Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 11, 1912

Falls From Load of Hay and Breaks Neck
Leaves Wife and Eight Children

A distressing accident occurred near the bridge across the Prestel spillway on Tuesday evening about six o'clock when a load of hay being driven by J. W. Page, a ranchman living in Washoe, tilted and started to overturn with him. Page jumped from the load lighting on his head and shoulders in the hard road his neck was instantly broken. Page was a man about forty years old and leaves a wife and eight children the family coming here about two years ago. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon and interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The affair is one of the saddest that has occurred in Payette for some time and the fatherless children and bereaved wife have the sympathy of the entire community.

OBITUARY (Payette Enterprise, Thursday, July 18, 1912)

William Page was born in Indiana near Lebanon on October 2, 1866 and was 45 years, 9 months and 7 days at the time of his death.

He was married to Elizabeth Crawford March 24, 1896 and to them were born nine children of whom eight boys survive. He leaves, besides a wife and children, a mother, one brother and five sisters and many friends to mourn his loss.

He united with the Christian church when he was fifteen years old. The funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Episcopal Church by the pastor Rev. A. L. Howarth. The body was taken to Elgin, Oregon for burial. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, May 04, 1906
Death of E. P. Paine

E. P. Paine, for the last 11 years a highly respected citizen of Payette, died at his home in this city Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock after an illness extending over a year. Mr. Paine was 60 years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and eight children all of whom were with him when he died. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on Grand avenue, the Rev. Harry Leeds of the Presbyterian church officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 11, 1920
Waldrow W. Paine passed from this life Tuesday morning at the home of Nurse Blanchard after a brief illness. He was here from Boise ? when taken suddenly with pneumonia and was taken to the home of Mrs. Blanchard where he might receive proper care, but owing to this advanced age and the firm hold of the dreaded disease all medical aid and proper care was of no avail.

Mr. Paine came to this valley about twenty-seven years ago and settled on a farm in Washoe Bottom near Payette where he lived for many years and made many friends. He is survived by one son, Carl Paine, a prominent attorney of Boise where he has made his home during his declining years. He was born in New York in 1833 being past 86 years of age. The body was shipped to Boise Tuesday evening where interment will be made.




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 06, 1922

This office is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. E. W. Parks of Burbank, California, announcing the death of their daughter-in-law, wife of Ferald Parks, who died from promaine poisoning following a brief illness of but a few days. She was 22 years of age and leaves besides her husband, two small sons who will be cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Parks. The Parks family have many friends in this community who will be grieved to learn of their sad bereavement.

Payette Enterprise>
Thursday, August 22, 1918

The people of this community were much grieved to learn on last Friday morning that Mrs. G. B. Parsons had passed away during the night. It had been known for several days that she was seriously ill but seemed to be somewhat improved until Thursday morning she was taken suddenly worse, and while everything within the power of physicians was done death came to relieve her suffering at eleven o'clock Thursday night.

Ethel Giesler was born at Payette, Idaho, September 22nd, 1895; departed this life at her home on Sixth street, Payette, Idaho, August 15th, 1918, at the age of 22 years, 10 months and 24 days.

She was a graduate from the Payette high school in 1914, went to Caldwell, Idaho, in May 1915 and faithfully filled the position as deputy recorder for three years. She was united in marriage to G. B. Parsons, August 4th, 1917, and moved with her husband to Payette but a few weeks ago. Ethel was a girl loved by all who knew her. She became a member of the Baptist church at Payette when at the age of 15, where she held her membership at the time of her death. Having lived in Payette the greater part of her life and being of a lovable disposition, had a host of friends who with her husband, father and mother, brother and sisters will deeply feel the loss by her early departure while in the bloom of life. Besides a young husband, she leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Giesler, six sisters, Mrs. Carey Tussing and Mrs. Frank Stowell of Fruitland, Mrs. Arthur Orcutt of Cascade, Cecile, Margarete and Anna of Payette, and one brother, John C. Giesler Jr. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. Burtch of Fruitland where many friends from both this community and Caldwell gathered to pay the last tribute of respect which was manifested by the most beautiful floral offerings. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 18, 1906
George M. Parsons Dead

General George M. Parsons died at Boise at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, from a complication of diseases resulting from kidney trouble. The general had been a sufferer from this disease for nearly three years, having had several serious attacks from which it was hardly thought he would recover. He has been an active worker, and the severe attack which caused his death was brought on by the fact that he insisted on taking an active part in business affairs up to the time when he was compelled to take to his bed.

He came to Boise in 1893, upon his election as attorney general of the state, in which office he served two terms. Since his term as attorney general he had been one of the prominent attorneys of Boise, having been engaged in a large number of important cases.

He was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted as a drummer boy and worked his way up to the rank of a commissioned officer. He has taken a prominent part in G. A. R. matters, having for some years been department commander of the state of Idaho. He was a member of the benevolent and Protective order of Elks, as well as the G. A. R., and these two orders took charge of the funeral which was held Monday afternoon at four o'clock.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Saturday afternoon the people of Payette were generally pained to learn of the death of Joseph T. Patch at the home of his son, General L. V. Patch in this city. Although for the past year Mr. Patch had been in poor health he had still been able to be up and about most of the time and his friends did not think his condition was at all serious. The news of his demise came as a distinct shock to his wide circle of friends and there was genuine sorrow in Payette when it became known.

Joseph T. Patch was born in Mount????, Vermont, September 25, 1838, where the early part of his life was spent. Arriving at man's estate he moved from there to Gawandy, New York , and later taught school in Buffalo for a short time afterward entering the State University of Michigan from which he graduated with high honors. After leaving the university he went to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa where for twelve years he practiced law and was united in marriage to Mary E. Vernan, daughter of Dr. J. B. Vernan, a Methodist minister. He moved from there to Omaha, Nebraska, where for twenty years more he engaged in the practice of law. A large law business coupled with an intense zeal for his profession finally undermined his health and about nine years ago he came to Idaho to spend his remaining days with his son General I. V. Patch, of this city. The first few years of his residence here were very beneficial and he regained his health until the last year during which time he seemed to gradually grow weaker until on Saturday, September 2 at six p. m. he answered the final summons and peacefully closed his eyes in the last strange sleep. He was the father of four children, three girls and one boy, Mrs. Gordon P. Mikker of Prosser, Washington, and General L. V. Patch, of this city the only surviving ones, his wife having died some fifteen years ago in Omaha. He has one brother living, Prof. J. V. D. Patch, of St. Joseph University, and one sister, Mrs. E. C. Colkins, of Kearney, Nebraska, wife of E. C. Colkins, Supreme Court Commissioner of Nebraska.

During his residence in Payette, Joseph T. Patch became known as a gentle, kindly, aged man of sterling quality and exceptional citizenship. Early in life he united with the Unitarian church and while there was no church of his denomination here he lived the latter part of his life in Payette quietly but with a well known regard for high ideals in every walk of life.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in this city Tuesday afternoon at two thirty being conducted by Rev. Howarth. The large concourse of friends and acquaintances that gathered to pay their last sad tribute to this citizen and the many beautiful floral offerings were all evidence of the universal esteem in which he was held. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 06, 1922
Picnic Trip Ends In Fatal Disaster

A high powered Nash car, driven by A. C. Pathael, of Fruitland with nine occupants, six of whom were children, left the road near Washoe school house about 10 o'clock Tuesday morning while on the way to Weiser to spend the Fourth, instantly killing Beatrice Pathael, aged 10, who with her mother, and two younger sisters from St. Maries, Idaho, were visiting relatives near Fruitland.

The other occupants of the car were Mrs. Ben Pathael, Lois, aged 7 and Echo, aged 3, of St. Maries, Mrs. H. Heckes and two younger sons, George, aged 12 and Carl, 9 and Gladys Melcher, all of Fruitland.

Mrs. Pathael and the baby were both thrown clear of the wreck and she managed to raise the machine sufficiently to allow the other children pinned under the car to crawl out. The daughter, Beatrice, apparently unconscious, was rushed to the hospital at Ontario and it was found that the hub of the wheel had struck her on the head causing instant death. Mrs. Pathael was severely bruised, Lois was also bruised and her elbow somewhat crushed, Gladys Melcher is still confined to her home with a badly bruised back, Mr. Pathael received severe cut about the face and the other members of the party were more or less bruised.

