Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 30, 1930
Mrs. J. C. Giesler received word Friday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Anna Sampey, of Rosalia, Washington. She and Jack Giesler left overland at once for that place.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 28, 1922

The nine months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Samuels died of bowel trouble at the Auto Camp Ground, Friday evening, September 22, where the parents were camping while looking for work in the fruit orchards. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Home Undertaking Parlor, conducted by Rev. Clyde Walker. Interment at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Louise Elaine Samuels was born 12-22-1921 and died 9-22-1922, Payette. CH

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, March 21, 1919
Seven Year Old Boy Accidentally Shot at Falk (By Our Falk Correspondent)

A very sad accident occurred upon the slope last Friday morning. The two little Sanderson boys were alone in the house while the mother was out for a few minutes, and the boys, ages seven and eight respectively, secured a couple of guns and one of them said "Let's fight." The gun held by the older boy was loaded and the other boy was shot, dying almost instantly. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson were living on the Heizer ranch, Mr. Sanderson being a son-in-law of Mr. Heizer. The body was taken to Caldwell for burial, funeral services being held on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson have the sympathy of the entire community.

NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index, Burt Andrew Sanderson was born 19 August 191 and died 14 March 1919 (Cheryl Hanson)

Fruitland Banner
Friday, June 23, 1916
Comes in Contact with Live Wire While at Play

C. H. and E. B. Sargent were called to Boise Tuesday morning by a telephone message announcing the death of their nephew, Story Sargent, fourteen years old. The Sargent boy and a companion climbed up the ladder to the platform containing the transformer for the high power wires to the Pinney theater and in stepping across came in contact with a live wire and was instantly killed. The accident occurred Monday evening.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 21, 1921

The body of James Satterwhite who was drowned in Squaw Creek near Ola, on May 24th, was found by a fishing party last Sunday about two miles below where he had entered the stream in attempting to cross. The Sheriff of Gem County was notified and went to the scene and took charge of the body. Mr. Satterwhite was a single man about 45 years old, and had been a resident of this locality for the past twenty years.

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 23, 1902
Death of Mrs. Sawings

Mrs. Mary E. Sawings, one of the oldest residents of the Payette Valley, and of the town of Payette, died at her home in this city, at 9 o'clock Monday morning, after an illness of about six weeks.

Mother Sawings was a native of New York. She had reached the ripe age of 75 years, 8 months and 22 days. She came to the Payette Valley with her husband 26 years ago, and had been a resident of this city for the past 18 years. She was the mother of nine children, only three of whom survive her. She was a consistent Christian and had been a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. She enjoyed the friendship and high esteem of all who knew her.

The funeral took place from the Methodist church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. D. Bird, after which the interment took place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 22, 1914
Payette Citizen Killed

Word was received in Payette Monday that L. D. Scanlon had been killed at Olds ferry by being struck by a train on the O.S.L. Mrs. Scanlon went to Olds ferry Monday evening and identified the remains as those of her husband. Mr. Scanlon had just been released from the county jail where he was serving a sentence for assaulting his wife and threatening her life and had been warned not to come back to Payette. He was a hard drinking man and a bottle of liquor was found on his person. Just what train hit him will probably not be known as he passed through Payette Saturday evening enroute to Huntington. His ticket read only to Weiser and the conductor noticing him on the train at Olds Ferry put him off. The remains were interred in Weiser.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 04, 1930

Alice Rosa Stahl was born in Seneca county, Ohio, September 18, 1863. On August 9, 1883, she was married to L. C. Schubert at the home where she was born. Their early married life was spent in that section of the country where five children were born to them. In April 1904, the family journeyed westward to the state of Idaho, where all have resided ever since. A few years after marriage, Mrs. Schubert united with the Church of the Brethren of which she was a constant member until the time of her decease. After a three year illness she passed away Sunday, August 31, at 5:30 a. m. just as the night was spent and the day was breaking.

In the last year of her illness she was almost entirely helpless during which time no finer evidence of affectionate regard for her welfare and interest ever had been or could have been given than that shown to her by kind and ministering hands. She is survived by her husband L. C. Schubert, one daughter Mrs. Thurston Beckwith of Payette and three sons, L. Z. and Ray of Fruitland and David of Payette. One son Troy preceded her in death in 1924. She is also survived by one brother and three sisters who reside in Ohio.

Funeral services were held in the Church of the Brethren at Payette, Monday at 2:30 p. m., conducted by her pastor, Rev. S. Ira Arnold, assisted by Rev. McKinley Coffman, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Fruitland. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 27, 1916
Little Dalles Lyle, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Zane Shubert, died Thursday morning at 1 o'clock of septicemia -r(unreadable) blood poisoning, resulting from two operations on abscesses caused from trouble with his tonsils. He was born August 18th, 1914. The funeral services were held from the Brethren church Friday afternoon, Rev. J.E. Shamberger officiating. The burial was make in the Payette cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, July 21, 1916)

Schubert Baby Dead

Dallas Lyle, the little two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Schubert, of this place died Thursday morning about one o'clock. The little fellow had some trouble with his tonsils which caused an abscess and Friday evening it was decided to operate on his throat. The operation was successful and apparently he was improving, but the disease had taken too strong a hold for him to throw it off. The funeral will be held today from the Brethren church, J. E. Shamberger officiating.

The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a host of friends in their great bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 10, 1924
Troy D., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Schubert was born in Wyndott county, Ohio, December 11, 1887, and died July 3, 1924, at the age of 36 years, six months and 23 days. He moved from Ohio to the Payette valley with his parents, April 11, 1904, and has lived here most of the time since. He was married to Edna D. Eby, June 14, 1922, and five children were born to the union, 3 boys and two girls. Others to mourn his loss are his wife, his parents, one sister, Mrs. Thirston Beckwith who lives in California, and three brothers, Zane, Ray and David all of this place, besides a host of friends. He united with the Brethren church in January 1909, and was elected to the Deacon's office of the same. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church Sunday at two p. m., conducted by Rev. R. A. Moritz, assistant pastor of the Brethren church of Payette, assisted by H. A. Kauffman, and D. J., Wampler of Emmett, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. Mr. Schubert was one of Fruitland's finest young men, and the misfortune which befell him is greatly felt by all. The entire community extends its sympathy to the bereaved ones. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 26, 1922
School Boy Dies

Armin Schulze, nine years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schulze of New Plymouth, died at his home early Friday morning of diabetes. He had been sick but ten days. He was born in Montana, coming here with his parents when two years of age. He will be missed from the third grade at school. Besides his parents, he leaves four sisters and a brother to mourn their loss. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Westendorf at the Evangelical Lutheran church Sunday afternoon. Burial was in the Park View Cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses shown during the illness and death of our son, Armin and for the many kindnesses and floral tributes extended in our time of sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Schulze and family

Payette Independent
Friday, September 11, 1903
Death of Mrs. Schuyler

Mrs. W. H. Schuyler, who came from her home in Lompoc, Cal., six weeks ago to visit at the home of her brother, ex-County Commissioner J. F. Nesbitt, near Falk's Store, died Wednesday morning at 5:30 o'clock of spinal meningitis, having been stricken with the dreaded malady some two weeks ago. The husband of Mrs. Schuyler arrived from California last Saturday and was with his devoted companion during her last hours. The body was brought to this city Wednesday, prepared and shipped to California that night. Deceased was 57 years and 5 months. She leaves a husband and five children.

Mr. Nesbitt had not seen his sister in 19 years at the time of her arrival for a visit and the sad termination of their happy reunion after so long a separation was a most sorrowful blow.



The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 28, 1929


About 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, November 25, the dead body of a man was found in a vacant house, belonging to W. A. Coughanour, one block west of the O. S. L. depot, by Fred Frickle, living in a house about 200 feet south.

County Coroner, I. H. Adair, and Sheriff Stewart were notified and investigation showed that the man died of natural causes as he was lying on a straw bed with an old quilt over him. The body was removed to the Peterson Furniture home and a description taken. The man was about 60 years old, height 5 feet 9 inches, weight 160 pounds, red brown hair, bald in front, blue eyes, sandy complexion, beard mixed with gray, three teeth missing and others badly decayed, large scar on pit of stomach, evidently from a burn. He wore a ring with three green stone settings and on an inside pocket was a label of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, tailors of Portland, made for C. E. Scott, Portland, Oregon. There was also an envelope of the Big Four Transfer Co. of Portland.

S. C. McGee at the Commercial Hotel says he met the man at La Grande about three months ago and that he had been around Payette for three weeks. Mr. McGee said he was without funds and told him he had no relatives. O. W. Hull, night man, said he had also seen the man around for about three weeks. Efforts to locate friends or relatives have so far failed. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, February 26, 1904
Death of Mrs. F. M. Scott

A dispatch to Mrs. Pence of this city yesterday morning from Los Angeles, Cal., conveyed the sad news of the death at that place, on February 23, of Mrs. F. May Scott, formerly a resident of Payette. The dispatch was from Mrs. Stewart, a sister of the deceased, and gave no particulars, other than here in stated.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Aged Man Passes Away

Mrs. G. B. Bradley and Austin Anson have received a message conveying the news of the death of their grandfather, J. M. Scott, at Kawanee, Illinois, December 19th. He was past ninety-five years of age at his death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 13, 1916

The death of Mr. Otis Scott of Payette, which occurred at the Ontario hospital on Saturday, July 8th, is mentioned in our Little Willow correspondence. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in this city Sunday afternoon, being conducted by the pastor Rev. M. D. Reed.

Mr. Scott was the youngest of a family of eight, one of whom, George Scott, is well known here. The father and mother and the other brother, from Fort Collins, Colo. arrived in time to see Otis before his death and were present at the funeral. None of the sisters were able to be present, their homes being in Colorado and California. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 26, 1917

Fred Seda, a former resident of Payette was drowned in the Boise river Monday evening while in bathing in company with other men. Mr. Seda was not an expert swimmer and in attempting to swim the Boise river near Caldwell, was overcome, and went down. Every effort was made to save the man, but not until it was too late. His body was rescued by Jay Keefer of Willow creek who is with the Second Idaho, after it had been in the water for some time. A strenuous effort was made to resuscitate the body but to no avail.

Mr. Seda will be remembered as manager of the Garage just north of Giesler Bros. Store. He was employed at the Heith Auto Co. of Caldwell. He leaves a wife and one child. Mr. Seda was a member of the Modern Woodman, carrying insurance in that organization.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, July 27, 1917)

Former Payette Man Drowns In Boise River

Fred Seda, formerly of Payette, but recently a mechanic at the Heath garage in Caldwell, was drowned at eight o'clock Monday evening while in swimming above the Oregon Short Line bridge that spans the Boise river at Caldwell. He was with several other bathers and attempted to swim across the river, but apparently was a poor swimmer. He went down in the middle of the stream as a result of cramp or strangling.

Seda was pulled from the water by Jay Kiefer, of Payette, a member of Co. I., who was stationed at the bridge. A physician was summoned immediately, but was too late to save him.

County Commissioner Giesler, who was in Caldwell Monday was talking with Mr. Seda about one o'clock in the afternoon and was greatly surprised to learn of his death only a few hours later.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 17, 1916

A special to the Capital News from Cascade station, in Long Valley, Idaho, reports the finding of the dead body of Thomas Seymore, a short distance from that place, Tuesday.

The body was found on the trail leading down the valley. It was in a frozen condition and it is supposed that he froze to death. It was said that a careful examination of the body would be made to determine if death was from freezing or some other cause.

Thomas Seymore was well known in Payette, having been a resident of this city for ten or twelve years, up to 18 months ago, when he moved to Long Valley to engage in placer mining. He was a man about 45 years old and in his earlier days had been somewhat prominent as a baseball player.

Mrs. Seymore, who is a daughter of Mrs. M. E. Thompson, of this city, is at present visiting in Portland, Ore., where she has been advised by wire of the death of her husband.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 23, 1921
Again we are called upon to record in the columns of the Enterprise, the death of one whom this community loved, and are sorely grieved at her early departure from this life when it seemed the brightest. It had been generally known by the many inquiring friends that Mrs. Bruce Shafer who for the past ten weeks had been in a critical condition at the home of her uncle in Boise, had but little chance of recovery, but when the sad intelligence came that she had passed away last Saturday morning, a greater measure of sadness was keenly felt.

Margaret McPherson was born in Indian Valley, Idaho, February 26, 1898. She was left without a mother when but a child two years of age, and at the age of nine her father also died. After the death of her parents, she made her home with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McPherson of Boise, where she spent her school days, finishing with a course at Link's Business College.

She came to Payette October 1918, where she accepted a position with the Payette Valley Rex Spray Co., making her home with Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Ballenger. Mrs. Ballenger being an intimate school mate during their school days in Boise. While here she met and was united in marriage to R. B. Shafer, September 14, 1919. The following year Mr. and Mrs. Shafer moved to Boise where they continued to make their home until death separated the short, but happy union of less than two years.

The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at the Undertaking Parlors of Summers & Kreb, conducted by Rev. Jones, rector of the Episcopal church, who was the officiating Clergyman when she was christened and confirmed, and who officiated at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Shafer. Besides the husband she is survived by one sister, an aunt and uncle, who live in Boise, all of who will have the heart-felt sympathy of many friends both here at Payette and at Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917

Word was received that G. D. Shake had died Sunday afternoon two hours after undergoing an operation for cancer of the stomach at Burlington, Wash., where he went accompanied by his wife and little daughter a week ago Saturday. Mr. Shake owned a 40-acre ranch on Pennsylvania Ave., two miles south from Fruitland. He was about 50 years of age and leaves to mourn besides his wife, a sister and two brothers, three sons, Homer who lives in California, Harold of Corvallis, Rodney, who is in school in Corvallis, Helen, Dorothy, Lola and Irene. Mr. Shake came here from Minnesota 15 years ago. Mrs. Shake will arrive Thursday with the body.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, April 06, 1917)

Dies in Washington

George D. Shake, who left here for Seattle March 24th, where he was operated upon for cancer of the stomach, died in that city Sunday. Mrs. Shake and a younger daughter were with him at the time of his death.

Deceased was 50 years of age and leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters. Mr. Shake owns a 40 acre ranch two miles south of Fruitland, and had been a resident of this community for the past fifteen years.

Mrs. Shake arrived yesterday from Washington with the remains and the funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon in the Christian church at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 09, 1924
Death of Mrs. Shake

Funeral services for Mrs. G. D. Shake, who passed away at her home in Stanfield, Oregon, October 3rd, were held from the Christian Church in Payette Sunday afternoon. Rev. E. I. Mitchell was in charge and interment was in the Riverside cemetery.

Kathryn Annie Covert was born November 28, 1865 at Fairbow, Minnesota and passed away October 3, at 8:15 p. m., at Stanfield, Oregon. She was married July 21, 1889 to G. D. Shake who passed away April 1, 1917, and to this union, seven children were born, all of whom survive; four of who were at the bedside when the final summons came. The children are Homer, San Francisco, Harold, Stanfield, Oregon, Helen, Porterville, California, Rodney, Fruitland, Idaho, Lola and Irene, Stanfield, Oregon, and Mrs. Dorothy Harris of Payette.

