influence upon her brothers and sister, by her kind and lovely disposition and character.

She was a member of the young ladies class in the Presbyterian Sunday school. Six of her classmates acted as pall bearers.

The funeral services were conducted from the beautiful family home on East Main street, Rev. J. J. Davey officiating, taking for the subject of his discourse, "Heaven."

The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends and neighbors in this dark hour of their affliction.


Fruitland Banner
Friday, October 29, 1950
Called to Pocatello by Death of Father

Mrs. W. A. Cloud, of this office, was called to Pocatello Monday by the death of her father, an account of which is taken from the Pocatello Tribune:

"James Manary Blair, aged 77 years, died Sunday evening at seven o'clock, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. N. C. Beckley, 646 Grant street. Mr. Blair has been living with his daughter for the past two years and has been troubled with Brights disease the greater part of the time, this ailment being the cause of his death. He is survived by his widow and seven children, Mrs. N. C. Beckley, Ernest Blair, of the Gem State Lumber company, Guy M. Blair, Delta, Colorado, H. S. Blair, Armstead, Montana, Mrs. Lloyd T. King, Denver, Colorado, Mrs. W. A. Cloud, Fruitland, Idaho, Mrs. O. Erickson, Calgary, Canada. All except the last three children were at the bedside of the father when he was called by death. The remains were taken to Delta, Colorado, for burial, Tuesday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Blair and her daughter, Mrs. Beckley, and son, Guy M. Blair."

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 13, 1930


Mrs. Luella E. Blair of this city passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital at Ontario Thursday, February 6, following an illness of two weeks, the cause of her death being an absess on the brain. Her body was brought to Payette where funeral services were held at the Peterson Funeral Home Sunday morning at 10:30, conducted by Rev. Sam Bollinger of the Brethren church of which the deceased was a member. following the funeral sermon, Envoy Lillian Cray McCormick officer of the Salvation Army at Weiser, a friend of the family spoke a few words of comfort to the relatives and offered a beautiful poem of her own composing. Singing was by the Fruitland Brethren church. Those who are left to mourn are two brothers, O. D. Comer of Norwich, Kans.; and H. C. Comer of Pismo Beach, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. William Strong of San Luis Obispo, Calif.; Mrs. Bell Rock of San Francisco and Mrs. Eugene E. Phelps of McAllen, Texas and a nephew, John Comer of Payette, all of whom were present at the funeral. Her body was laid to rest in the protestant cemetery at Ontario.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 13, 1930)


Funeral services were held at the Peterson chapel on Sunday, February 9, 1930, at 10:30 a.m., for Mrs. Luella E. Blair, who passed away Thursday the 6th. An absess on the brain was the immediate cause of death. Mrs. Blair was a resident of Payette since 1923. She was born in Carlinville, Macoupin county, Illinois, September 17, 1874. She was formerly married to E. F. Sullivan, who died in San Luis Obispo. Calif. Later she became the wife of E. A. Blair, who passed away a little over a year ago. Mr. Blair leaves to mourn her departure two brothers, O. D. Comer of Norwich, Kansas and H. C. Comer of Pismo Beach, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Wm. E. Strong of San Luis Obispo, Calif., Mrs. Eugene E. Phelps of McAllen, Tex. and Mrs. Belle L. Rock of San Francisco. One nephew, John Comer of Payette and a host of friends, both here and elsewhere. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Sam Bollinger of Payette and Envoy Lillian Gray McCormick of Weiser Salvation Army. The singing was by members of the Brethren church of Fruitland. Mrs. Blair being a member of that church, in Payette. Envoy McCormick being an old friend composed the following verses which were read at the service, and afterward requested printed by the relatives.

"You have left us Ella dear,
No more on earth we'll meet,
With Heaven's sunshine on your brow
You walk the golden street.

"Oh, Ella how we miss you here,
There's none your place can take
Our sister, friend, so kind and true,
It seems our hearts will break.

"Up yonder where the Savior is,
We see you who eased the care
Of the sick, and tired here on earth,
So calmly resting there.

"We'll clasp your hand on yonder shore,
Where we'll know as we are known
The flower that huddled here below,
We see up there, full blown.

"No more your heart will know an ache,
Nor sorrow ever come,
You lived for others here below,
Your work on earth is done.

"Our last good bye, we now shall say,
And look beyond this vale of tears,
To the glad re-union we shall have,
Where comes no doubts nor fears.

We will meet you in the morning,
Over on that golden shore,
And we'll sing His praise forever,
Up where dying is no more.

The body was laid to rest in the Protestant cemetery in Ontario, Oregon, to await the resurrection of the just. Our sister, Mrs. Blair lives on in the hearts of her friends.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 05, 1922

It is with the deepest sorrow we announce to the people of this community the death of Mrs. E. A. Blair which occured at the Hot Lake Sanitorium Wednesday, January 4th, at 12:45 P.M., after patiently suffering from the effects of an operation three weeks before. The sad news was received at this office by telephone and soon spread to inquiring friends who for the past few days have constantly waited with hopes that word might be received giving some hope of her recovery, but when the final message came that she had passed to the great beyond, it can be truly said, many homes in this community were saddened as never before. The message that conveyed the sad news also gave the information, that the family including the two daughters and their husbands who live at LaGrande, and also T. J. Brown, a nephew, of Sela, Washington, would accompany the body to Payette this (Thursday) afternoon, where the funeral would be held from the Christian Church, Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. a more complete and appropriate obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 12, 1922)


Lula Myrtle Grove was born at Epworth, Iowa, February 7th, 1865. She was united in marriage to E. A. Blair at Panora, Iowa September 19, 1882, where they continued to live for many years and where four children were born to bless their home, one a sweet little girl of four years after being tenderly nursed during a long period of sickness by the vigilant hand of that dear mother was surrendered back to her creator.

In February 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Blair together with their three children moved to Colorado where they purchased and lived on a small fruit farm near the city of Grand Junction until November 1906 when they came to Payette living on a fruit farm near Fruitland until the fall of 1910 moving at that time to Payette where they have since made their home.

One of the most consoling things we can say, Mrs. Blair has lived a true christian life from childhood and her departure from this life is not death, it is only a promotion from a world of sin and suffering into a place of peace and happiness where sorrowing and suffering is unknown and to be with her sweet little flaxen haired daughter who preceded her to the better world many years ago.

On coming to Payette Mrs. Blair united with the Christian Church at this place and took an active part at all services many times attending when ill health would early permit. For several years she faithfully and satisfactorily held the place as leader of the choir, her life has principally been a life of devotion to others, thinking least of her own suffering. During her last illness and the three long weeks of suffering at the Hot Lake Sanitorium she was patient to the last, her only hope was that she might be spared a few years more to assist in the care of her home and family and others whom she dearly loved, her life has been an exemplified life to follow. Besides a husband who has for nearly forty years born with her the trials and enjoyed the pleasures of life and who will more keenly feel the loss, she is survived by one son and two daughters, Mrs. T. O. Mead and Mrs. Grover Stewart, of LaGrande, and Vere, the youngest of the family now 21 years of age, who is home with his father.

The funeral was held from the Christian Church last Friday afternoon conducted by Rev. Mowe, who spoke principally of the Christian life of the departed and the assurance of her reward. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery where she was laid peacefully to rest. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 19, 1919

Wife of E. W. Blakesley, died at the home on first Avenue south in the early hours of Saturday, June 14th, and was buried Sunday afternoon. It profits little to use superlative sentences in an obituary notice. People who have known the deceased have no need of them, and those who have not known her will pay scant attention to them. And yet there is nothing but words by which to express feeling and appreciation. And there is little danger going beyond the truth in any thing we may say to the praise of Mrs.. Blakesley. The things that are pure, just, kind, lovely and of good report, those things she thot upon and sought to put them into deeds. She not only "Hoped that God was love indeed and love Creation's final law." She believed it in the same sense that a traveler believes in the buoyancy of water to carry the great ship. Her interests ranged wide but they looked for no wealth or value except that of people being re-made into the likeness of Christ Jesus. This one thing she did --sought to make the kingdom of God a reality in this present world. Never in her life was she found ranged with the forces of evil, but always with the forces of righteousness. It is as true of her as it was of Abraham, "God could reveal His utmost purpose to her, seeing she ordered her household aright." Her husband and four children who remain among us sorely bereaved are sustained by the perfect assurance that whatever there is of future reward for the faithful of earth, is already become her possession.