It is said that the Nash driver was racing with the Ford car, which had just passed, and Mr. Pathael signaled to repass but instead of going around the Ford, attempted to pass on the right and was evidently crowded off. It seems the driver had turned to the extreme right in rounding a slight curve where the road was somewhat wider, in order to pass, but just beyond the road narrowed up again, allowing the wheels to go off the grade. At this point it is believed that the ? wheel broke causing the machine to turn completely over smashing the top, windshield and steering wheel.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, July 06, 1922)


This community was again visited with another sad accident last Tuesday, July 4th resulting in the death of Beatrice Patheal, the 9 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Patheal, and quite badly injuring several other occupants of the car in which they were riding at the time of the accident. Mr. A. C. Patheal, grand-father of the unfortunate child, owner and driver of the car, was on his way to the celebration at Weiser, accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ben Patheal and three little daughters, one a baby in her arms, who were here on a visit from St. Maries, Idaho, Gladys Melcher, also a grand-daughter of Mr. Patheal, Mrs. Henry Heckus and her two little boys of Fruitland.

When near the Rex Spray factory on Washoe Bottom they were overtaken by a stranger driving a Ford who attempted to pass when a race ensued until they had crossed the bridge across the slough just north of the Washoe school, a distance of perhaps a half mile when it is said Mr. Patheal lost control of his car and after making several bounces from one side of the road to the other, turned completely over the car reversing ends landing in a tooley patch bottom side up. The driver of the Ford continued his flight without stopping to render assistance. The near by neighbors and others who were driving by soon gathered and rendered help in picking up the unfortunate party. Mrs. Patheal with the baby in her arms was thrown to the opposite side of the road with the baby uninjured, Mrs. Patheal had several cuts about the face and elbow badly injured, the next older daughter seven years of age, face severely mangled and arm badly bruised, Mrs. Heckus slightly bruised, her two boys cut about the face and arms, one badly injured, Gladys Melcher face cut and arm injured, Mr. Patheal received a severe cut from the corner of his mouth down below the jaw bone his lower lip hanging below his chin, and otherwise badly bruised.

Mr. Patheal, Mrs. Heckus and two sons, and Gladys Melcher were brought to Payette and after receiving medical aid were taken to their homes. Mrs. Patheal and daughter were taken to the Ontario hospital, the eldest daughter, Beatrice, who received a broken neck died while on the way. The other members of the party are now at their homes and will recover.

The body of little Beatrice is now at the Undertaking Parlors of Wood & Spaulding, and the funeral postponed pending the arrival of the father who left his home a few days ago for Canada on business matters.

The car, a four cylinder Nash, while considerably damaged, with the replacement of two broken wheels could have been brought to town on its own power. It was a sad accident that might have been more serious, and should be a lesson to all auto drivers. (Riverside Cemetery) Note: Beatrice Pathael is buried at Riverside

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 30, 1922
Glays Mary Chapman Pathael was born at Mosierville, Michigan, March 2, 1865, and died at her home March 26, 1922. Her mother died when she was an infant and she was raised by an aunt. At the age of 16 she moved with her father to Minnesota, and 2 years later to Salem, South Dakota where she taught school. In 1883 she was married to Albert C. Pathael.

To this union were born 3 sons and 3 daughters, 2 daughters having died in infancy, and one daughter, Mrs. Bert Melcher in 1914. She moved to Idaho in 1902, and has made her home here since. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, 3 sons, Frank C. of Wendell, Charles A. of Portland, and Benjamin F., of St. Marys, Idaho, all of which were present at the funeral, and 7 grand-children. She also leaves a host of friends who will greatly miss her and her many kindly ways. She was a member of the Eastern Star in Payette.

Altho an invalid for the past 20 years, death came suddenly and a great shock to the community.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church Tuesday at 2:30 and interment in Riverside cemetery.


We wish to extend our sincere appreciation and thanks for the assistance and various floral offerings of friends at the funeral of wife, mother and grand-mother. A. C. Patheal, F. C. Patheal and family, C. A. Patheal and family, B. F. Patheal and family, Miss Gladys E. Melcher (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 30, 1916
Old Settler Passes Away

James A. Patton, an old resident of this section died at the home of Scott Stuart Monday morning. Death was caused by a severe case of jaundice aided by old age. Deceased was 78 years old and had resided here for the past forty years. The funeral services will be held in the Congregational church tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock Rev. Knight officiating, after which interment will take place in the old Stuart cemetery south of Falk. (Stuart Falk Cemetery)

Mrs. Flo DeLemeter, the only daughter, arrived here Tuesday evening to attend the funeral of her father.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, December 01, 1916)

An Old Resident of Payette Valley Dies

James A. Patton, an old resident of New Plymouth died at the home of Scott Stuart Monday. Death was caused by a severe case of jaundice aided by old age. Deceased was 78 years old and had resided there for the past forty years. The funeral services will be held in the Congregational church at New Plymouth this afternoon at one o'clock Rev. Knight officiating, after which interment will take place in the old Stuart cemetery south of Falk. (Stuart Falk Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 18, 1924
Maxine Ed Patton was born at Bochita, Oklahoma, April 12, 1900, and passed away at Portland, Oregon, Tuesday, September 9 at the Immanuel hospital, at the age of 24 years, 4 months and 27 days, death being due to gland trouble. When a small boy he moved to Roundup, Montana, where he spent most of his life until coming to Fruitland last February, after taking sick in December. He went to Portland, May 27, but his health was not benefited and he was bedfast two months before his death. His mother was called to his bedside about two months ago, and remained until his death. She and Mrs. Jack Wills of Portland returned with the body last Wednesday. He leaves to mourn his loss his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Coons, one sister, Mrs. Bernice Wills of Portland, one brother, Russell Patton of Fruitland, one step-sister of Tripp, South Dakota, one half-brother and one half-sister, Fern and Grant Coons of Fruitland. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church last Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Herschel Shank, and interment made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)



The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 31, 1929

Jemima Camren was born in Hancock county, Illinois, Sept.. 9, 1839, and died at the home of her son, Dr. C. C. Paxton, near Fruitland, Sunday, Oct. 27, 1929, at 5 p. m. at the age of 90 years, 1 month, and 18 days. She united with the Christian church at an early age, and has always been an earnest and devout church worker ever since.

She was united in marriage to John C. Paxton at Fountain Green, Illinois, August 15, 1861. They moved from there to University Place, Nebraska and then to Fairbury, Nebraska, living in that community most all of their lives. To this union three children were born, one daughter and two sons, one son preceded her in death several years ago. Mr. Paxton passed away at Papillion, Nebraska, in 1919.

Mrs. Paxton has made her home with her son for the past 25 years. They moved to Fruitland in 1919 and lived here five years. They then went back to Palmer, Nebraska, and lived until last June when they returned to Fruitland.

Grandma Paxton has been in failing health all summer. About three weeks ago she received a bad fall, from which she never fully recovered, although no bones were broken. She was confined to her bed for only the past ten days. She was always cheerful and kind to everyone she met. In spite of her advanced years and failing health, she still was patient and insisted she had no illness.

She leaves to mourn her loss her son, Dr. C. C. Paxton, her daughter, Mrs. Bessie Harris of Sandpoint, who has been here since June helping care for her, five grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren, also a large circle of friends here and in Nebraska, who will greatly mourn her loss.

Funeral services were held form the Paxton home Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry. Dr. Paxton left with the body Tuesday morning for Papillion, Nebraska, where she will be buried beside her husband and son.

The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Dr. and Mrs. Paxton and Mrs. Harris in their hour of bereavement.











Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 09, 1922

John Pelly Succumbs to Heart Trouble at Baker City

BAKER, ORE. - John Pelly, age 55, of Weiser, Ida., was found dead Saturday in a rooming house here, his demise evidently caused from heart trouble aggravated by an overdose of "moonshine." Gerald Lipton, who was in the room with Pelly, was so intoxicated he could tell nothing of the affair. He is being held pending investigation. -Idaho Daily Statesman

Mr. Pelly was for many years a resident of Payette, moving to Weiser two years ago.