Mrs. Shake was a good Christian mother, a good neighbor and a good friend. She was identified with the Congregational Church before coming to Payette and after settling in the valley she became identified with the Christian Church in which she was a conscientious consistent worker.

She had been in poor health for several months, during all of which time she suffered much. She bore her suffering with the patience and fortitude that characterizes a fine Christian character, until she was borne away to the spirit land where there is no suffering, where the weary rest.

The Shake family moved to the Payette Valley in 1900 where they resided until about a year ago when Mrs. Shake and two daughters, Lola and Irene moved to Seattle. Later they moved to Stanfield, Oregon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1930

A message received here Wednesday morning by the Shamberger family of Washoe, contained the sad news announcing the death of Jacob Shamberger who was killed in an auto accident Tuesday evening at Denver, Colorado. Mr. Shamberger, who is a relative of the Shamberger family here, resided with them for several years, leaving here about 15 years ago.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 12, 1929

Vernon Leroy Shank, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shank, was born in Fruitland, July 9, 1923 and passed away at his home Monday evening at 6 o'clock at the age of six years and five months. He has been in delicate health for the past few years, and has been confined to his bed since September 1, from heart trouble and brights disease. About two weeks ago he was taken ill with chicken pox, and a week later with pneumonia, but owing to his weakened condition was not able to stand this. Ever since his first illness several years ago, all the loving care that human hands could give him, has been his, but in spite of all this, he was taken to live in Heaven.

He leaves to mourn him, his father and mother, three sisters, Cleta, Marie, and Ruth, and one brother, Elwin.

Funeral services were held from the Brethren church Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock, conducted by Rev. McKinley Coffman, and interment was made in Park View cemetery in New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 5, 1912
Killed By Live Wire

Earl Shaw, aged 26, was killed Friday afternoon while passing with his hay derrick under the Oregon-Idaho high tension wire. Shaw had hold of the cable when the current passed from the high tension wire down the derrick and through his body killing him instantly. The accident occured on the Hubward ranch, three miles south of Nyssa. Shaw leaves his wife and a small family who lived on the Idaho side in the Black Canyon district.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 25, 1917

Roy L. Shaw was born at Hudson, Missouri, November 14th, 1883, and died at St. Alphonsus Hospital, Boise, Idaho, January 18th, 1917, age 33 years, 2 months and 4 days. He was united in marriage at Inid, Oklahoma to Miss Ruth Harris, August 29th, 1906. They moved to Blackwell, Okla. shortly after their marriage, where one child was buried. They remained at Blackwell until the spring of 1911 at which time they moved to Boise, Idaho, and shortly after moving to Payette, Idaho, where they have made their home until the time of his death. Upon moving to Payette Mr. Shaw engaged in the practice of law and was closely connected with the affairs of the city, ready and willing at all times to assist in the upbuilding of the city and community. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the W.O.W., Modern Woodmen, and Artisan lodge, carrying $6,000 Insurance and a Past Master in the Masonic Lodge. He was also chairman of the Payette Commercial Club at the time he left Payette to go with Company I to the Mexican border as their Captain. He was not in good health at the time, but owing to his robust appearance he passed the medical examination and went in response to his country's call as Captain of Company I. He was a good officer, commanding the respect of all, and under his command Company I became one of the best disciplined Companies in the regiment, and received many compliments through the press.

He leaves to mourn his loss, a bereaved wife and mother, one brother, I. A. Shaw of Blackwell, Okla., two half sisters and two half brothers. The many friends made by Mr. and Mrs. Shaw in this community, extend to the wife and mother their heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement.

A military funeral service was conducted from Fry & Summers Undertaking parlor Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock by the Chaplain of the Idaho Regiment, Rev. Wilsie Martin, which was very impressive and fitting for the occasion. There were many beautiful floral offerings from Company 1, the Masonic Order of Payette of which he was a member and from many friends at Boise. Six Captains of the Idaho Regiment acted as pallbearers. The 3rd Battalion escorted the procession to the depot from which place the body was shipped to Blackwell, Okla., accompanied by the bereaved wife and mother, to be laid to rest in the family lot beside his father and little son who preceded him to the better world.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 24, 1930

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Shawhan were grieved to learn of Mrs. Shawhan's death which occurred at the St. Luke's hospital in Boise, Thursday of last week, July 17. The sad news reaching the Enterprise office too late for publication in last week's issue.

Mrs. Shawhan was among the first settlers in the Payette valley coming to Idaho with her husband in 1892 and for four years resided in Payette where they were very prominent in all social and civic affairs, contributing much to the advancement and upbuilding of the little pioneer town of Payette. Mr. Shawhan taking an active part in the construction of the Farmers' Irrigation Canal which carried the first irrigation water to the New Plymouth and Fruitland bench. After residing four years in Payette they moved to New Plymouth and took an active part in the organizing the New Plymouth Colony Company and assisted in laying out the townsite of that thriving little city which now stands as a monument of their successful work as pioneers of the Payette valley. They later moved to Payette where they again became prominent citizens of this place. Mrs. Shawhan assisted in organizing the Payette Portia club and was chosen as first president, where she served efficiently in building up the organization which today is one of the largest and most successful organizations of its kind in the state. She was also a member and active worker in the P. E. O. society.

Mrs. Shawhan was born at Knightstown, Ind., February 12, 1868 and later moved to Gordon City, Kans., where she was united in marriage to B. P. Shawhan of New York City, November 18, 1885. After residing in New York City three years they came west to Idaho. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Frederick Shawhan whose excellent vocal talent has given him prominence as a bass singer over much of the United States, a daughter Miss Helen Shawhan, who resides in Los Angeles, Calif., she is also survived by one sister, Mrs. C. S. Loveland of Los Angeles, who many years ago was a resident of Payette where Mr. Loveland was cashier of the Payette Valley Bank.

Funeral services were held from St. Michael's Cathedral at Boise Saturday, July 19, Rev. Dean Rea officiating. Interment in Morris Hill cemetery.

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 4, 1911

Last Sabbath afternoon the citizens of Payette with a large number of friends and acquaintances of the family from Weiser, Boise, Caldwell and other neighboring towns in Southern Idaho, paid their last tribute of love and respect to this stalwart citizen and with sad hearts tenderly bore his remains to Riverside cemetery and laid them at rest. The immense throng that sought to gain admission to the Methodist church where the services were held, the wealth of beautiful floral offerings and the largest funeral cortege ever seen in Payette were all evidences of the universal love and respect in which Captain Shawhan was held when alive. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. George W. Turner, who took for his text "Thou Shalt Be Missed Because Thy Seat Shall Be Empty." Rev. Turner paid a glowing tribute to the life of Capt. Shawhan speaking of his royal quality of manhood, his cheerful optimistic nature and of his life long labor devoted to making those near and dear to him happy. It was a beautiful tribute paid by a man whose knowledge was of a close personal acquaintance.

W. T. Sherman Post G. A. R. and the Women's Relief Corps had charge of the remains at the church and one impressive part of the arrangements was the draping of the casket with the flag he had fought to defend and perpetuate. After the services at the church the members of Washoe Lodge No. 28 A. F. & A. M. took charge and at the cemetery the simple but impressive burial service of the order were observed.

When the last rites were performed and just as the large concourse of people were sadly departing from the last resting place of this worthy citizen, taps blown by the bugler of Company I was a fitting close to the touching ceremonies of the afternoon.

Joseph H. Shawhan was born in Rush county, Indiana, August 10th, 1838, and moved with his parents to Sigourney, Iowa, in 1845 where he grew to manhood and 1861 was united in marriage to Miss Mary Adeline Jackson. In October 1862 he enlisted in Company B 33rd infantry of Iowa as lieutenant and served until March 1863 when he was forced to resign on account of utter failure of health induced by the severe service in the southern swamps. In November of the same year he had so far recovered as to feel able again to go to the front and enlisted as Captain in Company K of the Ninth Cavalry Iowa Volunteers in which company he served until the end of the war returning to his home in Sigourney, Iowa, where he engaged in business until 1880 when he moved to Kansas settling at Clay Center. There he remained until 1895 in which year he came to Payette Valley being one of the original Plymouth colonists and living at New Plymouth for a time. Later he purchased and cleared the sage brush, leveled the land and planted the present twenty acre pear orchard near Payette which is the pride of this valley and noted all over the northwest as a typical, well kept pear orchard. He was one of the few men, possibly the only man in this valley who planted an orchard and had the faith and courage to stay by it until it was bearing and paying. As a horticulturalist he ranked with the leading ones of the state, was president of the State society, Vice-President for the state of Idaho of the National Horticultural. Congress and was also a member of the State Horticultural board. In matters pertaining to the advancement of fruit culture Capt. Shawhan was always a leader and in every movement for the betterment of conditions along all lines was always to the fore in the work.

He leaves to mourn his loss his faithful wife, four sons, Hon B. P. Shawhan of this city, Rev. H. H. Shawhan of Danville, Illinois, W. J. Shawhan, Dr. G. E. Shawhan of Boise and two daughters, Mrs. H. J. Sommercamp of Weiser and Mrs. T. E. Jones of Payette, all well known in their various communities and with legions of friends who with them mourn the passing of one of Payette Valley's most loved and respected citizens. (Riverside Cemetery)

Mrs. Shawhan and children desire to express their sincere appreciation of the sympathy and many acts of kindness which so helped them in their time of sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 01, 1930
Pioneer of Payette Valley Dies In California

Word has been received announcing the death of Mrs. J. H. Shawhan which occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sommercamp at San Gabriel, Calif., Monday, April 28. Mrs. Shawhan was one of the early settlers of the Payette valley, coming here with her husband, Captain J. H. Shawhan from the state of Kansas about 40 years ago. Mr. Shawhan was one of the first and most successful fruit growers of this section, planting a 20 acre tract of apples and pears on the bench, three miles south of town. It will be remembered that Mr. Shawhan was killed some twenty years ago when his team ran away near his home while on their way to Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Shawhan were among the most prominent and highly respected people throughout southern Idaho, who still have many friends and acquaintances here who will remember their prominence and their part in improving and building up the Payette valley. Mrs. Shawhan's death was perhaps not unexpected, as she was past 88 years of age and passed peacefully away from causes incidental to her advanced years. Her body is being brought to Boise for burial beside her husband, where the funeral was held this Thursday afternoon at 2:30.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 08, 1922

David Shearer, one of the early pioneers of the Payette Valley, passed away at five o'clock Tuesday morning at the Holy Rosary Hospital at Ontario, following several weeks illness. He was taken with a severe attack of Influenza some two months ago and had recovered sufficiently to be about when a relapse and complication set in that seemed to baffle all medical aid and on Friday of last week was removed to the hospital where he grew rapidly worse ending in his death early Tuesday morning.

He was born near Little Sioux, Iowa, Feb. 16, 1856, where he grew to manhood coming to Payette in the Spring of 1883, he was one of those sturdy pioneers who endured the hardships bravely and took part in the building up of Payette where he has constantly made his home for nearly forty years. His disposition was to look upon the bright side of life and to deal fairly with his fellow man, and was always ready and willing to lend assistance where it was most needed.

He is survived by one daughter Mrs. Carrie Sims now living at Memphis, Tenn., one brother and sister in Iowa, and one brother, a minister, living at Independence, Mo., two half sisters in Omaha, Neb., two half brothers Tom and James Shearer, both former residents of Payette, the latter arriving here from Rogerson, Idaho, Wednesday morning.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock from Lauer's Undertaking Parlors, conducted by Rev. E. E. Long of Lamoni, Iowa, who came to Caldwell, a few days ago on another mission, and to Payette, Tuesday evening at the request of a sister of the deceased who lives at Lamoni, that he might meet her brother and other relatives little thinking he would be called upon to preach his funeral sermon.

Interment was made in Riverside cemetery beside his wife who preceded him in 1917. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1916

At 10 o'clock Monday night an estimable woman passed away when the spirit of Mrs. Emma Farber Shearer, wife of David D. Shearer, took its flight to the world beyond the veil. Mrs. Shearer had been ill only about two weeks, her trouble being pronounced acute Bright's disease by the attending physician. The funeral took place Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon from the family residence, Rev. Benj. Smith, pastor of the Christian church, officiating in the last sad rites.

Mrs. Shearer was a woman whose kind disposition and friendly intercourse with her neighbors had drawn about her a large circle of true friends, to whom the news of her death, after so brief an illness, was fair as a personal look. The following is a brief

Obituary Notice

Emma Farber was born April 4th, 1849, in the State of Illinois. About the age of 20 she was married to William Neal, with whom she lived about 20 years in Iowa. Three children were born to this union, two sons and one daughter. The daughter died about 12 years ago and the two sons are living, one in California and the other in Arizona. In 1894 she was married to D. D. Shearer and for the past 13 years has made her home in Payette. She was seriously sick for eleven days and passed away on the night of Feb. 28th at the age of 65 years, 10 months and 4 days. Besides the sons she leaves two grand-daughters, two brothers, five sisters and other relatives with many friends.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 25, 1920

At a late hour, just before going to press we learn of the death of Hugh Shearer which occurred at the home of his mother four miles north of Payette, some time Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Shearer had been in ill health for many years afflicted with chronic and a severe case of rheumatism which was the direct cause of his death. We are unable at this time to publish an appropriate obituary as we are not in possession of the facts but will endeavor to do so next week.

(Payette Enterprise, December 2, 1920)

The Passing of Hugh Robert Shearer

Hugh Robert Shearer passed away at the home of his mother, Mrs. Jas. Shearer, on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 23, 1920, after having suffered with rheumatoid arthritis for more than twenty years.

Hugh was born at Frankfort, Kansas on November 18, 1881, moved to Idaho with his parents in 1900. He attended the Weiser I. I. I. in 1901, and there suffered with the first attack of rheumatism.

He leaves a mother to mourn his loss, also three sisters, Mrs. Tom Moggridge of Payette; Mrs. Albert Robertson of New Plymouth; Mrs. James Carico of Salem, Oregon; and a brother, A. J. Shearer of Payette.

Hugh had been confined to the house for many months and was a constant sufferer, never complaining. His death cast a gloom over the neighborhood. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire vicinity is with the bereaved family. Funeral services were held at the home on Friday afternoon and the body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Friday, December 2, 1904
Death of J. A. Shearer

James A. Shearer, a well respected citizen of the lower Payette valley, died suddenly at his home four miles north of the city, about noon yesterday, Dec 1, as a result of heart disease. The deceased came to this community from Kansas several years ago with his family and was a successful farmer and fruitgrower. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of this city. (Riverside Cemetery)

JAMES SHEARER (Payette Independent, Friday, December 9, 1904)

James Shearer, our beloved friend and neighbor, departed this life December 1, 1904, at 12:30 p.m. Here in his own home he was a man lived and honored by all who knew him. He was born on Little Harshaw farm, near Glasgow, Scotland, February 19, 1848, where he lived until his marriage to Jeanette Lang, May 20, 1870. Four days after their marriage they left their native land and came to the United States of America and located on a farm near Frankfort, Kans., in the month of September, 1870. In the year 1893 Mr. Shearer was elected state senator for the term of four years which he served with great credit. In the month of March, 1900, he came with his family to Idaho and located on the farm where he died. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters. The sons are Alfred J. Shearer and Hugh R. Shearer and the daughters are May M., Jeanette L. and Myrtle A. Shearer. Two brothers and two sisters of the deceased, residing in Kansas, survive him. He became a member of the Presbyterian church in Scotland when about 19 years of age. He was a man loved and respected for his sterling character, always the same kind and obliging neighbor.