From our mortal point of view there is an extra tinge of sadness that the death angel came for her this month instead of next. Twenty-seven days more and she with her husband would have reached the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. But Gods plans are not by our calendars, and she passed on a little too early for the celebration that was to have been. Loving memory will take the place of personal presence when the day arrives.

The funeral services, at the house were brief and simple as she had requested. The roses of Junetime never lent themselves more lavishly to express love than when they garlanded her casket and her burial mound. The family was grateful indeed, that it was so beautifully done. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, October 14, 1904
We neglected to mention last week the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Blayden, who died from cholera infantum on Sept 30th and was buried in Park View cemetery on the following day. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, March 3, 1905
James H. Blayden died very suddenly last Saturday from obstruction of the bowels. He had been out with his family and other friends at a social gathering the night before and was one of the gayest of the pleasure seekers. George Blayden was summoned from Horseshoe Bend in time for the funeral but the other four brothers and a sister all lived in Iowa and Nebraska, and could not get here in time. Mr. Blayden was 45 years, 3 months and 4 days old at the time of his death. He has been in Idaho seven years and on his present place but one year. He leaves a wife and seven children and as a example of his devotion, and providence towards them left insurance policies for $2,500, $2,000 in the Modern Woodman and $500 in the "Order of Washington." The funeral was held in Payette by the Woodmen, Mr. Blayden having been a member of the camp there.

Our entire community was shocked and grieved of the sudden death of Mr. James Blayden. His bereaved family have the deep sympathy of all. Short services were held at the house Monday evening conducted by Rev. Greenlee, of New Plymouth. The large number of friends and neighbors present testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held. A large funeral cortege wended its way to the Payette Baptist church where impressive services were conducted by Rev. Dulin and the Woodmen. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 8, 1917
At Corral, Idaho, February 2, 1917, Robert Blayden, the three year old son of Lorn and Florence Blayden. The little fellow and his mother visited for some time this winter with Plymouth relatives and on their return home last month the lad caught a severe cold, and death resulted there from. A host of friends around here extend their sympathy to the parents in their sad bereavement.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 01, 1930

Word has been received stating the serious illness of Mr. W. O. Blinn who left with Mrs. Blinn for Docoto, Calif., a few months ago where they have since been at the Masonic home. The message stated that Mr. Blinn was sinking fast and death was expected at any time. Mr. and Mrs. Blinn have many friends here whose hearts will be saddened on receiving the sad news.

Later information announces the death of Mr. Blinn which occurred Monday, April 28. The funeral was held there this Thursday afternoon and his body was cremated at Oakland, Calif., at the state crematory.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 11, 1917
Enoch Albert Blomstrom was born in Sweden, 19 years ago and died Monday morning, October 8th of cancer of the stomach.

Mr. Blomstrom came to this country 27 years ago and two years later married Miss Anna Johnson of Savannah, Illinois. To this union were born six children, four daughters and two sons, Henry, Edith, Elsie, Eva, Edna and Roy. Mr. Blomstrom was a member of the Christian church and a man beloved by all who knew him, his neighbors always finding him a real friend and neighbor.

Mr. and Mrs. Blomstrom came to Idaho and built their home near Fruitland 15 years ago. Three years ago they sold their home to A. L. Kingsbury and moved to Cambridge, Idaho where they made many new friends. Mr. Blomstrom began to fail in health last January. Specialists were consulted and everything done that could be but he gradually grew worse. Two weeks ago he was taken to a Boise hospital. He was very hopeful and cheerful thru all his illness, telling his wife the night before his death that she must not feel badly, he would soon be well. The body was brought to Payette Tuesday where the funeral was held in the Christian Church, Rev. Cook of Caldwell officiating. The floral offering from the many friends here and of Cambridge were beautiful, showing love and respect for the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. The family returned to Cambridge Thursday. Besides his wife and children he leaves two brother, Thurston Blomstrom of Ontario, and a brother in Illinois - Fruitland Correspondent.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, October 12, 1917)

Dies in Boise Hospital

E. A. Blomstrom of Cambridge, who was taken to a Boise hospital two weeks ago for stomach trouble, dies there last Monday morning, October 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Blomstrom and family came to Fruitland about fifteen years ago and built a nice home on their Ranch northeast of town. They sold their property here about three years ago and since that time have made their home in Cambridge.

The funeral services were held in the Christian church at Payette Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Cook of Caldwell officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery at Payette.

Mr. Blomstrom leaves his wife, four daughters and two sons to mourn his death, and the family have the sympathy of a host of friends in this community in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 23, 1920

Rev. J. W. Bloyd, for a number of years Pastor of the local Church of God, passed away at his home in Wellington, Kansas, August 24th in his 75th year. Such is the word received by some of his old friends in Payette. He will be greatfully remembered by his many friends here for his love of souls, self denial, and kindly service.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 28, 1922

This entire community was deeply saddened Wednesday afternoon when the sad news by wire, received by Dr. I. R. Woodward was quickly spread announcing the death of Mrs. W. E. Bobbitt of Woodland, California. According to the message her death occured Tuesday evening at 10 o'clock. The news came as a shock to the people here where Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt lived for many years and where they were truly loved by all who knew them. A letter had been received by the Doctor on Tuesday announcing her serious illness, but her death was unexpected.

Rev. Bobbitt was pastor of the Christian church at this place for several years and prior to their marriage Mrs. Bobbitt was teacher in the Payette schools. It was here they met and spent their happiest days. They were both loved and highly appreciated for their worth in the community and it is with the deepest sorrow that we are called upon to make this sad announcement. On receiving the message Dr. Woodward, a very dear friend of Mr. and Mrs. Bobbitt left Wednesday evening for Woodland, to be present at the funeral which will be held Friday afternoon.




New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 22, 1914

Infant Falls Out of Crib With Fatal Results at Falk

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bolchke of Falk was killed last Wednesday by falling out of its crib and breaking its neck.

The child was only two-months old. It was asleep in its cradle and rolled out of the bed onto the floor, falling upon its head. The parents are grief stricken over the awful accident.

The funeral was held at Emmett on Friday.

New Plymouth Sentinel, January 22, 1914
The two month infant of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bolchke died Tuesday night. It had been put to bed in a large basket and the basket got accidently tipped off of the box on which it set and the little one struck the stove and fractured its skull.




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921
Mr. John Bosch of this city, died at his home on Fifth Street at an early hour Wednesday morning after a continued illness of several years, suffering from rheumatism and other complications. Mr. Bosch was born in Germany, November 2, 1860, and came to this country when 16 years of age, and settled at Wheaton, Minnesota. He was married on his 30th birthday, Nov. 2, 1890, to Miss Augusta Mock, and come to Idaho 19 years ago last March and settled on the old Albert ranch of 40 acres, one-half mile east of Fruitland, where they lived for two years, later purchasing the Chapin ranch three and one-half miles south of Payette, where they resided until two years ago when they bought a home in Payette in the west part of town, and retired from the ranch. Besides the wife, he is survived by nine children to mourn his death; Will Bosch of Payette-Oregon Slope, Mrs. John Oster of North Payette, Mrs. Lillie Heidenburger of Wheaton, Minn., August and John of Payette, Kate of Portland, Albert, Emma and Minnie who are at home. The funeral will probably be held Saturday or Sunday from the German Evangelical Church of which the deceased was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 12, 1920
Henrietta M. Bosley was born in New York, January 25th, 1835; died in Payette, Idaho, February 9, 1920, at the home of her daughter Mrs. K. E. Keeler. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, five grandchildren and two great grand children.

Mrs. Bosley became a Christian early in life and has lived in the Faith having made the Bible her companion, finding great comfort in it.