Payette Independent
Friday, July 20, 1906

Pioneer Woman of Southern Idaho Passes

Away at Her Home in Payette

Mrs. Anna B. Pence, wife of Peter Pence of this city, died at the family home in Payette Wednesday morning, July 18, 1906, shortly before 1 o'clock, at the age of 51 years. Her death marks the close of an eventful life and the passing of one of the earliest pioneer women of southern Idaho, who was closely identified with the early history of this region which she saw develop from a dreary wilderness into the prosperous commonwealth it is today.

Anna B. Pence was born in Missouri, May 4, 1855. With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bixby, and other children, she later went to Brownsville, Neb., and from that place the family started westward across the plains in May, 1862. After a four months' trip, fraught with perils and filled with many and varied experiences, they arrived at Auburn, a little mining camp in Baker county, Ore., 16 miles south of where Baker City now stands. There the family spent the winter and in the spring of 1863 they went to the Boise Basin, settling in Idaho City in the fall of that year.

Several years ago in a paper read at a Methodist social in this city, Mrs. Pence gave an interesting account of her trip across the plains, telling of hardships and dangers endured and of the happiness of the family during the winter they spent in Baker county after their hazardous journey. Speaking in this paper of the attacks by Indians on the wagon train with which the Bixby family traveled, Mrs. Pence said:

"Our train was attacked several times by the "Noble Red Man." One night our train, consisting of 109 wagons, was attacked about sundown and one man killed. That night the wagons were corralled and all the stock put inside of this corral and guarded and every one was prepared to fight. My father was sick at the time and not able to get out of the wagon, and as I think of it now, I can see him sitting in the front of the wagon, wrapped in blankets, with his pistol in his hand ready to fight for mother and us children. My mother had taken her two feather beds and put one upon each side of the wagon as we were told that a bullet would not penetrate feathers. She and we little ones were put there for safety, and we children were soon sleeping soundly. About day-break they made a second attack, no one was killed but one man wounded. There were two spokes shot out of our wagon wheels, I've often thought since having children of my own, what father and mother must have suffered that one night, with a family of helpless children at the mercy of the Indians. After the excitement of this scare was over our train divided as we came to the junction of the California and Oregon roads. The most of our party took the California route and we afterward learned that they were all massacred by the Indians. Our party which consisted of only a few wagons, fortunately took the Oregon route."

From that portion of the article dealing with the arrival of the Bixby family in the Boise Basin, the following interesting paragraph is taken:

"In the spring of 1863 we moved into the Boise Basin, and as we were the first children in that camp the miners used to gather 'round our camp in crowds, and I can remember that some of those men shed tears over the sight of children. Where the capitol of our state now stands there was one log cabin, partly built at that time."

The family went to Boise in 1864 where the deceased attended school. Her later education was received at Salem college at Salem, Oregon. She was married to Peter Pence, one of the oldest pioneers of this section, October 6, 1872, and was the mother of nine children, six of who survive her, as follows: Mrs. Belle Satoris, of Payette, Edward C., living on Big Willow creek, A. Loyd of Payette, Harry B., Walter G., and the youngest, Grace, who was the first girl baby born in the city of Payette.

For a number of years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Pence made their home on Big Willow creek, east of Payette, where Mr. Pence was engaged in the cattle business. At this time the Indians were committing many depredations, and the mother was many times forced to take shelter in the sage brush and grain at nights to avoid the marauding redskins, while the father was away looking after his cattle or assisting his pioneer comrades in subduing the enemy.

From Big Willow Creek Mr. and Mrs. Pence, with their children, came to Payette, then in its infancy, and this place has been their home for nearly a quarter if a century. A few years ago they built the beautiful home where Mrs. Pence passed away.

Mrs. Pence had been a sufferer from dropsy for some time, complicated with heart trouble. Monday she suffered a stroke of paralysis which proved fatal. All of the children were in the city when the end came with the exception of two of her sons, Loyd and Harry. When a stroke of paralysis came the former was at Blue Point, at the head of the south fork of the Salmon river, and the latter in the mountains 10 miles east of Lardo, on the Payette lake. Both were notified by messengers and after hurried rides reached the city in time to see their mother laid to rest in Riverside cemetery last evening.

Funeral services were conducted yesterday evening at the family residence by Mrs. Dunford of Boise. It had been expected that Judge J. H. Richards of Boise would be present to assist in the services but he as unable to attend. At the grave the beautiful ritualistic services of the Order of Eastern Star were conducted by Lorraine Chapter of this city, of which the deceased was past worthy matron.

A large number of the friends of the deceased followed the remains to their last resting place in Riverside cemetery, testifying by their silent sympathy to the sorrowing relatives the love and respect in which the deceased was held in this community where she lived so long and was known so well.

Relatives from other points who attended the funeral were Gilbert Bixby of Wallace, Ida., and Asa Bixby of Middleton, Ida., brothers of the deceased, the latter having been accompanied by his wife; Mrs. T. B. Roberts of Caldwell, sister of the deceased, accompanied by her daughters; J. C. Pence and daughter, Miss Ruth Pence, of Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson of Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 09, 1922
Pioneer Dies

Peter Pence, age 84, and a pioneer of the Payette Valley, died at his home in Payette last Friday, January 27, after a lingering illness. Mr. Pence was one of the early pioneers of Idaho, coming to this section in 1897 and is survived by four sons and two daughters, all of whom were with him at the time of his death. They are E. C. Pence, Boise, A. L., H. B., Walter G., Mrs. F. M. Satoris and R. D. Bradshaw, of Payette.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, February 02, 1922)


Sadness again visited this community last Friday evening when it was announced that Peter Pence one of the early pioneers and highly respected citizens of this community had passed away at 8:30. While his death had been almost hourly expected for several days when the final message came that he had gone many hearts were saddened. Mr. Pence was a man whose advice in business and social affairs will be keenly missed. He was one of the sturdy pioneers who came to this state in the early 60's. He was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, October 2, 1937. At the age of twenty he went to Kansas where he engaged in freighting making three trips to Denver in 1861, and the following year crossed the plains with an ox team to the State of Oregon. Learning of the gold discovery in the Boise Basin he soon set out for that place where he formed a partnership with Samuel Kenny whipsawing lumber for use in the mining camps which brought as high as $300 per thousand.

During the year 1863 Mr. Pence devoted his time in hauling logs with an ox team for the building of the rapid growing town of Idaho City, and the following year packed and freighted provisions from Umatilla to Idaho City. In the early summer of 1866 he went to Portland where he purchased a threshing machine and after threshing for the early settlers in the Boise Valley, sold his outfit taking gold dust in exchange and on January 9, 1867, went to Walla Walla, Washington, where he purchased a herd of cattle and drove them back into the Territory of Idaho, landing at the mouth of Big Willow Creek, 10 miles southeast of Payette, where he purchased from a squatter, his right to what has since been known as the Pence ranch. These were the first beef cattle brought into the Territory of Idaho and the beginning of Mr. Pence's 50 years career in the stock business. In the 1872 he was married to Miss Anna Bixby who was also a pioneer of Southern Idaho, having crossed the plains in 1862 and who has passed to her reward 19 years ago. In the year of 1877 when the Indians made their second outbreak Mr. Pence was with General Howard in the Indian War and in 1878 was Captain of a band of Home Scouts.

In 1882 he moved with his family to Payette where he was elected the first Mayor of the town, and where he has been closely identified with Payette and vicinity in every way, commercially and socially, taking a deep interest in every enterprise for the betterment of the community. He was for many years and at the time of his death President of the First National Bank of Payette. He was a Charter member of the Masonic lodge of Payette and for many years a member and worker in the Methodist Church.

He is survived by four sons and two daughters they are; E. C. Pence of Boise, A. L. Pence, H. B. Pence, Walter Pence, Mrs. F. M. Satoris and Mrs. R. D. Bradshaw of Payette. He is also survived by one brother, Tom Pence of Weiser, one brother and sister in Pennsylvania, and one sister in Colorado, and also 15 grandchildren of which he was extremely proud.