The funeral service was conducted at the home of the deceased by the Rev. J. J. Davy Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock, a large number of friends and neighbors being present. At Riverside cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest, ritualistic exercises were conducted by Washoe Lodge No. 28 A. F. and A. M., of which deceased was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 16, 1919

Mrs. Rhoddie T. Shearer, living on north 6th street, received the sad news last Friday from the war department announcing the death of her son, Roy Shearer, who died from wounds on October 1st. Roy was 25 years of age and was among the boys who left for Camp Lewis on the 27th of June, and later transferred to California and sailed for France in August. The message did not state at what time he was wounded, just the plain statement that he had died from wounds. He had two other brothers in the service, two in the navy and one in training camp who is now discharged and at home. The news came doubly sad as it was so long after peace had been declared. We extend to Mrs. Shearer and other relatives our sincere sympathy in their sad affliction.

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 25, 1923
It is with great sorrow that we record the death of Franklin Shellworth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shellworth of this city. Death, which came after a brief illness, was the result of an apparently successful operation for appendicitis.

Franklin Shellworth was born in Yakima, Washington, July 10, 1910, and died in Payette, Idaho, January 23, 1923. He was in the sixth grade in school and a faithful member of the Sunday School in the Christian church. Beloved alike by pupils and teachers he leaves a place that will be hard to fill. A boy who took life seriously, devoted to his home, and his father's constant companion. The family has all the sympathy that is in our hearts to give them. Franklin leaves to mourn his loss, his father and mother, one sister, and a host of sorrowing friends and schoolmates.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall, at the Christian church, on Thursday, at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 13, 1917
Mrs. Shepard Answers the Call

Mrs. Charlotte E. Shepard died Wednesday. She was born May 31, 1838 in Bristol, N.Y. and was one of a family of 8 children of whom a twin sister and a sister three years older survive her. She was married to Henry Shepard on Jan. 15, 1862. There were born to them three daughters, one daughter dying in childhood and one living to the age of 28. Twelve years ago Mr. and Mrs. Shepard went to Cleveland to live with their daughter Mrs. E. E. Trayer. Mr. Shepard died a few months later. Since the death of her husband she has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Trayer coming to New Plymouth with them nearly 4 years ago. She was a woman of high standing in this community. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight, will be held at 2 p.m. from the family residence. The burial will be in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 21, 1920
Just before going to press we learn the sad news of the death of John Shephard which occurred at Caldwell Tuesday, following an operation a few days before. We have no further particulars but will endeavor to publish an obituary next week.

Payette Enterprise (October 28, 1920)


John Shepherd was born March 2, 1891 and departed this life Oct. 19, 1920. He was therefore aged 29 years, 7 months and 17 days. No age is immune to death.

Brother Shepherd was cut down in the prime of life. Now we are reminded of the words of Saint James where he declares, "What is queer life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away." He happily married Miss Ellen Davis a little more than a year ago who survives him and is deeply sensible of her great loss of the arm upon which she leaned. Death never waits for our revelation to make its abode. How true are the words: "Death floats upon every passing breeze, That perils every heart."

He is also survived by his aged blind father, his mother, three brothers; Frank, Henry and Fred, and three sisters; Almeda, Mary and Martha. To all these the hour is truly dark yet they sorrow not as those who have no hope. His earthly tabernacle is laid away but the Spirit has gone to God who gave it. He confessed Christ here and Christ will confess him before the Father.

Under the labors of Rev. T. W. Turpin, he was converted and fellowshipped with the Church of God. He was one who carried in life the stamp of noble manhood. Since making his home at Ontario he was a constant attendant of the Baptist church.

He served his day and generation and fell asleep, "Asleep in Jesus' blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep. A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes."

Funeral services took place at the Ontario Baptist Church, Rev. Argyl Houser in charge, assisted by Rev. Blum. Interment in Ontario Cemetery.


Payette Independent
Thursday, February 15, 1923
Blondena Hartsel Rose was born in Stanberry, Missouri, December 9, 1897, and departed this life at Payette, Idaho, February 8, 1923, from Tuberculosis; from which she had been suffering for the past two years.

She moved with her parents to Idaho in 1914, and was married to William Sherard in September, 1919, at Cascade.

She leaves to mourn their loss 3 brothers, Wesley and Cecil of Payette, and L. L. Stockton, a half brother, who is in the navy, 2 sisters, Mrs. Hazel Enos of Adrian, Oregon, and Neville Rose of Payette, besides her parents who reside here.

The funeral was held from the Payette Methodist church on Monday, at 2 p. m., Rev. Vernon Hall officiating, and interment in Riverside cemetery.

All sympathize with the bereaved relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 07, 1915

Mrs. Cynthia Jane Sherman, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Doak, was born in the state of Missouri July 10th, 1841. In the year 1845 she came with her parents across the plains to Oregon and located at Lincoln, in Polk Co. For thirty years her home was in Lincoln when in 1875 she moved to Hepner, Ore. In 1856 she was married to Mr. John Angel. Two children were born to this union, both of whom are now living, Mrs. Mary Porter of Corvallis, Ore., Mr. James Angel of Grant Co, Ore. At the early age of eighteen she was left a widow. In 1860 she was married to Mr. Harrison Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Hale became the parents of nine children, Frank and Alfred of Payette, Idaho, Wm. of Pendleton, Ore., Mrs. Minnie Elder, now deceased, Mrs. Leath McCorkle of Tyghe, Valley, Or., Mrs. Effie Hopper, Mrs. Dora Ayers and Mrs. Jennie Shivers of Payette, Ida. One child having died in infancy. In 1878 the father and husband was killed in battle by Indians. In 1880, she was married to Frederick Sherman which union resulted in the birth of two children, Bertha and Delbert Sherman of Payette, Idaho. Fifteen years ago Mrs. Sherman moved from Oregon to Idaho and has been living in and near Payette ever since. In 1893 she publicly accepted Christ and identified herself with His church at Hepner, Ore. A year ago last March she was stricken with paralysis, since which time she has been in declining health becoming most serious about two weeks ago. She quietly passed away at 2:30 on the morning of Dec. 3, leaving 11 children, 21 grand children, 6 great grand children and a host of friends to remember her long and useful life. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 30, 1919
Mrs. Margaret Jane Sherwood passed away Tuesday, October 8th after being confined to her bed for many weeks. She had been in feeble health for several years gradually growing weaker and her passing to the great beyond was truly a symbol of declining years. She had finished her work on earth and was ready and willing to go. She had been entirely blind for the last fifteen years but with her great affiliation was patient to the end.

Margaret Jane Post was born near Postville, Iowa, June 22nd, 1838, and died at Payette, Idaho, October 28th, 1919, being at the time of her death over 81 years of age. In 1868 while living in Dodge County, Minn., was united in marriage to Ambrose Sherwood. To this union five children were born of whom all have preceded her in death except W. F. Sherwood of Payette.

Since 1894 she has made her home in Idaho. She became a member of the Christian Church, when but a child to which faith she has lived truly and devoted to the end. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Lauer's Undertaking Parlors, conducted by Rev. Adams, pastor of the Christian Church, and that evening the body was shipped to Kendrick, Idaho, accompanied by W. F. Sherwood, for burial beside two children who were buried there.

Payette Independent
Friday, April 27, 1906
Ward Ambrose Sherwood, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, died suddenly Monday morning, April 23, of rupture of the stomach. Little Ward was not known to be ill and his death was a great shock to all. The beautiful and impressive funeral services of the Christian Scientist church were conducted at the Sherwood home Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Dunford of Boise. The floral offerings by his teachers and schoolmates were generous and beautiful. The remains were interred in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)





Payette Independent
Friday, October 2, 1908

B. Shontz, father of Mrs. Frank Crowther, Mrs. Frank Crighton and Mrs. F. E. Price, all of this city, suffered a stroke of apoplexy Wednesday night at the home of Mr. Crowther, where he makes his home. It was not discovered until yesterday morning, when an investigation was made to ascertain why he did not rise at his usual hour. He was found in his bed unconscious, and yesterday morning the physician could not tell if there was a chance for recovery.

Since the above was written, Mr. Shontz passed away without regaining consciousness. His death came so sudden that it greatly shocked all who knew him. On Wednesday he had gone to a physician, who had warned him that he was threatened by apoplexy and he was preparing to take precautions against it.

He had lived here about five years and owned one of the best fruit ranches in the valley. His body will be held until Sunday so that relatives may arrive. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 16, 1905
Death of Mrs. Shontz

Mrs. Jean Anderson Collins Shontz, wife of B. Shontz of this city, died at St. Lukes hospital in Boise Saturday, June 10, at the age of 65 years. Mrs. Shontz had been a sufferer for a long time with cancer of the stomach and was taken to the hospital where an operation was performed from which she never recovered. The body was brought to Payette Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Herbert Jones at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowther, interment having been made in Riverside cemetery. Appropriate music for the funeral services was furnished by a quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Town, Mr. Boehmer and Miss Cora Aden, and Mrs. Ed. Muller, who sang a solo.

Mrs. Shontz was born October 5, 1840, in Waterloo county, Ontario, Canada. She married Benj. Shontz in 1862. In March of last year, Mr. and Mrs. Shontz came to Payette from Iowa to live. Eight children were born of their union, seven of whom are now living, one having died in infancy. Those living are Mrs. F. E. Price, Mrs. Frank Crowther, Mrs. Frank Crighton, and Dr. R. I. Shontz all of Payette; O. E. Shontz of Albuquerque, N. M., Chas. Shontz of Anthon, Ia., and Miss Orfa Shontz of Boise.

The two sons named, whose homes are at a distance, reached Boise in time to see their mother before her death and later came to Payette to attend the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 13, 1916

Dr. R. I. Shontz, of those critical illness at Spokane, Wash., mention was made in this paper last week, died Thursday afternoon and was buried Saturday afternoon, when the funeral services were conducted from the Catholic cathedral in that city.

Dr. Shontz was 34 years old. He left Payette to become a resident of Spokane nine years ago, where he subsequently married and had enjoyed a large practice as a dentist up to the date of his last illness, when it became necessary for him to undergo an operation for ulcer of the stomach. He will be remembered by many in this city as a most likeable young man of a winsome personality, for whom the future seemed to hold bright prospects. He was a brother of Mrs. Creighton and Mr. C. B. Shontz of this place. Mr. Creighton, who went to Spokane upon the received of the news that Dr. Shontz was not expected to recover, returned to Payette Monday evening.

Payette Independent
March 24, 1898
Death of John Short

John Short, aged 74 years 3 months and 10 days died at his home near Payette on Friday, March 18th at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, after a week's illness of inflammation of the kidneys. The remains were taken to Boise Sunday afternoon for burial, the funeral taking place on Monday morning. John McGlinchey, W. A. Coughanour, P. A. Devers, J. J. Toole, Peter Pence, Captain Henry Ervine and Wm. Wall, of Payette, and Edward Brannan, of Boise, acted as pall-bearers a number of the old friends of the deceased accompanied the family and the remains to Boise.

John Short was born in county Limerick, Ireland. He came to this country and settled in Chicago 40 years ago, where he amassed a considerable fortune. He became a resident of the Payette Valley in 1884 and engaged in the cattle business, since which time he has been one of the most extensive cattle-raisers in this state. He leaves a wife and four children, Edward and William Short, of this place, and two daughters, who reside in Chicago.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 30, 1909

P. E. Short left Friday afternoon for Chicago where he was called to attend the funeral of his mother who died very suddenly Thursday morning of heart failure. Mother Short was a resident of Payette for a number of years and has many friends here who will be pained to hear of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons and two daughters, P. E. and William Short, of Payette, and Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. Margaretret Whedon, both of whom reside in Chicago.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 25, 1918

On Friday morning at 10:25, April 19th, 1918, death entered, unannounced, the home of Geo. W. Shurtleff and claimed the wife and mother of the home. Mrs. Shurtleff had just recovered from an attack of lagrippe and was apparently on the road to health when she was called up higher.

Alma Elvira Jensen was born in Malmo, Sweden, on Nov. 27th, 1872, came to America when six years of age. Her child-hood and girl-hood were spent in Logan, Utah, where she met and married Geo. W. Shurtiff in 1888. Mrs. Shurtleff came to this Valley a bride and lived on the home place 28 years. She leaves a husband, four sons, a daughter, a sister, brothers and a mother to mourn her. The funeral was held at the Christian Church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Harvey Allred of Boise, conducting the service. Mr. Allred was a life long friend of Mrs. Shurtleff and spoke of her many virtues as a mother, a wife and a friend.

The many floral offerings were a silent token of the love and esteem of her family and friends. As a last loving service the sons acted as pall-bearers and the body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. L. Covey of Salt Lake and Harvey Allred and family of Boise attended the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 23, 1922

Marian Ida Shurtleff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kenepp of this place, was born at Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1898. Moved with her parents to Tyvan, Sasketchewan, Canada, October 1903.

After spending three years there on a large ranch the family moved to Lordsburg, California, in November, 1906.

At Lordsburg, in December of 1907, she united with The Church of The Brethren, of which she remained a consistent member until death, having walked in the path of the just, "That shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

The last few weeks of her life she served as assistant teacher in the primary department of the Sunday School and exercised in this capacity just the day before her death, which at the last came so suddenly.

With her parents she moved from California to Payette in April, 1908.

July 18, 1916 she was united in marriage to Mr. E. D. Shurtleff, a graduate of the Payette High School. To this union was born one child, Byron George.

She has been a patient sufferer in affliction for over three years, having had the "flu" in February 1919, from which she never fully recovered, though all was done for her that modern science and skill could do.

She spent several months of this time in a Sanitorium near Portland and continued to take treatment from there until the time of her death; which occured Monday evening, March 20 at 8 o'clock, in the presence of her parents, little son, and a local physician.

She is survived by her kind and loving husband, little son Byron, age 4, her parents, and a host of other relatives and friends who deeply mourn her loss.

Funeral services will be conducted from the Christian Church, Thursday afternoon at two o'clock by Rev. H. G. Shank, assisted by Rev. Mowe and others.

Interment in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917
We regret to have to record the death of Miss Ethel B. Sidford which occurred at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, on Saturday evening last. The deceased lady had been an invalid for a number of years and about two months ago her condition became serious and she was taken to the Hospital where she passed away. Miss Sidford had made her home with her sister, Mrs. Howard Brown, at her ranch north of town and there she lived a somewhat retired life owing to the physical weakness. Those who were privileged to know her will greatly miss the cheery personality of one who bore suffering with amazing courage and fortitude. The funeral was held from St. James' Episcopal Church on Monday, the Rev. Thos. Ashworth conduction the service. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 23, 1911
James Sievers the 14-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sievers, died Friday afternoon of pneumonia and was buried Saturday, Rev. Knight officiating. (Park View Cemetery)





Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 28, 1920
The funeral service of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sinnott was held at their home in Whitley Bottom Thursday, October 21st. Elizabeth Sinnott was only ten days old, but will be greatly missed by her parents.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Elizabeth Sinnott was born 10-9-1920 and died 10-20-1920. ch

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 17, 1912

Mrs. Levi Slinker, wife of Levi Slinker passed away at her home in Payette on last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock from a complication of diseases after an illness of some duration. Mrs. Slinker's loss will be felt in Payette. She was an ardent church member and a lovable lady of retiring disposition. Since 1907 she and her husband had been residents of Payette during which time they had formed a large circle of friends who will mourn her departure.