The body was shipped Wednesday to Ottawa, Kansas, for burial. Rev. A. J. Adams conducted a brief service at the home Tuesday evening.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 16, 1930

Amy Gertrude Delp was born in Jewell county, Kans., October 3, 1877, and passed away at her home east of Fruitland, October 11th, 1930, at the age of 53 years and 8 days. She was married to P. D. Bossen in Jewell county, Kans., on December 23, 1896. To them were born two children Henry and Hazel, both living in Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Bossen moved to North Dakota from Kansas in 1897 and came to Idaho in 1919, and have resided on their fruit ranch during these eleven years.

Mrs. Bossen joined the Presbyterian church in North Dakota and placed her membership here in the M. E. church and was a faithful member up to the time of her recent serious illness.

Mrs. Bossen leaves to survive her, her husband, her son Henry and daughter Hazel, a sister, Mrs. O. E. Bossen of Payette, a sister Mrs. Ella Kellogg of Mountain Grove, Mo., and three brothers, M. L. Delp of Wenatchee, Wash., and C. W. Delp and O. S. Delp of Woodward, Okla.

Mrs. Bossen was first of all a homemaker and mother, and devoted to high principles in life, and to all her neighbors she was known as generous and thoughtful of others. It is sad indeed to her friends as well as to her loved ones, that nothing could be done to prolong her life.

Mrs. Bossen underwent an operation for cancer in Portland about two years ago and never fully recovered. All through her suffering she was kind and patient, and everything was done for her that human hands could do.

Funeral services were held from the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry and interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 15, 1917

Adna H. Bowen was born at Adrian, Michigan, July 21st, 1842; died at Payette, Idaho, February 10, 1017, aged 74 years, six months and twenty days.

March 14th, 1862, he was united in marriage to Julia S. Babcock at Monroe, Michigan. He is survived by his widow, two daughters and one son.

He enlisted for the service of his country in Company A, 4th Michigan infantry at Monroe, Michigan, early in the spring of 1861 and was mustered into the United States service at Adrian, Michigan, June 20th, 1861. He was promoted many times for gallant and meritorious service and was discharged May 1866 with rank of Major and breost rank of Brigadier General.

He was a pioneer homesteader in Nebraska, his homestead filing in Adams county, Neb. being No 1.

He was elected county superintendent of public instruction upon the organization of the county, later filling the offices of County Attorney and County Judge; was also probable Judge in Washington County, Idaho, while residing in Weiser before coming to Payette.

During the Temperance campaign in Nebraska he was active in the Temple of Honor and Good Templars organizations, having served at the head of each of these orders. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and for the past 35 years and the last five years a member of Wm. T. Sherman Post of Payette, Idaho, also he was a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion U.S. Commandery of the State of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.

He was converted under the ministration of Major Cole, an evangelist and former Major of the 4th Michigan Infantry. He joined the First Congregational Church at Hastings, Nebraska, where he resided previous to his removal to Idaho and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church at Payette, Idaho, at the time of his death.

During his residence here in Payette, he was a man among men, and held high honors as a practicing Attorney, always attending to his own affairs, yet willing to assist in the welfare of his fellow men. His good judgment and advice will be missed by many.

The funeral was conducted from the home by Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15th. The body was escorted to the depot by the members of the G.A.R. from which place it was shipped to Boise for interment, the members of the G.A.R. taking charge at that place.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 22, 1923
Mrs. Bowers Dies

Sarah Sechler was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, January 16, 1847. The family moved to White Rock, Illinois, while Sarah was in childhood and on December 10, 1868 was married to Warren K. Bower. The young couple moved to Iowa to establish their home. Two children were born to them. These are now Mrs. Fred Fairman of our village and Perro R. Bower of Dillon, Montana. The first break in the little family circle occurred when Mrs. Bower died, March 12th. Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday, March 14th, and were conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight. Services at the grave were conducted by the W. R. C. of Payette. Burial was in Park View cemetery.

The veteran husband left alone after more than 54 years of wedded life, has the sympathy of all his neighbors and comrades; the children, the kind regards always accorded to those who mourn, by the community generally. - New Plymouth Sentinel.

W. R. C. members from Payette in attendance at the funeral were Mesdames C. F. Callen, Albert White, W. P. Ackerman, H. B. Newton, Wainwright, Coughanour, Shadoin, Dorathy, Johnston, Coblentz, Blair and Reimers. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 20, 1930

J. H. Bowers living on the Oregon Side, received word Tuesday morning announcing the death of his youngest brother, Henry Bowers of Morrall, Kans., which occurred Monday evening, March 17. Mr. Bowers was a former Payette valley man, coming here about 1904. He was a contractor and builder working at his trade most of the time, leaving here about 1919.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, March 23, 1917
Janis Fay Bowers Dies

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bowers died last Sunday afternoon at five o'clock, at the Ontario hospital from peritonitis. The baby was taken to the hospital Sunday morning for an operation, but the physicians decided that it would do no good. The little girl passed away on her first anniversary.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock in the Brethren church, conducted by Rev. L. H. Eby. Interment was made in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1930

Mrs. J. A. Bowers died this morning at about 3 a. m. at her home north of Payette after an illness of two weeks. As we received this sad news just before going to press an obituary will be published next week.(The next issue of this paper is missing therefore there will be no obituary available from the Independent.)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, June 19, 1930)


Mrs. Mertie A. Bowers of Payette, died at her ranch home north of Payette, June 12th, 1920, about one o'clock in the morning.

Mertie Ann Plum was born March 31st, 1868 in Polk County, Pennsylvania. At an early age she moved with her family to Lanark, Ill., and later moved to Northeastern Kansas with friends.

She was united in marriage to John A. Bowers at Morrill, Kans., on December 24, 1885. To this union were born four children; Minnie, Edward M., Roy E. and Harry I. Bowers.

In 1906 the family moved to Idaho and resided for a number of years on what is now the Mrs. S. C. Hunter ranch east of Fruitland. After a years sojourn in the eastern states the Bowers family returned to Fruitland and built the house now owned by H. H. Martin on Minnesota Avenue. For the past eight years Mrs. Bowers had been residing on her ranch four miles north of Payette.

The death of her husband, John A. Bowers, occurred on June 7th, 1925, due to Hodgkin's disease.

Mrs. Bowers was ill but a short time preceding her death which was due to heart disease. She leaves all her children to mourn her; Mrs. Minnie Van Natta of Emmett; Edward Milton Bowers of Payette; Roy E. Bowers of Fruitland and Harry I. Bowers of Los Angeles, Cal. all of the children were present at the time of her death and burial. Besides her children, Mrs. Bowers leaves two sisters and two brothers; Mrs. Lilly Schwant of Zimmerman, Minn.; Mrs. Carrie Graham of Iowa; Clarence Plum of Savannah, Ill., and William Plum of Kansas.

Funeral services were held in the Church of the Brethren at Fruitland on Saturday, June 14 at ten o'clock, Rev. McKinley Coffman and Rev. G. H. Webb conducting the services. Burial was made in Riverside cemetery at Payette.

We wish to thank all who so willingly assisted at the time of our mother's death. also for the beautiful floral offerings and sympathy shown us. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 22, 1917
Death has claimed another little one from Fruitland. Little Janice Fay Bowers, who brightened the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bowers just one year, died Sunday afternoon, March 18, her birthday in Ontario hospital where she had been taken Sunday forenoon. Death was due to peritonitis. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Edey, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Brethren church. The many friends sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Bowers in the loss of the little one from their home. Mr. and Mrs. Burns and son Jerome, and Mrs. Rutledge of Meridian, parents and brother and sister of Mrs. Bowers, came down Sunday night to attend the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 17, 1922

It is with regret that we are again called upon to announce the death of one whom the people of this community have learned to love and respect, Mrs. E. T. Bowman who has been in rather poor health for the past three years although seemingly of late to be somewhat improved, was taken suddenly ill a few days ago and passed away at 12 o'clock last Monday, August 14th.

On account of some of the children living at a distance who are on the way here to be present at the funeral, the services have been postponed until Saturday, August 19th at 10 A. M. and will be held from the Baptist church conducted by Rev. C. W. Buell, pastor. A more complete obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 24, 1922)


For the second time this week we have opened the house of God that we might pay a just and fitting respect to the memory of those who loved their Lord and have been called to their heavenly reward. "The path of the just is as a shinning light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day", the perfect day is that unclouded day when we shall stand face to face before God and see him as he is."