The funeral Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church conducted by Rev. Clyde L. Walker, pastor, was one of the largest in the history of Payette. The Masonic lodge attending in a body, many coming from a distance to pay their last sad rights to a brother Mason and beloved pioneer. At the grave in Riverside cemetery many people gathered to witness the solemn Masonic ceremony conducted by Dr. I. R. Woodward. the pall-bearers were: A. B. Moss, Jr., I. L. Thurston, E. H. Murphy, Frank Fuller, Paul Walker, James L. Edwards, Albert Hansel and Ross P. Mason, all being members of the Masonic order. There were also nine honorary pall-bearers who were E. T. Jewell of Los Angeles, Algert Jackson of Long Beach, Douglass Knox and John Davis of Emmett, John Bivens of Ontario, Jacob Stroup, Thomas Ranahan, A. J. McFarland and C. Johnson of Payette. (Riverside Cemetery) Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 10-27-1837 and died 1-27-1922. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1930

Funeral services for Marie Pennington were held at the Peterson funeral parlors Saturday afternoon, Rev. Mrs. J. S. Beem officiating.

Marie was born in Boise, December 15, 1922 and died at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, June 4, 1930 at the age of seven years, 6 months and 19 days. Death came following an operation for appendicitis.

She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Pennington, of Vale, Ore., four sisters, Mrs. Hainline, and Mrs. Huber, both of Freewater, Oregon, Iva and Helen Pennington of Payette, and three brothers, John, Leslie and Ivan also of Payette. She is also survived by her grandmother, Mrs. B. J. Pennington of Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 30, 1922
The little baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Perkins, died at the hospital in Ontario, Nov. 2th, and was taken to the Landon Home Undertaking Parlors, to await burial.


Payette Independent
Thursday, June 25, 1903
Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus F. Peters, aged 5 years, 9 months and 2 days, died at half-past eight o'clock Saturday morning, June 20th after an illness of eight months. The body was laid to rest the following day in Riverside cemetery. Little Herbert was a bright, robust child, until he had an attack of pneumonia about eight months ago, resulting in quick consumption from which he was a great sufferer until relieved by death. The parents of the deceased have requested the Independent to express their heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for many kind acts during the sickness and at the death of their child. (Riverside Cemetery)

Fruitland Banner
Friday, May 15, 1914
Elder Peterson Dies in Weiser

Word was received Wednesday of the death of Elder A. P. Peterson, a former resident of Payette. The funeral was held in Weiser Thursday, Elder L. E. Keltner conducting the services. J. E. Shamberger, L. H. Eby and wife, S. J. Kenepp and family and Miss Maggie Beeghley of Fruitland, attended the funeral.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1921

Mrs. Dellacena Peterson was born in Polk County, Mo., May 14, 1863 and died at Payette, Idaho, March 18, 1921. She was united in marriage to H. T. Peterson January 4, 1884, and to this union ten children were born; four girls and six boys. The deceased children are: Fred, Lillie and Arlie, and those living are: Mrs. Betty Baxtor, Wapata, Washington; Mrs. Maud Roger, address unknown; Arthur, Louise Marion, Clarence, Ray and James. The boys were all present at her death. Besides the husband and children mentioned, she leaves one sister, Mrs. Martha Vanderpoll, and brother Vint Crawford, residing at Boise; one sister in Santa Rosa, Calif.; and two brothers in the East. She united with the Baptist church 31 years ago, at Rumels Caspel, Dellas County, Mo. The funeral was held from the Baptist church, Saturday, March 19th, in the presence of a large congregation. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Rev. H. P. Peterson Struck by Engine of No. 18 Wednesday Morning and Instantly Killed

Rev. H. P. Peterson, the young minister appointed by the Methodist conference to the work on Dead Ox Flat and who just recently came to Payette was struck by the engine on No. 18 Wednesday morning of this week and instantly killed. Mr. Peterson has been preaching on the Flat on Sundays and of nights has been working as baggage man at the depot. It was his duty to hang the mail on the crane for No. 18. As there was no witness to his death it is largely a matter of conjecture but the supposition is that he hung the mail out for No. 18 and as she was a little late probably sat down on the rail to await her arrival and falling asleep awakened too late to save himself. The body was found by the night operator who after the grain went by and the baggage man and not return went out to look for him. He found him lying a few feet from the track just north of the mail crane with the right side of his head crushed in.

The young man has been in Payette but a short time but there are a number of people living here who knew him in his old home, Maratho?, Iowa, and they all speak in the highest of terms of him and during his short residence in Payette he made many new friends. He leaves a wife and three children.


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 05, 1922
John Peterson Dies After Long Illness

Following several years of poor health John Peterson died suddenly early last Friday morning before all members of his family could reach his bedside. Mr. Peterson was born in Sweden in 1855. He came to America when 19 years of age and was married in 1894 to Miss Emma Erickson, eight children being born to them. They reside in or near New Plymouth and are Mr. Harry Peterson, Mrs. Frank Noyes, Mr. Hilmer Peterson, Miss Gladys Claude, Johnny Curtis and Carrol. Besides his own immediate family, six sisters in Sweden and one in Minnesota survive him. Mr. Peterson lived for a time in Iowa and Minnesota, moving to Idaho in 1907, where he has since resided. He was a respected and loved member of the local Baptist church with which he had been affiliated for many years. A host of friends and neighbors extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 03, 1924
P. G. Peterson Dead

Luther Peterson was called to Seattle Sunday evening by the sad news of the death of his father, P. G. Peterson, who was for many years a respected and well known citizen of Payette.

We have been unable to obtain particulars, but will probably have a more extended obituary notice next week.





Payette Independent
Friday, April 03, 1908

New Plymouth, April 2 -After a brave battle with the fell destroyer, which was continued for many months. S. E. Phillips, one of New Plymouth’s best known and greatly respected citizens, succumbed to an aggravated form of heart trouble at his home on Wednesday morning, March 25.

Mr. Phillips was an old resident of New Plymouth, having been one of the original colonists who settled in this valley 12 years ago, where he has made his home ever since. He was a man of sterling qualities, a man whose word was his bond, and who never spoke ill of any one, who always had a word of encouragement to offer at the most opportune time to the men and women who were struggling to build up a home in a new country, where there were many discouragements and difficulties to be overcome. He was always optimistic as to the bright future for the Payette Valley, and years have proven that he was not mistaken.

Mr. Phillips was born in Webster, Washington county, Michigan, December 2, 1839, and was 67 years of age at the time of his death. Two brothers still survive, one in Portland, the other in Iowa.

At Fitchburg, Wis., June 23, 1864, Mr. Phillips was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Divet, and three children were born of the union. They are, Mrs. J. W. Lynch, Mrs. N. C. Parker and J. W. Phillips. The widow and children are left to mourn the loss of a loving and devoted husband and father.

Rev. Greenlee of the Congregational church, conducted the funeral services Friday morning at the Phillips home. The pall bearers were P. R. Ketchum, A. R. Ingalls, Walter Burke, C. S. French, Henry Hanigan and A. Meyer. Scripture reading and prayer opened the ceremonies, after which the male quartet sang “Shall We Meet Beyond the River.” Following the song Rev. Greenlee sketched the life of the deceased in a touching manner, and ended his sermon with a few words of cheer and comfort to the members of the family. “It is Well With My Soul” was then sung, the services closing with Mr. Phillips’ favorite hymn. "In the Sweet Bye and Bye."

In addition to the immediate members of the family, a large number of the settlers accompanied the body to its last resting place. The many friends of the deceased join in extending their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and family. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 5, 1929

Samuel Phillips was born at Randolph, Wisconsin, October 9, 1857. He lived there until 1879 when he moved to Wood River, Nebraska. He was united in marriage to Esther L. Cooley December 12, 1883, in Wood River. To this union eight children were born, two dying in infancy. In December 1918, Mr. Phillips moved to Fruitland, Idaho and purchased the 15 acre tract east of town where he has since made his home. He was engaged in apple growing and farming until he was taken sick January 1, 1929. He has been under the doctors care every since. He passed away Saturday, November 30 at 4 p. m. at the age of 72 years, one month and 21 days. He leaves to mourn him his wife of Fruitland, two sons, Thomas Phillips and Unis Phillips of Fruitland, three sons, Alva, Ray C. and Mortimer J. Phillips of Emmett, Idaho, one daughter, Mrs. Maude Phillip-Haack of Grand Island, Nebraska, one brother, J. A. Phillips, and one sister Mrs. Mary Denman of Alda, Nebraska. He also leaves a large circle of friends who will greatly mourn him. He was one of the most highly respected citizens of the community, a good neighbor and a kind friend.