Anna Margaret Houlett was born in the state of Ohio, March 15, 1845. In 1848 she moved with her parents to Illinois where on March 18, 1865, she was united in marriage to Levi Slinker. In 1865 they moved to Iowa where they resided until 1907 when they came to the Payette Valley to make their home. In early youth Mrs. Slinker united with the Baptist church but after her marriage she united with the Methodist church and during her entire life was a devoted consistent worker for the Master's cause.

There remains to mourn her loss her husband, Levi Slinker, six children, twenty-three grand children; one great grand child, four brothers and one sister. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church on Wednesday morning at ten o'clock interment being made in Riverside cemetery. The services at the grave were in charge of W. T. Sherman Post and W. R. C. No. 17. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 18, 1920
Cora D. Roberts was born in Madison County, Iowa, November 17th, 1873 and passed away at her home in Fruitland Sunday evening, March 14, 1920. She was married to E. L. Slinker, June 24, 1896 and to this union were born seven children.

She united with the M.E. Church while young and was a member at her death. She was kindly in manner, a good mother and will be missed by her friends. Those who mourn her loss are her husband, four children, Coral, age 17, Paul 13, Eunice 9, Maurice 5, also a mother, Mrs. Molly Roberts of St. Charles, Iowa, one sister, Myrtle Lytle, Truro, Ia., one brother, Harry Roberts, St. Charles, Iowa. There were three children preceded her to the better world, all dying in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Slinker moved to Payette in May 1907.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church in Payette conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. The Yeomen lodge took charge of the services at the Riverside cemetery. The large attendance and the beautiful floral offerings gave testimony of her splendid character and many friends.


Mrs. Cora D. Slinker wife of E. S. Slinker, was born Nov. 17, 1873 in Iowa and died March 14, 1920, in Fruitland, Idaho. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and four children, a mother and one brother and one sister.

The community was greatly shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Slinker. She suffered a stroke of Paralysis last Saturday evening and passed to the Great Beyond about 8:30 Sunday evening. It is thought her death was caused from the effects of the flu which she had this winter and never fully recovered. She had been taking treatments at Payette ever since she was able to be up and around but her case was not thought of as serious.

Cora D. Roberts was married to E. L. Slinker June 24, 1896. She was a member of the Methodist church and also of the Royal Neighbors, Yeomen, and W.R.C.

The funeral was held at the Methodist Church in Payette Wednesday morning at 10:30.

Heartfelt sympathy from the whole community is extended to the family during their bereavement of the loss of a loving wife and mother. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 18, 1919

Levi Slinker was born October 21, 1842 in Mason County, Illinois, and resided there until the age of fourteen when he came with his parents to Warren County, Iowa, and later returned to Illinois. He enlisted on the 11th day of July, 1862 and was mustered into the U.S. Service at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois as a private of Captain Wm. H. Weaver Company G 71st regiment, Ill. Infantry. He was honorably discharged from Chicago, Ill. on the 29th day of October 1862. He was united in marriage to Anna M. Heoulette on the 18th day of March, 1863 from which union were born six children, all of whom are living. In the spring of 1907 he and his wife moved to Payette, Idaho, where he resided until his death, which occurred on December 12, 1919 at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, Oregon, following an operation. His wife, Anna M. Slinker, died October 13, 1912, and on January 2nd, 1914, he was married to Susan E. Schmuch of Des Moines, Iowa, who with his children, namely, Mrs. P. A. Creger, Mrs. H. B. Strawn and E. L. Slinker of Fruitland, J. C. Slinker of Payette, Mrs. W. S. King of Fillmore, Cal., and A. V. Slinker of Peru, Ia. and twenty-seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren and four sisters and four brothers are left to mourn his death.

The interment was from the Methodist Church of which he had been one of the leading members and worker.

The funeral was largely attended. The G.A.R. being present in a body, and the American Legion being in charge. The service was a fitting tribute to the high moral and religious character of the man as well as to his wide experience, extensive friendships and kindly deeds. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 27, 1922
Prominent Man Dies

Joe Gatch Slone was born at Edington, Ohio, June 12, 1847, and died Sunday morning, July 23 at the family home in New Plymouth. When he was seventeen years of age the family moved to Hemmondsburg, Iowa. Two years later, on Dec. 19, 1866, he was married to Kiziah Jane Proctor. Thirteen children were born to them, ten of whom survive their father. All of the children except John Robert Slone of Erickson, Nebr, attended the funeral Monday. The family moved in 1881 from Iowa to Nebraska, and in 1903 to Idaho where they have since made their home.

Besides the ten children, Mr. Slone is survived by his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Hurrle of New Plymouth and Miss Cora Slone of Osceola, Ia; 23 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Slone were members of the Christian Union church of Hemmondsburg, Ia. before their marriage and have held their membership in some church in all the 56 years of their married life. At the time of his death, Mr. Slone was senior deacon of the New Plymouth Baptist church.

Rev. Ford Burtch conducted the funeral service. The body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery. The pall bearers were A. Reiyea, Thomas Weir, P.E. Silkett, A. Bullinger, Fred Ringer and Carl Johnson. (Parkview Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our many friends for the floral tributes, kindness and sympathy given during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father, J. G. Slone. Mrs. J. G. Slone and family

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 03, 1912
Jacob Sloneker was born in Pennsylvania, November 22, 1831. died at his home in Payette, September 27, 1:30 A. M. age 80 years, 10 months and 5 days. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted in Co. F., 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry October 10th, 1861. He re-enlisted in the same company January 1st, 1864 and served until his discharge July 24th, 1865. some of the prominent engagements in which he had a part were the battles of Shiloh, Fisksburg, Chattanooga, Missionary Mt. and Atlanta.

He never married. He united with the Church of Christ at Glenwood, Iowa, soon after the war, and took membership with the church at Payette in the year 1903. His quiet and honorable life won for him many friends.

The funeral was held in the Christian church Saturday afternoon. The G. A. R. officiated at the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 09, 1921
The funeral of Andrew Smith, a well known and respected citizen of Washoe, who died in a Portland hospital, was held last Friday from the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. The deceased was a native of Holland having been born in that country in 1858. He came to America when a young man and was married in the State of Michigan, and moved to Idaho many years ago. He is survived by a wife, four sons, five daughters and an aged mother, who reached her 96th year the day her son was brought here for burial. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 28, 1921
Ezekiel Smith, was born 15, 1849 in Morgan County, Ohio, died at Payette, Idaho, April 24, 1921, age 72 years, 2 months, 9 days.

When a boy of seven years his parents moved to Clark County, Iowa. His father died a year later and he and his brother, two years his senior made the living for his mother and younger brothers and sisters.

He was married at Osceola, Iowa, June 30, 1870, to Lucy C. Switzer who survives him. He moved to Western Nebraska in 1886 where he resided for 18 years. He came to Payette, Idaho, in March 1902 and has lived here ever since.

He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss. the children are; Fred Smith, Jess Smith, Walter Smith, Mrs. W. R. Williams, Mrs. E. A. Putnam, Mrs. James Roe, Viola Smith and Eli Smith, all of Payette.

Beisde bringing up his own children he at the death of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Clarke, took into his home her infant babe, Marian, and cared for her and educated her, as one of his own.

Three brothers and three sisters survive him all living in the East.

He united with the Methodist Church when a young man. By his honesty and charitable disposition he made and retained many friends where ever he lived. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 13, 1916
Sunday evening, Jan. 9th, Mrs. Hannah Rouck Smith passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Thomas. Her death was a shock to the family and friends. She was taken suddenly sick Sunday morning with angina pectoris and seemed to realize this would be her last sickness.

She was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio July 4th, 1837, and was married to Mr. Wm. Smith, Sept. 11, 1856, six children were born to the union, three sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter died leaving four children who were raised by their grandparents.

In 1859 Mr. and Mrs. Smith crossed the plains to Calfironia, and years later going overland to Montana. In 1905 Mr. Smith died at their home in Dillon, Montana.

Mrs. Smith and her daughter Mrs. Porch, came about a month ago, to visit her daughter and family. She has visited here several times and has made many freinds. She was a devoted Christian and has been a member of the Methodist church since a girl, and had everything in readiness for her departure.

Funeral services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. C. L. Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Porch accompained the body to her home in Dillon, Montana, the three sons meeting them at Pocatello.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, January 14, 1916)

Mother of Mrs. Thomas Dies with Heart Trouble

Mrs. Hannah R. Smith, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. S. Thomas, last Sunday evening, January 9th, after an illness of a few hours duration, from heart trouble.

Mrs. Smith and her daughter, Mrs. Porch, came to Fruitland about a month ago to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. S. Thomas.

A short funeral service was held at the home by Rev. C. L. Walker Monday afternoon at two o'clock and the remains were taken to Dillon, Montana, for interment, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Porch.


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 16, 1913
A Sad Death

This week we record the death of James Rodney Smith whose steady decline for the last two years has been marked by many with interest and sympathy.

Ever since he was aware of the hold disease had upon him, he has made patient and heroic effort to gain victory over it, but all in vain. Medical treatment served only to alleviate. Change of location, elevation or atmosphere, only brought temporary relief and after varied journeyings he returned to New Plymouth to wait the end at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fairman. Here he was cared for with the unfailing devotion of a mother whose only thought was for his comfort.

He died on Saturday night, January 11. Rodney was born in Des Moines, Iowa, August 16, 1885, and so, had reached the age of twenty-seven and nearly one-half years.

He was an upright and exemplary young man and there are many who lament his untimely death.

Funeral services were conducted on Monday, January 13, at the Fairman home. The I. 0.0. F., to which fraternity Rodney belonged, were present in regalia and from their number the bearers were chosen.

Interment was made at Park View Cemetery. the mother, brother and all who were bound to Rodney by the ties of nature or affection have the sincere sympathy of a community where hearts readily respond to the joys or the sorrows of others. (Park View Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, May 28, 1903
Aged Woman Passes Away as the Result of Recent Injuries Received

Mrs. Mary Smith, mother of E. M. and I. F. Smith of this place, passed away Monday, May 25th. About three weeks ago she fell from a chair and sustained injuries which with her advanced age caused her death. Mrs. Smith was born in Westmoreland county, Penn., August 20, 1820, thus being nearly 83 years of age. In 1848 she moved to Minnesota where she resided till the spring of 1902, when she came to Idaho. She leaves four children, E. M. and I. F. Smith of New Plymouth, David Smith of Sykesville, Penn., and Mrs. Sarah London of Big Run, Penn. The funeral was held from the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in Parkview cemetery. The sympathy of the people goes out to the bereaved family. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, June 04, 1920
Theis Smith Dies

We have just received communication in which we find the following: "After fourteen months of intense suffering Teis Smith passed away May 28th."

How much these few words convey. They tell of the passing of a vigorous manhood through the suffering of falling health; through the agonies of intense sickness, and then the end.

We knew him several years ago when he was in health and that physical strength which indicated the strong and powerful man. We saw him later when his appearance told, only to plainly, that health and vigor was no longer his. We later heard that he was in a hospital at Ontario, and now that he is no more. How little we know of man's physical health and the prospects for long life. We look upon vigorous manhood, yet young, and thing we see the probability of many years before him. We note his light hearted pleasant ways and expect them to continue many years. Then suddenly we see some dread disease falling upon him; we see him weaken; we see him fall, suffer and die. But we are thus brought more fully to the realization that mans earthly end is death. (Evergreen Cemetery, Ontario, Oregon)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 06, 1922
Attend Funeral of Son In Texas

Dr. J. W. Smith returned Sunday from Claude, Texas where he attended the funeral of his son W. Y. Smith, who was murdered there June 23rd. A farmer business partner of the young man is alleged to have done the shooting and is waiting trial under a $15,000 bond. The raising of $500 among the business men of the town to aid in prosecuting the suspected man, and the wonderful floral decorations at the funeral showed with what esteem Mr. Smith was regarded by his fellow townsmen. He was to have been married soon.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 9, 1915
Evelyn Snook, the 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Snook died at her home near this city Monday evening, after a long illness. Miss Evelyn had been ill with pneumonia for several weeks, and the forepart of last week it was necessary to perform an operation, the effects of which, owing to her weakened condition from pneumonia, she did not recover from. A private funeral was held at the house Wednesday afternoon, only a few friends being present. Rev. Knight conducted the funeral services, and the body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, July 02, 1920

Mrs. E. E. Snyder, mother of A. I. and Edwin of this vicinity, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Phetteplace in The Dalles, Oregon, June 29 and was buried in Park View Cemetery June 1920.

Annitta Gracia Belden was born at East Worcester, Otsego County, New York on the 28 day of May, 1857. In the month of June 1866 she became the wife of Edwin E. Snyder. To this union was born five children, the youngest of whom died at the age of twenty years. The others are still living. She lived in the state of her birth until her children were born. Later she, with her husband and family moved to Wisconsin, from Wisconsin to Minnesota, and from there to Indiana. About eleven years ago she moved from Plymouth, Indiana to New Plymouth, Idaho, where she had resided until a short time before her death when she went to The Dalles to visit her daughter.

Funeral services were held at the Dalles June 29, and on June 30 at her home near here just twenty-five months after similar services were held at the same place for her husband. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, A. I. Snyder and Edwin Snyder of New Plymouth, Mrs. W. Phetteplace and Mrs. Charles Phetteplace at The Dalles, Ore. and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

For several years she has been in poor health but patiently followed her household duties in so far as health would permit.

She was a devoted wife to whom her husbands affections clung until death separated them. She was a loved mother and grandmother who was all that the word implies.

While her age and health was such that her departure was not unexpected it cast a pall of sorrow over the homes of those who mourn her loss.

There is no other to take her place. The love she gave and the love she received in return is but a memory, but a memory that dies only with the passing of life itself. That word, mother, so tender to the human world, so deep in human affection, so dear to the human heart, so wrapped in the souls embrace, can ne'er again be spoken except in recollection of the past. (Parkview Cemetery)


We wish to express to the friends and neighbors our appreciation of their sympathy, help, beautiful flowers and music at the burial of our beloved mother and grandmother.
A. I. Snyder and family, E. Snyder and family, H. A. Snyder and wife, W. Phetteplace and family, C. Phetteplace and family

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 30, 1918
Death of Veteran

E. E. Snyder, a veteran of the Civil War and one of the leading citizens of our community, died at his home east of town yesterday morning at the age of 72 years.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at one o'clock conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight. Six Civil War comrades will act as pall bearers. There will be fitting services at the cemetery. More complete obituary notice next week.