Betty F. Bowman was born in Clinton County, Missouri, November 26, 1860, and died August 14, 1922, at 12 A. M. She was united in marriage to E. T. Bowman, February 10th, 1885.

Five children were born to this union; A. C. Bowman, of Buckley, Washington; L. M. Bowman, Grace I. Bowman; Mrs. Russell Maxfield and T. L. Bowman, all of Payette, Idaho.

Mrs. Bowman has been in poor health since having the Flu, three and a half years ago, and all this time has been a patient sufferer. She united with the Baptist church at Plattsburg, Missouri, when sixteen years of age, and since coming to Payette in March 1908, has been a member here.

She leaves to mourn her death, besides her own immediate family, two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Osborn, of Jordon, Montana, and Mrs. E. W. Parks of Burbank, California.

These sorrowing ones have our sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 01, 1920

Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 o'clock for the 15-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Nyssa. Rev. C. H. Blem of Ontario officiated. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1921
A long and useful life was ended when John Burns (otherwise known as John Boyd) passed away at his home in Payette, Idaho, March 20th, 1921. He was the third son of Patrick and Ruth Burns, born in Illinois in or about the year 1843, as his correct age is unknown. He was the last of the family circle to pass to the Great Beyond. While he was never a professor of religion, he did many acts of charity never to be forgotten.

In 1878 he visited his old home for a short time, and again returned to the West where he has since made his home. He settled on a farm near Union, Oregon, and was engaged in stock raising for a number of years. He came to Payette, Idaho about ten years ago where he has since made his home. He leaves to mourn their loss, a widow, and a nephew, Albert Burns of Payette and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the home March 21st, by Rev Houser. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 12, 1921

Mrs. John Boyd died at her home in the north part of town last Saturday afternoon of heart failure. She had been as well as usual and had been working in the garden that afternoon and was suddenly taken with a choking sensation and passed away with a few minutes. She was preceded by her husband John Boyd, but a few weeks ago. The deceased was 68 years old and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Susan Amond of Payette, and Mrs. Harlet Baker of Fresno, Calif., also two nieces at Fresno and one niece and one nephew in Carolina and the niece Mrs. A. O. Green of Washoe.

Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Arygl Houser, pastor of the Church of God. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1931

CALDWELL - S. Earl Boyes, prominent resident of this city died Thursday night from Bright's disease. Mr. Boyes had been ill since last August. He was prominent with the Elk's lodge, having been elected life secretary some two years ago. He also was secretary for the Pioneer Irrigation company. He leaves a wife and one daughter to mourn his loss.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Andrew W. Bradt, who has been an invalid for many years, passed away at a Boise sanatorium Friday, January 17th, and was brought to Payette that evening for burial. The funeral services were held at Boise at Fry & Summers undertaking parlor, conducted by H. J. Reynolds, pastor of the Christian church at that place, and at Payette short services were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Riverside cemetery by Rev. Thomas Ashworth, rector of the Episcopal church.

Mr. Bradt has been afflicted with locomotor ataxia for years and has endured his affliction with a great degree of patience, and death came as a relief to his suffering. He was 59 years of age and leaves to mourn his departure an aged mother, Mrs. Mary N. Bradt, a sister, Mrs. W. S. Brundage, both of Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 31, 1902
Death of T. J. Bradt

Thomas J. Bradt died at his residence in this city at 3:40 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, at the age of 68 years and 9 months, from an attack of spotted fever. The funeral took place from the Christian church at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss, Mrs. Rieger of this city, A. W. Bradt of Hailey, now visiting in Payette, and a son in Chicago.

Thomas J. Bradt was born near Toronto, Canada, Nov. 7, 1833. He afterwards moved to Indiana and from there to Illinois. For over 20 years he was engaged in railroading in the latter state. Prior to his arrival in Payette nearly three years ago he resided for about 16 years at Carrington, N. D. (Riverside Cemetery)



New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 5, 1911
C. E. Brainard

The death last week in Payette of C. E. Brainard removes a useful citizen from our midst. When he passed away the grief that was felt was widespread and sincere.

C. E. Brainard was a man who united sound sense with honest convictions, of excellent habits and fine moral character. A life that imparts such lessons is well worth living, and his memory will always be cherished by a large circle of acquaintances. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919
Word was received Friday that Mrs. Belle N. Branham had passed away that morning at the home of her sister in Boise. Mrs. Branham was born in Payette Valley and was for many years a member of the Payette Baptist church. She was a sister of Mrs. Chapman Williams and was well known here. Her death was unexpected, occurring after an illness of but three days duration. The funeral services were held Saturday in Boise at the Frye, Sommers and Crebs Undertaking Parlors, Rev. Charles H. Griffin of the First Baptist Church officiating. The body was interred Sunday at the Pioneer Cemetery at New Plymouth, Rev. Burtch of Fruitland conducting the burial services. She leaves one son, Frank. (New Plymouth Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1903
Frank Branham at Rest

The body of poor Frank Branham, the victim of a snowslide near the Crown mine in the Thunder Mountain district December 10, has at last been laid to rest in Riverside cemetery after two months of patient waiting by the sorrowing relatives. The party having the body in charge reached Meadows with it Saturday and it was shipped to Council. At that place it was met by Peter Pence of Payette who returned with it, arriving here Wednesday morning. The funeral services were conducted that afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Methodist church by the pastor Rev. J. D. Bird and Rev. T. S. Dulin of the Baptist church. A thoughtful and comforting discourse was delivered over the remains by the latter minister. The church was crowded with the friends of the deceased and sympathizers with the bereaved relatives. Services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Bird.

E. Frank Branham was born in Ohio 30 years ago the 30th of last October. With his parents he moved to Idaho about nine years ago, the family taking up their residence on Mann Creed, afterwards moving to Payette. Here the deceased lived for several years, known to all as a large-hearted, hard-working, honest young man, and a friend to all with whom he came in contact. While here he married Miss Belle Neal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Neal of Falk's Store, and a son was born to them. With his wife and child the deceased afterwards moved to Meadows where he engaged in the blacksmithing business, but since the Thunder Mountain excitement he had turned his attention to that country and had been one of its most zealous and fearless developers, time and again braving the danger which finally came on him and cut him down in the career upon which he had entered with high hopes and boundless enthusiasm. May he rest in peace. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 26, 1903
Aged Man Passes Away

Wednesday afternoon at 1:50 o'clock H. Branham passed away at his home in this city, having reached the age of nearly 90 years. The deceased was born in Kentucky. He moved to Payette about seven years ago and ? his wife had been engaged in the hotel business the greater part of the time.

The funeral takes place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Methodist church. It will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. S. Dulin, the ? having been a member of the organization since 1836. Internment will be made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 29, 1921
H. J. Brannock was born in Gracon County, Va., November 8th, 1844, and died at Hot Lake, Oregon, Sept. 24th, 1921.

In 1867 he was married to Miss Sally Hodges and to this union were born five children. After the death of his first wife he was married to Miss H. J. Hodges in 1896, at Covington, Kentucky.

Mr. Brannock moved to Bloomington, Indiana, in 1881, and resided there until 1909 when he moved to Phoenix, Arizona. In 1910 he moved to Payette where he has since resided. In 1911 Mr. Brannock was elected Mayor of the City of Payette.

Bro. Brannock for years has been a member of the Baptist denomination and for thirty years a member of the Knights of Pythias Order.

He leaves to mourn his loss a loving wife, four children, a number of other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias who laid the body at rest with their beautiful ritualistic service. The services at the home were in charge of Rev. C. L. Walker. A mixed quartette rendered several beautiful and appropriate selections. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 29, 1930


Marie Brannock, age 7 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brannock of Payette was instantly killed on last Friday while enroute with her parents to Yakima, Wash. The Brannock family left here Thursday of last week with a truck and household furniture for Yakima to remain through the fruit season and when about thirty miles from their destination they collided with with an automobile and overturned, killing the child instantly and quite badly injuring Mrs. Brannock and a younger child. A Mr. Fenn also from Payette who was with the family was also quite seriously injured. The family was taken on to Yakima, where an inquest was held resulting in a verdict holding the man driving the car that collided with the truck responsible for the accident.