Funeral services were held from the house Monday afternoon at 3:30 conducted by Rev. McKinley Coffman. His pall bearers were J. H. Smith, Marx Thode, Harry Manser, M. G. Puchert, Leo Howe and Will Schwartz.

Mrs. Phillips and Alva left with the body Tuesday morning for Wood River, Nebraska, where Mr. Phillips had requested to be buried.

The sympathy of the many friends of the family is extended to them in their sorrow.

Card of Thanks We thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness shown us during the illness of our husband and father. Mrs. Sam Phillips and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

The 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Phipps of Brogan, Oregon died from the effects of a rattle snake bite, Wednesday afternoon about four hours after the fatal accident. The little one was playing in the yard near the house when it came in contact with the deadly reptile. A doctor was immediately summoned, but arrived too late. The little body was at once brought to Wood and Spauldings Undertaking Parlor, arriving at 4 o'clock this Thursday morning. Mrs. Phipps is a dauaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Windle of Little Willow creek, and a niece of Mrs. J. B. Cosman. The grief stricken parents are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cosman. The funeral will be held some time Friday. No further arrangements have been made. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 26, 1915
Drowned in Payette Lake

McCALL, Idaho --Rev. Robt. P. Picken pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Boise, was drowned in Payette Lake, Saturday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock, at Camp Boloan, in full sight of his wife and children. He and two other ministers all of whom were camping together, were in a boat and in their bathing suits and Rev Picken jumped into the water in an effort to learn to swim but he miscalculated the waters depth owing to its being so clear, and went in over his head. He rose and called for help, but for a moment the others thought he was joking and he went down a second time before they could reach him. As none of the others could swim they were powerless to help him although they tried to reach him with the oars. Others went to the rescue but reached the scene of drowning too late to save the drowned man.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 21, 1924

On Monday Mr. B. P. Shawhan received the terrible news that her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Pickering had been run over and almost instantly killed by an automobile. The accident occurred in Boise, on the corner of Front and Tenth Streets. Mrs. Pickering failed to see, or be seen by the driver of a Ford car and was struck by the right front wheel. Death was almost instantaneous.

Mrs. Pickering was seventy-five years old and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. B. P. Shawhan of Payette, and Mrs. C. S. Loveland, formerly of Payette, but for many years a resident of Los Angeles and two grandchildren. Mrs. Wayman Williams of Boise and Frederic Shawhan of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Shawhan left for Boise immediately upon receipt of the news. No funeral arrangements will be made until the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Loveland who will be in Boise about Thursday.

Mrs. Pickering, who has made her home in Boise for over twenty years, was formerly a resident of Payette, and has many old friends here who will be shocked and grieved to hear of her tragic death.

Payette Independent
Friday, September 03, 1904
Ina, the little 10 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce, was taken out of this life at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning after a brief illness with cholera infantum. The funeral services will be held today.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1916

Unspeakably sad was the scene presented at the home of Mr. Thomas Pitts in this city, Saturday morning, where death had claimed his wife and infant child and where both lay waiting to be followed by the heart-broken father and other relatives as well as many sorrowing friends to their final resting place by the side of two children who had preceded them within the past two years.

Mrs. Pitts died of tuberculosis, at 10 o'clock Wednesday night, Jan. 12th and her five-months old babe passed away at two o'clock Saturday morning, Jan. 15th.

Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. P. H. Evans. The mother and child were buried in one casket, the interment taking place in Riverside Cemetery.

Many floral offerings were sent, to the stricken home by friends of the family.

Cynthia Jane Inman was born in Barton county, Missouri, June l9, 1888. At the age of 11 years she went with her parents to Western Kansas; from there in 1905, she came with her parents to Payette, Idaho; June 19, 1907, she was united in marriage to Thomas Pitts. To this union were born six children; Oval, Claude, Effie, Carl, Lester and Allene. Mrs. Pitts leaves to mourn her loss, a husband, one son, Claude, aged seven years and one daughter, Effie, six years, a mother, four brothers, two sisters and a host of friends.

Allene Pitts, the babe, was born in Payette, Idaho, August 20, 1915, and died January 15, 1916. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1916

Unspeakably sad was the scene presented at the home of Mr. Thomas Pitts in this city, Saturday morning, where death had claimed his wife and infant child and where both lay waiting to be followed by the heart-broken father and other relatives as well as many sorrowing friends to their final resting place by the side of two children who had preceded them within the past two years.

Mrs. Pitts died of tuberculosis, at 10 o'clock Wednesday night, Jan. 12th and her five-months old babe passed away at two o'clock Saturday morning, Jan. 15th.

Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. P. H. Evans. The mother and child were buried in one casket, the interment taking place in Riverside Cemetery.

Many floral offerings were sent, to the stricken home by friends of the family.

Cynthia Jane Inman was born in Barton county, Missouri, June l9, 1888. At the age of 11 years she went with her parents to Western Kansas; from there in 1905, she came with her parents to Payette, Idaho; June 19, 1907, she was united in marriage to Thomas Pitts. To this union were born six children; Oval, Claude, Effie, Carl, Lester and Allene. Mrs. Pitts leaves to mourn her loss, a husband, one son, Claude, aged seven years and one daughter, Effie, six years, a mother, four brothers, two sisters and a host of friends.

Allene Pitts, the babe, was born in Payette, Idaho, August 20, 1915, and died January 15, 1916. (Riverside Cemetery)


Fruitland Banner
Friday, April 23, 1915
Prominent Ontario Woman Dies After Long Illness

Mrs. C. W. Platt, of Ontario, died early Monday morning at her home in that city after a long illness. Mrs. Platt was one of the pioneers of Malheur County having lived there since 1885.

She leaves her husband, C. W. Platt, two sons and two daughters. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the family residence, Bishop Paddock, of the Episcopal church officiating. The remains were laid to rest in the Ontario Cemetery.


Fruitland Banner
Friday, December 07, 1917
Former Fruitland Newspaper Man Dies in Boise

William Plughoff, one of the pioneer newspaper men of southern Idaho, who at one time published the Tidings at this place, died at his home on South Tenth Street, Boise, Tuesday morning. Mr. Plughoff runs a number of newspapers in this section of Idaho in eastern Oregon, having started the New Plymouth Sentinel, Ontario Argus, and a paper at Vale. Since leaving Fruitland he has been editor of the Huntington News, where he lived until recently.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1930

Mr. Elijah Pounder was born in Minnesota, May 12, 1863 and died August 14, 1930 at Jonesboro, Oregon, where he was staying with his son, Arvin. He leaves his wife and son, Arvin and two step sons and one step daughter, Owen Bird, Henry Bird, and Elizabeth Tailor all of California. One sister, Magie Peters, a brother Tommy Jobes, of Minnesota.

Mr. Pounder came to Payette in 1908. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen and a member of the Church of God.

Funeral services were held at the Peterson funeral parlor Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. N. H. Farnham assisted by Rev. T. A. Wayne. A quartette from the Pentecostal church sang some beautiful selections. Burial was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 25, 1920
Mr. C. C. Powell, a highly respected citizen of this section, passed away at the home of his son Harry Powell, near Fruitland, Monday, Nov. 15th, after a short illness. Grief over the loss of his wife but a few weeks ago, probably hastened his death. Mr. and Mrs. Powell were well and favorably known both at Payette and Fruitland where they have lived and made many warm friends. Mr. Powell was born at Plattsburg, Mo., January 9th, 1855. He was united in marriage to Mrs. Anna A. West, December 22, 1887, and moved to Colorado in 1909, and to Idaho in 1911. He leaves two sons, Harry Powell of Fruitland, and C. K. Powell of Corvallis, Oregon; also four brothers; John A. Powell, Betrand, Mo.; J. L. Powell of Perrine, Mo.; M.R. Powell of Long Beach, Calif.; and Will Powell of Vernal, Utah. Funeral services were held from the M.E. Church at Fruitland Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. W. VanDusen. Interment was made in the Ontario Cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 11, 1920

"After the burden and heat of the day.
The starry calm of night. After the rough and toilsome way,
A sleep in the robes of white, O sweet is the slumber wherewith the King
Hath called the weary to rest. For sleeping they hear the angels sing;
they lean on the Master's breast."

How fitting these words in memory of one who served his day and generation well.