Obituary (New Plymouth Sentinel, June 8, 1918)

Edwin Eldred Snyder was born at Roseboom, Otsego County, New York, on April 22nd of the year 1846. In the vicinity of his birth, he grew to manhood and on May 31st 1866 he was married to Miss Gratia Annetta Belding. The new home was established in the same neighborhood, and there five children making up the family were born. These are Mary E. Phetteplace of The Dallas, Oregon, Albert I. and Edwin Snyder, Louie A. Phetteplace of Payette and Harry Amos. All these survive save Harry who died at the age of 19 years. He was a loving and beloved son and brother and is counted by the family, not as lost, but as gone before.

From New York the Snyders moved to Wisconsin, then to Minnesota, still later to Indiann, and finally to Idaho, where they have resided for about nine years. The father and sons have always carried on their business in partnership as E. E. Snyder & Sons. When a mere youth Mr. Snyder enlisted as a soldier of the Civil War in the 121st. Regt. of N. Y. Vol. Infty, and served to the end of the war. He died May 29 with his wife and children at his bedside. Funeral services were held at the home on May 30th, at which a brief address was made by a comrade of the G. A. R. and the body was borne to its resting place by six other comrades, these seven being all that remain in this vicinity of the boys who were soldiers in the 60s.

They laid him down to rest "Till the robe of white is given for the faded coat of blue."

The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the family, and especially to Mrs. Snyder who is in feeble health. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 27, 1923
Mary Louise Snyder, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snyder, died Friday afternoon of Cholera Infantum. The little girl was sick only a few days and her death has saddened all the community. Mrs. Snyder and the other children left for Albany, Oregon where the little girl was buried.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Mary Louise was born 7-7-1918 and died 9-14-1923, New Plymouth. ch

Payette Enterprise
December 07, 1922

We learn just before going to press that Mrs. Pete Sodja passed away at her home just north of town at an early hour this (Thursday) morning. Cancer was the cause of her death. A complete obituary will be published in next week's issue. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1916

Mrs. Eliza Ann Solders, wife of Charles F. Solders, died at her home in this city, Monday, Jan. 17th. Funeral services were conducted at the Solders home on Third Ave. North, at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. Barnes, pastor of the M.E. Church.

Eliza Ann Long was born April 7, 1843. She married Charles F. Solders Jan. 19, 1860. She is survived by her husband and six children, four sons and two daughters.

Mrs. Solders had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over forty years, her membership at the time of her death being in Ontario, Oregon. She was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery, at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 29, 1915
The 17 days old baby of Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Somerville died at the Sommerville home Sunday morning. The body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery Monday afternoon, Rev. Ira D. Hall conducting the services at the cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 3, 1910

Miss Clarissa Marion Soule, the only child and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Soule died suddenly March 1st at her home in this city following an operation for appendicitis. Miss Clara was taken ill on Thursday February 24th with what was at first pronounced ptomaine(?) poisoning but later developing into acute appendicitis and on Friday was operated upon with apparent success but on Tuesday the first a sudden change for the worse took place and despite the best of medical care and attention she passed away at an early hour that morning.

Clara Soule, as she was more generally known by that name, was one of these bright lady like little women what win their way into the heart of all that know them. She was of a sunny happy disposition, beloved by all her schoolmates and being the only child her loss falls more keenly upon her father and mother who idolized her. During her ?? illness of but a few days she suffered extreme pain but with a fortitude that was worth a much older person.

She was born at Rossland, B. C., July 25th, 1896, and at the time of her death she was 13 years, 7 months and ? days old. The funeral services were held from the Christian church at three thirty Wednesday afternoon, Minister D. C. Peters of the Christian church having charge. The remains were interred in the Masonic block at Riverside cemetery. A large offering of beautiful floral designs from the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Eastern Star, Red Men and Royal Arch Masonic were token of the esteem with which the little one was held by those who knew and spoke more eloquently than words of the attempt of those dear friends of the father and mother to express their sympathy and sorrow for them in the sad bereavement and loss of their only loved one.

Six little classmates from the Payette schools acted in the capacity of pall bearers and their loving hands bore to her last resting place the little playmate they had known and loved so well. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 5, 1908
Smith N. Soule Passes Away

Smith N. Soule, father of L. S. and A. S. Soule of this city, died Sunday morning at his ranch up the Payette river from Emmett, after an illness of several weeks. He was 57 years old and besides his sons living in Payette, he leaves three other sons, two daughters, a wife and a mother. His mother and eldest son, Benjamin, live at Princeton, Minn., where the body is being taken for burial.

Mr. Soule formerly lived in Payette, until about six years ago he moved to Emmett and then located on his ranch above that place. This spring he was taken sick with spotted fever, and before it had run its course pneumonia set in, causing his death at the time stated.

His body was brought to Payette and was taken in charge by the members of the Masonic lodge, of which he had been a member. It was shipped on the afternoon train for Princeton, accompanied by Benjamin Soule. The youngest son, Roy, who lives at Anaconda, Mont., was also here.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 24, 1910
At Rest

Last Thursday noon, Richard Southgate, one of our most respected citizens passed tranquilly away at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. S. French, of Valley View.

Deceased had been in failing health for several months, and all that loving hands could do for his recovery proved unavailing, and the earthly end came to one of the noble lives which made this world better and brighter because he lived.

The subject of this sketch way born at Woodstock, Vt., in 1844, and at the age of 20 came to Chicago. From that city he enlisted as a private in the Union cause and was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In the days of early mining in Colorado, he moved to Silver Cliff, where he lived for some time, serving two terms there as clerk of the county court.

About two years ago deceased came to New Plymouth where he resided up to the time of his death.

Appropriate funeral obsequies, conducted by Rev. C. H. Blom,. were held Saturday afternoon at Valley View. Two beautiful hymns sung by a quartet composed of Mesdames Burroughs and Stewart and Messrs. Preston and Stuve, were "Beautiful Gate" and "Go Bury Thy Sorrow." Interment was held at Park View cemetery. The funeral services were largely attended, and the relatives and friends have the sympathy of the entire community in this hour of their bereavement. (Park View Cemetery)



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 18, 1916

Mrs. J. H. Spainhower received a wire Monday of the death of her husband at Phoenix, Arizona, Monday morning. He had just lately gone there accompanied by his mother, Mrs. C. E. Spainhower, in the hopes that the change of climate would benefit his health. Mr. Spainhower has had asthma for a good many years but the last year he had suffered with heart trouble and dropsy. Last fall he consulted specialists in Portland, who relieved him at the time, and he has been able to be about until the past month.

Mr. John H. Spainhower was born near Webster City, Iowa, July 24th, 1872. In November 1893, he was united in marriage to Miss Fairy Thompson, of Webster City, Iowa. They made their home for fourteen years at Mesa, Arizona. In the spring of 1908 they came to Payette and purchased their ranch at Fruitland and built their beautiful home on Fruitland Avenue, moving to it the next year.

Mr. Spainhower has been a member of the Baptist church most of his life and was a deacon in the Fruitland church at the time of his death. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Payette. He was loved and respected by all who knew him and will be greatly missed by his many friends and neighbors. He leaves a wife, three children - Velma, Floyd and Virgil, his mother, Mrs. C. E. Spainhower, a sister, Mrs. Lydia Williams of Webster City, and a brother, Luther Spainhower of San Diego, Calif. His father and a baby daughter preceded him to the heavenly home. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. There is only a veil between us and heaven." Mrs. Spainhower left Monday noon for Phoenix, Arizona. The burial will probably be at San Diego, where his father is buried.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, May 19, 1916)

Dies in Arizona Monday

J. H. Spainhower died last Monday in Phoenix, Arizona, where he had gone hoping the change in altitude would prove beneficial. Mr. Spainhower had been ill for the past year with asthma and heart trouble. Mrs. Spainhower left Monday noon for Arizona and it is probable that the remains will be taken to San Diego for burial.

Mr. Spainhower is survived by his wife, two sons, Floyd and Virgil and one daughter, Miss Velma, a sister, one brother and his mother, Mrs. C. C. Spainhower, who was with him at the time of his death.


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 05, 1916
Little Mabel Sparks, the two and one-half year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparks, whose serious illness was reported in our Fruitland items, died Wednesday afternoon from enteritis. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral.

DIED (Thursday, October 12, 1916)

Thursday afternoon the funeral services for little Mary Mabel Sparks, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparks, who died last Wednesday of enteritis, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Duell, was held. Rev. Ford Burtch spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing relatives and friends. Little Mabel was one of the fairest and sweetest "flowerets" and if her life here was so sweet what will it be there, with the "Lord of Paradise." "My beautiful lily, thy leaves will unfold in a clime that is purer and brighter than earth's." Interment was made at Payette cemetery.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, October 06, 1916)

Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparks Dies

Mable Sparks, the three-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparks, died last Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duell. The little girl had been ill about a week with acute stomach trouble. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According the Idaho Death Index, Mabel was born 1-12-1914 and died 10-4-1916. (ch)

Payette Independent
Friday, October 11, 1907

S. L. Sparks died Saturday afternoon of cerebral hemorrhage. He was a pioneer of Payette, having lived here for more than 25 years, during which time he accumulated considerable property. He was living on his ranch a short distance north of Payette, without relatives, as his wife died about a year ago.

His brother, J. W. Sparks, president of the Citizens National bank of Wilmington, Ohio, arrived Tuesday and shipped the body to Wilmington, where it will be laid beside the body of his wife. The body was shipped Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Sparks was 62 years old.

His death was hastened by an accident which occurred to him September 25. He fell from his mowing machine and was dazed from that time, but it was not until Friday of last week that he took seriously ill.

Deceased was a Knight Templar and a Shriner. The Masons took charge of the body and the man’s property until the arrival of Mr. Sparks from the east. Members of the order marched with the remains from the lodge room, where they had been kept, to the depot when they were shipped. Deceased was an old soldier and carried wounds received in the civil war.

Payette Independent
Friday, May 25, 1906
Death of Mrs. S. L. Sparks

Mrs. Stephen L. Sparks, wife of a well know pioneer of the community, died suddenly of heart failure early Tuesday morning at her home north of the city. Her body was shipped to her old home at Wilmington, Ohio, for burial on Wednesday afternoon, the bereaved husband having accompanied it. Funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church at 11 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday by the Woman's Relief Corps, of which Mrs. Sparks was a member, a short address having been made by the Rev. Charles McCoard.

Mr. Sparks has requested the Independent to express for him his deep appreciation of the sympathy and aid extended to him in the hour of his bereavement by his Masonic brethren and his comrades of the Grand Army and by the ladies of the Relief Corps.

Fruitland Banner
Friday, March 26, 1915
Dies After Operation

F. D. Spencer was taken to Ontario hospital Wednesday evening of last week suffering with appendicitis. He was later operated upon and died Tuesday morning of this week. He has been living on the Erwin ranch, near Washoe, and leaves a wife but no children. The deceased was 34 years old and has a brother living near Payette.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 19, 1929

Mrs. Ada H. Spohr of Paonia, Colo., who has been visiting relatives in this section for the past two months, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Brubaker at 1228 1st Ave. S. Friday evening, December 13, following an illness of only a day or two duration.

Mrs. Spohr had been happy to be with her people again, some of whom she had not seen for 23 years.

She had planned to return to her Colorado home the Friday after Christmas.

Her mother, Mrs. Sadie Shank, lives at Fruitland as do a brother and sister, B. J. Shank and Mrs. James McClure.

One sister, Mrs. E. E. Bayer, lives at Boise and H. G. Shank a brother, resides at Bowmont. D. L. Shank of Hollywood, Calif., is also a brother of the deceased.

So sudden was her death that her husband, Wilson Spohr, and two sons, Floyd and Wilson Jr., of Paonia, Colo., could not be with here at the last.

Mrs. Spohr was born at Clay Center, Nebraska, July 14, 1880. Her early life was spent in northern Iowa and Missouri. July 30, 1903, she was married to Wilson Spohr at Ellison, North Dakota. They moved from there to Paonia, Colorado, where they have lived many years. Early in October she came for a visit, but her happiness was ended by an attack of influenza which took her very suddenly.

Funeral services were held from the Brethren church at Fruitland Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. McKinley Coffman and interment took place at the Park View cemetery at New Plymouth.

Mrs. Spohr united with the brethren church when a young girl and died a consecrated Christian soul. all but one of the family, D. L. Shank, was able to attend the funeral. Her death was a great shock to her relatives and those who had met her and learned to love her. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 16, 1930

It was with great regret that the news was received that William L. Spottswood, for many years one of Payette's prominent business men, had passed away at his home at nine south 11th street at 10 o'clock Monday morning after an illness covering several weeks, and failing health for a number of years.

William Lindsey Spottswood was born October 22, 1841, in Indiana, Pennsylvania. He moved to eastern Iowa in 1864. In 1865 he was united in marriage to Phoebe Helen Boyd at De Witt, Iowa, and later moved to West Side, Iowa, where his wife passed away in 1900. Six children, were born to this union, two dying in infancy and one son passing away in 1908, In 1910 he moved to Payette, and for several years was engaged in business here. Failing health forced him to give up his activities and he has since lived a quiet life with his daughter, Miss Lillian Spottswood, who ministered to his comfort and did all that one could do to make his last days pleasant.

There are left to mourn his loss, Mrs. B. L.Wells and Miss Lillian Spottswood, daughters, Mr. E. B. Spottswood, manager of the Intermountain Agricultural Credit Association, all of Payette, two grandsons, Fay C. Wells, and Kermit Spottswood, four great grand children, and one brother, M. L. Spottswood, of Los Angeles, California.

In West Side, Iowa, Mr. Spottswood served as postmaster for several years, and was also active in business circles there.

Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. A. B. Parrett, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery.

Our sympathy goes but to the son, daughters and other relatives.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who have been so exceedingly kind to us during the illness and death of our dear father. We feel deeply grateful to all those who sent beautiful flowers.

We wish to especially thank Washoe lodge No. 28 A.F. & A.M. who conducted the beautiful ceremony at the grave, to the M.E. church and pastor, Lorraine Chapter No. 20, O.E.S. and the American Legion. (Riverside Cemetery)
MR. and MRS. B. L. WELLS

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 16, 1930)


W. L. Spottswood a beloved citizen of this community, after a lingering illness, incidental to his advanced years, passed peacefully from this life last Monday morning, January 13, at the age of 88 years, thus removing from our midst one whose life of many years, is now a history of the past filled with kindness, honesty and integrity. A true example for others to follow. His life's motto has been, "speak no evil of any one, be kind and charitable to all."

The writer has known Mr. Spottswood personally for more than forty years and can say truthfully that he has never heard an utterance from his lips detrimental to any one. It is a pleasure to know that such a man as he, has been spared to live far beyond the average life of man to continue his acts and words of kindness that will never be forgotten, that his life's work was completely finished for which he has now gone to reap his reward.

William Lindsey Spottswood was born in Indiana, Penn. October 22, 1841 and moved to De Witt, Iowa in 1864, and one year later was united in marriage to Phoebe Helen Boyd, and to this union was born six children, two died in infancy and one son passed away in 1908. Those left to mourn his death are Mrs. B. L. Wells, Mr. E. B. Spottswood and Lillian Spottswood all of Payette, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He is also survived by one brother, living at Los Angeles, Calif.