Mrs. Gladish of Fruitland, a sister of Mrs. Brannock, on receiving the sad news left immediately for Yakima.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921
While death was hourly expected, a gloom of sadness was spread over the city when it was made known that Mrs. Shirley Brannock had passed away last Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. She had lived practically all her life in Payette and her lovable disposition had won for her many dear friends who truly grieved at her early departure from this life. She was stricken several months ago with tuberculosis and made a hard and patient fight but was unable to withstand the firm hold of that dread disease.

Zola Pearce Brannock was born at Elizabethton, Tenn., June 16th, 1898. When 4 years old she accompanied her parents to Payette, Idaho, which has been her home ever since.

She received her education at the public schools of this city and was a graduate from the High School in the class of 1916.

At the age of 11 years she accepted Christ as her Saviour uniting with the Baptist Church of this city. She was one who trusted her Saviour implicitly, during the closing weeks repeatedly testified to his comforting grace and relieving of pain in answer to prayer.

On August 28, 1920, she was united in marriage to Shirley Brannock at Grangeville, Idaho. All to brief were the happy months that they were permitted to spend together.

Death came peacefully at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday, the 26th at the age of 22 years, 11 months and 10 days.

She leaves to mourn her departure, the husband, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pearce; 4 brothers, Charlie, Brownlow, Claire and James, and one sister Mrs. Reulla Huper, of Harper, Oregon, besides many relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held from the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. A. P. White of Caldwell, who buried her in baptism eleven years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)


We sincerely thank the host of friends who assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved Zola, and for the many beautiful flowers that were given. SHIRLEY T. BRANNOCK, J. A. PEARCE AND FAMILY


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 03, 1918

The whole community was saddened Monday to learn of the sudden and unexpected death of Free Branthoover who passed away at the home of his father, Dr. A. A. Brankhoover, on his ranch east of Fruitland.

Free Frank Brankhoover, eldest son of Dr. A. A. Branthoover, was born in Payette, August 29, 1892 and passed away at noon September 30, 1918, his death following an operation for tonsillitis.

June 4th, 1915, in Caldwell he was married to Miss Cozy Phillips, daughter of Mrs. M. B. Sherman. A little daughter, Eunice, now two years old, was born to them. Except the last three years when the home was in Boise and Barber, Free had spend his whole life in Payette and on the ranch near Fruitland where he had endeared himself to all who knew him. His was a happy sunny disposition. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, a member of the Christian Endeavor of Fruitland and took an active part in the choir and Sunday School work. He and his little family only ten days ago had come back from Barber to make their home with the father on the ranch where Free was to have charge and the community was glad that they had come.

The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Fruitland, at 11 o'clock, Wednesday October 2nd, Rev. Hall K. Wallis, of the M.E. Church, Payette, officiating. The flowers were many and beautiful. the body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery, Payette, beside the mother who had gone before. Besides the wife and little daughter Eunice, he leaves a father, Dr. A. A. Branthoover, well known here and in Boise, three brothers, Lieutenant Lester Branthoover, now in London, Victor and Earl at home. Mrs. Eunice Folsom, the grandmother, lives in Boise, as well as an uncle, L. L. Folsom. A large circle of friends throughout the community are extending heartfelt sympathy because of the sudden going away of a true husband, son, and friend.

New Plymouth Sentinel (Thursday, October 3, 1918)

Fruitland Man Dies

F. F. Branthover, eldest son of A. Branthover, a well known rancher east Fruitland, died very suddenly at noon, last Monday at the home of his father, death following an operation of tonsilitis. He leaves a wife and daughter three years of age, father, two brothers at home and Lieut. L. Branthover, in France. He was 27 years of age. (Riverside Cemetery)



The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 10, 1924
Aminda Eliza Andrews Brendon was born Nov. 8, 1841, in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. She was married to Harrison Andrews 60 years ago and moved to Albany, Oregon, where she lived until 10 years ago when she came here. One son, Clarence, was born to the union. After Mr. Andrew's death she was married to Mr. Brandon who died 20 years ago. She was a member of the United Brethren church, and of the W. H. M. S. here. Her death caused from paralysis and old age. Funeral services were held at her home at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon and the body will be taken to Albany for burial. She leaves to mourn her loss four daughters, Mrs. W. B. Whealdon of this place, the others residing in Oregon, and two sons, ten grand-children and two great grand children besides a host of friends.

Card of Thanks

We thank the many friends for the kindness shown and the beautiful floral offerings given at the time of our dear mother and grandmother's death. We wish especially to express our appreciation for the kindness shown her during her long illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. Whealdon and family, Mrs. Mary Wiles

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1930

With the past week Idaho has lost two of its best and most prominent citizens, men who have taken an active part in political and other prominent affairs of the state.

Guy Flenner of Boise whose death occurred last week after an illness of several years will be keenly missed, particularly among the newspaper men of the state. His articles, "Just Idaho" published in many papers will appear no more. Mr. Flenner was a good writer and contributed many articles beneficial to the state.

Frank Breshears also of Boise, United States Marshal for many years, died at his home in Boise Wednesday, May 21, following an illness of but a few days. Mr. Breshears is known throughout the state as one of Idaho's most prominent and efficient peace officers. His exceptionally pleasant personality made for him friends in all parts of the state.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 20, 1931
T. J. Brosnan Succumbs After Illness

T. J. Brosnan, one of the oldest pioneers in this section, died at his home in Weiser Sunday morning after a brief illness.

Funeral services were conducted in the home after which the body was laid to rest in the Ontario cemetery.

He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Ella, who is living at home and two sons, John Brosnan of Ontario and Joe Brosnan of Vale.

The deceased has been a cattle raiser for many years and leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn his loss.

Payette Independent
Friday, August 19, 1904
Death of Alex V. Brown

P. H. Brown was called to Boise Monday by the death of his brother, Alex V. Brown, who died Sunday evening of heart failure.

The deceased was well known here, having lived on the bench a number of years prior to the time of his moving to Boise about four years ago. Since residing at Boise he had been engaged in the life insurance business but was not able to do much as he had been suffering several years with very poor health. He was about 39 years of age and unmarried.

This is the second one of this family to die of heart failure. About two years ago another brother, who was quite prominent in the Phillippine war, while on a hunting excursion was found dead one evening in his buggy.

There is left to mourn Mr. Brown's death his mother and sister of Boise and Mrs. Brown of this city.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 13, 1916

The following account of the death of Capitolas D. Brown, a brief mention of which was printed in last week's Enterprise, is found in the Guthrie County,(Iowa) Vidette: After a long period of illness, death has terminated the days on earth of Cap. Brown. Those close to him had long since abandoned hope of his recovery, and when he closed his eyes for that last long sleep Tuesday, January, 4th, just at the noon hour, it was not an unexpected shock, but a looked for, expected moment. His death was as peaceful as a deep sleep -- it was as the slowing down of the motion of a machine, finally coming to a complete stop. As a matter of fact, he simply slumbered on into eternity.

Capitolas D.. Brown was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Brown of this city. He was one of a family of five children; and was born March 25, 1878. Panora was the place of his birth and has been his home ever since. When he was fifteen years of age, he entered the printing office of his father and learned the printing business. He developed no particular liking for the printing trade and later became a professional lather. About sixteen years ago, he began having stomach trouble, and much of the time since then he has been ailing. He sought relief at home and abroad, but found nothing to permanently benefit him. For the past year or so, his decline has been steady, but up until about three months ago, there seemed reason to hope that he might recover. About that time it became apparent that the end was not far off, and for the past month or six weeks he was practically helpless on account of weakness.

Cap had unusual talent as a musician, and for fifteen years was leaded and instructor of the Panora band. As a vocalist his talent was often sought and cheerfully given. In all things he undertook he met with success and had he enjoyed good health he would have gone to the top in any profession he chose.