He was born in Missouri March 19, 1857, and departed this life at his home on Sixth Street, Nov. 4, 1920. His age, therefore, was 63 years, 7 months and 15 days. No age is immune to the attack of death and death never waits for our revelation to make its abode.

In Missouri, at an early age, he was converted and was a member of an M.E. church there. Upon moving to Payette, he chose the Church of God and was a consistent Christian. So close was his walk with the Master - that as others looked upon him they saw Christ.

In the year 1887 he was married to Miss Huffman and this union was blessed with four sons all living. They are: William of Portland; David of Pocatello; Tillsman of Payette; and Alex in California. His wife died in 1904 and in 1906 he was again happily married to Mrs. Mills of Payette. All these loved ones a sister, Mrs. Keele of Payette, and many relatives and friends live to mourn their loss. But they sorrow not as those who have no hope. His earthly tabernacle has been laid away but the Spirit has gone to God where the "many mansions be." We shall meet beyond the river is the peculiar hope of the Christian.

Now another faithful member of the Payette church is gone. As one by one these old soldiers of the cross pass on we wonder, "Who will take their places?" He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Funeral services at the Church of God conducted by his Pastor, Rev. A. E. Houser, who spoke from Rev. 14:13. Interment in Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 30, 1920

The many friends both at Fruitland and Payette will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. C. C. Powell at Corvallis, Ore. The Powells were former residents of Fruitland, having lived there many years before going to Corvallis to make their home. Heart failure is said to be the cause of her death. The body arrived this morning on No. 4. So far no funeral arrangements have been made but it will very likely be held Sunday in Fruitland. Mrs. Powell's son, Walter L. West, of McKees, Penn., is expected to arrive for the funeral. Besides her husband and son Walter, she is survived by tow sons, Harry of Fruitland, and C. K. of Corvallis. An obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 7, 1920)


The community was shocked and saddened Wednesday when the news was given out of the death of Mrs. Jennie A. Powell, wife of C. C. Powell, which occurred Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock, caused by a stroke of apoplexy, when she was seen to fall at the fate of her home, In Corvallis, Oregon. She had passed away before anyone could reach her side.

Jennie A. Powell was born in Salem, Pennsylvania, Sept 13, 1857, and died in Corvallis, Oregon, Tuesday evening. September 23rd, 1920, aged 63 years, and 15 days. In 1883 she was married to Walter L. West of McKeesport, Pa., he having died in 1885. One son was born of the first marriage. In 1887 she was married to Charles C. Powell of Plattsburg, Mo. To them were born two sons, C.K. and Harry. They resided in Missouri twenty-one years, then removed to Colorado, where they lived two years, and in 1911 moved to Payette, where they have since resided, until March of this year they went to Corvallis, for Mr. Powell's health.

The body was brought to Payette last Thursday morning, accompanied by the husband and C. K. Powell and wife, awaiting the arrival of her son, Mr. West from McKeesport, who arrived Saturday evening. A husband, three sons and five grandchildren survive.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church, Payette, and the sermon preached by the pastor, Rev. Clyde Walker, assisted by Rev. Van Deusen of the Fruitland M.E. Church. The body was interred in the cemetery at Ontario, surrounded by a host of loving friends and the family and the abundance of flowers as a taken of esteem and love.

Mrs. Powell endeared herself to all who knew her. Her's was a bright, sunny nature and her helpfulness and cheery spirit will be missed by many and the niche in the home never filled. Sincere sympathy is extended to the family.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

Matilda Query was born July 25, 1854, in the state of Iowa to James and Osie Query. She was married to William Mills in Polk county, Nebraska, in the year 1875. One daughter, Estella Blanche, now Mrs. T. J. Jackson, and living at Crystal was born to this union. Mr. Mills passed away many years ago and in 1907 she was again married to Frank Powell. One daughter, five grand-children, three brothers and two sisters are left to mourn, besides many friends.

Mrs. Powell was converted early in life and was a member of the local Church of God. She was a friendly neighbor, a good mother and a consistent christian.

Funeral services were conducted by her old pastor, Rev. Argyl F. Houser, and were held in the Church of God Bethel, Monday, September 22, 1924, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 28, 1917

Clarence E. Pratt, a former resident of Payette passed away at the hospital in Weiser Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Pratt was taken sick on his way to Payette Tuesday of last week. On arriving at Payette he called a Doctor who hurried him to Weiser where he was taken to the hospital and underwent an operation ? ? appendicitis. Everything was done in his recovery, but to no avail, and on Sunday evening passed to the great beyond.

Clarence E. Pratt was born at Waukon, Iowa, September 21st, 1868, died at Weiser, Idaho, June 24, 1917, age 48 years, 9 months, and 3 days. He was married to Miss Ella Wolf about the year 1888 and moved to Payette, Idaho, in 1900, where with his family he made his home until the year 1911, moving from here to Weiser at which place he made his home until the time of his death. He became a member of the Brethren Church when quite young and has always taken an active part in the church work. During his stay in Payette he made friends who will grieve to learn of his death.

Besides an aged mother, and wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, four daughters, Mrs. Goldie Snyder of Pocatello, Pansy, Flossy and Velma of Weiser, four grand children, one sister and two brothers.

The body was brought to Payette Wednesday on the noon train and the funeral services were held from the Brethren Church, conducted by Rev. Joseph Nehir of Nampa. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery.

We join with the many friends of the believed family in extending to them our sincere sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 17, 1910

Payette residents were filled with sorrow and surprise on Tuesday morning of this week to learn of the sudden death of Lemuel Pratt a well known and respected resident of this city. Mr. Pratt had been a sufferer for years from Bright’s disease but it was not generally known that he was in a dangerous condition. He had been subject to severe attacks but for the past few days had been feeling as well as usual. Monday evening he expressed no unusual condition as to himself but was stricken early Tuesday morning and passed suddenly away. Other complications other than the chronic ailment hastened the failure of nature to withstand the inroads of disease. Lemuel Pratt was well known to a large number of Payette people. He was one of those quiet unassuming men that win their way into the hearts of many by their true worth and high standard of citizenship.

He was born February 26th, 1843, at Dover, Maine. His parents emigrated to Iowa when he was three years old. During the war of the rebellion Mr. Pratt served with honor and distinction with the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry.

On October 27th, 1865 he was united in marriage to Julia Ogg(?) and to this union were born five children all of whom are living. C. E. Pratt and Mrs. Henry Beckwith, of Payette, L. B. Pratt, of Harmony, Minnesota, Mrs. J. J. Parks and Mrs. H. O. Adams, of Fredericksburg, Iowa.

In 1899 the family moved to North Dakota where they resided But a short time, coming to Payette in 1900 where Mr. Pratt has since made his home.

The funeral services will be held Sunday at the Brethren church but as there are so many to come from such a distance and the time of the arrival of the trains so uncertain the hour cannot be given at this time. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Donald Preston, one of Payette's highly respected citizens passed away Monday morning, November 24th, 1924, at 10:15 in the Ontario Hospital. He was ill two weeks, during which time he suffered intensely, having undergone an operation for appendicitis just a week before his death.

Deceased was born in Des Moines, Iowa, January 10th, 1879. When he was about twenty years old he came to Idaho and lived in Payette up to the time of his death with the exception of a few years, during which time he and his family made their home in Ontario.

Mr. Preston was married June 7, 1905, to Miss Grace Myers, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Myers. to this union six children were born, Mrs. Grace Revis of Medford, Ruth, Margaret, Scott, Boyd and Billy, of Payette. These with his widow mourn the loss of a kind father and loving husband and the whole community mourns with them.

Mr. Preston worked for fifteen years with the Idaho Power company, with which, at the time of his death, he had attained to the position of inspector of the transmission department.

In Mr. Preston, Payette loses a splendid citizen, a constructive worker and a kind friend. The employees of the Idaho Power Company feel his loss with special keenness and realize that his place will be very hard to fill.

Funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of Mrs. Revis, who is now on the way to Payette.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 30, 1930

The sudden death of Little La Ree Preston, 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Preston, which occurred at her home on North Seventh street on last Thursday morning, was not only a severe shock to the members of her family, but brought sadness to the people of the entire community. La Ree was an exceptional child. Her lovable disposition and sweet childish ways made her exceedingly dear to her parents, her teacher and school mates and all who knew her. It seems truly sad that a child blessed with such a sweet disposition and promising future should be taken away. Her illness was of only a few hours' duration, and death came so unexpectedly and with hardly a moment's warning.