Mr. Spottswood moved with his family to West Side, Iowa in 1875, where he was engaged in business and was also postmaster of the town of West Side for many years. He came to Payette in 1910, and was for some time engaged in business at this place. Retiring from business life, he continued to reside with his daughter, Lillian Spottswood, where he lived happy and contented until he was called to go.

The funeral was held form the home on South 11th street Wednesday afternoon at 2 O'clock, conducted by Rev. Albert Parrett, pastor of the M. E. church of this place. Services at the cemetery were conducted by the Masonic lodge of which the deceased was a member.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who have been so exceedingly kind to us during the illness and death of our dear father, to those who spent so many beautiful flowers we feel deeply grateful. We wish especially to thank Washoe Lodge No. 28 A. F. & A. M., M. E. church, Lorraine Chapter No. 2, O.E.S. and American Legion. (Riverside Cemetery)
MR. and MRS. B. L. WELLS




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 10, 1930

E. P. Stamey, son of Forney Stamey, of this city died Tuesday morning at a hospital in Portland, following a lingering illness, dating back to the time of his service in the World war, where it is believed he contracted the trouble that caused his death. Forest, as he was better know, was an exceptionally fine young man, well known in Payette where he has lived much of his time. He was 35 years of age and is survived by a wife.

Mr. Stamey left Tuesday evening for Portland. Mrs. Stamey, who is visiting in the east has been notified and may arrive by airplane.


Payette Independent
Thursday, July 12, 1923
The subject of this sketch was born in Scotland, February 4, 1862, and came to America in 1866, with her parents, and settled in Pennsylvania, where she spent her childhood. She went to Denver, Colorado; where she resided from 1881 until 1885, and was married to Frank F. Stanton on June 3, 1885. To this union was born four sons - James W., Frederick, Charles, who died at Cheyenne, Wyoming, at the age of 14, and William of Pennsylvania. After their marriage the Stantons moved to Silver Crown, Wyoming and resided there until 1896, when they moved to Cheyenne, and lived there until 1910, when they came to Payette, and have made this their home ever since, until she passed away July 9, 1923, aged 61 years, 4 months and 5 days.

The deceased was a true and faithful wife, a kind and loving mother, an a generous and good neighbor, to which all will testify who live in her vicinity. She was a loyal and consistent member of the Baptist church for 25 years, altho the condition of her health for the past 3 or 4 years did not permit her to attend services as much as she wished. She nevertheless, lived a true and consistent Christian life. The end came from the result of an attack of heart trouble.

The funeral was held at the Payette Baptist church on Wednesday, at 4 p. m., conducted by Rev. H. S. Black, pastor of the Fruitland Baptist church, owing to the absence of the local pastor, Rev. Buell. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved husband and children. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent (Thursday, July 19, 1923)


In recognition of the kindness and sympathy tendered us during our late bereavement in the loss of our good wife and mother, we wish to thank the many friends and neighbor who offered their sympathy and aid.
Frank F. Stanton, J. W. Stanton and Family, F. J. Stanton and Wife, Will Stanton and Family

Payette Enterprise
January 16, 1919

This community was greatly saddened when it was learned that Estella Stark who had been teacher on upper Crane creek, had passed away at the William Walker home, last Saturday, a victim of influenza. She had been ill with the disease for several days and seemed to be improving, but took a relapse and passed away at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11th, 1919. Estella was one of the most popular and highly esteemed young ladies of Payette, having spent most of her life in this community. She was a graduate from the Payette High school, a member of the Presbyterian church, and a friend to all who knew her. She was 32 years, 2 months and 13 days old at the time of her death. The body was brought to Lauera undertaking parlors at Payette, a distance of about 65 miles by auto truck on Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the Riverside cemetery conducted by Rev. M. D. Mead, pastor of the Presbyterian church.

Besides a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stark, she leaves to mourn her early departure six sisters, Mrs. Charley McCrea of Vale, Oregon, Mrs. Paul Fife of Pasco, Washington, Mrs. Dorman of Boise, Mrs. Sanders of Idaho Falls, Mrs. V. L. Roberts of Payette and Reta Stark, the youngest sister who is at home, and one brother, Harry Stark, of Butte, Montana, who was the only one unable to be present at funeral. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in their sad hour of affliction. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905
In Memoriam (Contributed)

Selby F. Stark was born October 28, 1859, Pike county, Ills., and came to Malheur county, Or., in 1880. He was married in 1897 to Anna Dunor Burns of Chicago. With the exception of a brief residence in Weiser he has spent the last 25 years in Malheur county. He moved to Payette last April and was engaged in real estate business with Mr. Russell, being interested in lands and an irrigation project on Dead Ox Flat. He was well and favorably known and was held in live and esteem in his home circle.

About July 15 he began ailing with what was probably walking typhoid. Dr. Avey was called July 25. He was assisted in the case by Dr. J. C. Woodward. It developed into cerebral meningitis and passed beyond the control of medical skill. His parents came August 6. The nurses, neighbors and friends did all they could to relieve his suffering but death claimed him. At 10:50 Friday morning August 1 he passed away. He leaves besides his parents, his wife and two little boys, two brothers, two sisters and other relatives and many friends.

He made a profession of faith in Christ when a boy, and on his dying bed said he was not afraid to die. He asked his father to take care of the little boys. He said he was crossing through the river Jordon and would like to take his wife with him but would wait for her in heaven.

He was buried from the Baptist church at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning. The funeral discourse by Pastor Dulin was from the test: "All things work together for good to them that live God." After which the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 14, 1924

The citizens of Payette received a severe shock about noon Monday when the news spread over the city that W. B. Steerman, precinct constable, and a man highly respected by everybody, had taken his own life.

Mr. Steerman left home Sunday morning about 11 o'clock, with the expressed intention of going to the stock yards. He took his pocket book out of his pocket and took his revolver from the scabbard an unusual thing for him, but Mrs. Steerman thought nothing particular of it until the sad news of his suicide reached her. After leaving home he was last seen in the vicinity of the alfalfa mill. When he did not return home Sunday evening Mrs. Steerman though he had been detained on official duty, as it so often the case with officers. She retired expecting him to return some time in the night, but when she awoke Monday morning and found he had not returned she at once notified the sheriff's office and gave the alarm to her friends. Deputy Sheriff Christian in the absence of Sheriff Jefferis took charge of the search and called several members of the Odd Fellows' order to his assistances. They were finally rewarded for their efforts and the dead body of Mr. Steerman was found on the Henry Solterback ranch, in Washoe bottoms, near the Payette river. He was in a sitting position and the revolver which sent the bullet in his right temple was lying on the ground at his feet. Nearby was his note book and a lead pencil with which he had written a short message. The Deputy Sheriff Christian, but the content was not given to the public. It was, however, handed to Mrs. Steerman to read and was also read by County Attorney Hayes.

County Coroner Flenn Landon summoned a jury Tuesday and held an inquest over the remains of the dead man. The verdict handed in after the evidence had been heard was that Mr. Steerman had come to his death by a bullet fired by his own hand.

W. B. Steerman was born in Upshur county, West Virginia, on October 4, 1864. In September 1887 he came west, locating in Pendleton, Oregon. On November 25, 1922, he was married to Magnolia Box and they came directly to Payette where they have resided ever since. Mr. Steerman was a member of the Baptist church and had been an Odd Fellow for more than 25 years. He received his veteran jewel as a member of that order last summer. He also belonged to the encampment and the Muscovites. He had served as constable of Payette precinct for three years and had made a splendid officer. He was highly respected by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, one sister, Mrs. H. T. Lemons of Tacoma, Washington, who arrived for the funeral, and a brother, George Steerman, who lives in West Virginia.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and were in charge of the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and the Encampment. The sermon was preached by Rev. F. E. Hawes, pastor of the Baptist church.

To the bereaved wife and sister the Independent extends sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 13, 1913
A Sad Death

Died, at her home in this city, last Thursday, Miss Maud Elizabeth Stegall, at the age of 30 years, four months and one day. She was born in Knox county, Illinois, October 5, 1882. Her girlhood days were spent in Nebraska, attending school in both Butler and Boone county. She graduated from the normal at Albion, Nebraska, at the age of seventeen, at which place she taught school for three years. She was also active in school work after coming west, having taught in the Ludwig distinct, at Fruitland, three years. She came to New Plymouth, and for a period of four years she taught the primary room in the local schools up to the time she was taken ill in 1910.

She was a member of the first Baptist church, to which she has belonged since childhood and was one of the organizers of the church at this place.

She leaves a mother and six brothers, and a number of other relatives, also a host of friends to mourn her demise.

Funeral services were held at the home and the remains laid to rest at the Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)


The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 12, 1929
Mrs. Stegner Passes

Mrs. Mary E. Stegner passed away at the home of her son, E. A. Stegner, Tuesday morning at 7:30, after a lingering illness. At this writing no definite funeral arrangements had been made. A complete obituary will be published next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, September 19, 1929)


Mary Catherine Anderson was born at Summan, Indiana, May 9, 1844 and lived there until grown. On January 15, 1860, she was united in marriage to Alonzo Hoel at Summan. To this union two children were born, James and John, the later passing away in 1914. Mr. Hoel lost his life in the Civil war.

On April 26, 1868, she was united in marriage to Robert Daniel Stegner at Summon. To this union two children were born, Eugene and Alva Edith, the later passing away 25 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Stegner lived in Summon until 1875, when they moved to Zumbrota, Minnesota, where they lived until 1901 when they moved to Fruitland. Here they first bought what is now the Will McConnell ranch and built a large house there, the house burning several years ago. They lived there one year and then sold the place to Mr. McConnell. They then bought what is now the Alice Pardunn ranch, and built the house that is now there. They lived there until 1904, when they sold that place to W. Eggleson, and they then moved to Payette. They lived there until 1912, when they bought what is now Mrs. Augusta Taylor's place south of Fruitland, and built the house that is still there. Mr. Stegner passed away there in 1913. After his death Mrs. Stegner went back to Minneapolis to visit her son, James Hoel. She made several trips back and forth between Fruitland and Minneapolis, but came back to Fruitland to stay in 1921. She purchased a small place in west Fruitland where she lived until 2½ years ago, when her health became so poor she was no longer able to live alone, and was moved to the home of her son, E. A. Stegner where she has received constant and devoted care from Mr. and Mrs. Stegner ever since.

She united with the Methodist church years ago at Beardsley, Minnesota, and was an active and earnest worker until her failing health would not permit any longer. After moving to Payette she and Mr. Stegner had their membership transferred to the church there. The "Good Shepherd" window in the church was a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Stegner. In later years Mrs. Stegner had her membership transferred to the M. E. church here. She was a member of the Ladies Aid and the Womans Home Missionary society, where she was always a welcome member owing to her friendly spirit, and the pleasant inspiration which the other members got from her. She was one of Fruitland's most beloved ladies, and has a host of friends among old and young alike, as she was a friend to everyone who knew her.

She passed away Tuesday morning, Sept. 10th, at 7:30, at the age of 85 years, 4 months and 1 day. She was confined to her bed only one week.

She leaves to mourn her loss her two sons, James Hoel of Minneapolis, Minnesota and E. A. Stegner of Fruitland, 17 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren, besides a large circle of friends.

Funeral services were held from the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. George Roseberry, and interment made beside Mr. Stegner in Riverside cemetery in Payette.

The many beautiful floral offerings were silent tributes of the high esteem in which she was held in the community. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 05, 1913
Though not unexpected, the death of Robert Daniel Stegner, at about 4 o'clock, May 26, cast a shadow of sorrow, over the entire community and many mourned with the family when the kindly neighbor and friend was called to his heavenly home. His has been a useful, devout life and the large concourse of friends who gathered to pay their last respects and the beautiful floral offerings, were but a tribute to a good man who lived a pure unselfish life.

Robert Daniel Stegner was born in 1846, June 29, at Sunmen, Ind., died May 26, 1913, at his home near Fruitland aged 66 years, 10 months, 27 days.

He married Mary Catherine Anderson April 26,1868, and the union was blessed with two children, Eugene Arthur alone surviving, the daughter having died some years ago, leaving a little girl Ethelwyn Weir, now 12 years who has since lived with her grand parents.

In 1871, Mr. Stegner removed with his family to Wahasha Co., Minn., thence in 1876 to Bigstone co. where he resided until in 1901 he came to Fruitland and settled on the place where Wm. McConnel now resides. In 1906 owing to impaired health he removed to Payette but in 1912 returned to his old home south of Fruitland and built a pleasant cottage home where he resided at the time of his death.

While living in Bigstone, Minn., he was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church of which he has for about 37 years been an active earnest member, has often been an official in the church and held the position of steward at the time of his death, was Superintendent of the Union Sunday school for a number of years at Pleasant View and closely identified with a'l missionary effort, in those early days. The beautiful window of "Christ the Good Shepherd" in the Payette M.E. church being the gift of himself and wife.

He has been ailing for some time but the past two weeks the decline was more rapid and the friends knew the end was near. Sunday night he rested well and about 4 o'clock spoke of the good night, then putting his hand over his heart, said it pained him, and dropped in the arms of his wife and was gone.

Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. Howarth, his pastor in Payette and Rev. C.E. Deal pastor of the M.E. church here. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery.

Besides his wife and son, E. A. Stegner and family the little grand-daughter Ethelwyn, he leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, G. H. of Beardsley, Minn., and E. S of Minneapolis, and a sister, Mrs. Alice Ashton of Versallies, Ind., and hosts of friends. (Riverside Cemetery)




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 19, 1917
Friday afternoon the word of Miss Marian Lewis Stetler's sudden death threw the whole community again into sorrow. It came as a shock to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stetler and to her aunt, Miss Annie Rupp, as they were making the day one of her happiest, granting all her birthday wishes, and to her classmates - the Freshman class - as they had planned a birthday shower for her at the close of the day. But the Heavenly Father planned otherwise and in our sorrow we bowed to His will knowing that "the Father who loveth all knoweth what is for the best" and that "lengthened breath is not the sweetest gift God sends his child, but sometimes the sable pall of death conceals the fairest gift His love can send."

Marian was born in Chicago, April 13, 1902 and came with her parents to Fruitland in 1910 when she entered the Fruitland school. She has always been a general favorite and leader in her classes. Marian was a faithful and interested member of the Chelola class of the Methodist Sunday School, being the vice president, and has been greatly missed by the whole Sunday School during her illness. She was also a member of the Queen Esther Missionary Society of which she was organist. Marian was brought home from the Hospital three weeks ago after a stay of ten weeks, following an operation for appendicitis. Death was due to Pulmonary embolism. She made a brave fight and everything was done that could be for her recovery. She was a beautiful character - bright, happy and the light and life of her home. During her sickness she was planning some happy occasions with her friends for the summer, when she hoped to be well again. She leaves besides her parents and aunt, a little sister, Helen Ruth. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home where many of her friends and friends of the family gathered. Rev. C. L. Walker officiated. A quartet from the Men's Glee club sang several beautiful selections, "Go to thy Rest," "Crossing The Bar," and "Going Down the Valley." Six of the freshmen boys acted as pall bearers. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette, Idaho. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the whole community.


We wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for their loving kindness to our beloved daughter and niece during her long illness and death.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, April 20, 1917)

Marian Lewis Stetler Dies after a Long Illness

Marian Lewis Stetler, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stetler, passed away at the Stetler home last Friday afternoon, after being sick for several months. Death came on her fifteenth birthday and at a time when her recovery seemed somewhat hopeful, after a sickness fraught with one complication after another, when the end came quite suddenly as a result of pulmonary embolism.

The funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. L. Walker.

The deceased was a member of the freshman class of the Fruitland high school and leaves a host of schoolmates, friends and associates to mourn her loss. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 4, 1900
Died Dec. 30, 1899, at 9:45 a.m., Nancy L, the wife of Benjamin Stillwell. The deceased leaves a husband and eight children, death having never entered the family circle before.

Nancy L. Lewis was born in Crawford county, Pa., Sept. 27, 1836 residing there till 13 years of age, when the family moved to Green county, Wis. She was married July 27, 1856. She was the mother of eight children, all living, Mrs. Mary Verley being the oldest, Mrs. Pearl Carter the youngest, both of this place. Six of the children were at her bedside when death called her, Mrs. Myrtle Pilgrim of Boise and Mrs. Dora Smith of Audubon county, Kans., being absent. She was converted and joined the Baptist church in July 1861, being a member of that body ever since, nearly 40 years. A loving mother, a true friend, a consistent, earnest Christian, kind, pleasant, hospitable, not only her family but a large circle of friends will greatly mourn her loss.

Funeral services were conducted in the Baptist church Sunday, Dec. 31, at 2:30 p.m. Sermon was preached by Rev. J. M. Skinner, choosing for his text part of the 7th verse of the 5th chapter of Judges, "A Mother in Israel." (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 21, 1922
Mother Dies Leaving Five Small Children

New Plymouth was saddened Monday by the death of Mrs. H. C. Stenner, who leaves her husband and five young children, one of them a fine baby boy born Dec. 9. Death was due to her weakend condition and a complication, including smallpox. She was 27 years old and leaves besides her immediate family her father, Steven Clanton, a brother, J. W. Clanton and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Cumberland and Mrs. Bertha Johnson, all of Payette.

Mrs. Steiner was a member of the Christian church at Payette. Burial was in the Payette cemetery. Funeral services could not be held on account of the quarantine but will be held at a later date.

Mr. Steiner hasn't decided definitely how he will take care of his young family. Neighbors have been kind to them but it is hard to find help to take care of the infant. Mrs. Wm. Peterson and Mary Flock have given praise worthy services.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 21, 1922)


We are again called upon to record the death of one who's passing to the great beyond has left a deep shadow of gloom over the entire community. Mrs. Harry Stiner of New Plymouth, mother of five small children, one an infant of but a few days, died of smallpox at her home last Friday, December 18th.

She was born at Laurens, Iowa, August 18th, 1895, she came to Payette with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clanton in 1905 and was married to Harry Stiner in September 1913, since that time making her home in this community. Those to mourn her early departure at the age of 27 years, 4 months and 3 days, are the grief stricken husband, and five children, Virl 8 years old, George 6, Reva 4, Rena 2 and an infant boy 9 days old, besides her father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clanton, three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Della Bigelow, Gilmore City, Iowa; Mrs. Bertha Johnson, Payette; J. W. Clanton, Payette; G. W. Clayton of San Jose, Calif.; and Mrs. Mary Cumberland, Payette.

On account of her death by smallpox, the body was buried in Riverside cemetery without any funeral service at this time. Services will be held later as soon as the family are out of quarantine. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 04, 1924

Billy Fern infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stingley died at the family home in Nyssa Sunday afternoon. the little body was brought to the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jacobs, of Payette and at 10 a. m. Monday was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Oregon Death Index, Billy Fern Stingly died on 9-1-1924. ch


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 05, 1930

It was indeed with sorrow we received the news of the death of Mrs. W. F. Stirm, a pioneer of this county. Mrs. Stirm passed away at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Johnson at Longview, Wash., after an illness of several months. Mr. Stirm and Katherine were at her side when death came to relieve her suffering. The remains reached Payette Wednesday morning and interment will take place in Riverside cemetery, although at this writing, time of the funeral has not been definitely decided upon due to the uncertainty of the arrival of a sister from California. The remains are resting at the Landon Funeral Home.

An obituary will published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, June 12, 1930)


Veroika A. Pakelka was born at Wein, Augtria, Hungaria, Feb. 2nd, 1867, where she grew to womanhood and was highly educated and held high positions in her native land and learned to speak well seven different languages.

Having aspirations to see more of this world she came to America when 22 years of age, settling here at Payette during the pioneer days 41 years ago, and the following year was united in marriage to W. F. Stirm, January 1, 1890, and for many years made the pioneer town of Payette their home, later moving to their ranch home near the mouth of Indian Creek, 20 miles northeast of Payette, where she resided and faithfully took her full share in performing the duties of the house as a kind wife and loving mother. She took an active part in all community affairs in helping to make the community of Little Willow district a better place in which to live. She became converted to the cause of Christ many years ago and a member of the Catholic church to which faith she followed closely to the end, which came at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kathern Johnson at Longview, Wash., Tuesday, June 3rd.

Besides her husband she is survived by two sons and two daughters, William E. Stirm of Fruitland, Idaho; Fred who resides at home on the ranch; Mrs. J. C. Moss of New Plymouth, Idaho and Kathern Johnson of Longview, Wash. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at the Catholic church at Payette, June 6 at 10 a. m., conducted by Rev. Father Galleaheu, and was attended by a large circle of sorrowing friends. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, June 12, 1930)


Mrs. W. F. Stirm of Payette died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Johnson, Longview, Washington, Tuesday, June 3rd, 1930.

Mrs. Stirm, formerly Veronika Polpelka, was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, February 2, 1867. She came to Payette in 1889 and married W. F. Stirm of this city, New Years Day, 1890.

To this union was born four children, two daughters, Mrs. Marie Moss, of New Plymouth, Mrs. Katherine Johnson of Longview, Wash., and two sons, William E. of Fruitland and Fred J. of Payette, all of whom survive her, together with their father, W. F. Stirm. She is also survived by a sister, Mrs. John Christenson of San Francisco who, with her son, Herbert, was here for the funeral which took place Friday, June 6 under the direction of Father Gallahue of the local Catholic church. Interment was in the Riverside cemetery.

Mrs. Stirm was well known here. She was a very highly educated woman and could speak seven different languages fluently. Before coming to America, she was for a number of years the Queen's First Lady in Waiting at the Court of Austria-Hungary. She was greatly respected in this community and her many friends will regret her passing.

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their words of sympathy, flowers and many deeds of kindness shown us in our bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


Fruitland Banner
Friday, December 25, 1914
Infant Child Dies Thursday

The nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stites died last Thursday, December 17. The funeral services were conducted at the home last Saturday by Rev. C. E. Deal. The child had been ill most of its life. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.


Payette Independent
Thursday, February 12, 1903
W. W. Stone Has Passed Away

W. W. Stone, formerly a well-known resident of the "Crystal Bottom" community 6 miles below Payette, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. W. T. McKeon, at Mt. Vernon, Ore., on Jan. 24th. His remains were laid to rest in the Canyon City cemetery. The news reached here only a few days ago, in a letter written to W. C. Armstrong. (Canyon City Cemetery)




The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 26, 1931

Dick Stover Shoots Self through Head; No Motive Discovered - Leaves Wife and Two Children

(Ontario Argus)
After carrying in the evening's wood and visiting with his wife for a time and apparently in the best of spirits, Dick Stover went into his bedroom of his home just east of the city limits Wednesday evening about 9:00 a. m. and shot himself through the head. He died instantly.

Dr. R. O. Payne, coroner, was called and made an investigation and determined no inquest was necessary. The body was removed to Peterson's parlors. Funeral arrangements have not been made, pending the (unreadable) of his mother, Mrs. C. ? Stover of Portland.

Mr. Stover was born in Iowa 35 years ago and came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ?. Stover, to Ontario when he was a little boy. He attended the local grade and high school and first engaged in business in 1920 when he purchased the Globe Service station, which he later sold to J. B. Atherton, and went to Portland to live. He returned to Ontario several years ago and has conducted a care cleaning and service station in the Peterson block since then.

In 1923 he married Miss Irene Faubion, who with their daughter, Jacqueline and a son, Jimmie survive him. He is also survived by his parents and two brothers, Ben and Guy Stover. (Evergreen Cemetery, Ontario, Oregon)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 25, 1918

Gay Stover, 15 years of age, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Patton died very sudden of heart failure at the Patton ranch on Little Willow Creek on last Friday afternoon. He had been accustomed to spend some time each summer with his uncle on the ranch, he is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover of Ontario, where the body was taken for burial. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church Tuesday at 10:30 conducted by Rev. John Norwood and the body laid to rest in the Ontario cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 17, 1916

Mrs. Mary Ann (Hoffman) Strauss, mother of Dr. A. V. Strauss, died at her home in this city on the morning of February 14th, after a lingering illness of several months. A short service, was conducted by Rev. G. W. Barnes, pastor of the Methodist church, at the home of the deceased. On Tuesday morning Dr. Strauss departed with the body for the old home near Logan, Iowa, where the remains will find a final resting place in the old "Home Cemetery."

Mrs. Strauss was born Sept. 23, 1834, in Pennsylvania. She was married August 24, 1852, to Ephraim Strauss, at Dauphin, Penn. She was the mother of eight children, four of whom are living, the oldest of whom, now 63 years of age, resides at the present time on the old homestead in Iowa.

Mrs. Strauss became a resident of Payette in September, 1910. She had long been in declining health and had been the object of the loving care and attention of a dutiful son. She had been a member of the M. E. church for nearly 30 years.

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 10, 1924
Maria Adeline eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strohbein of New Plymouth died January 7th, death being caused by a complication of diseases following an operation for appendicitis. The little girl was nine years and nine months old at the time of her death, and besides her parents is mourned by three sisters. The funeral was held from the Baptist church of New Plymouth Wednesday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Rev. Haslam of Notus, a former pastor of the family. Friends came from Boise, Enterprise, Oregon and Payette, to do honor to the little girl, masses of beautiful floral offerings testifying to the love she had gathered to herself during her short life. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved parents and grand-parents. Interment was made in the cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 30, 1920

Prof. C. A. Strong Falls in Death as He Was Leaving For Boise

On Monday morning of this week while Prof. C. A. Strong was on his way to the garage he was suddenly stricken down, and in a few brief moments the fleeting breath of life had gone. He had been in failing health for sometime, but few in the community realized how serious was his real condition. He was born in the state of Iowa on Sept. 20th, 1858 and had been active all his life. He was married in young manhood to Miss Martha V. Zeller and to the union three sons and one daughter survive.

Prof. Strong was engaged in educational work for a number of years in Kansas and came from that state to Plymouth something like then years ago. Here he was Supt. of the city schools several terms. His first wife died about six years ago and about five years ago he was united in marriage to Mrs. Minnie B. Davis who survives. When A. C. Cogswell resigned as county commissioner a year ago Mr. Strong was appointed by Governor Davis as his successor. Just two weeks ago today (Wednesday) Mr. Strong closed a deal for the purchase of this paper, intending to edit it in connection with his other duties.

The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. H. F. Knight at the beautiful residence on west boulevard and very largely attended. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse. A quartet sang "Lead Kindly Light, Abide with Me, and the Home of The Soul." The remains were laid to rest in Parkview cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 29, 1920)


Charles Alvah Strong was born at College Springs, Iowa, September 20, 1858 and passed away at his home in New Plymouth at nine o'clock Monday morning, April 26, 1920, death due to angina pectoris. Mr. Strong was educated at the State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas, and commenced teaching in the public schools in Kansas at the age of 20. He later became Superintendent of Schools of Nemaha County, Kansas, and Superintendent of the City Schools of Ellis, Kansas. After leaving College he followed educational work exclusively, with the exception of the past six years during which time he engaged in horticultural pursuits.

Mr. Strong was married to Martha Virginia Zeller, August 30, 1882. Four children survive: Wendell, Everett, Wayland and Mrs. L. V. Kenkel, the latter residing at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Strong arrived in Idaho in 1909 and soon after Mr. Strong became Superintendent of the New Plymouth and Valley View schools, filling that position acceptably for five years. Mrs. Strong died October 19, 1913, four years after establishing their home in New Plymouth.

On November 11, 1914, Mr. Strong was united in marriage to Mrs. Minnie Davis, widow of the late Dr. Sumner Davis. Besides his wife he leaves three brothers, James R. Strong, City Clerk of Moscow, Idaho; Ralph and George Strong of Garfield, Washington, and a sister, Mrs. Addie Maxfield, of Topeka, Kansas. Mr. Strong was a member of the Masonic Lodge and Modern Woodmen Lodge, and at the time of his death was County Commissioner of Payette County. Mr. and Mrs. Strong lived on their farm east of town for the last six years, moving into town two months ago. Mr. Strong only recently purchased the New Plymouth Sentinel, and would have taken over the plant May 1st. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the home being conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight and Rev. Clayton Rice. The pall bearers were: Messrs, Louis Wachter, J. H. Hanigan, Dr. McBride, James LaCrone, E. B. Reese and A. I. Snyder. the quartet sang "Abide With Me," "Lead Kindly Light" and "The Home of the Soul." Many beautiful floral offerings were given. those from out of town were his brothers, James of Moscow, and Ralph of Garfield, Wash., Graham Davis of Filer, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Davis of Payette. Deep sympathy is extended the family. (Parkview Cemetery)





Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 17, 1930
Mrs. Stroup Passes After Long Illness

Mrs. Streeter Stroup for many years a resident of Washoe passed away Friday, July 11th, after a lingering illness. She had been in failing health for several years and was taken seriously ill some two months ago.

Mrs. Stroup was one of the most highly respected ladies of Washoe, where she had lived for many years and was a member of the Washoe Afternoon club, taking an active part in all social events and where her presence will be missed by many warm friends.

She was born at Edgemont, South Dakota, February 18, 1891 and came to Idaho with her parents when 12 years of age and settled at Notus, Idaho. She was united in marriage to Streeter Stroup of Payette in 1916, and has since made her home in Washoe on their ranch.

Besides her husband she is survived by four children, John Jacob, age 12; Loise, 11 years of age; Betty, 8 and Annabel 6. She is also survived by a mother, two sisters and two brothers. Her mother and sisters were with her at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held from the home at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Higgler of Ontario, pastor of the Congregational church, where a large number of sorrowing friends gathered to pay their last respects and where many beautiful floral offerings were in evidence of her high esteem. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riveride Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 6, 1916
Esther Florence Stuve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stuve, died at her home south of this city Monday, April 3rd, after a long illness of over a year. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. H. F.. Knight, pastor of the Congregational church of this city of which Miss Stuve was a member. Interment was made in Park View cemetery, the body being followed to the last resting place by a large host of friends, and the pall bearers being former schoolmates of the deceased.