If tender care, careful nursing or medical skill would have spared the life of Cap. Brown, he would at this time be well and strong. Every member of the family had done everything in their power for him. For the past eight months some one of his sisters has been with the parents continually, neglecting their own homes and families in order to be with him and assist in doing for him. Skilled physicians and specialists have waited upon him and sought diligently for a remedy that would restore him to health, but to no avail, his time had come. In the long, trying illness of the deceased, we have a wonderful demonstration of that most beautiful of all things - a mother's love. A constant watcher by his bedside has been Mrs. Brown. His every wish she granted, and in doing service for him she found pleasure. As we have said, each member of the family did their utmost to comfort him and alleviate his suffering, but no one could do things quite like mother, and for days and nights she sat by his bedside hoping, exhorting, praying for his recovery, feeling as keenly as did he the pain that bore down upon home. Heaven born is mother love such as Mrs. Brown's and our mental picture of heaven is a place filled with mothers such as is she.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Christian church, Rev. J. A. Saum officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 2, 1902
Death of Dr. E. H. Brown

Dr. Ernest H. Brown, the Boise veterinary surgeon, a brother of P.H. Brown of this city, dropped dead last Friday evening while hunting in a field abut five miles from Emmett. Mr. Brown had gone to Emmett that morning on business and from there had gone out duck hunting in the afternoon with Lieutenant Holbrook of Boise. He had separated from Holbrook and a few hours later was found dead. A coroner's inquest was held Saturday and the verdict was to the effect that death had resulted from heart failure.

Upon hearing the sad news P. H. Brown at once left for Boise and from there went to Emmett and brought the body back to the family home in the former city. The funeral took place Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Brown was 32 years of age. He went to Boise about four years ago from South Dakota. He was a graduate of a Chicago veterinary college and during the Spanish war was in the army as a veterinary surgeon in the Philippines. He was unmarried but leaves a mother, sister and brother in Boise besides his brother at Payette and another brother in Mexico.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 13, 1916

News of the finding of the dead body of O. L. Brown of Payette in Fawn creek, near the town of Cascade, in Long Valley, some time Wednesday afternoon, was received in this city about 9 o'clock Wednesday night. No further particulars could be obtained at that time and it was supposed that Mr. Brown had met his death by drowning. Later particulars were received this morning however, which would seem to indicate that the death of Mr. Brown was the result of heart failure and not from drowning.

Mr. Brown was a well known citizen of Payette, whose occupation was that of a machinist. For several years past he had resided here with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Williams and his half-sister, Miss Ida Williams, the present home being on North 7th street. On July 5th, in company with Mr. Fred Huff, he took his departure for the Long Valley country for a short prospecting tour. The men were camped on Fawn creek, a small tributary of the Payette river. They had been separated only about two hours when the dead body of Mr. Brown was discovered by his companion. The body was lying face down in the bed of the creek where the water was only a few inches deep. Upon ascertaining that life was extinct, Mr. Huff summoned assistance and the body was carried on horseback to Cascade, where an inquest was held, the verdict being that the deceased had come to his death from heart failure.

At the hour when the Enterprise is going to press, it has not been determined as to what arrangements will be made for the holding of the funeral. If held at this place an undertaker will go from here to Cascade tomorrow to take charge of the arrangements and will return to Payette Saturday with the body.

The deceased has a brother, Lewis Brown, who is editor of the Independent Herald at Berifand, Neb., and Ben. II Williams, his half-brother, is editor of a prominent I. W. W. publication at Cleveland, Ohio. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 03, 1917

Many hearts were saddened when it was learned that P. H. Brown, who for 22 years has been a resident of Payette and vicinity, had suddenly passed away. Mr. Brown had not been in good health for some time but his sudden death came as a surprise and a shock to us all. Death was due to heart trouble and hardening of the arteries. During the day, Thursday, he had been comparatively well and worked most of the time in the garden. Friday morning the little boys got up about 6:30 and after building the fire, called their mother who after getting up noticed Mr. Brown turn over and seemed to be in distress. She went to him and tried to raise him in bed, but found he was in a rigid condition and in a few seconds passed away without regaining consciousness.

Mr. Brown will be greatly missed in this community. He was a ? hearted man always ready to help in every effort to advance the movements to better Payette and vicinity. He had no enemies, but had many friends. His affliction deprived him of many social pleasures in this life, but he has gone where sorrows and afflictions are unknown.

Percy H. Brown was born in England about 48 years ago, moved to Manitoba, Canada, with his parents when about 18 years old, living there about one year, from there moving to Dakota, and 22 years ago he came to the Payette Valley, settling on what is now the Manneman ranch south of Fruitland. He was married to Tena Grotie in New Mexico about 14 years ago and since that time has been a resident of Payette. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth from the Episcopal Church Sunday Morning at 8 o'clock. The body was taken to Boise on the morning train by A. I. Adair, the family going overland with Rev. Ashworth in an automobile. The services were conducted at Morris Hill cemetery at 4 p.m. by the Woodmen of the World of which Order he was a prominent member. Besides a wife and four children, he leaves to mourn his loss, an aged mother, one brother and one sister, all of whom live in Boise, who have the deepest sympathy of a host of friends both at Payette and Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919

Last Sunday at the Baptist church occurred the funeral of little Phyllis, the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown of the Payette-Oregon Slope, whose death cast gloom and sadness over the entire community, where the family have lived and have been highly esteemed for many years.

The little one was taken sick on Friday and while everything possible was done and doctors from Payette and Ontario were in constant attendance, she seemed too frail to make the fight, and finally at 9:45 a.m. the following Thursday, she passed, beyond.

She was an especially bright and loving child, having one of those sweet friendly dispositions so endearing to all and will be missed sadly by the ladies of the club of which Mrs. Brown is an old member.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown wish to extend their deepest sympathy which was in evidence by the very large attendance at Church and by the many beautiful floral offerings.

Phillis Brown was born October 26th, 1918: died November 6th, 1919. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our baby Phyllis, and also for the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown and relatives

Payette Independent
November 23, 1899
A Victim of Liquor

Richard Brown, commonly called "Scotty," who has been cooking at the Farmers' Home hotel, died at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, of epilepsy, occasioned by a long debauch. His condition became serious Monday morning when he had a fit and these were of almost continuous recurrence until death relieved his suffering. "Scotty" had been around this vicinity for about two years, working on farms and at one thing and another. He was about 45 years old and had served in both the English and U. S. armies. He is said to have a brother in New York, his only relative in this country. Rev. A. G. Hunt, the Presbyterian minister, conducted the funeral services Wednesday at 2 o'clock and the burial took place at Riverside. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 14, 1921
This community was shocked Saturday, when the news came of the death of Mr. Tom Brown which occurred in the Nampa hospital, Friday evening about 5 o'clock. Mr. Brown was taken suddenly ill week previous, and taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed, Thursday morning. Death was due to an abscess in his stomach and heart trouble. Mrs. Brown, accompanied by Mr. Brown's sister, left Saturday nite with the body for Riverside, California. Short funeral services were held at the Nampa Chapel Saturday afternoon, at which Mrs. E. A. Linck and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Fisher, William Hollenbeck and Ralph Johnson of this place were present. Mr. Brown's have lived on a ranch near Kuna since last spring, and Miss Dollie, is employed by the Jensen Creamery Co. of Boise.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 11, 1931

We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown us in our recent sorrow. Also for the many beautiful flowers.
Mrs. Bertha Browning and family



Payette Independent
Friday, April 22, 1904
Mrs. Agnes Bryan died at the home of her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shearer, in Payette April 14, of consumption. She was 26 years, 8 months and 5 days of age and leaves a husband.

She was brought to Payette about six weeks ago from California with the hope that the change would benefit her.

The remains were taken to Little Sioux, Iowa, where she had lived all her life until the time of her marriage, which was a little over a year ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shearer wish to thank the people of Payette for the sympathy and help which was so kindly bestowed upon them in the hours of their affliction.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 21, 1922
Mary Josephine Buell, little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Buell, passed away last Friday, Dec. 15th, at 8:10 A. M.

She was born at Wilder, Idaho, on May 13th, 1919, and came to Payette the following July and at the time of her death was three years, seven months and two days old. She was taken ill Saturday, Dec. 9th, later devoloped into pneumonia. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Sunday, Dec. 17th, at 2 P. M. Rev. Virgil Snow preached the funeral sermon. The songs that were sung were those she loved to sing at home and at Sunday School.