She was born at Weston, Ida., Oct. 18, 1921, and soon after came to Weiser with her parents, then to Nampa, where the family lived until about two years ago, when they moved to Payette. She leaves to mourn their loss her parents and two younger brothers, and many school mates and others who learned to love her.

The funeral was held at Weiser Friday, Oct. 24, and interment was made in the Weiser cemetery.

While the untimely passing of this beautiful child has brought untold sorrow, and particularly to the parents and other members of the family, there is one consoling thought -- she has been taken away while yet in all her purity, from a world full of sorrow and temptation, pure and undefiled before her Maker, who said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." With this beautiful thought in mind, you may yet see her in all her glory.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their extreme kindness and words of sympathy in our recent bereavement in the loss of our dear one.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Preston and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 12, 1914

The word that flashed over the city Friday afternoon of last week about two o'clock that Frank Price had dropped dead in the office of Denney & Company came as a distinct shock to the business men and his many friends. While Mr. Price had not been in the best of health for a number of years and for the last ten days had been probably a little more poorly than usual there was nothing in his condition to indicate a sudden passing.

Frank Price had been a resident of Payette since 1904. During all of his years of living in this city he had been constantly in some way connected with the valley's chief interest, the fruit business. By his honest business methods, his earnestness of purpose and his unfaltering devotion to trust imposed in him he won for himself an enviable reputation among the business men of this city and the fruit growers with whom he came in contact. Of a quiet and retiring nature he never the less was always willing to bear his share of public work and was unceasingly interested in better conditions in the city and valley along all lines.

He was born in Keokuk, Iowa, July 20, 1860. When he came to man's estate he worked for twenty years with his uncle Wm. Tackaberry, of the Tackaberry Wholesale Grocery Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, first as book-keeper and later as traveling salesman. In 1898 he was united in marriage to Miss Jean Shontz, who was a daughter fourteen years old remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and an indulgent father.

In 1904 when Mr. Price first came to Payette he accepted a position as manager of the Payette Fruit Packing Company which position he filled with entire success and satisfaction until 1908 when he resigned to accept the management of the Fruits, Colorado fruit association where he worked for three years returning again to Payette in 1910 to accept a responsible position with Denney & Company as head book keeper in this city at which place he worked until the day of his death, always with the entire respect and confidence of his employer. Death came to him while he was at his post of duty busily engaged in looking after his employer's affairs.

The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock being conducted by Rev. A. L. Howarth. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery the services at the grave being in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which deceased was an honored member. The wealth of beautiful floral offerings from friends were mute testimony to the love and esteem in which this man was held. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the stricken wife and daughter and to the mother, brother and two sisters who residing in Iowa were unable to be present at the services. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 08, 1921
Golda Illa Prichard, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Prichard of this city, died at the home of Nurse Baker last Friday evening at 8 o'clock following an illness of but a few days. The cause of her death was ulcer of the lungs. She is survived by a father and mother, three sisters and four brothers. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Buell from the Baptist church, Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Prichard family came to Payette from Montana but a few months ago, during the short time they have been here they have made many friends who will extend to them their heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, April 06, 1906
Obituary (Contributed)

Bernie D. Prickett, adopted son of Mr. L. E. Prickett and Mrs. Sarah A. Prickett, formerly of Payette but at present residing at Kline Falls, Ore., passed away Sunday, April 1, at 7:45 a.m., at the private hospital of Mrs. Humphrey on College street in this city. He was 17 years of age.

His was a very malignant case of typhoid and the care and attention that he received may best be judged by the fact that he lived two and a half weeks after having suffered thirty hemorrhages in 24 hours. For a man to live at all after such an experience was an unheard of thing to the Drs. Woodward, his attending physicians. His adopted father and mother were sent for and were with him the last two weeks of his life. Their love for him was genuine and their grief is that of real parents. When but eighteen months old he was one of a carload of infants shipped from New York City to Republic, Mo., and it was here that he found his parents to be in Mr. and Mrs. Prickett. They had previously adopted a child that they lost at the age of five years and without thought of taking one of these little unfortunates they went down to see them unloaded. But when the nurse stepped out with this boy, the youngest of them all, and he, instinctively as it were, turned to Mr. Prickett, the matter was soon settled and he went to live with them as their own boy. For such ministrations of love they shall have their reward for the Christ hath spoken it.

The funeral service was from the Christian church. Elder Keltner of the Brethren church officiated, assisted by Mr. Davidson, minister of the Christian church. The deceased was a member of Company I, of the National Guard of Idaho, and his comrades attended in a body and fired the usual military salute across the grave, after the body was lowered.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 23, 1924
Death of Mark Prindle

Mark Prindle was born at Harvard, Ill., May 20, 1866. He died at Holy rosary hospital, Ontario, Oregon, October 17th, 1924, at 1:15 A. M. after an illness of four days.

Mr. Prindle came with his family to Payette, Idaho, December 3, 1904, where they have since resided. He laves a wife, two sons and one daughter. One son, Ray, lives at Mansfield, Ohio, and the daughter, Grace and son, Archie, live in Payette. Besides his intimate family he leaves four brothers and one sister.

The Prindle family has been well known and much respected residents of Payette for nearly twenty years last past.

Mark Prindle was a quiet man with the splendid faculty of attending to his own affairs. He blew no trumpet when he did a kind, helpful service. That he had many friends is evidenced by the large crowd that gathered at the home for the last rites. He was an honest, reliable, trustworthy man in whom a confidence was never misplaced. He provided well for his family while he lived and provisions were made for their future. His family has lost a faithful husband, a good father, and his neighborhood an honored member, and the community a valuable citizen.

Conducted by Rev. Hall of the M. E. church and interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 15, 1931
Raymond Prindle was born at Aneta, N. D., September 9, 1892, coming to Payette in 1904 with his parents.

Mr. Prindle was a graduate of the Payette high school and the Chemical Engineering department of O. A. C., Corvallis, Oregon. After graduating, he went to Denver, where he took a course in Gas engineering, while employed by the Denver Gas and Electrical Co.

He enlisted in the 30th Engineers, Gas and Flame, afterward called the First Gas Regiment, at Fort Logan, Colo., serving overseas, being on the extreme front from the battle of Chateau Thierry, till the close of the war.

New Year's eve, 1924, he was married to Miss Georgiana Richardson, Webb City, Mo., moving from there to Shreveport, La.

He was taken ill December 22 and passed away December 30, 1930. Rose Croix funeral services were held in Joplin, Mo., from the Scottish Rite Cathedral. He was a Mason, Shriner and an Elk.

Mr. Prindle is survived by his wife, a little son, his mother, brother and sister, to mourn his loss.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 13, 1930

Charles Prior Passes

The funeral service of Chas. Prior, brother of Mrs. D. G. Gardner, and H. C. Prior, was held at the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon. The Rev. Clayton Judy and Rev. Henry Jacobs officiating. A quartette choir rendered two old hymns beautifully, "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Abide With Me." A large number of people were present at the service and a number of beautiful floral pieces told of the esteem in which he was held in the community. (Parkview Cemetery)

Note: Charles Prior was born 1-21-1855 and died 2-6-1930. Burial at Parkview Cemetery, New Plymouth. ch

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 02, 1922
Dies in Ontario

Anton Pritzel, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Pritzel, who live about 2 miles south of Fruitland, died at the Ontario hospital last Saturday morning of pneumonia following an operation about a month ago for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids, but the physicians were unable to stop the hemorrhage from the adenoids, and pneumonia set in. The young man was 18 years of age and leaves beside his parents, four sisters and seven brothers. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Ontario, Tuesday morning with interment in the Ontario cemetery - Fruitland Banner.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 21, 1924
Rudolph Pritzel died in the Ontario hospital last Tuesday as the result of a factured skull, received when he fell from the hay mow, where he was playing with several of his brothers and sisters. He was born at the family home south of Fruitland, seven years ago, and leaves to mourn his loss, his father and mother, six brothers and four sisters, one sister little Gertrude being his twin, one brother also a twin died two years ago. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church in Ontario last Thursday and the little body laid to rest there. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 04, 1919
The entire community was shocked when the news was received on Sunday evening that Miss Alvina Ruth Puchert had that evening passed away. Miss Puchert was a member of the last High School graduating class and was known and loved by a host of friends most of whom had not known that she was will. She was born April 27, 1900 near Idaho Springs, Colorado. She lived with her parents for some years at Wood River, Nebraska, where at the age of 13, she united with the Methodist church. She came to Fruitland two years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Puchert. She was their only child, they having lost, fourteen years ago, their only son who died at the age of six. A strange coincidence is the fact that Miss Puchert was born in 1900, was 19 years of age, graduated in '19, with a class of 19 members. She was a beautiful Christian character in every sense of the word and the deep sympathy of every individual in the community goes out to the bereaved parents and other relatives. A half sister, Mrs. Dorothy Hendricks, lives at Cleo, Oklahoma. (She will be buried from the M.E. Church. The funeral announcements await word from Mrs. Henricks).