Miss Stuve was born at Harrison, Idaho, on June 13th, 1897. She spent her early childhood at Harrison, the family moving to New Plymouth in 1904, where they have since lived. She was a member of the High school class of 1915 where she took an active part in the social life of the school and was a great favorite among her schoolmates. She was to have graduated with the class of 1915, but was taken sick a few days before the graduating exercises were held, and was unable to take part in the exercises.

Esthers illness and death has been a great blow to the people of this vicinity and her friends. She was a general favorite among her friends, on account of her cheerfulness and kindness, and her loss will been greatly felt by everyone who has come in contact with her during her stay in this community. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community are extended to Mr. Stuve and family in their bereavement. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 3, 1906

Jacob R. Stroup Loses His Life While Sleeping in Boat House At Coeur d'Alene City

Jacob R. Stroup, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stroup, pioneer residents of Washoe bottom, lost his life in a fire at Coeur d'Alene City, Idaho, early Monday morning. A telegram conveying the sad news was received by the parents at this place about noon of that day, but gave no further particlar than the brief announcement that the young man had met his death in a fire. It was learned later from newspaper dispatches that Jacob Stroup and Ernest Miles were burned to death at Coeur d'Alene City while sleeping in a boat house which burned at the wharf. The bodies were not discovered until the sides of the burning boat house had fallen in, the remains being almost unrecognizable when recovered.

By the afternoon train Monday A. A. and Streetor Stroup, brothers of the deceased, departed for Coeur d'Alene City, returning with the body on the early morning train Thursday.

The funeral took place from the home of the parents of the deceased in Washoe, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

Young Stroup was 24 years old and having grown up from childhood near this city was known to many of the Independent's readers, whose deepest sympathy goes out to the afflicted family in this hour of sad bereavement.

It is learned that the young men who lost their lives were employed by a boat company and slept in the boat house which contained gasoline and was lighted by a large gasoline lamp, the origin of the fire having probably been the explosion of the lamp which ignited the other gasoline, and caused an explosion which destroyed the light structure almost instantaneously. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 27, 1922
Leroy Stuart was born at Golden City, Missouri, May 18, 1905, and died at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Saturday morning caused from the effects of the flu. He leaves to mourn his loss, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stuart, 4 brothers and 5 sisters. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Church Monday and interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 16, 1920
Mrs. Evadna Summers died at her home in the west part of town Monday, December 13th of pneumonia, after a short illness. She came to Payette with her son about two months ago from Lander, Wyoming. She was born at Pequa, Ohio, August 13th, 1852, being at the time of her death, a few months over 68 years of age. No further information of the deceased is known to us other than she was a believer in the Christian faith and during her time in Payette she attended the Church of God. She leaves to mourn her death, one son, Charles W. Summers of Payette. Funeral services were held from the Church of God Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. E. Houser, pastor.


The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 11, 1924
Melvin Sumpter Killed

Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sumpter received a telegram conveying the sad news of their son, Melvin's death this afternoon at Baker, Oregon. He left Payette, Tuesday evening for Baker, on the train and the supposition was that he was run over by the train at or near that place.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 18, 1924)


Melvin Dale Sumpter, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter, died in Baker, Oregon, Wednesday night, December 10th, 1924.

He had been visiting his parents in this city for two weeks and accompanied by Theodore Workman was returning to his home at Port Gamble, Washington. He had been employed in a mill at that place until he came home for a visit. They left here Wednesday evening and decided to stop at Baker and seek employment. Upon reaching Baker they secured lodging for the night, then spent the evening at the home of friends, after which they returned to their room and retired. They carried on a conversation for a few minutes, when Melvin ceased talking, his companion thought he had fallen asleep. Upon awakening the next morning Theodore arose, then decided to call him, being unable to arouse him, he went to the bed and commenced to shake him, when he discovered he was dead.

A Coroner's autopsy was held and it was decided he had been dead about seven hours.

His parents were summoned and left immediately for Baker, returning Friday with the remains. His brother, Eales Sumpter, of Camp Lewis, joined his parents at Baker and returned with them.

Melvin Dale Sumpter was born at Salubria, Idaho, October 12, 1905 and departed this life December 10th, 1924. He, with his parents, came to Payette six years ago where he resided until a year ago, when he went to Port Gamble. He was married to Miss Gale Brittain last spring, who besides the grief stricken parents, two brothers, Eales and Raymond and a sister, Miss Ruth Sumpter, mourn their loss.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon, at the Baptist Church, by Rev. F. W. Dean. The body was lain to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We extend our many thanks to those who so kindly assisted by their help and sympathy in the burial of our beloved husband and son and brother, and also for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Gayle Sumpter, Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter, Eales Sumpter, Ruth Sumpter, Raymond Sumpter

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, December 24, 1920

The sudden death of Archie H. Sundles on Sunday morning at 2 o'clock came as a severe shock to the entire community when he died of uranic poison.

Mr. Sundles was born in Dalton, Ohio, July 13, 1856, and married Miss Clara Masteller in 1888; they moved to New Plymouth in 1896.

Mr. Sundles was hurt about 7 years ago when a live wire fell on him burning one of his arms off and disabling his other hand and arm. Through all this he never complained, and always had a smile and a kind word for everyone.

In his death New Plymouth loses an old and respected pioneer who helped make the Payette Valley what it is today. His life is an example of honesty, faithfulness, patience and one that could well be taken as an ideal.

The deceased leaves to mourn his death a wife, two children, Henry and Esther, and a host of friends.

The Sentinel joins the entire community in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones in this time of sadness. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 07, 1917
Death entered the home of F. B. Suplee on the morning of June 2nd, and claimed Minnie, the wife. Mrs. Suplee was born in Odebolt, Iowa, on Feb. 1st, 1879 and came to Idaho when quite a young girl. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paine and was married to F. B. eleven years ago last April. Mrs. Suplee was an active member in several lodges and the many floral offerings were a silent tribute of their love.

She leaves her husband and little daughter, her mother and brothers and sisters to mourn.

Funeral services were conducted at the house on Monday afternoon, Rev. Reed of the Presbyterian church, conducting them.

The Rebekahs had charge of the services at the cemetery.

Chas. Paine of Boardman, Oregon, Forrest Paine of the I.N.G. stationed at American Falls, and Marsh Paine from Pendleton, Ore., were the relatives from a distance who attended the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)


New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 29, 1914

Shotgun accidently Discharged and Enters Left Side

Fred Swank the Fruitland blacksmith was fatally injured Sunday morning, when a gun accidently went off, the load going into Mr. Swank's left side. Mr. Swant was hunting ducks between here and Falk's Sunday and were returning home when the accident occurred. They were crossing a small ditch and a few mile east of town about 1:30 Sunday morning when the shot gun fell out of the buggy, exploding, the shot entering the left side, a little above the back of the heart. Dr. Drysdale and Dr. Wright of Fruitland were called and the injured man was rushed to the hospital at Ontario, where he died early Monday morning. The shot made a hole as big as the palm of the hand, and part of the shot entering the lung. The wound would not have proven fatal if Mr Swank could have recovered from the shock. He leaves a wife and a daughter and two brothers living at Payette.

Fruitland Banner (Friday, October 30, 1914)

Fruitland Man is Accidentally Shot

Last Sunday morning about 11:30 F. W. Swank, the blacksmith at this place, was accidentally shot and died at the Holy Rosary hospital, Ontario, Monday morning at 7:30.

The accident occurred about three miles east of New Plymouth, where he, had gone the night before in company with Dewey Wheaton to shoot ducks. On starting home they drove through a small ditch, when it is supposed the gun jolted out striking the hammer on the edge of the buggy, causing the discharge. The entire load took effect back of the heart making a ghastly wound and pierced the lower part of the lung. The wound, while dangerous was not necessarily fatal, but the wounded man was unable to withstand the shock.

Drs. Wright and Drysdale accompanied him to the hospital at Ontario and rendered every aid possible.

Deceased was 32 years old and leaves a wife and two small children, two brothers, one at Payette and one at Notus and his mother, who lives in the Willamette Valley, where the remains were sent Wednesday for interment. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community in their great sorrow.




Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921
Mary Ann Morfott Schwartz was born in Mason County, Illinois, July 6th, 1844. Was married to Benjamin F. Swartz in 1866. She moved to Iowa where she made her home until February, 1920, when she moved to her present home in Fruitland.

Two children were born in the home, Charles and William who have always made their home with their parents. Mrs. Swartz passed away October 22nd at the home of Mrs. Baker in Payette. Besides a husband and two sons, she is survived by one sister at Chandlerville, Ill., one sister and four brothers have preceded her in death. Funeral services were held in Payette Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Todd of Fruitland, assisted by Rev. Clyde Walker of Payette. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of our wife and mother and for the beautiful flowers. B. F. Swartz, Chas. E. Swartz, W. F. Swartz

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, March 05, 1920

B. F. Swatman Passes Away Friday Night After Long Illness

After a lingering illness, like a candle slowly burning away, B. F. Swatman closed forever his eyes on earthly matters at his home on east Boulevard, February 27th at the age of 59 year and 14 days. The deceased was born in Page county, Iowa on Feb. 13th, 1861. When a babe at his mother's breast, his father responded to his country's call and served in the Union army, never to return from the battle field. In order to support the family, the mother was compelled to place the babe in the Soldier's Orphan Home at Glenwood, Iowa. In 1872, he with the rest of the family moved to Tabor, Iowa, and deceased there joined the Congregational church while a boy.

March 3rd, 1886 he was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Weatherhead and the new home was established at Wessington Springs, S.D. Five children blessed this union - two sons and three daughters. One son died in infancy, the other children all survive. They are Mrs. Fred Harper of Emmett, Miss Lillian a school teacher, Miss Charlotte, County Supt. of Payette County Schools, and Elmer a college youth on the Pacific coast. For years he was druggist at Tabor, Iowa, and in 1904 Mr. Swatman and family came to Idaho, settling here at New Plymouth where he has been a druggist all the time until he sold out last winter on account of failing health. In 1883 he graduated from Tabor college.

Funeral services were conducted at the Congregational church on Monday afternoon by Reverends Knight and Rice, the music furnished by Mrs. Collinsworth and Miss Sundles, the floral offerings were profuse, the members of the local M.W.A. attended in a body and the remains were quietly laid to rest in Park View cemetery. Our measure of this strong man is found on the editorial page.

Card of Thanks

Words fail to express our gratitude and appreciation to the many friends for the kind acts and the help given during the sickness and death of our dear one. The beautiful floral offerings which expressed to us the heart felt sympathy of our friends were also greatly appreciated.

Mrs. B.F. Swatman, Lillian, Charlotte and Elmer Swatman, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper, Ray Weatherhead.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 04, 1920)


Mr. B. F. Swatman, a highly respected citizen of New Plymouth, passed away at his home Feb. 28th.

He had been in failing health for the past two years but continued in the drug business until a few weeks ago. He will be greatly missed by the people of that community as he was always a leader in public affairs and took an interest in the upbuilding of the City of New Plymouth.

B.F. Swatman was born in Page County, Iowa, February 13th, 1861, was married to Josephine Weatherhead, March 3, 1886. He came with his family to Payette in 1904 and located at New Plymouth a few months later, and engaged in the drug business and has made New Plymouth their home until the time of his death. Besides a wife, he is survived by four children, Mrs. Fred Harper of Emmett, Miss Lillian Swatman, teacher in the Fruitland school, Miss Charlotte, Superintendent at Payette and Elmer Swatman now attending College some where on the coast. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Congregational Church of which he had been a faithful member, conducted by Rev. Knight and Rev. Rice of New Plymouth. Interment was made in Park View Cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery)




New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 21, 1916
Mr. Sylvester Dies At Ontario Hospital

Wm. Sylvester died at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario last Monday after a long illness. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in this city at the Congregational church, Rev. Knight officiating. Interment was made in Pleasant View cemetery. (Pleasant View Cemetery, Ontario, Oregon)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 12, 1922
Crichton Syme Funeral

Funeral services for Crichton Syme, who died very suddenly last Friday morning, were held at the family home last Monday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Geo. Todd officiating. Mr. Syme, who was 63 years old, was born in Scotland and came to America 43 years ago. He leaves a widow, daughter and two sons to mourn his death and numerous other relatives. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, January 12, 1922)

Creighton Symes was born in Scotland, May 6, 1862, and came to the U. S. at the age of 20. He has resided in Idaho 19 years, 4 years in Richfield and the past 15 in the vicinity of Fruitland. He united with the Presbyterian Church in his early days in Scotland.

He was married to Mrs. Johanna Mitchell in 1904. To this union was born four children, Donald, having preceded his father in death several years ago and Miss Gene, Banks and Kenneth all live at home. Besides these he leaves to mourn his loss, his father and mother, his wife and four step-shildren Mrs. George Profitt and Miss Adelaide Mitchell of Edmonds, Washington, and Chas. E. and Ralph of Fruitland. Mr. Symes was one of 16 children and has 3 brothers and 2 sisters living, one brother and both sisters are in Scotland, one brother John, resides at New Plymouth and one brother Hutton, resides in Watson, Oregon. Funereal services were held from the home Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Geo. C. Todd, and interment made in Riverside cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. John Symes and father and mother, of New Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. George Symes of Letha, Mr. Huton Symes and son Carl of Watson, Oregon, Mr. Will Symes of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAuley of Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faurot of Wiser, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ashcraft of Nyssa, Oregon, all attended the funeral services. (Riverside Cemetery) Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 5-6-1862 and died 1-6-1922. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 27, 1922
Miss Jeane Syme was born Nov. 22, 1905 at her home south of Fruitland. She was the oldest child of the Creighton Syme family and has lived in Fruitland the greater part of her life. She was a member of the Junior Class of the Fruitland High School, and a favorite among all her classmates. She passed away at her home Thursday evening. Death caused by inflamatory rheumatism. She leaves to mourn her loss, her mother, two brothers, Charles and Ralph Mitchell, and two step-sisters, Miss Adelaide Mitchell and Mrs. George Profitt of Edmonds, Wash. Miss Mitchell was present at the funeral services which were held at the Methodist Church Sunday and interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 09, 1922
MRS. MARTHA SYMES Mrs. Martha Symes, wife of William Symes departed this life at her home five miles east of Payette last Thursday morning, February 2nd, 1922, following a continued illness of more than a year, suffering patiently from the effects of a cancer. She was converted to the Christian faith when a child, living a true Christian all her life which was her greatest comfort during her affliction and her last hours on earth.

She was born at Astoria, Oregon, August 22, 1884, being at the time of her death 37 years, 5 months and 10 days of age, she was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Browning. While living at Astoria her father died, her mother returning to Illinois to live with relatives, a few years later the mother died. On September 5th, 1904, she was married to Ray B. Stevens, at the home of her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner, who for 15 years had dearly loved and educated her as their own child. To this union one son was born now 11 years of age, who is attending school at Gooding, Idaho.

She was united in marriage to William Symes, October 17, 1917, and moved to their present home in August, 1919. She is survived by her husband, and son, Carroll Browning, whom Mr. Symes adopted a year ago as his own son, also a brother, Charles Browning of Payette and a brother, Sherman Browning, and a sister Mrs. Julia Hamilton of Illinois.

Funeral services took place Sunday afternoon, February 5th, from the Church of God, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Argyl Houser. The Parson's Quartet rendered beautiful music. Interment took place in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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