Dear little Mary Josephine, will be missed by all those who knew and loved her for her bright loving disposition. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 29, 1923
William Bulmer was a native of York, England moving with his family to Neligh, Nebraska in 1881 and returning to his native land in 1884. In 1891, the family once more moved to the United States, settling in their former home in Nebraska, where they remained for fifteen years, coming to Payette in 1916.

Mr. Bulmer in company with his wife left Payette six months ago, going to Eugene, Oregon in search of health. Here, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Franswa, he died of anemia on November 20th, 1923, aged 66 years.

For four years, and until his health broke down, Mr. Bulmer was janitor at the Payette county court house. It was to his love and knowledge of growing things that the court house owed the wonderful display of ferns and blooming plants which adorned the windows of the building, the fame of which had spread to neighboring counties. A letter received from Mrs. Bulmer states that the casket was hidden by beautiful floral offerings, many of which had been sent by Payette friends.

Besides his widow, Mr. Bulmer leaves six children to mourn him. These are: Mrs. C.E. Crook of Venice, California; Mrs. Joe Franwa of Eugene, Oregon; C. W. Bulmer of Neligh, Nebraska; J. A. and Harry Bulmer of Portland, and Tom Bulmer of New Plymouth.

The funeral took place Wednesday at Eugene. Services were held in the Congregational church, of which deceased was a member, interment being made in the Masonic cemetery, the local Masons having charge of the service at the grave, where the beautiful Masonic ritual was solemnized over the body of a departed brother.

Mrs. Bulmer has many warm friends in Payette, whose hearts go out to her in her bereavement.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bundy passed away at their home at Rock Island on Saturday, March 29th, at the age of four months. The little body was brought to the Landon Undertaking parlors from where the funeral was conducted on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Hawes of the Baptist church officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. the Independent extends most heartfelt sympathy to the parents in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Charles Henry Bundy was born 11-13-1923 and died 3-29-1924, Rock Island. ch



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 25, 1918

Martha Angeline Burgess, aged 69 years, 8 months and 10 days passed away at her home south of Payette Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock after a continued illness of several years. Funeral services were from the home Tuesday and conducted by Rev. Norwood. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: Martha Burgess was born 11-13-1848 and died 7-23-1918 according to the Idaho Death Index.(ch)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1910
Mrs. A. S. Burns

Angeline Scott Bradley Burns was born April 1st 1829, and died Friday January 14th 1910 aged 80 years, nine months and thirteen days.

She was reared amidst the best Christian surroundings. October 5th 1857 she was united in marriage to the Rev. James Burns, a minister in the Wesleyan Methodist church in New Brunswick, Canada. To this union was born one daughter and three sons, all of whom survive her, Mrs. Dr. J. Fred Holmes of San Diego, Cal., Dr. J. B. Burns, Payette, Dr. John B., Oakland, Cal., and James M, Chicago, Ill.

Sister Burns and her husband were engaged in the work of the ministry in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia until 1871, when they moved to Illinois. They remained in Chicago only a short time and three days before the great Chicago fire removed to Sigourney, Iowa.

After remaining here one year they pushed on farther west and supplied several places in California, and in 1875 they moved to San Jose, in order that the children might attend the University of the Pacific. In 1879 they moved back to Nova Scotia, leaving the children in school and returned to Illinois in 1880 where they took up their residence in Chicago. In 1895 the West called them again and they moved to Idaho. They were stationed at New Plymouth and two years later, while climbing a ladder Rev. James Burns fell and was so seriously injured that it caused his death on Dec. 26th 1897.

He was the first one buried in New Plymouth, but was later removed to the Odd Fellows cemetery in Payette.

Since his death his widow has lived with her son in Oakland and for the last six years with Dr. J. B. and family of Payette.

Last Friday she went to spend the afternoon with her friend, Mrs. Jennie Woodward. Being urged to spend the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. Woodward, she said she would go down and buy some more yarn a she would keep busy knitting a shawl, she did so, and was assisted down the front stairs by Dr. I. R. Woodward. On her return she reached the second floor and, as it is thought her glasses were blurred, she did not see she was passing the Woodard living rooms and made a mis-step, falling down the flight of ten steps which lead to the balcony of the store room below. Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Kent, the nurse heard the fall and were attracted to her by the groans. Dr. J. C. Woodward carried her to their rooms and telephoned for Dr. J. B. Burns, who was there very soon after. Everything was done by Drs. J. C. and I. R. Woodward and the nurse but the shock was too great and she lived only about half an hour, during which time she was conscious most of the time but did not realize her condition.

She was a noble Christian woman, a kind, loving wife and mother, a good neighbor and beloved by all who knew her. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 07, 1930

J. K. Burns of Boise, well known here, reports the sad news announcing the death of his mother, Mary O. Burns, which occurred last week in England. The accident occurred near Sailsbury where Mrs. Burns and daughter, Angie were traveling, gathering historic information which the daughter will use in her work as teacher in the school at Redwood City, Calif.

Mrs. Burns was among the early settlers of the Payette valley and widow of the late Major J. B. Burns. They were residents of New Plymouth and among the New Plymouth Colony Company when the town of New Plymouth first started, some 35 years ago. They later moved to Payette, where they lived for many years then to Boise and later to Redwood City, Calif., which is now their home.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, September 4, 1930)


Mrs. Mary Owen Burns, a pioneer of the Payette valley has passed away. While visiting Salisbury, England, Mrs. Burns was accidentally struck by a motorcycle on July 31, 1930, and died twenty-four hours later as a result of cerebral concussion. Mrs. Burns did not regain consciousness after the fatal accident.

Mary Flagg Owen was born in the Parish of St. Pancras, London, England on December 8, 1858. Her father, Lemuel Daw Owen, a civil engineer of Hanover, New Hampshire, had been sent to London in 1855 to introduce some engineering machinery. Here the family lived until 1861, when they returned to the United States and moved to Chicago, Ill., where Mary Owen lived for the next thirty-four years. In 1876 she graduated from (unreadable) View high school and the following year she accepted a position in the Chicago public schools, for eight years she taught at the Agassiz school and for seven years she was principal of the Hawthorne school.

In 1889 Mary Flagg Owen married Jabez B. Burns, a dentist in Chicago, In 1895, becoming interested in the New Plymouth colonization, the family moved from Chicago to New Plymouth, where they were among the early settlers. The family moved to Payette in 1900 where they resided for the next 16 years. During her residence in Payette Mrs. Burns took a very active part in the community life. She was a member of the Portia club and chairman of the first library committee which started the present Payette public library. Large donations of books from Mrs. Burn's Chicago friends helped to make possible the beginning of the library. Always a devoted churchwoman, Mrs. Burns was an active member of St. James' Episcopal church, serving as organist for many years, president of St. James' Guild and active in Sunday school work. Mrs. Burns was a loyal member of the Order of the Eastern Star, in 1907, she was worthy matron of Loraine Chapter and for many years she was organist.

In 1916 upon her husband's appointment as assistant adjutant general, Mrs. Burns moved with her family to Boise, Idaho, where they resided for eight years. during these years Mrs. Burns was a communicant of St. Michael's cathedral and a member of the Women's auxiliary. She became an active member of the Columbian club, a member of the Good citizenship club, serving as president of that organization. She transferred her membership from Loraine Chapter to Adah Chapter and served as organist for several years. In 1924 the family moved to Redwood City, Calif., where they now reside. Major J. B. Burns passed away February 8, 1928. Mrs. Burns has been very active in her new home. For the past two years she has been a member of the board of trustees of the Redwood City Public Library, serving as secretary-treasurer. She was a member of the Redwood City Woman's Club and chairman of the literary section. Mrs. Burns has also been active in St. Peter's Episcopal church.

Early in June of this year Mrs. Burns left for Europe for a five months' trip. It has always been a desire of her life to visit her birthplace. She had traveled throughout Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England before the fatal accident.

The funeral was held in Salisbury Cathedral, Bishop Parsons of California read the Episcopal service assisted by Canon Farrar of Salisbury. The service at the grave was conducted by Rev. Elphick, chaplain of the Salisbury infirmary. The congregation included English friends, Americans who came to England on the same liner as the deceased and also American tourists passing through Salisbury on that day. Many beautiful floral offerings showed the sympathy of the relatives and friends of the deceased and the thoughtfulness of the residents of Salisbury. Interment was in the London Road cemetery at Salisbury.