Payette Independent
Friday, May 04, 1906
Death of Mrs. Benjamin Purcell

Mrs. Ben Purcell of this city died at 2:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in St. Elizabeth's hospital in Baker City, where she had been taken a number of days before for surgical treatment. Her husband and daughter, Miss Bessie Purcell, were with her when she died. The body was brought to Payette for burial on the early train Wednesday morning, having been accompanied by the husband and daughter and by Rev. T. S. Dulin, pastor of the Baptist church of Baker City, formerly pastor of the church at this place of which Mrs. Purcell was a member.

Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist church in Payette Thursday morning by the Rev. Mrs. Dulin, while the local circle of the Royal Neighbors of which the deceased was a member performed the rites of the order at Riverside cemetery where the body was laid to rest.

Mrs. Purcell was 37 years of age having been born in Illinois December 15, 1868. Her maiden name was Alberta Sophia Roadenizer. She was married to Benjamin Purcell December 6, 1883, nine children having been born to them, three of whom are dead. The family came to Payette in 1895 from Harrison county, Ia. Mrs. Purcell joined the Baptist church of Payette in January, 1901. For several years she had been an invalid but bore her suffering with Christian-like faith and fortitude. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, June 04, 1903
Distressing Accident

Harold, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Purcell, about two years of age, died Tuesday shortly before noon as a result of a most deplorable mistake. The baby was accidentally given a dose of carbolic acid which had been left by one of the other children on a stand where its medicine was kept. Two doctors were called but their efforts were unavailing and the little one died within about two hours. The funeral was conducted Thursday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. Dulin from the M.E. church. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 01, 1931
Owing to suffering from personal injuries and the terrible shock, L. I. Purcell was unable to furnish us with particulars of the accident which resulted in the death of Mrs. Purcell until now.

The accident happened nine miles west of Delta, Colo., about 11:45 a.m. Monday, September 14. The car was going at a speed of between 30 to 35 miles an hour when a sharp rock tore a hole in the left rear tire and a blow-out followed. The car steered first to the right and then to the left and the swish of the rear end took it off the grade and the car turned over.

Mr. Purcell and Jack were in front and remained in their seats. Bobby was under the car and Mrs. Purcell was thrown clear of it and was lying on the ground with a scar over the left temple and her face badly bruised. She lived only about five minutes. Bobbie was struck across the forehead and both eyes were closed for several days. His right ear was cut and also his neck. For three days his condition was precarious. Mr. Purcell was struck twice on the head, over the right eye, his right leg was bruised from his knee to ankle and he sustained other minor injuries, Jack escaped.

Mr. Purcell and Jack accompanied the remains by rail to the home of Mrs. Purcell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper, in Colorado Springs, and she was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery Saturday morning, at 10:30. The services were conducted at the Swan Funeral chapel by Rev. Wm. Tefley, pastor of the First Methodist church of Pueblo, husband of Mr. Purcell's niece. A feature of the service was the singing by Mrs. Logan whose sweet and soulful contralto voice deeply touched all present.

Hazel Cooper was born in Longview, Illinois, December 17, 1889, and was 41 years, 8 months and 27 days old at the time of her death.

She was a teacher in the Pesotum, Illinois, schools at the time of her marriage to L. I. Purcell, April 5, 1924. She joined the Methodist church when about 14 years of age and belonged to the Methodist church of Payette. She was in every sense a home loving woman, was devoted to her family, caring more for their comfort and companionship than for social or other attractions which would take her from them for even a short season.

The beautiful floral offerings, nearly a score from Payette, which banked her casket and covered her grave were testimonial of the love and esteem in which she was held by her friends here and where she had previously lived.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 17, 1931

The entire community was shocked and saddened Monday, when word of the death of Mrs. L. I. Purcell, ten miles northwest of Delta, Colorado, was received in Payette.

Not very much information is to be had at the time of going to press. It seems that their car skidded and turned over twice. The youngest boy, Bobbie was hurt, evidently not seriously, and Mrs. Purcell received injuries, from which she subsequently died. It is not known how long she lived after the accident.

Presumably, Mr. Purcell and the oldest boy Jack were not hurt.

The funeral is to be held either today, Thursday or Friday in Colorado Springs.

Mr. and Mrs. Purcell and children left here Saturday, enroute to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Mrs. Purcell expected to help care for her mother, who has been seriously ill.

Note: Hazel Purcell is buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, Colorado. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 08, 1920

The usual cheer and happiness of New Year's Day was greatly saddened when it was learned that Nephi Purcell, one of Payette's best known and highly respected citizens had died very suddenly while out hunting in the hills about four miles east of town. Mr. Purcell has been for many years particularly fond of hunting and trapping, and on New Year's day started out to look after his traps, taking with him that morning his two little grandsons, Ralph and Earl Stone, seven and nine years of age. He seemed to be in his usual good health when leaving home but on the way out complained to the little boys several times, saying he did not feel well, and stopped at different times to rest and when beyond what is known as the "saddle" on the ridge about three and a half miles east of town, and after climbing a very steep hill on the break of Emery Gulch, the end came with but a second's warning. His last words were: "Boys, Grandpa is dying" and he fell lifeless without a struggle, not even releasing his grip on the gun in his hand. It was a great shock to the little grandsons who at their age did not fully realize that the final words and guiding hand of one they had learned to love was stilled for ever. They shook and called to him thinking he was only seriously ill, and remained with him for perhaps an hour when Ralph, the older boy, amid sobs, said to his little brother "Come on Earl, I know Grandpa is dead;" and the two little fellows hurriedly found their way toward home to summon help. When within about a mile and a half of town they found Shirley Brannock who quickly returned with the boys to the fatal spot. After covering the body with his coat, Mr. Brannock returned to the Cram residence and telephoned to Dr. J. C. Woodward who with others went to return with the body. The little boys, fatigued and grief stricken, found their mother at the Bancroft where she was at work, and conveyed to her the sad news. Mr. Geo. B. Kellog, proprietor of the Hotel took Mrs. Stone in his auto to the scene and to render assistance.

After carrying the body a distance of perhaps a half mile to the car, it was brought to Lauers Undertaking Parlor.

With this sad occurrence, a familiar face, a good neighbor and a friend to all will be missed among us. Mr. Purcell was a man who did unto others as he would wish to be done by. He was honest and upright in all his dealings and in his departure he leaves no man to say naught against him.

Nephi Purcell was born in Indiana in August 1846, and departed this life January 1, 1920, being at the time of his death, over 72 years of age. When at the age of ten, he moved with his parents to Harrison County, Iowa, where he endured many hardships of early pioneer life. On March 9th, 1868, he was united in marriage to Isabel Jeffrey, and to this union eight children were born, two dying in infancy. The oldest son John Purcell, died about ten years ago in Iowa. He moved to Idaho in March, 1894, settling at that time on the farm now owned by Herman ? north of Payette, where he again became a pioneer of the west. A few years later he moved with his family to Crane Creek where his wife died during the spring of 1906. He later moved to Payette and in October 1907 was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Windle. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, four sons and one daughter: Ally of Weiser, Orren of Baker, Oregon; Lester of Corniacopia, Oregon; Floyd of New Plymouth; and Mrs. Mary Stone of Payette, all of whom were present at the funeral. Also two sisters in Iowa, and a brother, Ben Purcell of Payette.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Church of God, conducted by Rev. A. E. Houser, and the body laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


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