Mrs. Burns leaves five children to mourn her passing, James Keith Burns of Boise, Idaho; Robert Owen Burns of Greensboro, North Carolina; Mrs. Jessie Feldscher, Mrs. Mary Partridge and Miss Angelina Burns all of Redwood City, California. Mrs. Burns also leaves seven granddaughters and three grandsons.

Although not one of the earliest pioneers, Mrs. Burns saw the growth and development of the Payette valley from a sagebrush plain to a prosperous farming community.

The loss of Mrs. Burns will be greatly felt by all who came in contact with her sincere and gracious personality. She was enjoying excellent health and felt a very great interest in all civic affairs. She was devoted to music and always prominent in musical circles. Mrs. Burns was a most devoted mother and grandmother and she leaves nieces and nephews, girlhood friends in Chicago as well as friends of many years in Idaho who will join her bereaved family in mourning the loss of so noble a woman.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 25, 1931
David Burrell Passes Following Stroke

Peacefully, with his entire family at his bedside, David Burrell, veteran leader of the Idaho Republican party, died Wednesday afternoon at his home, 509 Jefferson street, Boise, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. Since a second stroke of paralysis last Saturday, all knew this ending to be the inevitable, yet hope was never quite eradicated from the daily queries of hundred's about the welfare of "Uncle Dave."

Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock at the First Methodist church, the Rev. Drs. W. W. Van Dussen and W. B. Young officiating. Burial will be in Morris Hill cemetery.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 04, 1931
Mrs. W. M. Hollenbeck received word Sunday of the death of her Aunt Mrs. J. R. Burton, whose death occurred at Long Beach, Calif., Sunday May 31st. Funeral services were held there Tuesday morning. Mrs. Burton has made several extended visits here and a large circle of friends in the community who will be grieved to hear of her death.



The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 19, 1931
Death of Mrs. Oren Bussey
Mrs. Gil Currie left Monday evening for Portland after receiving the news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Oren Bussey, a well-known former resident of this place, who dropped dead late Sunday night.



Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 09, 1930)


Hattie C. Butler, daughter of George and Diana Butler, was born in Wisconsin, April 7, 1856. When a young girl she moved to Kansas with her parents and later to Iowa, where she was united in marriage December 3, 1874 to Thomas B. Frakes. To this union five children were born, two having died in infancy. The living children who survive her are Mrs. Estelle Fritchman, Naches, Wash.; Mrs. Mary F. Tharp of this city and Wylie Frakes of Ontario, Ore. She also leaves a niece, Mrs. Margaret Miller, whom she raised from infancy and with who she made her home at the time of her death.

Mrs. Hattie Frakes was a true pioneer, having crossed the plains overland, with her, husband and little family, locating in Payette in 1882. Her husband preceding her in death by twenty-five years, having died December 26, 1904 at Ontario, Ore.

Of a retiring, home loving nature, only a few, besides her family were privileged to know the depth and beauty of her charater. She united with the Methodist church when a young woman and her life was filled with beautiful sacrifices for those she loved. Besides those mentioned above there are ten grandchildren who mourn her demise, one great grandchild and one sister, Mrs. C. D. Roe of Oakland, Calif., besides a number of nieces and nephews. (Riverside Cemetery)

"The soft memory of her virtues,
Huger like twilight hues, when
the set is set -
Then weep not, that her toils are over,
Weep not, that her race is run,
God grant that we may rest as calmly -
When our work, like hers, is done."

The Payette Enterprise
December 18, 1913
Thos. Butler Dies

December twelfth at the home of Dr. Skippen near Sweet, Thos. Q. Butler passed away from cancer of the face. Mr. Butler had been at Sweet the greater part of the summer being treated for his ailment and for a time seemed to get better but it was known in Payette the last week that he was failing. The remains were brought to Payette and on Monday were interred in Riverside cemetery the funeral services being held in the Methodist church.

The deceased had been a residence of the west for a long time. He was born in Indiana in 1850 and in 1854 crossed the plains with his parents. He came to Payette in 1910 from Seattle. Those who knew him found him a quiet likable gentle-man. He leaves to mourn his loss two sons, Howard and Benjamin, both residents of Payette and two daughters who live in Seattle and were unable to be present at the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 26, 1920
George Washington Butts was born in Harrison County, Iowa, Feb. 17, 1864 and died at his home in Payette, Idaho, on February 19, 1920, aged 56 years and 2 days. On March 8, 1885 he was married to Miss Alpha Hale and to this union was born 13 children. Two have preceded him to the glory world. He leaves a wife and 11 children to mourn his loss; ten were present at his death.

In 1899 he left Iowa with his family and went to Dakota then to Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado and Idaho. He has lived in Idaho for the past 12 years and in Payette for over 2 years.

In 1884 Bro. Butts was converted and a few days later was sanctified and has lived a constant Christian life. His highest desire was to serve the One who had redeemed him from sin and during his sickness kept his mind staid on the Lord. We should not mourn as one that has no hope for our loss is his gain. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 16, 1912

Nora Buxton, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buxton, died at the hospital in Boise Tuesday afternoon of Hemophilia, a disease which, happily is a rare one but one of the most discouraging things a physician has to encounter. It is characterized by an excessive tendency to spontaneous bleeding from very slight and sometimes inappreciable causes. There is an excess of red corpuscles with great diminution of fibrine, the property of the blood that causes it to clot, or coagulate, and thus stop the bleeding.

The child had recently recovered from an attack of pneumonia which, perhaps, contributed to the condition. Friday evening she commenced bleeding at the nose and it was found necessary to plug the anterior and posterior nares Saturday morning. A tooth that had a cavity in it commenced to bleed. Recognizing the dangerous malady, the child was taken to Boise to a hospital by his parents and the attending physician in order to prepare for emergencies.

It soon developed that the case was fatal, for as soon as they arrived in Boise, symptoms of internal bleeding commenced and it seemed that the system was leaking blood in the various vital organs. Everything that could be done was undertaken to save the child, but it was without avail. She was apprised of the fact that death was near, and with fortitude becoming one of more advanced years, expressed no regret. She was an exceptionally bright child whose parents are deeply grieved at her loss. Nora was born at Cromwell, Iowa, September 20th, 1904 and was eight years, seven months and twenty-four days old. She said to papa and mama. "If I die now I'll go to heaven, If I live to be a woman I might not be a Christian." Realizing that death was near she said "good bye to everybody in this world that I know."

The body was taken to Cromwell, Iowa, to be buried in the family cemetery. Funeral services were held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Payette Independent
Friday, August 21, 1908

While Bathing Iola Byram Accidentally Slips Off of Sand Bar Into Deep Hole - Mother and Brother Come Near Losing Their Lives In Efforts to Save the Child

While bathing in Snake river with her mother and brother about 4 o’clock Monday afternoon little nine-year-old Iola Capitola Bryam accidentally stepped off a sand bar into nine feet of water and was drowned, making the third death which has occurred at Payette by drowning in the last three weeks.

She was playing on the bar where the water was less than two feet deep and at the time was calling to two girl friends on the opposite bank of the river. Neither she nor her mother knew the bar ended with a sudden dip of nine or 10 feet and in her eagerness she ventured a step too far, and the treacherous Snake claimed another life as its toll.

The little girl’s mother, Mrs. Jessie Bryam, and her brother, who is 11 years of age, each made desperate efforts to save her and came near losing their own lives. Both jumped into the deep water but could not rescue the drowning girl.

The sad accident occurred only a short distance from the family’s home and assistance soon arrived, but it was about an hour and a half before the body was recovered. While the three had been in bathing there were two children on the bank watching them. They immediately ran for assistance, going to the home of A. A. Stroup. At the same time the children on the opposite side of the river called their father who went to the scene in a row boat.

Guy Stroup was the first to reach the place and it was he who was successful in diving and bringing the body to the surface. A physician had been called and he worked over the body for more than an hour but the spark of life had flown.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock; Rev. Edward Wright officiating. Interment was in Riverside cemetery.

The little girl was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stroup, prominent pioneers of the Payette Valley.

The sympathy of the community goes out to the mother and other relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

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